130 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1declare module "storage/StorageInterface" {
2 export = StorageInterface;
3 /**
4 * Storage Interface (stub only)
5 * @see MemoryStorageInterface
6 * @memberof module:Buttercup
7 */
8 class StorageInterface {
9 /**
10 * Get all keys as an array
11 * @memberof StorageInterface
12 */
13 getAllKeys(): Promise<any[]>;
14 /**
15 * Get a value for a key
16 * @memberof StorageInterface
17 */
18 getValue(): Promise<any>;
19 /**
20 * Remove a value for a key
21 * @memberof StorageInterface
22 */
23 removeKey(): Promise<void>;
24 /**
25 * Set a value for a key
26 * @memberof StorageInterface
27 */
28 setValue(): Promise<void>;
29 }
31declare module "storage/MemoryStorageInterface" {
32 export = MemoryStorageInterface;
33 const MemoryStorageInterface_base: typeof import("storage/StorageInterface.js");
34 /**
35 * Storage interface for memory storage
36 * @augments StorageInterface
37 * @memberof module:Buttercup
38 */
39 class MemoryStorageInterface extends MemoryStorageInterface_base {
40 _store: {};
41 }
43declare module "env/core/prop" {
44 export function assignObjImmutableProp(obj: any, name: any, method: any): void;
46declare module "env/core/appEnv" {
47 export type AppEnv = any;
48 /**
49 * Internal private API
50 */
51 export type AppEnvIntPrv = {
52 /**
53 * Index of set environment properties
54 */
55 properties: any;
56 };
57 export type GetPropertyOptions = {
58 /**
59 * The default value to return (default: null)
60 */
61 defaultValue?: any | undefined;
62 /**
63 * Fail if the property doesn't exist (default: true)
64 */
65 failIfNotExist?: boolean | undefined;
66 };
67 /**
68 * Create a new application environment
69 * @returns {AppEnv}
70 */
71 export function createAppEnv(): AppEnv;
73declare module "env/core/global" {
74 export function getGlobal(): (Window & typeof globalThis) | (NodeJS.Global & typeof globalThis);
76declare module "env/core/singleton" {
77 /**
78 * Get the shared app-environment configurator
79 * (provides a controller for handling the substitution of
80 * functions that need to work differently on different
81 * environments)
82 * @returns {AppEnv}
83 * @memberof module:Buttercup
84 */
85 export function getSharedAppEnv(): any;
87declare module "env/appEnv" {
88 export const getSharedAppEnv: () => any;
90declare module "io/VaultFormat" {
91 export = VaultFormat;
92 const VaultFormat_base: typeof import("eventemitter3");
93 class VaultFormat extends VaultFormat_base {
94 static encodeRaw(): void;
95 static extractSharesFromHistory(): void;
96 static isEncrypted(): void;
97 static parseEncrypted(): void;
98 static prepareHistoryForMerge(): void;
99 constructor(source?: {});
100 dirty: boolean;
101 history: any[];
102 _readOnly: boolean;
103 source: any;
104 get readOnly(): boolean;
105 clear(): void;
106 cloneEntry(): void;
107 cloneGroup(): void;
108 createEntry(): void;
109 createGroup(): void;
110 deleteEntry(): void;
111 deleteEntryAttribute(): void;
112 deleteEntryProperty(): void;
113 deleteGroup(): void;
114 deleteGroupAttribute(): void;
115 deleteVaultAttribute(): void;
116 erase(): void;
117 execute(): void;
118 generateID(): void;
119 getFormat(): typeof VaultFormat;
120 initialise(): void;
121 moveEntry(): void;
122 moveGroup(): void;
123 optimise(): void;
124 setEntryAttribute(): void;
125 setEntryProperty(): void;
126 setGroupAttribute(): void;
127 setGroupTitle(): void;
128 setVaultAttribute(): void;
129 }
131declare module "tools/rawVaultSearch" {
132 export type FoundGroupResult = {
133 /**
134 * The found group dataset
135 */
136 group: any;
137 /**
138 * The index the group was located at
139 */
140 index: number;
141 };
142 export function findEntryByID(groups: any, id: any): any;
143 export function findGroupByCheck(groups: any, checkFn: any): any;
144 export function findGroupByID(groups: any, id: any): any;
145 export function findGroupByTitle(groups: any, title: any): any;
146 /**
147 * @typedef {Object} FoundGroupResult
148 * @property {Object} group The found group dataset
149 * @property {Number} index The index the group was located at
150 */
151 /**
152 * Find a raw group that contains an entry with an ID
153 * @param {Array.<Object>} groups An array of raw groups
154 * @param {String} id The entry ID to search for
155 * @returns {FoundGroupResult} The parent group of the found entry
156 */
157 export function findGroupContainingEntryID(groups: Array<any>, id: string): FoundGroupResult;
158 /**
159 * Find a raw group that contains a group with an ID
160 * @param {Object} group The group/archive to search in
161 * @param {String} id The group ID to search for
162 * @returns {FoundGroupResult} The parent of the located group ID
163 */
164 export function findGroupContainingGroupID(group: any, id: string): FoundGroupResult;
166declare module "tools/uuid" {
167 /**
168 * Generate a UUID (v4)
169 * @returns {String} The new UUID
170 */
171 export function generateUUID(): string;
173declare module "tools/encoding" {
174 export const ENCODED_STRING_PREFIX: "utf8+base64:";
175 /**
176 * Decode an encoded property value
177 * @param {String} value The encoded value
178 * @returns {String} The decoded value
179 */
180 export function decodeStringValue(value: string): string;
181 /**
182 * Encode a raw value into safe storage form
183 * Uses base64 for encoding
184 * @param {String} value The raw value to encode
185 * @returns {String} The encoded result
186 */
187 export function encodeStringValue(value: string): string;
188 /**
189 * Get a unique identifier (UUID v4)
190 * @returns {String} A unique identifier
191 */
192 export function getUniqueID(): string;
193 /**
194 * Check if a string value is encoded
195 * @param {String} text The value to check
196 * @returns {Boolean} True if the text is encoded
197 */
198 export function isEncoded(text: string): boolean;
200declare module "io/formatA/tools" {
201 export type EntryHistoryItem = {
202 /**
203 * The property/attribute name
204 */
205 property: string;
206 /**
207 * Either "property" or "attribute"
208 */
209 propertyType: string;
210 /**
211 * The original value or null if it did not exist
212 * before this change
213 */
214 originalValue: string | null;
215 /**
216 * The new value or null if it was deleted
217 */
218 newValue: string | null;
219 };
220 export namespace COMMAND_ARGUMENT {
221 export namespace ItemID {
222 export const test: RegExp;
223 export function wrap(txt: any): any;
224 export const encode: boolean;
225 }
226 export namespace ItemIDOrRoot {
227 const test_1: RegExp;
228 export { test_1 as test };
229 export function wrap_1(txt: any): any;
230 export { wrap_1 as wrap };
231 const encode_1: boolean;
232 export { encode_1 as encode };
233 }
234 export namespace StringKey {
235 const test_2: RegExp;
236 export { test_2 as test };
237 export function wrap_2(txt: any): string;
238 export { wrap_2 as wrap };
239 const encode_2: boolean;
240 export { encode_2 as encode };
241 }
242 export namespace StringValue {
243 const test_3: RegExp;
244 export { test_3 as test };
245 export function wrap_3(txt: any): string;
246 export { wrap_3 as wrap };
247 const encode_3: boolean;
248 export { encode_3 as encode };
249 }
250 }
251 export namespace COMMAND_MANIFEST {
252 export namespace ArchiveID {
253 export const s: string;
254 export const d: boolean;
255 export const args: {
256 test: RegExp;
257 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
258 encode: boolean;
259 }[];
260 }
261 export namespace Comment {
262 const s_1: string;
263 export { s_1 as s };
264 const d_1: boolean;
265 export { d_1 as d };
266 const args_1: {
267 test: RegExp;
268 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
269 encode: boolean;
270 }[];
271 export { args_1 as args };
272 }
273 export namespace CreateEntry {
274 const s_2: string;
275 export { s_2 as s };
276 const d_2: boolean;
277 export { d_2 as d };
278 const args_2: {
279 test: RegExp;
280 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
281 encode: boolean;
282 }[];
283 export { args_2 as args };
284 }
285 export namespace CreateGroup {
286 const s_3: string;
287 export { s_3 as s };
288 const d_3: boolean;
289 export { d_3 as d };
290 const args_3: {
291 test: RegExp;
292 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
293 encode: boolean;
294 }[];
295 export { args_3 as args };
296 }
297 export namespace DeleteArchiveAttribute {
298 const s_4: string;
299 export { s_4 as s };
300 const d_4: boolean;
301 export { d_4 as d };
302 const args_4: {
303 test: RegExp;
304 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
305 encode: boolean;
306 }[];
