23.7 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict'
3var chai = require('chai')
4var should = chai.should()
5var expect = chai.expect
7var bsv = require('..')
8var PublicKey = bsv.PublicKey
9var PrivateKey = bsv.PrivateKey
10var Address = bsv.Address
11var Script = bsv.Script
12var Networks = bsv.Networks
14var validbase58 = require('./data/bitcoind/base58_keys_valid.json')
15var invalidbase58 = require('./data/bitcoind/base58_keys_invalid.json')
17describe('Address', function () {
18 var pubkeyhash = Buffer.from('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937', 'hex')
19 var buf = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from([0]), pubkeyhash])
20 var str = '16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r'
22 it('can\'t build without data', function () {
23 (function () {
24 return new Address()
25 }).should.throw('First argument is required, please include address data.')
26 })
28 it('should throw an error because of bad network param', function () {
29 (function () {
30 return new Address(PKHLivenet[0], 'main', 'pubkeyhash')
31 }).should.throw('Second argument must be "livenet", "testnet", or "regtest".')
32 })
34 it('should throw an error because of bad type param', function () {
35 (function () {
36 return new Address(PKHLivenet[0], 'livenet', 'pubkey')
37 }).should.throw('Third argument must be "pubkeyhash" or "scripthash"')
38 })
40 describe('bitcoind compliance', function () {
41 validbase58.map(function (d) {
42 if (!d[2].isPrivkey) {
43 it('should describe address ' + d[0] + ' as valid', function () {
44 var type
45 if (d[2].addrType === 'script') {
46 type = 'scripthash'
47 } else if (d[2].addrType === 'pubkey') {
48 type = 'pubkeyhash'
49 }
50 var network = 'livenet'
51 if (d[2].isTestnet) {
52 network = 'testnet'
53 }
54 return new Address(d[0], network, type)
55 })
56 }
57 })
58 invalidbase58.map(function (d) {
59 it('should describe input ' + d[0].slice(0, 10) + '... as invalid', function () {
60 expect(function () {
61 return new Address(d[0])
62 }).to.throw(Error)
63 })
64 })
65 })
67 describe('generic tests', function () {
68 it('should pass these tests', function () {
69 var str = '13k3vneZ3yvZnc9dNWYH2RJRFsagTfAERv'
70 var address = Address.fromString(str)
71 address.toString().should.equal(str)
72 })
73 })
75 // livenet valid
76 var PKHLivenet = [
77 '15vkcKf7gB23wLAnZLmbVuMiiVDc1Nm4a2',
78 '1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbJ5o9TT',
79 '1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aDXgvMgr1DPvNhEB2',
80 '1Jz2yCRd5ST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdm3jaFfg7',
81 ' 1Jz2yCRd5ST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdm3jaFfg7 \t\n'
82 ]
84 // livenet p2sh
85 var P2SHLivenet = [
86 '342ftSRCvFHfCeFFBuz4xwbeqnDw6BGUey',
87 '33vt8ViH5jsr115AGkW6cEmEz9MpvJSwDk',
88 '37Sp6Rv3y4kVd1nQ1JV5pfqXccHNyZm1x3',
89 '3QjYXhTkvuj8qPaXHTTWb5wjXhdsLAAWVy',
90 '\t3QjYXhTkvuj8qPaXHTTWb5wjXhdsLAAWVy \n \r'
91 ]
93 // testnet p2sh
94 var P2SHTestnet = [
95 '2N7FuwuUuoTBrDFdrAZ9KxBmtqMLxce9i1C',
96 '2NEWDzHWwY5ZZp8CQWbB7ouNMLqCia6YRda',
97 '2MxgPqX1iThW3oZVk9KoFcE5M4JpiETssVN',
98 '2NB72XtkjpnATMggui83aEtPawyyKvnbX2o'
99 ]
101 // livenet bad checksums
102 var badChecksums = [
103 '15vkcKf7gB23wLAnZLmbVuMiiVDc3nq4a2',
104 '1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbj4w2TT',
105 '1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aDXgvMgr1DpvNH3B2',
106 '1Jz2yCRd5ST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdmEJaffg7'
107 ]
109 // livenet non-base58
110 var nonBase58 = [
111 '15vkcKf7g#23wLAnZLmb$uMiiVDc3nq4a2',
112 '1A601ttWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbj4w2TT',
113 '1BpbpfLdY7oBS9gK7aIXgvMgr1DpvNH3B2',
114 '1Jz2yCRdOST1p2gUqFB5wsSQfdmEJaffg7'
115 ]
117 // testnet valid
118 var PKHTestnet = [
119 'n28S35tqEMbt6vNad7A5K3mZ7vdn8dZ86X',
120 'n45x3R2w2jaSC62BMa9MeJCd3TXxgvDEmm',
121 'mursDVxqNQmmwWHACpM9VHwVVSfTddGsEM',
122 'mtX8nPZZdJ8d3QNLRJ1oJTiEi26Sj6LQXS'
123 ]
125 describe('validation', function () {
126 it('getValidationError detects network mismatchs', function () {
127 var error = Address.getValidationError('HC1hAdrx7APHg1DkE4bVLsZhY1SE5Dik1r', 'testnet')
128 should.exist(error)
129 })
131 it('isValid returns true on a valid livenet address', function () {
132 Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'livenet').should.equal(true)
133 })
135 it('isValid returns false on network mismatch', function () {
136 Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'testnet').should.equal(false)
137 Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'regtest').should.equal(false)
138 })
140 it('validates correctly the P2PKH test vector', function () {
141 for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
142 var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i])
143 should.not.exist(error)
144 }
145 })
147 it('validates correctly the P2SH test vector', function () {
148 for (var i = 0; i < P2SHLivenet.length; i++) {
149 var error = Address.getValidationError(P2SHLivenet[i])
150 should.not.exist(error)
151 }
152 })
