1 | ;
2 |
3 | function parseDepends(deps) {
4 | if (!deps) return undefined;
5 | // allow depends: [ '..' ] and depends: '..'
6 | deps = Array.isArray(deps) ? deps : [ deps ];
7 |
8 | return deps
9 | .reduce(function (acc, d) {
10 | var parts = d.split(':');
11 | if (!parts
12 | || parts.length > 2
13 | || parts.length < 1
14 | || !parts[0])
15 | throw new Error('Invalid depends specification: "' + d + '". Needs to have format: "nameORpath:export"');
16 |
17 | parts = parts.map(function (p) {
18 | return typeof p === 'string' ? p.trim() : p
19 | });
20 |
21 | // if parts[1] is not defined that means that we depend on module named in parts[0]
22 | // but we don't need it to be attached to the window under a certain name
23 | acc[parts[0]] = parts[1] || null;
24 | return acc;
25 | }, {});
26 | }
27 |
28 | /**
29 | * Parses inlined shims-config and returns a config in the same format that is used by external shims
30 | *
31 | * Example:
32 | *
33 | * Given:
34 | * { jquery: '$',
35 | * 'non-cjs': 'noncjs',
36 | * 'non-cjs-dep': { exports: 'noncjsdep', depends: 'non-cjs:noncjs' },
37 | * 'just-dep': { exports: 'justdep', depends: [ 'non-cjs:noncjs', 'jquery:$' ] }
38 | * }
39 | *
40 | * returns:
41 | * { jquery: { exports: '$', depends: undefined },
42 | * 'non-cjs': { exports: 'noncjs', depends: undefined },
43 | * 'non-cjs-dep': { exports: 'noncjsdep', depends: { 'non-cjs': 'noncjs' } },
44 | * 'just-dep': { exports: 'justdep', depends: { 'non-cjs': 'noncjs', jquery: '$' } }
45 | * }
46 | *
47 | * @name parseInlineShims
48 | * @function
49 | * @param {Object} config inlined shims config
50 | * @return {Object} parsed config
51 | */
52 | var go = module.exports = function (config) {
53 | // all errors thrown are caught inside resolve-shims and passed back to browserify-shim
54 | return Object.keys(config)
55 | .reduce(function (acc, field) {
56 | var conf = config[field];
57 |
58 | // normalize two possible formats:
59 | // "key": "export,
60 | // "key": { "exports": "export" .. }
61 | if (typeof conf === 'string') conf = { exports: conf };
62 |
63 | var exps = conf.exports && conf.exports.length ? conf.exports.trim() : null;
64 |
65 | acc[field.trim()] = {
66 | exports: exps
67 | , depends: parseDepends(conf.depends)
68 | }
69 |
70 | return acc;
71 | }, {});
72 | }