4.29 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2export var Paginator = {
3 create: function(id, data, link_limit = 7) {
4 return {
5 _id: id,
6 count: data.to - data.from + 1,
7 currentPage: data.current_page,
8 hasMorePages: false,
9 lastPage: data.last_page,
10 nextPageUrl: data.next_page_url,
11 perPage: data.per_page,
12 previousPageUrl: data.prev_page_url,
13 total: data.total,
14 from: data.from,
15 to: data.to,
16 url: function(page) {
17 var url = '';
18 var tmp_page = 1;
19 if (data.next_page_url !== null) {
20 url = data.next_page_url;
21 tmp_page = data.current_page + 1;
22 } else {
23 url = data.prev_page_url;
24 tmp_page = data.current_page - 1;
25 }
26 return url.replace('page=' + tmp_page, 'page=' + page);
27 },
28 createButton: function(url, cl, text) {
29 var e = document.createElement('li');
30 e.className = cl;
31 var l = document.createElement('a');
32 l.setAttribute('href', url);
33 l.className = 'page-link';
34 l.innerHTML = text;
35 e.appendChild(l);
36 return e;
37 },
38 redraw: function() {
39 var paginator_el = document.getElementById(this._id + '_pagination');
40 var f = document.createDocumentFragment();
41 var cl = '';
43 if (this.currentPage === 1) {
44 cl = 'page-item disabled';
45 } else {
46 cl = 'page-item';
47 }
48 f.appendChild(this.createButton(this.url(1), cl, 'First'));
49 f.appendChild(this.createButton(this.previousPageUrl, cl, '< Previous'));
51 for (var k = 1; k <= this.lastPage; k++) {
53 var half_total_links = Math.floor(link_limit / 2);
54 var from = this.currentPage - half_total_links;
55 var to = this.currentPage + half_total_links;
56 if (this.currentPage < half_total_links) {
57 to += half_total_links - this.currentPage;
58 }
59 if (this.lastPage - this.currentPage < half_total_links) {
60 from -= half_total_links - (this.lastPage - this.currentPage) - 1;
61 }
63 if (from < k && k < to) {
64 var e = document.createElement('li');
65 if (this.currentPage === k) {
66 e.className = 'page-item active';
67 } else {
68 e.className = 'page-item';
69 }
70 var l = document.createElement('a');
71 l.setAttribute('href', this.url(k));
72 l.className = 'page-link';
73 l.innerHTML = k;
74 e.appendChild(l);
75 f.appendChild(e);
76 }
77 }
79 if (this.currentPage === this.lastPage) {
80 cl = 'page-item disabled';
81 } else {
82 cl = 'page-item';
83 }
84 f.appendChild(this.createButton(this.nextPageUrl, cl, 'Next >'));
85 f.appendChild(this.createButton(this.url(this.lastPage), cl, 'Last'));
87 while (paginator_el.firstChild) {
88 paginator_el.removeChild(paginator_el.firstChild);
89 }
91 paginator_el.appendChild(f);
92 },
93 updateStats: function() {
94 document.getElementById(this._id + '_stats_count').innerHTML = this.count;
95 document.getElementById(this._id + '_stats_from').innerHTML = this.from;
96 document.getElementById(this._id + '_stats_to').innerHTML = this.to;
97 document.getElementById(this._id + '_stats_cur_page').innerHTML = this.currentPage;
98 document.getElementById(this._id + '_stats_last_page').innerHTML = this.lastPage;
99 }
100 };
101 }