154 it('validates correctly the P2SH testnet test vector', function () {
155 for (var i = 0; i < P2SHTestnet.length; i++) {
156 var error = Address.getValidationError(P2SHTestnet[i], 'testnet')
157 should.not.exist(error)
158 }
159 })
161 it('rejects correctly the P2PKH livenet test vector with "testnet" parameter', function () {
162 for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
163 var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'testnet')
164 should.exist(error)
165 }
166 })
168 it('validates correctly the P2PKH livenet test vector with "livenet" parameter', function () {
169 for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
170 var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'livenet')
171 should.not.exist(error)
172 }
173 })
175 it('should not validate if checksum is invalid', function () {
176 for (var i = 0; i < badChecksums.length; i++) {
177 var error = Address.getValidationError(badChecksums[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash')
178 should.exist(error)
179 error.message.should.match(/Checksum mismatch/)
180 }
181 })
183 it('should not validate on a network mismatch', function () {
184 var error,
185 i
186 for (i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
187 error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'testnet', 'pubkeyhash')
188 should.exist(error)
189 error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.')
190 }
191 for (i = 0; i < PKHTestnet.length; i++) {
192 error = Address.getValidationError(PKHTestnet[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash')
193 should.exist(error)
194 error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.')
195 }
196 })
198 it('should not validate on a type mismatch', function () {
199 for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
200 var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'livenet', 'scripthash')
201 should.exist(error)
202 error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched type.')
203 }
204 })
206 it('should not validate on non-base58 characters', function () {
207 for (var i = 0; i < nonBase58.length; i++) {
208 var error = Address.getValidationError(nonBase58[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash')
209 should.exist(error)
210 error.message.should.match(/Non-base58/)
211 }
212 })
214 it('testnet addresses are validated correctly', function () {
215 for (var i = 0; i < PKHTestnet.length; i++) {
216 var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHTestnet[i], 'testnet')
217 should.not.exist(error)
218 }
219 })
221 it('addresses with whitespace are validated correctly', function () {
222 var ws = ' \r \t \n 1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbJ5o9TT \t \n \r'
223 var error = Address.getValidationError(ws)
224 should.not.exist(error)
225 Address.fromString(ws).toString().should.equal('1A6ut1tWnUq1SEQLMr4ttDh24wcbJ5o9TT')
226 })
227 })
229 describe('instantiation', function () {
230 it('can be instantiated from another address', function () {
231 var address = Address.fromBuffer(buf)
232 var address2 = new Address({
233 hashBuffer: address.hashBuffer,
234 network: address.network,
235 type: address.type
236 })
237 address.toString().should.equal(address2.toString())
238 })
239 })
241 describe('@fromBuffer', function () {
242 it('can be instantiated from another address', function () {
243 var address = Address.fromBuffer(buf)
244 var address2 = new Address({
245 hashBuffer: address.hashBuffer,
246 network: address.network,
247 type: address.type
248 })
249 address.toString().should.equal(address2.toString())
250 })
251 })
253 describe('@fromHex', function () {
254 it('can be instantiated from another address', function () {
255 var address = Address.fromHex(buf.toString('hex'))
256 var address2 = new Address({
257 hashBuffer: address.hashBuffer,
258 network: address.network,
259 type: address.type
260 })
261 address.toString().should.equal(address2.toString())
262 })
263 })
265 describe('encodings', function () {
266 it('should make an address from a buffer', function () {
267 Address.fromBuffer(buf).toString().should.equal(str)
268 new Address(buf).toString().should.equal(str)
269 new Address(buf).toString().should.equal(str)
270 })
272 it('should make an address from a string', function () {
273 Address.fromString(str).toString().should.equal(str)
274 new Address(str).toString().should.equal(str)
275 })
277 it('should make an address using a non-string network', function () {
278 Address.fromString(str, Networks.livenet).toString().should.equal(str)
279 })
281 it('should throw with bad network param', function () {
282 (function () {
283 Address.fromString(str, 'somenet')
284 }).should.throw('Unknown network')
285 })
287 it('should error because of unrecognized data format', function () {
288 (function () {
289 return new Address(new Error())
290 }).should.throw(bsv.errors.InvalidArgument)
291 })
293 it('should error because of incorrect format for pubkey hash', function () {
294 (function () {
295 return new Address.fromPublicKeyHash('notahash') //eslint-disable-line
296 }).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.')
