4.12 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * PubKey Map
3 * ==========
4 *
5 * A map from (transaction hash, output number) to (script chunk index, pubKey).
6 * Whening signing a bitcoin transaction, we need to be able to sign an input
7 * with the correct key and also we need to know where to put signature when we
8 * get it. This mapping allows us to find the key for an associated input (which
9 * is identified by tx output hash and number) with which to sign the
10 * transaction and then also to know where to insert the signature into the
11 * input script. This gets us the public key, and we need a different method to
12 * get the private key. That is because we often know the public key to be used
13 * but may not have access to the private key until the entire tx is sent to
14 * where the private keys are.
15 */
16'use strict'
18import { Struct } from './struct'
19import { Sig } from './sig'
21class SigOperations extends Struct {
22 constructor (map = new Map()) {
23 super({ map })
24 }
26 toJSON () {
27 const json = {}
28 this.map.forEach((arr, label) => {
29 json[label] = arr.map(obj => ({
30 nScriptChunk: obj.nScriptChunk,
31 type: obj.type, // 'sig' or 'pubKey'
32 addressStr: obj.addressStr,
33 nHashType: obj.nHashType,
34 log: obj.log
35 }))
36 })
37 return json
38 }
40 fromJSON (json) {
41 Object.keys(json).forEach(label => {
42 this.map.set(label, json[label].map(obj => ({
43 nScriptChunk: obj.nScriptChunk,
44 type: obj.type,
45 addressStr: obj.addressStr,
46 nHashType: obj.nHashType,
47 log: obj.log
48 })))
49 })
50 return this
51 }
53 /**
54 * Set an address to in the map for use with single-sig.
55 *
56 * @param {Buffer} txHashBuf The hash of a transsaction. Note that this is
57 * *not* the reversed transaction id, but is the raw hash.
58 * @param {Number} txOutNum The output number, a.k.a. the "vout".
59 * @param {Number} nScriptChunk The index of the chunk of the script where
60 * we are going to place the signature.
61 * @param {String} addressStr The addressStr coresponding to this (txHashBuf,
62 * txOutNum, nScriptChunk) where we are going to sign and insert the
63 * signature or public key.
64 * @param {Number} nHashType Usually = Sig.SIGHASH_ALL | Sig.SIGHASH_FORKID
65 */
66 setOne (txHashBuf, txOutNum, nScriptChunk, type = 'sig', addressStr, nHashType = Sig.SIGHASH_ALL | Sig.SIGHASH_FORKID) {
67 const label = txHashBuf.toString('hex') + ':' + txOutNum
68 const obj = { nScriptChunk, type, addressStr, nHashType }
69 this.map.set(label, [obj])
70 return this
71 }
73 /**
74 * Set a bunch of addresses for signing an input such as for use with multi-sig.
75 *
76 * @param {Buffer} txHashBuf The hash of a transsaction. Note that this is
77 * *not* the reversed transaction id, but is the raw hash.
78 * @param {Number} txOutNum The output number, a.k.a. the "vout".
79 * @param {Array} arr Must take the form of [{nScriptChunk, type, addressStr, nHashType}, ...]
80 */
81 setMany (txHashBuf, txOutNum, arr) {
82 const label = txHashBuf.toString('hex') + ':' + txOutNum
83 arr = arr.map(obj => ({
84 type: obj.type || 'sig',
85 nHashType: obj.nHashType || Sig.SIGHASH_ALL | Sig.SIGHASH_FORKID,
86 ...obj
87 }))
88 this.map.set(label, arr)
89 return this
90 }
92 addOne (txHashBuf, txOutNum, nScriptChunk, type = 'sig', addressStr, nHashType = Sig.SIGHASH_ALL | Sig.SIGHASH_FORKID) {
93 const arr = this.get(txHashBuf, txOutNum) || []
94 arr.push({
95 nScriptChunk,
96 type,
97 addressStr,
98 nHashType
99 })
100 this.setMany(txHashBuf, txOutNum, arr)
101 return this
102 }
104 /**
105 * Get an address from the map
106 *
107 * @param {Buffer} txHashBuf The hash of a transction. Note that this is *not*
108 * the reversed transaction id, but is the raw hash.
109 * @param {Number} txOutNum The output number, a.k.a. the "vout".
110 * @param {Number} nScriptChunk The index of the chunk of the script where
111 * we are going to place the signature.
112 * @returns {PubKey}
113 */
114 get (txHashBuf, txOutNum) {
115 const label = txHashBuf.toString('hex') + ':' + txOutNum
116 return this.map.get(label)
117 }
120export { SigOperations }