1 | # browserify
2 |
3 | `require('modules')` in the browser
4 |
5 | Use a [node](http://nodejs.org)-style `require()` to organize your browser code
6 | and load modules installed by [npm](https://www.npmjs.com).
7 |
8 | browserify will recursively analyze all the `require()` calls in your app in
9 | order to build a bundle you can serve up to the browser in a single `<script>`
10 | tag.
11 |
12 | [![build status](https://img.shields.io/travis/browserify/browserify/master.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/browserify/browserify)
13 |
14 | ![browserify!](./assets/logo.png)
15 |
16 | # getting started
17 |
18 | If you're new to browserify, check out the
19 | [browserify handbook](https://github.com/browserify/browserify-handbook)
20 | and the resources on [browserify.org](http://browserify.org/).
21 |
22 | # example
23 |
24 | Whip up a file, `main.js` with some `require()`s in it. You can use relative
25 | paths like `'./foo.js'` and `'../lib/bar.js'` or module paths like `'gamma'`
26 | that will search `node_modules/` using
27 | [node's module lookup algorithm](https://github.com/browserify/resolve).
28 |
29 | ``` js
30 | var foo = require('./foo.js');
31 | var bar = require('../lib/bar.js');
32 | var gamma = require('gamma');
33 |
34 | var elem = document.getElementById('result');
35 | var x = foo(100) + bar('baz');
36 | elem.textContent = gamma(x);
37 | ```
38 |
39 | Export functionality by assigning onto `module.exports` or `exports`:
40 |
41 | ``` js
42 | module.exports = function (n) { return n * 111 }
43 | ```
44 |
45 | Now just use the `browserify` command to build a bundle starting at `main.js`:
46 |
47 | ```
48 | $ browserify main.js > bundle.js
49 | ```
50 |
51 | All of the modules that `main.js` needs are included in the `bundle.js` from a
52 | recursive walk of the `require()` graph using
53 | [required](https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-required).
54 |
55 | To use this bundle, just toss a `<script src="bundle.js"></script>` into your
56 | html!
57 |
58 | # install
59 |
60 | With [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) do:
61 |
62 | ```
63 | npm install browserify
64 | ```
65 |
66 | # usage
67 |
68 | ```
69 | Usage: browserify [entry files] {OPTIONS}
70 |
71 | Standard Options:
72 |
73 | --outfile, -o Write the browserify bundle to this file.
74 | If unspecified, browserify prints to stdout.
75 |
76 | --require, -r A module name or file to bundle.require()
77 | Optionally use a colon separator to set the target.
78 |
79 | --entry, -e An entry point of your app
80 |
81 | --ignore, -i Replace a file with an empty stub. Files can be globs.
82 |
83 | --exclude, -u Omit a file from the output bundle. Files can be globs.
84 |
85 | --external, -x Reference a file from another bundle. Files can be globs.
86 |
87 | --transform, -t Use a transform module on top-level files.
88 |
89 | --command, -c Use a transform command on top-level files.
90 |
91 | --standalone -s Generate a UMD bundle for the supplied export name.
92 | This bundle works with other module systems and sets the name
93 | given as a window global if no module system is found.
94 |
95 | --debug -d Enable source maps that allow you to debug your files
96 | separately.
97 |
98 | --help, -h Show this message
99 |
100 | For advanced options, type `browserify --help advanced`.
101 |
102 | Specify a parameter.
103 | ```
104 |
105 | ```
106 | Advanced Options:
107 |
108 | --insert-globals, --ig, --fast [default: false]
109 |
110 | Skip detection and always insert definitions for process, global,
111 | __filename, and __dirname.
112 |
113 | benefit: faster builds
114 | cost: extra bytes
115 |
116 | --insert-global-vars, --igv
117 |
118 | Comma-separated list of global variables to detect and define.
119 | Default: __filename,__dirname,process,Buffer,global
120 |
121 | --detect-globals, --dg [default: true]
122 |
123 | Detect the presence of process, global, __filename, and __dirname and define
124 | these values when present.
125 |
126 | benefit: npm modules more likely to work
127 | cost: slower builds
128 |
129 | --ignore-missing, --im [default: false]
130 |
131 | Ignore `require()` statements that don't resolve to anything.
132 |
133 | --noparse=FILE
134 |
135 | Don't parse FILE at all. This will make bundling much, much faster for giant
136 | libs like jquery or threejs.