297 })
299 it('should error because of incorrect format for script hash', function () {
300 (function () {
301 return new Address.fromScriptHash('notascript') //eslint-disable-line
302 }).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.')
303 })
305 it('should error because of incorrect type for transform buffer', function () {
306 (function () {
307 return Address._transformBuffer('notabuffer')
308 }).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.')
309 })
311 it('should error because of incorrect length buffer for transform buffer', function () {
312 (function () {
313 return Address._transformBuffer(Buffer.alloc(20))
314 }).should.throw('Address buffers must be exactly 21 bytes.')
315 })
317 it('should error because of incorrect type for pubkey transform', function () {
318 (function () {
319 return Address._transformPublicKey(Buffer.alloc(20))
320 }).should.throw('Address must be an instance of PublicKey.')
321 })
323 it('should error because of incorrect type for script transform', function () {
324 (function () {
325 return Address._transformScript(Buffer.alloc(20))
326 }).should.throw('Invalid Argument: script must be a Script instance')
327 })
329 it('should error because of incorrect type for string transform', function () {
330 (function () {
331 return Address._transformString(Buffer.alloc(20))
332 }).should.throw('data parameter supplied is not a string.')
333 })
335 it('should make an address from a pubkey hash buffer', function () {
336 var hash = pubkeyhash // use the same hash
337 var a = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash, 'livenet')
338 a.network.should.equal(Networks.livenet)
339 a.toString().should.equal(str)
340 var b = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash, 'testnet')
341 b.network.should.equal(Networks.testnet)
342 b.type.should.equal('pubkeyhash')
343 new Address(hash, 'livenet').toString().should.equal(str)
344 })
346 it('should make an address using the default network', function () {
347 var hash = pubkeyhash // use the same hash
348 var network = Networks.defaultNetwork
349 Networks.defaultNetwork = Networks.livenet
350 var a = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash)
351 a.network.should.equal(Networks.livenet)
352 // change the default
353 Networks.defaultNetwork = Networks.testnet
354 var b = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash)
355 b.network.should.equal(Networks.testnet)
356 // restore the default
357 Networks.defaultNetwork = network
358 })
360 it('should throw an error for invalid length hashBuffer', function () {
361 (function () {
362 return Address.fromPublicKeyHash(buf)
363 }).should.throw('Address hashbuffers must be exactly 20 bytes.')