307 export { args_4 as args };
308 }
309 export namespace DeleteEntry {
310 const s_5: string;
311 export { s_5 as s };
312 const d_5: boolean;
313 export { d_5 as d };
314 const args_5: {
315 test: RegExp;
316 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
317 encode: boolean;
318 }[];
319 export { args_5 as args };
320 }
321 export namespace DeleteEntryAttribute {
322 const s_6: string;
323 export { s_6 as s };
324 const d_6: boolean;
325 export { d_6 as d };
326 const args_6: {
327 test: RegExp;
328 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
329 encode: boolean;
330 }[];
331 export { args_6 as args };
332 }
333 export namespace DeleteEntryMeta {
334 const s_7: string;
335 export { s_7 as s };
336 const d_7: boolean;
337 export { d_7 as d };
338 const args_7: {
339 test: RegExp;
340 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
341 encode: boolean;
342 }[];
343 export { args_7 as args };
344 }
345 export namespace DeleteEntryProperty {
346 const s_8: string;
347 export { s_8 as s };
348 const d_8: boolean;
349 export { d_8 as d };
350 const args_8: {
351 test: RegExp;
352 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
353 encode: boolean;
354 }[];
355 export { args_8 as args };
356 }
357 export namespace DeleteGroup {
358 const s_9: string;
359 export { s_9 as s };
360 const d_9: boolean;
361 export { d_9 as d };
362 const args_9: {
363 test: RegExp;
364 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
365 encode: boolean;
366 }[];
367 export { args_9 as args };
368 }
369 export namespace DeleteGroupAttribute {
370 const s_10: string;
371 export { s_10 as s };
372 const d_10: boolean;
373 export { d_10 as d };
374 const args_10: {
375 test: RegExp;
376 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
377 encode: boolean;
378 }[];
379 export { args_10 as args };
380 }
381 export namespace Format {
382 const s_11: string;
383 export { s_11 as s };
384 const d_11: boolean;
385 export { d_11 as d };
386 const args_11: {
387 test: RegExp;
388 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
389 encode: boolean;
390 }[];
391 export { args_11 as args };
392 }
393 export namespace MoveEntry {
394 const s_12: string;
395 export { s_12 as s };
396 const d_12: boolean;
397 export { d_12 as d };
398 const args_12: {
399 test: RegExp;
400 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
401 encode: boolean;
402 }[];
403 export { args_12 as args };
404 }
405 export namespace MoveGroup {
406 const s_13: string;
407 export { s_13 as s };
408 const d_13: boolean;
409 export { d_13 as d };
410 const args_13: {
411 test: RegExp;
412 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
413 encode: boolean;
414 }[];
415 export { args_13 as args };
416 }
417 export namespace Pad {
418 const s_14: string;
419 export { s_14 as s };
420 const d_14: boolean;
421 export { d_14 as d };
422 const args_14: {
423 test: RegExp;
424 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
425 encode: boolean;
426 }[];
427 export { args_14 as args };
428 }
429 export namespace SetArchiveAttribute {
430 const s_15: string;
431 export { s_15 as s };
432 const d_15: boolean;
433 export { d_15 as d };
434 const args_15: {
435 test: RegExp;
436 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
437 encode: boolean;
438 }[];
439 export { args_15 as args };
440 }
441 export namespace SetEntryAttribute {
442 const s_16: string;
443 export { s_16 as s };
444 const d_16: boolean;
445 export { d_16 as d };
446 const args_16: {
447 test: RegExp;
448 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
449 encode: boolean;
450 }[];
451 export { args_16 as args };
452 }
453 export namespace SetEntryMeta {
454 const s_17: string;
455 export { s_17 as s };
456 const d_17: boolean;
457 export { d_17 as d };
458 const args_17: {
459 test: RegExp;
460 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
461 encode: boolean;
462 }[];
463 export { args_17 as args };
464 }
465 export namespace SetEntryProperty {
466 const s_18: string;
467 export { s_18 as s };
468 const d_18: boolean;
469 export { d_18 as d };
470 const args_18: {
471 test: RegExp;
472 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
473 encode: boolean;
474 }[];
475 export { args_18 as args };
476 }
477 export namespace SetGroupAttribute {
478 const s_19: string;
479 export { s_19 as s };
480 const d_19: boolean;
481 export { d_19 as d };
482 const args_19: {
483 test: RegExp;
484 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
485 encode: boolean;
486 }[];
487 export { args_19 as args };
488 }
489 export namespace SetGroupTitle {
490 const s_20: string;
491 export { s_20 as s };
492 const d_20: boolean;
493 export { d_20 as d };
494 const args_20: {
495 test: RegExp;
496 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
497 encode: boolean;
498 }[];
499 export { args_20 as args };
500 }
501 }
502 export class InigoCommand {
503 static Command: {
504 ArchiveID: {
505 s: string;
506 d: boolean;
507 args: {
508 test: RegExp;
509 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
510 encode: boolean;
511 }[];
512 };
513 Comment: {
514 s: string;
515 d: boolean;
516 args: {
517 test: RegExp;
518 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
519 encode: boolean;
520 }[];
521 };
522 CreateEntry: {
523 s: string;
524 d: boolean;
525 args: {
526 test: RegExp;
527 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
528 encode: boolean;
529 }[];
530 };
531 CreateGroup: {
532 s: string;
533 d: boolean;
534 args: {
535 test: RegExp;
536 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
537 encode: boolean;
538 }[];
539 };
540 DeleteArchiveAttribute: {
541 s: string;
542 d: boolean;
543 args: {
544 test: RegExp;
545 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
546 encode: boolean;
547 }[];
548 };
549 DeleteEntry: {
550 s: string;
551 d: boolean;
552 args: {
553 test: RegExp;
554 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
555 encode: boolean;
556 }[];
557 };
558 DeleteEntryAttribute: {
559 s: string;
560 d: boolean;
561 args: {
562 test: RegExp;
563 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
564 encode: boolean;
565 }[];
566 };
567 DeleteEntryMeta: {
568 s: string;
569 d: boolean;
570 args: {
571 test: RegExp;
572 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
573 encode: boolean;
574 }[];
575 };
576 DeleteEntryProperty: {
577 s: string;
578 d: boolean;
579 args: {
580 test: RegExp;
581 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
582 encode: boolean;
583 }[];
584 };
585 DeleteGroup: {
586 s: string;
587 d: boolean;
588 args: {
589 test: RegExp;
590 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
591 encode: boolean;
592 }[];
593 };
594 DeleteGroupAttribute: {
595 s: string;
596 d: boolean;
597 args: {
598 test: RegExp;
599 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
600 encode: boolean;
601 }[];
602 };
603 Format: {
604 s: string;
605 d: boolean;
606 args: {
607 test: RegExp;
608 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
609 encode: boolean;
610 }[];
611 };
612 MoveEntry: {
613 s: string;
614 d: boolean;
615 args: {
616 test: RegExp;
617 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
618 encode: boolean;
619 }[];
620 };
621 MoveGroup: {
622 s: string;
623 d: boolean;
624 args: {
625 test: RegExp;
626 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
627 encode: boolean;
628 }[];
629 };
630 Pad: {
631 s: string;
632 d: boolean;
633 args: {
634 test: RegExp;
635 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
636 encode: boolean;
637 }[];
638 };
639 SetArchiveAttribute: {
640 s: string;
641 d: boolean;
642 args: {
643 test: RegExp;
644 wrap: (txt: any) => string;
645 encode: boolean;
646 }[];
647 };
648 SetEntryAttribute: {
649 s: string;
650 d: boolean;
651 args: {
652 test: RegExp;
653 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
654 encode: boolean;
655 }[];
656 };
657 SetEntryMeta: {
658 s: string;
659 d: boolean;
660 args: {
661 test: RegExp;
662 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
663 encode: boolean;
664 }[];
665 };
666 SetEntryProperty: {
667 s: string;
668 d: boolean;
669 args: {
670 test: RegExp;
671 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
672 encode: boolean;
673 }[];
674 };
675 SetGroupAttribute: {
676 s: string;
677 d: boolean;
678 args: {
679 test: RegExp;
680 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
681 encode: boolean;
682 }[];
683 };
684 SetGroupTitle: {
685 s: string;
686 d: boolean;
687 args: {
688 test: RegExp;
689 wrap: (txt: any) => any;
690 encode: boolean;
691 }[];
692 };
693 };
694 static create(cmd: any): InigoCommand;
