1 | #!/usr/bin/env node
2 | const { inspect } = require('util')
3 | const program = require('commander')
4 | const reporter = require('./src/reporter')
5 |
6 | const bytes = require('bytes')
7 | const readStream = require('./src/readStream')
8 | const { error } = require('prettycli')
9 | const build = require('./src/build')
10 | const debug = require('./src/debug')
11 | const compressedSize = require('./src/compressed-size')
12 |
13 | if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
14 | error('bundlesize-pipe executable is meant for usage with piped data.')
15 | }
16 |
17 | program
18 | .option('-n, --name [name]', 'custom name for a file (lib.min.js)')
19 | .option('-s, --max-size [maxSize]', 'maximum size threshold (3Kb)')
20 | .option(
21 | '-c, --compression [gzip|brotli|none]',
22 | 'specify which compression algorithm to use'
23 | )
24 | .option('--debug', 'run in debug mode')
25 | .parse(process.argv)
26 |
27 | const config = {
28 | name: program.name || require('read-pkg-up').sync().pkg.name,
29 | maxSize: program.maxSize,
30 | compression: program.compression || 'gzip'
31 | }
32 |
33 | debug('config', config)
34 |
35 | process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8')
36 | readStream(process.stdin).then(data => {
37 | const size = compressedSize(data, config.compression)
38 | const maxSize = bytes(config.maxSize) || Infinity
39 | const file = {
40 | path: config.name,
41 | maxSize,
42 | size,
43 | compression: config.compression
44 | }
45 | debug('file', file)
46 | reporter([file])
47 | })
48 |
49 | process.on('unhandledRejection', reason => {
50 | console.log('Unhandled Promise')
51 | console.log(inspect(reason))
52 | build.error()
53 | })