364 })
366 it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey', function () {
367 var pubkey = new PublicKey('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004')
368 var address = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, 'livenet')
369 address.toString().should.equal('19gH5uhqY6DKrtkU66PsZPUZdzTd11Y7ke')
370 })
372 it('should use the default network for pubkey', function () {
373 var pubkey = new PublicKey('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004')
374 var address = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey)
375 address.network.should.equal(Networks.defaultNetwork)
376 })
378 it('should make this address from an uncompressed pubkey', function () {
379 var pubkey = new PublicKey('0485e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b00' +
380 '4833fef26c8be4c4823754869ff4e46755b85d851077771c220e2610496a29d98')
381 var a = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, 'livenet')
382 a.toString().should.equal('16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX')
383 var b = new Address(pubkey, 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash')
384 b.toString().should.equal('16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX')
385 })
387 it('should classify from a custom network', function () {
388 var custom = {
389 name: 'customnetwork',
390 pubkeyhash: 10,
391 privatekey: 0x1e,
392 scripthash: 15,
393 xpubkey: 0x02e8de8f,
394 xprivkey: 0x02e8da54,
395 networkMagic: 0x0c110907,
396 port: 7333
397 }
398 Networks.add(custom)
399 var addressString = '57gZdnwcQHLirKLwDHcFiWLq9jTZwRaxaE'
400 var network = Networks.get('customnetwork')
401 var address = Address.fromString(addressString)
402 address.type.should.equal(Address.PayToPublicKeyHash)
403 address.network.should.equal(network)
404 Networks.remove(network)
405 })
407 describe('from a script', function () {
408 it('should fail to build address from a non p2sh,p2pkh script', function () {
409 var s = new Script('OP_CHECKMULTISIG');
410 (function () {
411 return new Address(s)
412 }).should.throw('needs to be p2pkh in, p2pkh out, p2sh in, or p2sh out')
413 })
414 it('should make this address from a p2pkh output script', function () {
415 var s = new Script('OP_DUP OP_HASH160 20 ' +
416 '0xc8e11b0eb0d2ad5362d894f048908341fa61b6e1 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG')
417 var a = Address.fromScript(s, 'livenet')
418 a.toString().should.equal('1KK9oz4bFH8c1t6LmighHaoSEGx3P3FEmc')
419 var b = new Address(s, 'livenet')
420 b.toString().should.equal('1KK9oz4bFH8c1t6LmighHaoSEGx3P3FEmc')
421 })
423 it('should make this address from a p2sh input script', function () {
424 var s = Script.fromString('OP_HASH160 20 0xa6ed4af315271e657ee307828f54a4365fa5d20f OP_EQUAL')
425 var a = Address.fromScript(s, 'livenet')
426 a.toString().should.equal('3GueMn6ruWVfQTN4XKBGEbCbGLwRSUhfnS')
427 var b = new Address(s, 'livenet')
428 b.toString().should.equal('3GueMn6ruWVfQTN4XKBGEbCbGLwRSUhfnS')
429 })
431 it('returns the same address if the script is a pay to public key hash out', function () {
432 var address = '16JXnhxjJUhxfyx4y6H4sFcxrgt8kQ8ewX'
433 var script = Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut(new Address(address))
434 Address(script, Networks.livenet).toString().should.equal(address)
435 })
436 it('returns the same address if the script is a pay to script hash out', function () {
437 var address = '3BYmEwgV2vANrmfRymr1mFnHXgLjD6gAWm'
438 var script = Script.buildScriptHashOut(new Address(address))
439 Address(script, Networks.livenet).toString().should.equal(address)
440 })
441 })
443 it('should derive from this known address string livenet', function () {
444 var address = new Address(str)
445 var buffer = address.toBuffer()
446 var slice = buffer.slice(1)
447 var sliceString = slice.toString('hex')
448 sliceString.should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex'))
449 })
451 it('should derive from this known address string testnet', function () {
452 var a = new Address(PKHTestnet[0], 'testnet')
453 var b = new Address(a.toString())
454 b.toString().should.equal(PKHTestnet[0])
455 b.network.should.equal(Networks.testnet)
456 })
458 it('should derive from this known address string livenet scripthash', function () {
459 var a = new Address(P2SHLivenet[0], 'livenet', 'scripthash')
460 var b = new Address(a.toString())
461 b.toString().should.equal(P2SHLivenet[0])
462 })
464 it('should derive from this known address string testnet scripthash', function () {
465 var address = new Address(P2SHTestnet[0], 'testnet', 'scripthash')
466 address = new Address(address.toString())
467 address.toString().should.equal(P2SHTestnet[0])
468 })
469 })
471 describe('#toBuffer', function () {
472 it('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937 corresponds to hash 16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r', function () {
473 var address = new Address(str)
474 address.toBuffer().slice(1).toString('hex').should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex'))
475 })
476 })
478 describe('#toHex', function () {
479 it('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937 corresponds to hash 16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r', function () {
480 var address = new Address(str)
481 address.toHex().slice(2).should.equal(pubkeyhash.toString('hex'))
482 })
483 })
485 describe('#object', function () {
486 it('roundtrip to-from-to', function () {
487 var obj = new Address(str).toObject()
488 var address = Address.fromObject(obj)
489 address.toString().should.equal(str)
490 })