695 static generatePaddingCommand(): string;
696 constructor(cmdKey: any);
697 _commandKey: any;
698 _commandArgs: any[];
699 addArgument(arg: any): InigoCommand;
700 generateCommand(): string;
701 }
702 /**
703 * Extract command components from a string
704 * @param {String} command The command to extract from
705 * @returns {String[]} The separated parts
706 */
707 export function extractCommandComponents(cmd: any): string[];
708 /**
709 * @typedef {Object} EntryHistoryItem
710 * @property {String} property The property/attribute name
711 * @property {String} propertyType Either "property" or "attribute"
712 * @property {String|null} originalValue The original value or null if it did not exist
713 * before this change
714 * @property {String|null} newValue The new value or null if it was deleted
715 */
716 /**
717 * Generate a new entry history item
718 * @param {String} property The property/attribute name
719 * @param {String} propertyType Either "property" or "attribute"
720 * @param {String|null} originalValue The original value or null if it did not exist
721 * before this change
722 * @param {String|null} newValue The new value or null if it was deleted
723 * @returns {EntryHistoryItem}
724 */
725 export function generateEntryHistoryItem(property: string, propertyType: string, originalValue?: string | null, newValue?: string | null): EntryHistoryItem;
726 export function historyArrayToString(historyArray: any): any;
727 export function historyStringToArray(historyString: any): any;
728 /**
729 * Strip destructive commands from a history collection
730 * @param {Array.<String>} history The history
731 * @returns {Array.<String>} The history minus any destructive commands
732 */
733 export function stripDestructiveCommands(history: Array<string>): Array<string>;
735declare module "io/formatA/commands" {
736 export function executeArchiveID(vault: any, opts: any, id: any): void;
737 export function executeComment(): void;
738 export function executeCreateEntry(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any, entryID: any): void;
739 export function executeCreateGroup(archive: any, opts: any, parentID: any, newID: any): void;
740 export function executeDeleteArchiveAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, attribute: any): void;
741 export function executeDeleteEntry(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any): void;
742 export function executeDeleteEntryAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any, attribute: any): void;
743 export function executeDeleteEntryProperty(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any, property: any): void;
744 export function executeDeleteGroup(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any): void;
745 export function executeDeleteGroupAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any, attribute: any): void;
746 export function executeFormat(archive: any, opts: any, format: any): void;
747 export function executeMoveEntry(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any, groupID: any): void;
748 export function executeMoveGroup(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any, targetGroupID: any): void;
749 export function executePad(): void;
750 export function executeSetArchiveAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, attribute: any, value: any): void;
751 export function executeSetEntryAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any, attribute: any, value: any): void;
752 export function executeSetEntryProperty(archive: any, opts: any, entryID: any, property: any, value: any): void;
753 export function executeSetGroupAttribute(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any, attribute: any, value: any): void;
754 export function executeTitleGroup(archive: any, opts: any, groupID: any, title: any): void;
756declare module "io/formatA/describe" {
757 /**
758 * Describe a vault dataset - to history commands
759 * @param {Object} dataset The vault dataset
760 * @param {String} parentGroupID The ID of the parent group
761 * @returns {Array.<String>} An array of commands
762 */
763 export function describeVaultDataset(dataset: any, parentGroupID: string): Array<string>;
765declare module "io/formatA/Flattener" {
766 export = Flattener;
767 /**
768 * Flattener class for flattening archive history sets
769 */
770 class Flattener {
771 /**
772 * Minimum history lines before flattening can occur
773 * @type {Number}
774 * @static
775 * @memberof Flattener
776 */
777 static FLATTENING_MIN_LINES: number;
778 /**
779 * Number of lines to preserve (most recent)
780 * @type {Number}
781 * @static
782 * @memberof Flattener
783 */
784 static PRESERVE_LINES: number;
785 constructor(format: any);
786 format: any;
787 /**
788 * Check if the dataset can be flattened
789 * @returns {Boolean} True if it can be flattened
790 * @memberof Flattener
791 */
792 canBeFlattened(): boolean;
793 /**
794 * Flatten a dataset
795 * @param {Boolean=} force Force flattening even if it is detected to be unnecessary
796 * @returns {Boolean} True if flattening occurred, false otherwise
797 * @memberof Flattener
798 */
799 flatten(force?: boolean | undefined): boolean;
800 }
802declare module "io/formatA/signing" {
803 /**
804 * Get the current format
805 * @returns {String} The format
806 */
807 export function getFormat(): string;
808 /**
809 * Get the current signature
810 * @returns {String} The signature
811 */
812 export function getSignature(): string;
813 /**
814 * Detect if a string has a valid signature
815 * @param {String} text The text to check
816 * @returns {Boolean} True if a valid signature is detected
817 */
818 export function hasValidSignature(text: string): boolean;
819 /**
820 * Sign some text
821 * @param {String} text The text to sign
822 * @returns {String} The signed text
823 */
824 export function sign(text: string): string;
825 /**
826 * Strip the signature from some text
827 * @param {String} text The text to strip the signature from
828 * @returns {String} The text with the signature removed
829 */
830 export function stripSignature(text: string): string;
831 /**
832 * Check if vault contents are in encrypted form
833 * @param {String} contents The vault contents
834 * @returns {Boolean} True if encrypted, false otherwise
835 */
836 export function vaultContentsEncrypted(contents: string): boolean;
838declare module "credentials/channel" {
839 export function credentialsAllowsPurpose(id: any, purpose: any): any;
840 export function getCredentials(id: any): any;
841 export function removeCredentials(id: any): void;
842 export function setCredentials(id: any, value: any): void;
844declare module "io/VaultFormatA" {
845 export = VaultFormatA;
846 const VaultFormatA_base: typeof import("io/VaultFormat.js");
847 class VaultFormatA extends VaultFormatA_base {
848 static encodeRaw(rawContent: any, credentials: any): Promise<string>;
849 /**
850 * Extract shares from a history collection
851 * @param {String[]} history A history collection, containing shares
852 * @returns {Object} The resulting separated histories. The object will
853 * always contain a `base` property containing the non-share history.
854 * Each share detected is set on the object under its share ID - being
855 * set to an array of history lines (non-prefixed) for that share.
856 */
857 static extractSharesFromHistory(history: string[]): any;
858 static isEncrypted(contents: any): boolean;
859 static parseEncrypted(encryptedContent: any, credentials: any): Promise<string[]>;
860 static prepareHistoryForMerge(history: any): string[];
861 constructor(source?: {});
862 _executeCommand(command: any): void;
863 _pad(): void;
864 _processCommandParameters(commandKey: any, parameters: any): any;
865 }
867declare module "io/formatRouter" {
868 export function detectFormat(encryptedContent: any): typeof import("io/VaultFormatA.js");
869 export function getDefaultFormat(): typeof import("io/VaultFormatA.js");
871declare module "search/groups" {
872 export function findGroupByID(parentGroups: any, groupID: any): any;
873 export function findGroupsByTitle(parentGroups: any, title: any): any[];
875declare module "search/entries" {
876 export function findEntriesByProperty(parentGroups: any, property: any, value: any): any[];
877 export function findEntryByID(parentGroups: any, id: any): any;
879declare module "tools/permissions" {
880 export const PERM_MANAGE: "archive/member/manage";
881 export const PERM_READ: "archive/member/read";
882 export const PERM_WRITE: "archive/member/write";
884declare module "core/VaultItem" {
885 export = VaultItem;
886 /**
887 * Base vault member class (for Entry, Group etc.)