137 |
138 | --no-builtins
139 |
140 | Turn off builtins. This is handy when you want to run a bundle in node which
141 | provides the core builtins.
142 |
143 | --no-commondir
144 |
145 | Turn off setting a commondir. This is useful if you want to preserve the
146 | original paths that a bundle was generated with.
147 |
148 | --no-bundle-external
149 |
150 | Turn off bundling of all external modules. This is useful if you only want
151 | to bundle your local files.
152 |
153 | --bare
154 |
155 | Alias for both --no-builtins, --no-commondir, and sets --insert-global-vars
156 | to just "__filename,__dirname". This is handy if you want to run bundles in
157 | node.
158 |
159 | --no-browser-field, --no-bf
160 |
161 | Turn off package.json browser field resolution. This is also handy if you
162 | need to run a bundle in node.
163 |
164 | --transform-key
165 |
166 | Instead of the default package.json#browserify#transform field to list
167 | all transforms to apply when running browserify, a custom field, like, e.g.
168 | package.json#browserify#production or package.json#browserify#staging
169 | can be used, by for example running:
170 | * `browserify index.js --transform-key=production > bundle.js`
171 | * `browserify index.js --transform-key=staging > bundle.js`
172 |
173 | --node
174 |
175 | Alias for --bare and --no-browser-field.
176 |
177 | --full-paths
178 |
179 | Turn off converting module ids into numerical indexes. This is useful for
180 | preserving the original paths that a bundle was generated with.
181 |
182 | --deps
183 |
184 | Instead of standard bundle output, print the dependency array generated by
185 | module-deps.
186 |
187 | --no-dedupe
188 |
189 | Turn off deduping.
190 |
191 | --list
192 |
193 | Print each file in the dependency graph. Useful for makefiles.
194 |
195 | --extension=EXTENSION
196 |
197 | Consider files with specified EXTENSION as modules, this option can used
198 | multiple times.
199 |
200 | --global-transform=MODULE, -g MODULE
201 |
202 | Use a transform module on all files after any ordinary transforms have run.
203 |
204 | --ignore-transform=MODULE, -it MODULE
205 |
206 | Do not run certain transformations, even if specified elsewhere.
207 |
208 | --plugin=MODULE, -p MODULE
209 |
210 | Register MODULE as a plugin.
211 |
212 | Passing arguments to transforms and plugins:
213 |
214 | For -t, -g, and -p, you may use subarg syntax to pass options to the
215 | transforms or plugin function as the second parameter. For example:
216 |
217 | -t [ foo -x 3 --beep ]
218 |
219 | will call the `foo` transform for each applicable file by calling:
220 |
221 | foo(file, { x: 3, beep: true })
222 |
223 | ```
224 |
225 | # compatibility
226 |
227 | Many [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/) modules that don't do IO will just work after being
228 | browserified. Others take more work.
229 |
230 | Many node built-in modules have been wrapped to work in the browser, but only
231 | when you explicitly `require()` or use their functionality.
232 |
233 | When you `require()` any of these modules, you will get a browser-specific shim:
234 |
235 | * [assert](https://www.npmjs.com/package/assert)
236 | * [buffer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/buffer)
237 | * [console](https://www.npmjs.com/package/console-browserify)
238 | * [constants](https://www.npmjs.com/package/constants-browserify)
239 | * [crypto](https://www.npmjs.com/package/crypto-browserify)
240 | * [domain](https://www.npmjs.com/package/domain-browser)
241 | * [events](https://www.npmjs.com/package/events)
242 | * [http](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stream-http)
243 | * [https](https://www.npmjs.com/package/https-browserify)
244 | * [os](https://www.npmjs.com/package/os-browserify)
245 | * [path](https://www.npmjs.com/package/path-browserify)
246 | * [punycode](https://www.npmjs.com/package/punycode)
247 | * [querystring](https://www.npmjs.com/package/querystring-es3)
248 | * [stream](https://www.npmjs.com/package/stream-browserify)
249 | * [string_decoder](https://www.npmjs.com/package/string_decoder)
250 | * [timers](https://www.npmjs.com/package/timers-browserify)
251 | * [tty](https://www.npmjs.com/package/tty-browserify)
252 | * [url](https://www.npmjs.com/package/url)
253 | * [util](https://www.npmjs.com/package/util)
254 | * [vm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/vm-browserify)
255 | * [zlib](https://www.npmjs.com/package/browserify-zlib)
256 |
257 | Additionally, if you use any of these variables, they
258 | [will be defined](https://github.com/browserify/insert-module-globals)
259 | in the bundled output in a browser-appropriate way:
260 |
261 | * [process](https://www.npmjs.com/package/process)
262 | * [Buffer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/buffer)
263 | * global - top-level scope object (window)
264 | * __filename - file path of the currently executing file
265 | * __dirname - directory path of the currently executing file
266 |
267 | # more examples
268 |
269 | ## external requires
270 |
271 | You can just as easily create a bundle that will export a `require()` function so
272 | you can `require()` modules from another script tag. Here we'll create a
273 | `bundle.js` with the [through](https://www.npmjs.com/package/through)
274 | and [duplexer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/duplexer) modules.