492 it('will fail with invalid state', function () {
493 expect(function () {
494 return Address.fromObject('¹')
495 }).to.throw(bsv.errors.InvalidState)
496 })
497 })
499 describe('#toString', function () {
500 it('livenet pubkeyhash address', function () {
501 var address = new Address(str)
502 address.toString().should.equal(str)
503 })
505 it('scripthash address', function () {
506 var address = new Address(P2SHLivenet[0])
507 address.toString().should.equal(P2SHLivenet[0])
508 })
510 it('testnet scripthash address', function () {
511 var address = new Address(P2SHTestnet[0])
512 address.toString().should.equal(P2SHTestnet[0])
513 })
515 it('testnet pubkeyhash address', function () {
516 var address = new Address(PKHTestnet[0])
517 address.toString().should.equal(PKHTestnet[0])
518 })
519 })
521 describe('#inspect', function () {
522 it('should output formatted output correctly', function () {
523 var address = new Address(str)
524 var output = '<Address: 16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r, type: pubkeyhash, network: livenet>'
525 address.inspect().should.equal(output)
526 })
527 })
529 describe('questions about the address', function () {
530 it('should detect a P2SH address', function () {
531 new Address(P2SHLivenet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(true)
532 new Address(P2SHLivenet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(false)
533 new Address(P2SHTestnet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(true)
534 new Address(P2SHTestnet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(false)
535 })
536 it('should detect a Pay To PubkeyHash address', function () {
537 new Address(PKHLivenet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(true)
538 new Address(PKHLivenet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(false)
539 new Address(PKHTestnet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(true)
540 new Address(PKHTestnet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(false)
541 })
542 })
544 it('throws an error if it couldn\'t instantiate', function () {
545 expect(function () {
546 return new Address(1)
547 }).to.throw(TypeError)
548 })
549 it('can roundtrip from/to a object', function () {
550 var address = new Address(P2SHLivenet[0])
551 expect(new Address(address.toObject()).toString()).to.equal(P2SHLivenet[0])
552 })
554 it('will use the default network for an object', function () {
555 var obj = {
556 hash: '19a7d869032368fd1f1e26e5e73a4ad0e474960e',
557 type: 'scripthash'
558 }
559 var address = new Address(obj)
560 address.network.should.equal(Networks.defaultNetwork)
561 })
563 describe('creating a P2SH address from public keys', function () {
564 var public1 = '02da5798ed0c055e31339eb9b5cef0d3c0ccdec84a62e2e255eb5c006d4f3e7f5b'
565 var public2 = '0272073bf0287c4469a2a011567361d42529cd1a72ab0d86aa104ecc89342ffeb0'
566 var public3 = '02738a516a78355db138e8119e58934864ce222c553a5407cf92b9c1527e03c1a2'
567 var publics = [public1, public2, public3]
569 it('can create an address from a set of public keys', function () {
570 var address = Address.createMultisig(publics, 2, Networks.livenet)
571 address.toString().should.equal('3FtqPRirhPvrf7mVUSkygyZ5UuoAYrTW3y')
572 address = new Address(publics, 2, Networks.livenet)
573 address.toString().should.equal('3FtqPRirhPvrf7mVUSkygyZ5UuoAYrTW3y')
574 })
576 it('works on testnet also', function () {
577 var address = Address.createMultisig(publics, 2, Networks.testnet)
578 address.toString().should.equal('2N7T3TAetJrSCruQ39aNrJvYLhG1LJosujf')
579 })
581 it('can also be created by Address.createMultisig', function () {
582 var address = Address.createMultisig(publics, 2)
583 var address2 = Address.createMultisig(publics, 2)
584 address.toString().should.equal(address2.toString())
585 })
587 it('fails if invalid array is provided', function () {
588 expect(function () {
589 return Address.createMultisig([], 3, 'testnet')
590 }).to.throw('Number of required signatures must be less than or equal to the number of public keys')
591 })
592 })
594 describe('#fromPublicKey', function () {
595 it('should derive from public key', function () {
596 let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom()
597 let publicKey = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(privateKey)
598 let address = Address.fromPublicKey(publicKey)
599 address.toString()[0].should.equal('1')
600 })
602 it('should derive from public key testnet', function () {
603 let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom('testnet')
604 let publicKey = PublicKey.fromPrivateKey(privateKey)
605 let address = Address.fromPublicKey(publicKey, 'testnet')
606 ;(address.toString()[0] === 'm' || address.toString()[0] === 'n').should.equal(true)
607 })
608 })
610 describe('#fromPrivateKey', function () {
611 it('should derive from public key', function () {
612 let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom()
613 let address = Address.fromPrivateKey(privateKey)
614 address.toString()[0].should.equal('1')
615 })
617 it('should derive from public key testnet', function () {
618 let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom('testnet')
619 let address = Address.fromPrivateKey(privateKey, 'testnet')
620 ;(address.toString()[0] === 'm' || address.toString()[0] === 'n').should.equal(true)
621 })
623 it('should derive from public key testnet', function () {
624 let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromRandom('testnet')
625 let address = Address.fromPrivateKey(privateKey)
626 ;(address.toString()[0] === 'm' || address.toString()[0] === 'n').should.equal(true)
627 })
628 })