888 */
889 class VaultItem {
890 /**
891 * Constructor for the vault member base class
892 * @param {Vault} vault Vault reference
893 * @param {Object} source Remote source object reference
894 */
895 constructor(vault: any, source: any);
896 /**
897 * Reference to the containing vault
898 * @protected
899 * @memberof VaultItem
900 */
901 protected _vault: any;
902 _source: any;
903 /**
904 * The ID of the entry or group
905 * @readonly
906 * @type {String}
907 * @memberof VaultItem
908 */
909 readonly get id(): string;
910 /**
911 * The current granted permissions
912 * @type {Array.<String>}
913 * @memberof VaultItem
914 */
915 get permissions(): string[];
916 /**
917 * The vault this item belongs to
918 * @readonly
919 * @type {Vault}
920 * @memberof VaultItem
921 */
922 readonly get vault(): any;
923 /**
924 * Grant a new permission to the member
925 * @param {String} perm The permission to grant
926 * @memberof VaultItem
927 */
928 grantPermission(perm: string): void;
929 /**
930 * Check if the member has a permission
931 * @param {String} perm The permission to check for
932 * @returns {Boolean}
933 * @memberof VaultItem
934 */
935 hasPermission(perm: string): boolean;
936 /**
937 * Revoke all permissions
938 * @memberof VaultItem
939 */
940 revokeAllPermissions(): void;
941 /**
942 * Revoke a single permission
943 * @param {String} perm The permission to revoke
944 * @memberof VaultItem
945 */
946 revokePermission(perm: string): void;
947 /**
948 * Clean up all of the data in the vault item
949 * @protected
950 * @memberof VaultItem
951 */
952 protected _cleanUp(): void;
953 }
955declare module "tools/polyfill" {
956 export function objectValues(obj: any): any[];
958declare module "tools/entry" {
959 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ANY: "any";
960 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_GENERAL: "general";
961 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ICON: "icon";
962 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_LOGIN: "login";
963 /**
964 * Get URLs from an entry's properties
965 * Allows for preferential sorting
966 * @param {Object} properties The entry properties
967 * @param {*} preference
968 */
969 export function getEntryURLs(properties: any, preference?: any): any[];
970 /**
971 * Check if a property name is valid
972 * @param {String} name The name to check
973 * @returns {Boolean} True if the name is valid
974 */
975 export function isValidProperty(name: string): boolean;
977declare module "core/Entry" {
978 export = Entry;
979 const Entry_base: typeof import("core/VaultItem.js");
980 /**
981 * Entry class - some secret item, login or perhaps
982 * even a credit card
983 * @augments VaultItem
984 * @memberof module:Buttercup
985 */
986 class Entry extends Entry_base {
987 static Attributes: Readonly<{
988 FacadeType: string;
989 FieldTypePrefix: string;
990 }>;
991 /**
992 * Create a new Entry instance within a vault
993 * and group
994 * @param {Vault} vault The target vault instance
995 * @param {String} parentGroupID The target group to
996 * create the entry in (cannot be vault-level)
997 * @returns {Entry}
998 * @memberof Entry
999 * @static
1000 */
1001 static createNew(vault: any, parentGroupID: string): Entry;
1002 constructor(vault: any, source: any);
1003 /**
1004 * Get the instance type
1005 * @type {String}
1006 * @readonly
1007 * @memberof Entry
1008 */
1009 readonly get type(): string;
1010 /**
1011 * Delete the entry - either trashes the entry, or removes it completely.
1012 * If the entry is in the trash already, it is removed (including if there is no
1013 * trash group). If the entry is in a normal group and a trash group exists, it
1014 * is moved there instead of being deleted.
1015 * @param {Boolean=} skipTrash Skip the trash and force-delete the entry
1016 * @see moveToGroup
1017 * @see Vault.getTrashGroup
1018 * @returns {Boolean} Whether or not the item was deleted
1019 * @memberof Entry
1020 */
1021 delete(skipTrash?: boolean | undefined): boolean;
1022 /**
1023 * Delete an attribute
1024 * @param {String} attribute The attribute name
1025 * @throws {Error} Throws if the attribute doesn't exist, or cannot be deleted
1026 * @memberof Entry
1027 * @returns {Entry} Self
1028 */
1029 deleteAttribute(attribute: string): Entry;
1030 /**
1031 * Delete a property
1032 * @throws {Error} Throws if property doesn't exist, or cannot be deleted
1033 * @param {String} property The property to delete
1034 * @memberof Entry
1035 * @returns {Entry} Self
1036 */
1037 deleteProperty(property: string): Entry;
1038 /**
1039 * Get an attribute
1040 * If no attribute name is specified, an object with all attributes and their
1041 * values is returned.
1042 * @param {String=} attribute The name of the attribute to fetch
1043 * @returns {String|undefined|Object} The attribute value or an object
1044 * containing all attribute keys and their values if no attribute name
1045 * is provided
1046 * @memberof Entry
1047 */
1048 getAttribute(attribute?: string | undefined): string | undefined | any;
1049 /**
1050 * Get an array of all history changes made to the entry
1051 * @returns {Array.<EntryHistoryItem>}
1052 * @memberof Entry
1053 */
1054 getChanges(): Array<any>;
1055 /**
1056 * Get the containing group for the entry
1057 * @returns {Group|null} The parent group
1058 * @memberof Entry
1059 * @throws {Error} Throws if no parent group found
1060 */
1061 getGroup(): import("core/Group.js") | null;
1062 /**
1063 * Get a property value
1064 * If no property name is specified, an object with all properties and their
1065 * values is returned.
1066 * @param {String=} property The name of the property to fetch
1067 * @returns {String|undefined|Object} The property value or an object with all
1068 * values if no property specified
1069 * @memberof Entry
1070 */
1071 getProperty(property?: string | undefined): string | undefined | any;
1072 /**
1073 * Get property values via RegExp expressions.
1074 * If no property expression is specified, it returns the empty behavior of
1075 * {@see Entry.getProperty}.
1076 * @param {RegExp|String} propertyExpression
1077 * @returns {Object} A key-value object of the matching properties
1078 * @memberof Entry
1079 */
1080 getProperties(propertyExpression: RegExp | string): any;
1081 /**
1082 * Get an array of URLs from the Entry
1083 * Returns an array of detected URL values in the Entry's properties. The
1084 * types of URLs can be configured by providing a preference:
1085 * - "general" - General URLs (of any type, preferring "URL" named props)
1086 * - "login" - Prefer URLs whose key has "login" in it
1087 * - "icon" - Return only icon-like URLs
1088 * - "any" - Return all found URLs
1089 * @param {String=} urlTypePreference The URL type preference
1090 * @returns {Array.<String>} An array of URLs
1091 * @memberof Entry
1092 */
1093 getURLs(urlTypePreference?: string | undefined): Array<string>;
1094 /**
1095 * Check if the entry is in the trash
1096 * @returns {Boolean} Whether or not the entry is in the trash
1097 * @memberof Entry
1098 */
1099 isInTrash(): boolean;
1100 /**
1101 * Move the entry to another group
1102 * @params {Group} group The target group
1103 * @returns {Entry} Returns self
1104 * @param {Group} group The target group
1105 * @memberof Entry
1106 */
1107 moveToGroup(group: any): Entry;
1108 /**
1109 * Set an attribute on the entry
1110 * @param {String} attribute The name of the attribute
1111 * @param {String} value The value to set
1112 * @returns {Entry} Returns self
1113 * @memberof Entry
1114 */
1115 setAttribute(attribute: string, value: string): Entry;
1116 /**
1117 * Set a property on the entry
1118 * @param {String} property The property name
1119 * @param {String=} value The property value
1120 * @returns {Entry} Returns self
1121 * @memberof Entry
1122 */
1123 setProperty(property: string, value?: string | undefined): Entry;
1124 }
1126declare module "tools/sharing" {
1127 export function mergeHistories(initial: any, incoming: any): void;
1128 /**
1129 * Move a group between archives
1130 * @param {Group} movingGroup The group to move
1131 * @param {Group|Vault} targetGroup The group to move to
1132 * @throws {Error} Throws if the remote type is not recognised
1133 */
1134 export function moveGroupBetweenVaults(movingGroup: any, targetGroup: any | any): void;
1135 /**
1136 * Prepend the share prefix to every line that doesn't have it
1137 * @param {String[]} history Array of history lines
1138 * @returns {String[]} Prefixed history lines
1139 */
1140 export function prependSharePrefix(history: string[], shareID: any): string[];
1141 /**
1142 * Remove the share prefix to every line that has it
1143 * @param {String[]} history Array of history lines
1144 * @returns {String[]} Non-prefixed history lines
1145 */
1146 export function removeSharePrefix(history: string[]): string[];
1148declare module "core/Group" {
1149 export = Group;
1150 const Group_base: typeof import("core/VaultItem.js");
1151 /**
1152 * Group class - contains Entrys
1153 * @augments VaultItem
1154 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1155 */
1156 class Group extends Group_base {
1157 static Attribute: Readonly<{
1158 Role: string;
1159 }>;
1160 /**
1161 * Create a new Group instance within a vault and maybe a group
1162 * @param {Vault} vault The vault to add the group to
1163 * @param {String=} parentID Optional parent group ID. If no
1164 * value is specified the group is added to the root of the
1165 * vault.