275 |
276 | ```
277 | $ browserify -r through -r duplexer -r ./my-file.js:my-module > bundle.js
278 | ```
279 |
280 | Then in your page you can do:
281 |
282 | ``` html
283 | <script src="bundle.js"></script>
284 | <script>
285 | var through = require('through');
286 | var duplexer = require('duplexer');
287 | var myModule = require('my-module');
288 | /* ... */
289 | </script>
290 | ```
291 |
292 | ## external source maps
293 |
294 | If you prefer the source maps be saved to a separate `.js.map` source map file, you may use
295 | [exorcist](https://github.com/thlorenz/exorcist) in order to achieve that. It's as simple as:
296 |
297 | ```
298 | $ browserify main.js --debug | exorcist bundle.js.map > bundle.js
299 | ```
300 |
301 | Learn about additional options [here](https://github.com/thlorenz/exorcist#usage).
302 |
303 | ## multiple bundles
304 |
305 | If browserify finds a `require`d function already defined in the page scope, it
306 | will fall back to that function if it didn't find any matches in its own set of
307 | bundled modules.
308 |
309 | In this way, you can use browserify to split up bundles among multiple pages to
310 | get the benefit of caching for shared, infrequently-changing modules, while
311 | still being able to use `require()`. Just use a combination of `--external` and
312 | `--require` to factor out common dependencies.
313 |
314 | For example, if a website with 2 pages, `beep.js`:
315 |
316 | ``` js
317 | var robot = require('./robot.js');
318 | console.log(robot('beep'));
319 | ```
320 |
321 | and `boop.js`:
322 |
323 | ``` js
324 | var robot = require('./robot.js');
325 | console.log(robot('boop'));
326 | ```
327 |
328 | both depend on `robot.js`:
329 |
330 | ``` js
331 | module.exports = function (s) { return s.toUpperCase() + '!' };
332 | ```
333 |
334 | ```
335 | $ browserify -r ./robot.js > static/common.js
336 | $ browserify -x ./robot.js beep.js > static/beep.js
337 | $ browserify -x ./robot.js boop.js > static/boop.js
338 | ```
339 |
340 | Then on the beep page you can have:
341 |
342 | ``` html
343 | <script src="common.js"></script>
344 | <script src="beep.js"></script>
345 | ```
346 |
347 | while the boop page can have:
348 |
349 | ``` html
350 | <script src="common.js"></script>
351 | <script src="boop.js"></script>
352 | ```
353 |
354 | This approach using `-r` and `-x` works fine for a small number of split assets,
355 | but there are plugins for automatically factoring out components which are
356 | described in the
357 | [partitioning section of the browserify handbook](https://github.com/browserify/browserify-handbook#partitioning).
358 |
359 | ## api example
360 |
361 | You can use the API directly too:
362 |
363 | ``` js
364 | var browserify = require('browserify');
365 | var b = browserify();
366 | b.add('./browser/main.js');
367 | b.bundle().pipe(process.stdout);
368 | ```
369 |
370 | # methods
371 |
372 | ``` js
373 | var browserify = require('browserify')
374 | ```
375 |
376 | ## `browserify([files] [, opts])`
377 |
378 | Returns a new browserify instance.
379 |
380 | <dl>
381 | <dt>
382 | files
383 | </dt>
384 |
385 | <dd>
386 | String, file object, or array of those types (they may be mixed) specifying entry file(s).
387 | </dd>
388 |
389 | <dt>
390 | opts
391 | </dt>
392 |
393 | <dd>
394 | Object.
