1.5 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "butterchurn",
3 "version": "2.5.3",
4 "description": "Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer",
5 "main": "lib/butterchurn.min.js",
6 "unpkg": "lib/butterchurn.min.js",
7 "files": [
8 "lib/butterchurn.min.js",
9 "lib/butterchurnExtraImages.min.js",
10 "lib/isSupported.min.js"
11 ],
12 "scripts": {
13 "build": "webpack --config config/webpack.config.js --env prod",
14 "dev": "webpack --config config/webpack.config.js --progress --colors --watch --env dev"
15 },
16 "repository": {
17 "type": "git",
18 "url": "git+https://github.com/jberg/butterchurn.git"
19 },
20 "keywords": [
21 "music visualization",
22 "visualizer",
23 "webgl",
24 "webaudio"
25 ],
26 "author": "Jordan Berg <jordannealberg@gmail.com>",
27 "license": "MIT",
28 "homepage": "https://butterchurnviz.com",
29 "dependencies": {
30 "babel-runtime": "^6.26.0",
31 "ecma-proposal-math-extensions": "0.0.2"
32 },
33 "devDependencies": {
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36 "babel-eslint": "^8.2.1",
37 "babel-loader": "^7.1.2",
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