1166 * @returns {Group}
1167 * @memberof Group
1168 * @static
1169 */
1170 static createNew(vault: any, parentID?: string | undefined): Group;
1171 constructor(vault: any, source: any);
1172 /**
1173 * The type of the instance
1174 * @type {String}
1175 * @readonly
1176 * @memberof Group
1177 */
1178 readonly get type(): string;
1179 /**
1180 * Create a new entry with a title
1181 * @param {String=} title The title of the new entry
1182 * @returns {Entry} The new entry
1183 * @memberof Group
1184 */
1185 createEntry(title?: string | undefined): import("core/Entry.js");
1186 /**
1187 * Create a child group
1188 * @param {string=} title Optionally set a title
1189 * @returns {Group} The new child group
1190 * @memberof Group
1191 */
1192 createGroup(title?: string | undefined): Group;
1193 /**
1194 * Delete the group
1195 * If there is a trash group available, the group is moved there. If the group
1196 * is already in the trash, it is deleted permanently.
1197 * @param {Boolean=} skipTrash Skip the trash
1198 * @returns {Boolean} True when deleted, false when moved to trash
1199 * @memberof Group
1200 */
1201 delete(skipTrash?: boolean | undefined): boolean;
1202 /**
1203 * Delete an attribute
1204 * @param {String} attr The name of the attribute
1205 * @returns {Group} Returns self
1206 * @memberof Group
1207 */
1208 deleteAttribute(attr: string): Group;
1209 /**
1210 * Find an entry by its ID
1211 * @param {String} id The ID to search for
1212 * @returns {null|Entry} Null if not found, or the Entry instance
1213 * @memberof Group
1214 */
1215 findEntryByID(id: string): null | import("core/Entry.js");
1216 /**
1217 * Find all entries that match a certain property
1218 * @name findEntriesByProperty
1219 * @param {RegExp|String} property The property to search with
1220 * @param {RegExp|String} value The value to search for
1221 * @returns {Array.<Entry>} An array of found extries
1222 * @memberof Group
1223 */
1224 findEntriesByProperty(property: RegExp | string, value: RegExp | string): Array<import("core/Entry.js")>;
1225 /**
1226 * Find a group by its ID
1227 * @param {String} id The group ID to search for
1228 * @returns {Group|null} The group or null if not found
1229 * @memberof Group
1230 */
1231 findGroupByID(id: string): Group | null;
1232 /**
1233 * Find groups by their title
1234 * @name findGroupsByTitle
1235 * @param {String|RegExp} title The group title
1236 * @returns {Array.<Group>} An array of groups
1237 * @memberof Group
1238 */
1239 findGroupsByTitle(title: string | RegExp): Array<Group>;
1240 /**
1241 * Get an attribute
1242 * @param {String=} attribute The name of the attribute. If none provided
1243 * the entire attributes object is returned.
1244 * @returns {String|undefined|Object} Returns the attribute or undefined if not found.
1245 * If no attribute name is provided an object containing all attributes is returned.
1246 * @memberof Group
1247 */
1248 getAttribute(attribute?: string | undefined): string | undefined | any;
1249 /**
1250 * Get the entries within the group
1251 * @returns {Array.<Entry>} An array of entries
1252 * @memberof Group
1253 */
1254 getEntries(): Array<import("core/Entry.js")>;
1255 /**
1256 * Get the groups within the group
1257 * @returns {Array.<Group>} An array of child groups
1258 * @memberof Group
1259 */
1260 getGroups(): Array<Group>;
1261 /**
1262 * Get the parent group
1263 * @returns {Group|null} Returns the parent group instance or null if the parent
1264 * is the archive
1265 * @throws {Error} Throws if no parent could be found (detached)
1266 * @memberof Group
1267 */
1268 getParentGroup(): Group | null;
1269 /**
1270 * Get the group title
1271 * @returns {String} The title of the group
1272 * @memberof Group
1273 */
1274 getTitle(): string;
1275 /**
1276 * Check if the group is in the trash
1277 * @returns {Boolean} Whether or not the group is within the trash group
1278 * @memberof Group
1279 */
1280 isInTrash(): boolean;
1281 /**
1282 * Check if the group is used for trash
1283 * @returns {Boolean} Whether or not the group is the trash group
1284 * @memberof Group
1285 */
1286 isTrash(): boolean;
1287 /**
1288 * Move the group to another group or archive
1289 * @param {Group|Vault} target The destination Group or Vault instance
1290 * @returns {Group} Self
1291 * @memberof Group
1292 */
1293 moveTo(target: Group | any): Group;
1294 /**
1295 * Set an attribute
1296 * @param {string} attribute The name of the attribute
1297 * @param {string} value The value to set
1298 * @returns {Group} Returns self
1299 * @memberof Group
1300 */
1301 setAttribute(attribute: string, value: string): Group;
1302 /**
1303 * Set the group title
1304 * @param {String} title The title of the group
1305 * @returns {Group} Returns self
1306 */
1307 setTitle(title: string): Group;
1308 }
1310declare module "core/Vault" {
1311 export = Vault;
1312 const Vault_base: typeof import("eventemitter3");
1313 /**
1314 * Vault class - Contains Groups and Entrys
1315 * @augments EventEmitter
1316 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1317 */
1318 class Vault extends Vault_base {
1319 /**
1320 * Create a new archive instance from a list of commands (history)
1321 * @param {Array.<String>} history The command list
1322 * @param {VaultFormat=} format Optional vault format override
1323 * @returns {Vault} The vault instance
1324 * @static
1325 * @memberof Vault
1326 */
1327 static createFromHistory(history: Array<string>, format?: any): Vault;
1328 /**
1329 * Create a Vault with the default template
1330 * @returns {Vault} The new vault
1331 * @memberof Vault
1332 * @static
1333 */
1334 static createWithDefaults(): Vault;
1335 /**
1336 * Create a new Vault instance
1337 * @param {VaultFormat=} Format Optional vault format specification.
1338 * Will use the default system format (recommended) if not
1339 * specified.
