5.97 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2const fs = require("fs");
3const Koa = require("koa");
4const bodyParser = require("koa-bodyparser");
5const serverStaic = require("koa-static");
6const path = require("path");
7const config_1 = require("./config");
8const config_2 = require("./config");
9const emitter = require("./event.js");
10const Exception = require("./Exception.js");
11const initApp = require("./InitApp.js");
12const Loader_js_1 = require("./Loader.js");
13const Logger = require("./Logger.js");
14const catchError = require("./middleware/bun_catch_error.js");
15const router = require("./middleware/bun_router.js");
16const views = require("./middleware/bun_view.js");
17const Plugin = require("./Plugin.js");
18const Routes = require("./Routes.js");
19const utils_1 = require("./utils");
20class Bun extends Koa {
21 constructor(name, options) {
22 super();
23 this.name = name;
24 this.context.app = this;
25 const rootPath = options.ROOT_PATH || path.dirname(require.main.filename);
26 this.globalPath = {};
27 Object.assign(this.globalPath, config_1.globalPath(rootPath));
28 this.Logger = Logger(this.globalPath.LOG_PATH);
29 this.Loader = Loader_js_1.loader;
30 this.Routes = Routes;
31 this.events = emitter;
32 this.plugins = {};
33 this.lib = {};
34 this.globalModule = {};
35 const Module = require("module");
36 Module._extensions[".less"] = (module, fn) => {
37 return "";
38 };
39 Module._extensions[".css"] = (module, fn) => {
40 return "";
41 };
42 Object.freeze(bun);
43 }
44 setException() {
45 global.Exception = Exception;
46 this.emitter("setException");
47 }
48 setGlobalModule() {
49 const files = fs.readdirSync(this.globalPath.ROOT_PATH + "/app");
50 files.forEach((filename) => {
51 const stat = fs.lstatSync(this.globalPath.ROOT_PATH + "/app" + "/" + filename);
52 if (stat.isDirectory()) {
53 let loaderList = [...config_2.mvcLoaderList];
54 try {
55 const appLoaderConf = require(this.globalPath.CONF_PATH + '/' + filename + '/globalLoader');
56 loaderList = [...config_2.mvcLoaderList, ...appLoaderConf];
57 }
58 catch (e) {
59 bun.Logger.bunwarn('App ' + filename + " globalLoader not found ");
60 }
61 Loader_js_1.getGlobalModule(filename, loaderList);
62 }
63 });
64 const Module = require("module");
65 function stripBOM(content) {
66 if (content.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF) {
67 content = content.slice(1);
68 }
69 return content;
70 }
71 Module._extensions['.js'] = function (module, filename) {
72 let content = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
73 let regExp = new RegExp(bun.globalPath.ROOT_PATH + '/app/(.*?)/.*');
74 if (filename.indexOf('/node_modules') === -1
75 && filename.match(regExp)) {
76 let appName = RegExp.$1;
77 if (!bun.globalModule[appName]) {
78 module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);
79 return;
80 }
81 let currentKey = Loader_js_1.getFuncName(filename.replace('.js', ''), '/app/' + appName);
82 let str = '';
83 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(bun.globalModule[appName])) {
84 if (key === currentKey || content.indexOf(key) === -1) {
85 continue;
86 }
87 str += 'const ' + key + ' = require("' + value + '");\n';
88 }
89 content = str + '\n' + content;
90 }
91 module._compile(stripBOM(content), filename);
92 };
93 this.emitter("setGlobalModule");
94 }
95 initAllApps() {
96 let routes = {};
97 this.app = {};
98 const files = fs.readdirSync(this.globalPath.ROOT_PATH + "/app");
99 files.forEach((filename) => {
100 const stat = fs.lstatSync(this.globalPath.ROOT_PATH + "/app" + "/" + filename);
101 if (stat.isDirectory()) {
102 routes = new this.Routes(filename);
103 this.app[filename] = initApp(filename);
104 }
105 });
106 this.emitter("initApp", this.app);
107 }
108 setLib() {
109 this.Loader({
110 keypath: "lib",
111 path: "/lib",
112 context: this.lib
113 });
114 this.emitter("setLib", this.lib);
115 }
116 setPlugins() {
117 Plugin();
118 this.emitter("setPlugins", this.plugins);
119 }
120 setRouter() {
121 const routes = new this.Routes();
122 for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(this.app)) {
123 routes.mergeAppRoutes(value.router.routesHandle);
124 }
125 this.use(router(routes.routesHandle));
126 this.emitter("setRouter");
127 }
128 setReqLog() {
129 this.use(this.Logger.log4js.koaLogger(this.Logger.reqLog(), {
130 format: "[:remote-addr :method :url :status :response-timems][:referrer HTTP/:http-version :user-agent]",
131 level: "auto",
132 }));
133 this.emitter("setReqLog");
134 }
135 setServerStaic() {
136 this.use(serverStaic(this.globalPath.STATIC_PATH));
137 this.emitter("setServerStaic");
138 }
139 setBodyParser() {
140 this.use(bodyParser());
141 this.emitter("setBodyParser");
142 }
143 setViews() {
144 this.use(views(this.globalPath.TPL_PATH, {
145 ext: config_1.viewExt,
146 }));
147 this.emitter("setViews");
148 }
149 setErrHandle() {
150 this.use(catchError);
151 }
152 run(port = config_1.defaultPort) {
153 this.listen(port);
154 utils_1.deepFreeze(bun, "context");
155 console.log("start on" + port);
156 }
157 emitter(eventName, freeze) {
158 if (freeze) {
159 utils_1.deepFreeze(freeze);
160 }
161 emitter.emit(eventName, this);
162 }
164module.exports = Bun;
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