395 | </dd>
396 | </dl>
397 |
398 | `files` and `opts` are both optional, but must be in the order shown if both are
399 | passed.
400 |
401 | Entry files may be passed in `files` and / or `opts.entries`.
402 |
403 | External requires may be specified in `opts.require`, accepting the same formats
404 | that the `files` argument does.
405 |
406 | If an entry file is a stream, its contents will be used. You should pass
407 | `opts.basedir` when using streaming files so that relative requires can be
408 | resolved.
409 |
410 | `opts.entries` has the same definition as `files`.
411 |
412 | `opts.noParse` is an array which will skip all require() and global parsing for
413 | each file in the array. Use this for giant libs like jquery or threejs that
414 | don't have any requires or node-style globals but take forever to parse.
415 |
416 | `opts.transform` is an array of transform functions or modules names which will
417 | transform the source code before the parsing.
418 |
419 | `opts.ignoreTransform` is an array of transformations that will not be run,
420 | even if specified elsewhere.
421 |
422 | `opts.plugin` is an array of plugin functions or module names to use. See the
423 | plugins section below for details.
424 |
425 | `opts.extensions` is an array of optional extra extensions for the module lookup
426 | machinery to use when the extension has not been specified.
427 | By default browserify considers only `.js` and `.json` files in such cases.
428 |
429 | `opts.basedir` is the directory that browserify starts bundling from for
430 | filenames that start with `.`.
431 |
432 | `opts.paths` is an array of directories that browserify searches when looking
433 | for modules which are not referenced using relative path. Can be absolute or
434 | relative to `basedir`. Equivalent of setting `NODE_PATH` environmental variable
435 | when calling `browserify` command.
436 |
437 | `opts.commondir` sets the algorithm used to parse out the common paths. Use
438 | `false` to turn this off, otherwise it uses the
439 | [commondir](https://www.npmjs.com/package/commondir) module.
440 |
441 | `opts.fullPaths` disables converting module ids into numerical indexes. This is
442 | useful for preserving the original paths that a bundle was generated with.
443 |
444 | `opts.builtins` sets the list of built-ins to use, which by default is set in
445 | `lib/builtins.js` in this distribution.
446 |
447 | `opts.bundleExternal` boolean option to set if external modules should be
448 | bundled. Defaults to true.
449 |
450 | When `opts.browserField` is false, the package.json browser field will be
451 | ignored. When `opts.browserField` is set to a `string`, then a custom field name
452 | can be used instead of the default `"browser"` field.
453 |
454 | When `opts.insertGlobals` is true, always insert `process`, `global`,
455 | `__filename`, and `__dirname` without analyzing the AST for faster builds but
456 | larger output bundles. Default false.
457 |
458 | When `opts.detectGlobals` is true, scan all files for `process`, `global`,
459 | `__filename`, and `__dirname`, defining as necessary. With this option npm
460 | modules are more likely to work but bundling takes longer. Default true.
461 |
462 | When `opts.ignoreMissing` is true, ignore `require()` statements that don't
463 | resolve to anything.
464 |
465 | When `opts.debug` is true, add a source map inline to the end of the bundle.
466 | This makes debugging easier because you can see all the original files if
467 | you are in a modern enough browser.
468 |
469 | When `opts.standalone` is a non-empty string, a standalone module is created
470 | with that name and a [umd](https://github.com/forbeslindesay/umd) wrapper.
471 | You can use namespaces in the standalone global export using a `.` in the string
472 | name as a separator, for example `'A.B.C'`. The global export will be [sanitized
473 | and camel cased](https://github.com/ForbesLindesay/umd#name-casing-and-characters).
474 |
475 | Note that in standalone mode the `require()` calls from the original source will
476 | still be around, which may trip up AMD loaders scanning for `require()` calls.
477 | You can remove these calls with
478 | [derequire](https://www.npmjs.com/package/derequire):
479 |
480 | ```
481 | $ npm install derequire
482 | $ browserify main.js --standalone Foo | derequire > bundle.js
483 | ```
484 |
485 | `opts.insertGlobalVars` will be passed to
486 | [insert-module-globals](https://www.npmjs.com/package/insert-module-globals)
487 | as the `opts.vars` parameter.
488 |
489 | `opts.externalRequireName` defaults to `'require'` in `expose` mode but you can
490 | use another name.