1340 */
1341 constructor(Format?: any);
1342 /**
1343 * Object form of the vault - The "dataset"
1344 * (do not use directly)
1345 * @protected
1346 * @memberof Vault
1347 */
1348 protected _dataset: {};
1349 /**
1350 * The ID of the Vault
1351 * @type {String}
1352 * @readonly
1353 * @memberof Vault
1354 */
1355 readonly get id(): string;
1356 /**
1357 * Whether the Vault is in read-only mode
1358 * or not
1359 * @type {Boolean}
1360 * @readonly
1361 * @memberof Vault
1362 */
1363 readonly get readOnly(): boolean;
1364 /**
1365 * The type of the instance
1366 * @type {String}
1367 * @readonly
1368 * @memberof Vault
1369 */
1370 readonly get type(): string;
1371 format: any;
1372 /**
1373 * Create a new group
1374 * @param {String=} title The title for the group
1375 * @returns {Group} The newly created group
1376 * @memberof Vault
1377 */
1378 createGroup(title?: string | undefined): import("core/Group.js");
1379 /**
1380 * Delete an attribute
1381 * @param {String} attribute The name of the attribute to delete
1382 * @returns {Vault} Self
1383 * @memberof Vault
1384 */
1385 deleteAttribute(attribute: string): Vault;
1386 /**
1387 * Remove all entries and groups from the trash (permanent)
1388 * - does nothing if no trash group
1389 * @returns {Vault} Self
1390 * @memberof Vault
1391 */
1392 emptyTrash(): Vault;
1393 /**
1394 * Find an entry by its ID
1395 * @param {String} id The ID to search for
1396 * @returns {null|Entry} Null if not found, or the Entry instance
1397 * @memberof Vault
1398 */
1399 findEntryByID(id: string): null | any;
1400 /**
1401 * Find all entries that match a certain property
1402 * @name findEntriesByProperty
1403 * @param {RegExp|String} property The property to search with
1404 * @param {RegExp|String} value The value to search for
1405 * @returns {Array.<Entry>} An array of found extries
1406 * @memberof Vault
1407 */
1408 findEntriesByProperty(property: RegExp | string, value: RegExp | string): Array<any>;
1409 /**
1410 * Find a group by its ID
1411 * @param {String} id The group ID to search for
1412 * @returns {Group|null} The group or null if not found
1413 * @memberof Vault
1414 */
1415 findGroupByID(id: string): import("core/Group.js") | null;
1416 /**
1417 * Find groups by their title
1418 * @name findGroupsByTitle
1419 * @param {String|RegExp} title The group title
1420 * @returns {Array.<Group>} An array of groups
1421 * @memberof Vault
1422 */
1423 findGroupsByTitle(title: string | RegExp): Array<import("core/Group.js")>;
1424 /**
1425 * Get the value of an attribute
1426 * @param {String=} attributeName The attribute to get
1427 * @returns {undefined|String|Object} The value of the attribute or undefined if not
1428 * set. Returns an object if no attribute name is given.
1429 * @memberof Vault
1430 */
1431 getAttribute(attributeName?: string | undefined): undefined | string | any;
1432 /**
1433 * Get the top-level groups in the vault
1434 * @returns {Array.<Group>}
1435 * @memberof Vault
1436 */
1437 getGroups(): Array<import("core/Group.js")>;
1438 /**
1439 * Get the trash group
1440 * @returns {Group|null} The trash group or null if it doesn't
1441 * exist
1442 * @memberof Vault
1443 */
1444 getTrashGroup(): import("core/Group.js") | null;
1445 /**
1446 * Set an attribute on the vault
1447 * @param {String} attribute The attribute to set
1448 * @param {String} value The value to set for the attribute
1449 * @returns {Vault} Self
1450 * @memberof Vault
1451 */
1452 setAttribute(attribute: string, value: string): Vault;
1453 }
1455declare module "credentials/Credentials" {
1456 export = Credentials;
1457 /**
1458 * Secure credentials storage/transfer class
1459 * - Allows for the safe transfer of credentials within the
1460 * Buttercup application environment. Will not allow
1461 * credentials to be shared or transferred outside of the
1462 * environment. Credential properties are stored in memory
1463 * and are inaccessible to public functions.
1464 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1465 */
1466 class Credentials {
1467 static PURPOSE_DECRYPT_VAULT: string;
1468 static PURPOSE_ENCRYPT_VAULT: string;
1469 static PURPOSE_SECURE_EXPORT: string;
1470 /**
1471 * Get all available purposes
1472 * @returns {Array.<String>}
1473 * @memberof Credentials
1474 * @static
1475 */
1476 static allPurposes(): Array<string>;
1477 /**
1478 * Create a new Credentials instance using an existing Credentials
1479 * instance - This can be used to reset a credentials's purposes.
1480 * @param {Credentials} credentials A credentials instance
1481 * @param {String} masterPassword The master password used to
1482 * encrypt the instance being cloned
1483 * @returns {Credentials}
1484 * @memberof Credentials
1485 * @static
1486 * @throws {Error} Throws if no master password provided
1487 * @throws {Error} Throws if master password does not match
1488 * original
1489 */
1490 static fromCredentials(credentials: Credentials, masterPassword: string): Credentials;
1491 /**
1492 * Create a new Credentials instance from a Datasource configuration
1493 * @param {Object} datasourceConfig The configuration for the
1494 * datasource - this usually includes the credential data used for
1495 * authenticating against the datasource host platform.
1496 * @param {String|null=} masterPassword Optional master password to
1497 * store alongside the credentials. Used to create secure strings.
1498 * @returns {Credentials}
1499 * @memberof Credentials
1500 * @static
1501 */
1502 static fromDatasource(datasourceConfig: any, masterPassword?: (string | null) | undefined): Credentials;
1503 /**
1504 * Create a new Credentials instance from a password
1505 * - uses the single password value as the master password stored
1506 * alongside the original password if no master password is
1507 * provided. The master password is used when generating secure
1508 * strings.
1509 * @param {String} password The password to store
1510 * @param {String|null=} masterPassword Optional master password
1511 * to store alongside the credentials. Used to create secure
1512 * strings.
1513 * @returns {Credentials}
1514 * @memberof Credentials
1515 * @static
1516 */
1517 static fromPassword(password: string, masterPassword?: (string | null) | undefined): Credentials;
1518 /**
1519 * Create a new instance from a secure string
1520 * @param {String} content Encrypted content
1521 * @param {String} masterPassword The password for decryption
1522 * @returns {Promise.<Credentials>} A promise that resolves with the new instance
1523 * @static
1524 * @memberof Credentials
1525 */
1526 static fromSecureString(content: string, masterPassword: string): Promise<Credentials>;
1527 /**
1528 * Check if a value is an instance of Credentials
1529 * @param {*} inst The value to check
1530 * @returns {Boolean}
1531 * @statuc
1532 * @memberof Credentials
1533 */
1534 static isCredentials(inst: any): boolean;
1535 /**
1536 * Create a new Credentials instance
1537 * @param {Object=} obj Object data representing some credentials
1538 * @param {String|null=} masterPassword Optional master password to store with
1539 * the credentials data, which is used for generating secure strings.
1540 */
1541 constructor(obj?: any | undefined, masterPassword?: (string | null) | undefined);
1542 /**
1543 * Restrict the purposes that this set of credentials
1544 * can be used for. Once a purpose is removed it can
1545 * no longer be added again to the same instance.
1546 * @param {Array.<String>} allowedPurposes An array of
1547 * new allowed purposes. If a purpose mentioned is
1548 * not currently permitted, it will be ignored.
1549 * @returns {Credentials} Returns self
1550 * @memberof Credentials
1551 * @example
1552 * credentials.restrictPurposes(
1553 * Credentials.PURPOSE_SECURE_EXPORT
1554 * );
1555 * // credentials can only be exported to an
1556 * // encrypted string, and not used for things
1557 * // like encrypting datasource changes.
1558 */
1559 restrictPurposes(allowedPurposes: Array<string>): Credentials;
1560 /**
1561 * Convert the credentials to an encrypted string, for storage
1562 * @returns {Promise.<String>} A promise that resolves with the encrypted credentials
1563 * @throws {Error} Rejects when masterPassword is not a string
1564 * @throws {Error} Rejects if credentials don't permit secure export purposes
1565 * @memberof Credentials
1566 */
1567 toSecureString(): Promise<string>;
1568 }
1570declare module "tools/vaultManagement" {
1571 export function getSourceOfflineArchive(storage: any, sourceID: any): any;
1572 export function sourceHasOfflineCopy(storage: any, sourceID: any): any;
1573 export function storeSourceOfflineCopy(storage: any, sourceID: any, content: any): any;
1575declare module "datasources/register" {
1576 export type RegisterDatasourcePostProcessorResult = {
1577 /**
1578 * - Function to call to remove the handler
1579 */
1580 remove: Function;
1581 };
1582 /**
1583 * Convert a Credentials instance to a Datasource
1584 * @param {Credentials} credentials A Credentials instance that
1585 * contains a datasource configuration
1586 * @returns {TextDatasource}
1587 * @throws {Error} Throws if no datasource configuration in
1588 * credentials
1589 * @throws {Error} Throws if no type specified in datasource
1590 * configuration
1591 * @throws {Error} Throws if no datasource found for type
1592 * @private
1593 */
1594 export function credentialsToDatasource(credentials: any): any;
1595 /**
1596 * Execute all datasource postprocessors
1597 * @param {TextDatasource} datasource The datasource instance
1598 * @private
1599 */
1600 export function fireInstantiationHandlers(type: any, datasource: any): void;
1601 /**
1602 * Register a new datasource
1603 * This is called internally by the built-in datasources, but should be called if a
1604 * custom datasource is used.
