6.09 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2021 Google LLC
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
16import { Parser } from './parser.js';
18 * Represents a node in {@link Paragraph}.
19 *
20 * It wraps a {@link Text} or a {@link string}.
21 *
22 * A {@link string} provides the context for the parser, but it can't be split.
23 */
24declare class NodeOrText {
25 nodeOrText: Text | string;
26 chunks: string[];
27 hasBreakOpportunityAfter: boolean;
28 constructor(nodeOrText: Text | string);
29 get isString(): boolean;
30 get canSplit(): boolean;
31 get text(): string | null;
32 get length(): number;
33 /**
34 * Split the {@link Text} in the same way as the {@link chunks}.
35 * Joining all {@link chunks} must be equal to {@link text}.
36 */
37 split(separator: string | Node): void;
39export declare class NodeOrTextForTesting extends NodeOrText {
42 * Represents a "paragraph", broken by block boundaries or forced breaks.
43 *
44 * A CSS
45 * {@link https://drafts.csswg.org/css2/#inline-formatting inline formatting context}
46 * is usually a "paragraph", but it can be broken into multiple paragraphs by
47 * forced breaks such as `<br>`.
48 */
49declare class Paragraph {
50 element: HTMLElement;
51 nodes: NodeOrText[];
52 constructor(element: HTMLElement);
53 isEmpty(): boolean;
54 get text(): string;
55 get lastNode(): NodeOrText | undefined;
56 setHasBreakOpportunityAfter(): void;
57 /**
58 * @return Indices of forced break opportunities in the source.
59 * They can be created by `<wbr>` tag or `&ZeroWidthSpace;`.
60 */
61 getForcedOpportunities(): number[];
62 /**
63 * @return Filtered {@param boundaries} by excluding
64 * {@link getForcedOpportunities} if it's not empty.
65 * Otherwise {@param boundaries}.
66 */
67 excludeForcedOpportunities(boundaries: number[]): number[];
69export declare class ParagraphForTesting extends Paragraph {
72 * Options for {@link HTMLProcessor}.
73 */
74export interface HTMLProcessorOptions {
75 /**
76 * This class name is added to the containing block when the BudouX is applied.
77 * The containing block should have following CSS properties to make it work.
78 * `{ word-break: keep-all; overflow-wrap: anywhere; }`
79 *
80 * When falsy, an inline style is set instead.
81 */
82 className?: string;
83 /**
84 * The separator to insert at each semantics boundary.
85 *
86 * When it's a {@link Node}, a clone of the {@link Node} will be inserted.
87 *
88 * The default value is U+200B ZERO WIDTH SPACE.
89 */
90 separator?: string | Node;
93 * Adds HTML processing support to a BudouX {@link Parser}.
94 */
95export declare class HTMLProcessor {
96 private parser_;
97 /** See {@link HTMLProcessorOptions.className}. */
98 className?: string;
99 /** See {@link HTMLProcessorOptions.separator}. */
100 separator: string | Node;
101 /**
102 * @param parser A BudouX {@link Parser} to compute semantic line breaks.
103 */
104 constructor(parser: Parser, options?: HTMLProcessorOptions);
105 /**
106 * Checks if the given element has a text node in its children.
107 *
108 * @param ele An element to be checked.
109 * @return Whether the element has a child text node.
110 */
111 static hasChildTextNode(ele: HTMLElement): boolean;
112 /**
113 * Applies markups for semantic line breaks to the given HTML element.
114 *
115 * It breaks descendant nodes into paragraphs,
116 * and applies the BudouX to each paragraph.
117 * @param element The input element.
118 */
119 applyToElement(element: HTMLElement): void;
120 /**
121 * Find paragraphs from a given HTML element.
122 * @param element The root element to find paragraphs.
123 * @param parent The parent {@link Paragraph} if any.
124 * @return A list of {@link Paragraph}s.
125 */
126 getBlocks(element: HTMLElement, parent?: Paragraph): IterableIterator<Paragraph>;
127 /**
128 * Apply the BudouX to the given {@link Paragraph}.
129 * @param paragraph The {@link Paragraph} to apply.
130 */
131 applyToParagraph(paragraph: Paragraph): void;
132 /**
133 * Split {@link NodeOrText} at the specified boundaries.
134 * @param nodes A list of {@link NodeOrText}.
135 * @param boundaries A list of indices of the text to split at.
136 */
137 splitNodes(nodes: NodeOrText[], boundaries: number[]): void;
138 /**
139 * Applies the block style to the given element.
140 * @param element The element to apply the block style.
141 */
142 applyBlockStyle(element: HTMLElement): void;
145 * BudouX {@link Parser} with HTML processing support.
146 */
147export declare class HTMLProcessingParser extends Parser {
148 htmlProcessor: HTMLProcessor;
149 constructor(model: {
150 [key: string]: {
151 [key: string]: number;
152 };
153 }, htmlProcessorOptions?: HTMLProcessorOptions);
154 /**
155 * @deprecated Use `applyToElement` instead. `applyElement` will be removed
156 * in v0.7.0 to align the function name with `HTMLProcessor`'s API.
157 *
158 * Applies markups for semantic line breaks to the given HTML element.
159 * @param parentElement The input element.
160 */
161 applyElement(parentElement: HTMLElement): void;
162 /**
163 * Applies markups for semantic line breaks to the given HTML element.
164 * @param parentElement The input element.
165 */
166 applyToElement(parentElement: HTMLElement): void;
167 /**
168 * Translates the given HTML string to another HTML string with markups
169 * for semantic line breaks.
170 * @param html An input html string.
171 * @return The translated HTML string.
172 */
173 translateHTMLString(html: string): string;
175export {};