491 |
492 | `opts.bare` creates a bundle that does not include Node builtins, and does not
493 | replace global Node variables except for `__dirname` and `__filename`.
494 |
495 | `opts.node` creates a bundle that runs in Node and does not use the browser
496 | versions of dependencies. Same as passing `{ bare: true, browserField: false }`.
497 |
498 | Note that if files do not contain javascript source code then you also need to
499 | specify a corresponding transform for them.
500 |
501 | All other options are forwarded along to
502 | [module-deps](https://www.npmjs.com/package/module-deps)
503 | and [browser-pack](https://www.npmjs.com/package/browser-pack) directly.
504 |
505 | ## b.add(file, opts)
506 |
507 | Add an entry file from `file` that will be executed when the bundle loads.
508 |
509 | If `file` is an array, each item in `file` will be added as an entry file.
510 |
511 | ## b.require(file, opts)
512 |
513 | Make `file` available from outside the bundle with `require(file)`.
514 |
515 | The `file` param is anything that can be resolved by `require.resolve()`,
516 | including files from `node_modules`. Like with `require.resolve()`, you must
517 | prefix `file` with `./` to require a local file (not in `node_modules`).
518 |
519 | `file` can also be a stream, but you should also use `opts.basedir` so that
520 | relative requires will be resolvable.
521 |
522 | If `file` is an array, each item in `file` will be required.
523 | In `file` array form, you can use a string or object for each item. Object items
524 | should have a `file` property and the rest of the parameters will be used for
525 | the `opts`.
526 |
527 | Use the `expose` property of opts to specify a custom dependency name.
528 | `require('./vendor/angular/angular.js', {expose: 'angular'})` enables `require('angular')`
529 |
530 | ## b.bundle(cb)
531 |
532 | Bundle the files and their dependencies into a single javascript file.
533 |
534 | Return a readable stream with the javascript file contents or
535 | optionally specify a `cb(err, buf)` to get the buffered results.
536 |
537 | ## b.external(file)
538 |
539 | Prevent `file` from being loaded into the current bundle, instead referencing
540 | from another bundle.
541 |
542 | If `file` is an array, each item in `file` will be externalized.
543 |
544 | If `file` is another bundle, that bundle's contents will be read and excluded
545 | from the current bundle as the bundle in `file` gets bundled.
546 |
547 | ## b.ignore(file)
548 |
549 | Prevent the module name or file at `file` from showing up in the output bundle.
550 |
551 | If `file` is an array, each item in `file` will be ignored.
552 |
553 | Instead you will get a file with `module.exports = {}`.
554 |
555 | ## b.exclude(file)
556 |
557 | Prevent the module name or file at `file` from showing up in the output bundle.
558 |
559 | If `file` is an array, each item in `file` will be excluded.
560 |
561 | If your code tries to `require()` that file it will throw unless you've provided
562 | another mechanism for loading it.
563 |
564 | ## b.transform(tr, opts={})
565 |
566 | Transform source code before parsing it for `require()` calls with the transform
567 | function or module name `tr`.
568 |
569 | If `tr` is a function, it will be called with `tr(file)` and it should return a
570 | [through-stream](https://github.com/substack/stream-handbook#through)
571 | that takes the raw file contents and produces the transformed source.
572 |
573 | If `tr` is a string, it should be a module name or file path of a
574 | [transform module](https://github.com/browserify/module-deps#transforms)
575 | with a signature of:
576 |
577 | ``` js
578 | var through = require('through');
579 | module.exports = function (file) { return through() };
580 | ```
581 |
582 | You don't need to necessarily use the
583 | [through](https://www.npmjs.com/package/through) module.
584 | Browserify is compatible with the newer, more verbose
585 | [Transform streams](http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_class_stream_transform_1)
586 | built into Node v0.10.