1605 * @param {String} datasourceType The name (slug) of the datasource
1606 * @param {Object} DSClass The class for the new datasource
1607 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1608 */
1609 export function registerDatasource(datasourceType: string, DSClass: any): void;
1610 /**
1611 * @typedef {Object} RegisterDatasourcePostProcessorResult
1612 * @property {Function} remove - Function to call to remove the handler
1613 */
1614 /**
1615 * Register a post-processor for a datasource being instantiated
1616 * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute with the instantiated datasource
1617 * @returns {RegisterDatasourcePostProcessorResult} The result of the registration
1618 * @private
1619 */
1620 export function registerDatasourcePostProcessor(callback: Function): RegisterDatasourcePostProcessorResult;
1622declare module "tools/hash" {
1623 export {};
1625declare module "myButtercup/Share" {
1626 export = Share;
1627 class Share {
1628 constructor(shareID: any, history: any, permissions?: any[]);
1629 _id: any;
1630 _history: string[];
1631 _lastHash: any;
1632 _dirty: boolean;
1633 _permissions: any[];
1634 get id(): any;
1635 get permissions(): any[];
1636 applyToArchive(archive: any): void;
1637 archiveHasAppliedShare(archive: any): boolean;
1638 getPrefixedHistory(): string[];
1639 updateHistory(history: any): boolean;
1640 }
1642declare module "myButtercup/sharing" {
1643 export function initialiseShares(workspace: any): any;
1645declare module "facades/detection" {
1646 /**
1647 * Check if a string is an OTP URI
1648 * @param {String} str The string to check
1649 * @returns {Boolean}
1650 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1651 */
1652 export function isOTPURI(str: string): boolean;
1653 /**
1654 * Check if an object is a vault facade
1655 * @param {Object|*} obj The item to check
1656 * @returns {Boolean} True if a vault facade
1657 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1658 */
1659 export function isVaultFacade(obj: any | any): boolean;
1661declare module "facades/symbols" {
1662 export type FlagSpecification = {
1663 /**
1664 * The title of the entry type
1665 */
1666 title: string;
1667 /**
1668 * The slug of the entry type
1669 */
1670 slug: string;
1671 };
1672 /**
1673 * Default entry type
1674 * @type {String}
1675 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1676 */
1677 export const DEFAULT_ENTRY_TYPE: string;
1678 /**
1679 * Default entry field type
1680 * @type {String}
1681 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1682 */
1683 export const DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE: string;
1684 /**
1685 * Credit-card entry type
1686 * @type {String}
1687 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1688 */
1689 export const ENTRY_TYPE_CREDITCARD: string;
1690 /**
1691 * Login (default) entry type
1692 * @type {String}
1693 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1694 */
1695 export const ENTRY_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
1696 /**
1697 * Note entry type
1698 * @type {String}
1699 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1700 */
1701 export const ENTRY_TYPE_NOTE: string;
1702 /**
1703 * SSH public/private key-pair entry type
1704 * @type {String}
1705 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1706 */
1707 export const ENTRY_TYPE_SSHKEY: string;
1708 /**
1709 * Website entry type (includes URL)
1710 * @type {String}
1711 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1712 */
1713 export const ENTRY_TYPE_WEBSITE: string;
1714 /**
1715 * @typedef {Object} FlagSpecification
1716 * @property {String} title The title of the entry type
1717 * @property {String} slug The slug of the entry type
1718 */
1719 /**
1720 * Entry types collection (all available)
1721 * @type {Object.<String,FlagSpecification>}
1722 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1723 */
1724 export const ENTRY_TYPES: any;
1725 export const FACADE_VERSION: 2;
1726 /**
1727 * Note type entry field value
1728 * @type {String}
1729 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1730 */
1731 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_NOTE: string;
1732 /**
1733 * OTP (One Time Password) type entry field value
1734 * @type {String}
1735 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1736 */
1737 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_OTP: string;
1738 /**
1739 * Password type entry field value
1740 * @type {String}
1741 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1742 */
1743 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_PASSWORD: string;
1744 /**
1745 * Text (default) type entry field value
1746 * @type {String}
1747 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1748 */
1749 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT: string;
1750 /**
1751 * Entry field value types collection (all available)
1752 * @type {Object.<String,FlagSpecification>}
1753 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1754 */
1755 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPES: any;
1757declare module "facades/tools" {
1758 export type EntryFacadeFieldFormattingSegment = {
1759 /**
1760 * - A character to match with a regular expression
1761 */
1762 char?: RegExp | undefined;
1763 /**
1764 * - Number of times to repeat the character match (required for `char`)
1765 */
1766 repeat?: number | undefined;
1767 /**
1768 * - The exact character match (operates in opposition to `char`)
1769 */
1770 exactly?: string | undefined;
1771 };
1772 export type EntryFacadeFieldFormatting = {
1773 /**
1774 * - The segmented formatting of the value
1775 */
1776 format?: Array<EntryFacadeFieldFormattingSegment> | undefined;
1777 /**
1778 * - Optional placeholder for the input (ties in to `format`)
1779 */
1780 placeholder?: string | undefined;
1781 /**
1782 * - Options for a dropdown: either an array of option values or an object
1783 * (key:value) of values and titles
1784 */
1785 options?: (any | Array) | undefined;
1786 /**
1787 * - The default option value if none set
1788 */
1789 defaultOption?: string | undefined;
1790 };
1791 /**
1792 * Entry facade data field
1793 */
1794 export type EntryFacadeField = {
1795 /**
1796 * - A randomly generated ID (UUID) for identifying this field during editing
1797 */
1798 id: string;
1799 /**
1800 * - The user-friendly title of the field
1801 */
1802 title: string;
1803 /**
1804 * - The type of data to map back to on the Entry instance (property/attribute)
1805 */
1806 propertyType: string;
1807 /**
1808 * - The property name within the field type of the Entry instance
1809 */
1810 property: string;
1811 /**
1812 * - The value of the property (read/write)
1813 */
1814 value: string;
1815 /**
1816 * - The type of value (rendering) (null for attributes)
1817 */
1818 valueType?: string | undefined;
1819 /**
1820 * - Vendor formatting options object, or false if no formatting necessary
1821 */
1822 formatting: EntryFacadeFieldFormatting | boolean;
1823 /**
1824 * - Whether or not the field can be removed or have its key changed
1825 */
1826 removeable: boolean;
1827 };
1828 /**
1829 * @typedef {Object} EntryFacadeFieldFormattingSegment
1830 * @property {RegExp=} char - A character to match with a regular expression
1831 * @property {Number=} repeat - Number of times to repeat the character match (required for `char`)
1832 * @property {String=} exactly - The exact character match (operates in opposition to `char`)
1833 */
1834 /**
1835 * @typedef {Object} EntryFacadeFieldFormatting
1836 * @property {Array.<EntryFacadeFieldFormattingSegment>=} format - The segmented formatting of the value
1837 * @property {String=} placeholder - Optional placeholder for the input (ties in to `format`)
1838 * @property {Object|Array=} options - Options for a dropdown: either an array of option values or an object
1839 * (key:value) of values and titles
1840 * @property {String=} defaultOption - The default option value if none set
1841 */
1842 /**
1843 * Entry facade data field
1844 * @typedef {Object} EntryFacadeField
1845 * @property {String} id - A randomly generated ID (UUID) for identifying this field during editing
1846 * @property {String} title - The user-friendly title of the field
1847 * @property {String} propertyType - The type of data to map back to on the Entry instance (property/attribute)
1848 * @property {String} property - The property name within the field type of the Entry instance