587 |
588 | Here's how you might compile coffee script on the fly using `.transform()`:
589 |
590 | ``` js
591 | var coffee = require('coffee-script');
592 | var through = require('through');
593 |
594 | b.transform(function (file) {
595 | var data = '';
596 | return through(write, end);
597 |
598 | function write (buf) { data += buf }
599 | function end () {
600 | this.queue(coffee.compile(data));
601 | this.queue(null);
602 | }
603 | });
604 | ```
605 |
606 | Note that on the command-line with the `-c` flag you can just do:
607 |
608 | ```
609 | $ browserify -c 'coffee -sc' main.coffee > bundle.js
610 | ```
611 |
612 | Or better still, use the [coffeeify](https://github.com/jnordberg/coffeeify)
613 | module:
614 |
615 | ```
616 | $ npm install coffeeify
617 | $ browserify -t coffeeify main.coffee > bundle.js
618 | ```
619 |
620 | If `opts.global` is `true`, the transform will operate on ALL files, despite
621 | whether they exist up a level in a `node_modules/` directory. Use global
622 | transforms cautiously and sparingly, since most of the time an ordinary
623 | transform will suffice. You can also not configure global transforms in a
624 | `package.json` like you can with ordinary transforms.
625 |
626 | Global transforms always run after any ordinary transforms have run.
627 |
628 | Transforms may obtain options from the command-line with
629 | [subarg](https://www.npmjs.com/package/subarg) syntax:
630 |
631 | ```
632 | $ browserify -t [ foo --bar=555 ] main.js
633 | ```
634 |
635 | or from the api:
636 |
637 | ```
638 | b.transform('foo', { bar: 555 })
639 | ```
640 |
641 | In both cases, these options are provided as the second argument to the
642 | transform function:
643 |
644 | ```
645 | module.exports = function (file, opts) { /* opts.bar === 555 */ }
646 | ```
647 |
648 | Options sent to the browserify constructor are also provided under
649 | `opts._flags`. These browserify options are sometimes required if your transform
650 | needs to do something different when browserify is run in debug mode, for
651 | example.
652 |
653 | ## b.plugin(plugin, opts)
654 |
655 | Register a `plugin` with `opts`. Plugins can be a string module name or a
656 | function the same as transforms.
657 |
658 | `plugin(b, opts)` is called with the browserify instance `b`.
659 |
660 | For more information, consult the plugins section below.
661 |
662 | ## b.pipeline
663 |
664 | There is an internal
665 | [labeled-stream-splicer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/labeled-stream-splicer)
666 | pipeline with these labels:
667 |
668 | * `'record'` - save inputs to play back later on subsequent `bundle()` calls
669 | * `'deps'` - [module-deps](https://www.npmjs.com/package/module-deps)
670 | * `'json'` - adds `module.exports=` to the beginning of json files
671 | * `'unbom'` - remove byte-order markers
672 | * `'unshebang'` - remove #! labels on the first line
673 | * `'syntax'` - check for syntax errors
674 | * `'sort'` - sort the dependencies for deterministic bundles
675 | * `'dedupe'` - remove duplicate source contents
676 | * `'label'` - apply integer labels to files
677 | * `'emit-deps'` - emit `'dep'` event
678 | * `'debug'` - apply source maps
679 | * `'pack'` - [browser-pack](https://www.npmjs.com/package/browser-pack)
680 | * `'wrap'` - apply final wrapping, `require=` and a newline and semicolon
681 |
682 | You can call `b.pipeline.get()` with a label name to get a handle on a stream pipeline
683 | that you can `push()`, `unshift()`, or `splice()` to insert your own transform
684 | streams.
685 |
686 | ## b.reset(opts)
687 |
688 | Reset the pipeline back to a normal state. This function is called automatically
689 | when `bundle()` is called multiple times.
690 |
691 | This function triggers a 'reset' event.
692 |
693 | # package.json
694 |
695 | browserify uses the `package.json` in its module resolution algorithm, just like
696 | node. If there is a `"main"` field, browserify will start resolving the package
697 | at that point. If there is no `"main"` field, browserify will look for an
698 | `"index.js"` file in the module root directory. Here are some more
699 | sophisticated things you can do in the package.json:
700 |
701 | ## browser field
702 |
703 | There is a special "[browser](https://github.com/defunctzombie/package-browser-field-spec)" field you can
704 | set in your package.json on a per-module basis to override file resolution for
705 | browser-specific versions of files.
706 |
707 | For example, if you want to have a browser-specific module entry point for your
708 | `"main"` field you can just set the `"browser"` field to a string:
709 |
710 | ``` json
711 | "browser": "./browser.js"
712 | ```
713 |
714 | or you can have overrides on a per-file basis:
715 |
716 | ``` json
717 | "browser": {
718 | "fs": "level-fs",
719 | "./lib/ops.js": "./browser/opts.js"
720 | }
721 | ```
722 |
723 | Note that the browser field only applies to files in the local module, and like
724 | transforms, it doesn't apply into `node_modules` directories.
725 |
726 | ## browserify.transform
727 |
728 | You can specify source transforms in the package.json in the
729 | `browserify.transform` field. There is more information about how source
730 | transforms work in package.json on the
731 | [module-deps readme](https://github.com/browserify/module-deps#transforms).
732 |
733 | For example, if your module requires [brfs](https://www.npmjs.com/package/brfs), you
734 | can add
735 |
736 | ``` json
737 | "browserify": { "transform": [ "brfs" ] }
738 | ```
739 |
740 | to your package.json. Now when somebody `require()`s your module, brfs will
741 | automatically be applied to the files in your module without explicit
742 | intervention by the person using your module. Make sure to add transforms to
743 | your package.json dependencies field.
744 |
745 | # events
746 |
747 | ## b.on('file', function (file, id, parent) {})
748 | ## b.pipeline.on('file', function (file, id, parent) {})
749 |
750 | When a file is resolved for the bundle, the bundle emits a `'file'` event with
751 | the full `file` path, the `id` string passed to `require()`, and the `parent`
752 | object used by
753 | [browser-resolve](https://github.com/defunctzombie/node-browser-resolve).
754 |
755 | You could use the `file` event to implement a file watcher to regenerate bundles
756 | when files change.
757 |
758 | ## b.on('package', function (pkg) {})
759 | ## b.pipeline.on('package', function (pkg) {})
760 |
761 | When a package file is read, this event fires with the contents. The package
762 | directory is available at `pkg.__dirname`.
763 |
764 | ## b.on('bundle', function (bundle) {})
765 |
766 | When `.bundle()` is called, this event fires with the `bundle` output stream.
767 |
768 | ## b.on('reset', function () {})
769 |
770 | When the `.reset()` method is called or implicitly called by another call to
771 | `.bundle()`, this event fires.
772 |
773 | ## b.on('transform', function (tr, file) {})
774 | ## b.pipeline.on('transform', function (tr, file) {})
775 |
776 | When a transform is applied to a file, the `'transform'` event fires on the
777 | bundle stream with the transform stream `tr` and the `file` that the transform
778 | is being applied to.
779 |
780 | # plugins
781 |
782 | For some more advanced use-cases, a transform is not sufficiently extensible.
783 | Plugins are modules that take the bundle instance as their first parameter and
784 | an option hash as their second.
785 |
786 | Plugins can be used to do perform some fancy features that transforms can't do.
787 | For example, [factor-bundle](https://www.npmjs.com/package/factor-bundle) is a
788 | plugin that can factor out common dependencies from multiple entry-points into a
789 | common bundle. Use plugins with `-p` and pass options to plugins with
790 | [subarg](https://www.npmjs.com/package/subarg) syntax:
791 |
792 | ```
793 | browserify x.js y.js -p [ factor-bundle -o bundle/x.js -o bundle/y.js ] \
794 | > bundle/common.js
795 | ```
796 |
797 | For a list of plugins, consult the
798 | [browserify-plugin tag](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/keyword/browserify-plugin)
799 | on npm.
800 |
801 | # list of source transforms
802 |
803 | There is a [wiki page that lists the known browserify
804 | transforms](https://github.com/browserify/browserify/wiki/list-of-transforms).
805 |
806 | If you write a transform, make sure to add your transform to that wiki page and
807 | add a package.json keyword of `browserify-transform` so that
808 | [people can browse for all the browserify
809 | transforms](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/keyword/browserify-transform) on npmjs.org.
810 |
811 | # third-party tools
812 |
813 | There is a [wiki page that lists the known browserify
814 | tools](https://github.com/browserify/browserify/wiki/browserify-tools).
815 |
816 | If you write a tool, make sure to add it to that wiki page and
817 | add a package.json keyword of `browserify-tool` so that
818 | [people can browse for all the browserify
819 | tools](https://www.npmjs.com/browse/keyword/browserify-tool) on npmjs.org.
820 |
821 | # changelog
822 |
823 | Releases are documented in
824 | [changelog.markdown](changelog.markdown) and on the
825 | [browserify twitter feed](https://twitter.com/browserify).
826 |
827 | # license
828 |
829 | [MIT](./LICENSE)
830 |
831 | ![browserify!](./assets/browserify.png)