1849 * @property {String} value - The value of the property (read/write)
1850 * @property {String=} valueType - The type of value (rendering) (null for attributes)
1851 * @property {EntryFacadeFieldFormatting|Boolean} formatting - Vendor formatting options object, or false if no formatting necessary
1852 * @property {Boolean} removeable - Whether or not the field can be removed or have its key changed
1853 */
1854 /**
1855 * Create a descriptor for a field to be used within a facade
1856 * @param {Entry|null} entry The entry instance to process or null if the initial value
1857 * should be empty
1858 * @param {String} title The field title
1859 * @param {String} entryPropertyType The type of entry property (property/attribute)
1860 * @param {String} entryPropertyName The name of the property
1861 * @param {Object} options The options for the field
1862 * @returns {EntryFacadeField} The field descriptor
1863 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1864 */
1865 export function createFieldDescriptor(entry: any | null, title: string, entryPropertyType: string, entryPropertyName: string, { formatting, removeable, valueType }?: any): EntryFacadeField;
1866 /**
1867 * Get a value on an entry for a specific property type
1868 * @param {Entry} entry The entry instance
1869 * @param {String} propertyType The type of entry property (property/attribute)
1870 * @param {String} name The property name
1871 * @returns {String} The property value
1872 * @throws {Error} Throws for unknown property types
1873 * @deprecated Not in use - To be removed
1874 */
1875 export function getEntryValue(entry: any, propertyType: string, name: string): string;
1876 /**
1877 * Get the entry value type
1878 * @param {Entry|null} entry Entry instance
1879 * @param {String} propertyName The entry property name
1880 * @returns {String} The entry value type (returns default "text"
1881 * if entry not specified)
1882 */
1883 export function getEntryValueType(entry: import("core/Entry.js") | null, propertyName: string): string;
1884 /**
1885 * Check if an ID signifies a new instance and not an
1886 * existing one
1887 * @param {String|Number} id The ID to check
1888 * @returns {Boolean}
1889 */
1890 export function idSignifiesNew(id: string | number): boolean;
1891 /**
1892 * Set the value type attribute of an entry
1893 * @param {Entry} entry Entry instance
1894 * @param {String} propertyName The property name
1895 * @param {String} valueType The value type
1896 */
1897 export function setEntryValueType(entry: import("core/Entry.js"), propertyName: string, valueType: string): void;
1899declare module "facades/entryFields" {
1900 const _exports: {
1901 [x: string]: typeof createLoginFields;
1902 };
1903 export = _exports;
1904 function createLoginFields(entry: any): import("facades/tools.js").EntryFacadeField[];
1906declare module "facades/entry" {
1907 export type EntryHistoryItem = {
1908 /**
1909 * The property/attribute name
1910 */
1911 property: string;
1912 /**
1913 * Either "property" or "attribute"
1914 */
1915 propertyType: string;
1916 /**
1917 * The original value or null if it did not exist
1918 * before this change
1919 */
1920 originalValue: string | null;
1921 /**
1922 * The new value or null if it was deleted
1923 */
1924 newValue: string | null;
1925 };
1926 /**
1927 * Entry facade for data input
1928 */
1929 export type EntryFacade = {
1930 /**
1931 * - The entry ID
1932 */
1933 id: string;
1934 /**
1935 * - The type of the facade
1936 */
1937 type: string;
1938 /**
1939 * - An array of fields
1940 */
1941 fields: Array<any>;
1942 /**
1943 * - The parent group ID
1944 */
1945 parentID: string;
1946 /**
1947 * - Array of changes for all properties of
1948 * the entry
1949 */
1950 _history: Array<EntryHistoryItem>;
1951 };
1952 export type CreateEntryFacadeOptions = {
1953 /**
1954 * - Optionally override the created facade type
1955 */
1956 type?: string | undefined;
1957 };
1958 /**
1959 * Process a modified entry facade
1960 * @param {Entry} entry The entry to apply processed data on
1961 * @param {EntryFacade} facade The facade object
1962 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1963 */
1964 export function consumeEntryFacade(entry: import("core/Entry.js"), facade: EntryFacade): void;
1965 /**
1966 * @typedef {Object} CreateEntryFacadeOptions
1967 * @property {String=} type - Optionally override the created facade type
1968 */
1969 /**
1970 * Create a data/input facade for an Entry instance
1971 * @param {Entry=} entry The Entry instance
1972 * @param {CreateEntryFacadeOptions=} ops Options for the entry facade creation
1973 * @returns {EntryFacade} A newly created facade
1974 * @memberof module:Buttercup
1975 */
1976 export function createEntryFacade(entry?: import("core/Entry.js") | undefined, { type }?: CreateEntryFacadeOptions | undefined): EntryFacade;
1978declare module "facades/vault" {
1979 export type VaultFacade = {
1980 /**
1981 * - The facade type: "vault"
1982 */
1983 type: string;
1984 /**
1985 * - The vault ID
1986 */
1987 id: string;
1988 /**
1989 * - A key/value list of all the vault attributes
1990 */
1991 attributes: any;
1992 /**
1993 * - An array of group facades
1994 */
1995 groups: Array<GroupFacade>;
1996 /**
1997 * - An array of entry facades
1998 */
1999 entries: Array<any>;
2000 /**
2001 * - The UUID tag for the generation of the facade
2002 */
2003 _tag: string;
2004 };
2005 export type GroupFacade = {
2006 /**
2007 * - The facade type: "group"
2008 */
2009 type: string;
2010 /**
2011 * - The group ID. Will be set to null if
2012 * the group is a new one
2013 */
2014 id: string | null;
2015 /**
2016 * - The group title
2017 */
2018 title: string;
2019 /**
2020 * - A key/value list of group attributes
2021 */
2022 attributes: any;
2023 /**
2024 * - The parent group ID. Set to "0" if
2025 * it is to be created in the root.
2026 */
2027 parentID: string | null;
2028 };
2029 /**
2030 * Consume a group facade and apply the differences to a group instance
2031 * @param {Group} group The group instance to apply to
2032 * @param {GroupFacade} facade The facade to apply
2033 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2034 */
2035 export function consumeGroupFacade(group: any, facade: GroupFacade): void;
2036 /**
2037 * Consume a vault facade and apply the differences to the vault
2038 * instance
2039 * @param {Vault} vault The vault instance to apply to
2040 * @param {VaultFacade} facade The facade to apply
2041 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2042 */
2043 export function consumeVaultFacade(vault: any, facade: VaultFacade): void;
2044 /**
2045 * @typedef {Object} GroupFacade
2046 * @property {String} type - The facade type: "group"
2047 * @property {String|null} id - The group ID. Will be set to null if
2048 * the group is a new one
2049 * @property {String} title - The group title
2050 * @property {Object} attributes - A key/value list of group attributes
2051 * @property {String|null} parentID - The parent group ID. Set to "0" if
2052 * it is to be created in the root.
2053 */
2054 /**
2055 * Create a group facade from a Group instance
2056 * @param {Group} group The group instance
2057 * @param {String=} parentID The parent ID of the group
2058 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2059 */
2060 export function createGroupFacade(group: any, parentID?: string | undefined): {
2061 type: string;
2062 id: any;
2063 title: any;
2064 attributes: any;
2065 parentID: string;
2066 };
2067 /**
2068 * @typedef {Object} VaultFacade
2069 * @property {String} type - The facade type: "vault"
2070 * @property {String} id - The vault ID
2071 * @property {Object} attributes - A key/value list of all the vault attributes
2072 * @property {Array.<GroupFacade>} groups - An array of group facades
2073 * @property {Array.<EntryFacade>} entries - An array of entry facades
2074 * @property {String} _tag - The UUID tag for the generation of the facade
2075 */
2076 /**
2077 * Create a vault facade from an Vault instance
2078 * @param {Vault} vault A vault instance
2079 * @returns {VaultFacade} A vault facade
2080 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2081 */
2082 export function createVaultFacade(vault: any): VaultFacade;
2084declare module "core/VaultComparator" {
2085 export = VaultComparator;
2086 /**
2087 * Vault comparison class
2088 */
2089 class VaultComparator {
2090 static calculateHistoryDifferences(historyA: any, historyB: any): boolean | {
2091 original: string[];
2092 secondary: string[];
2093 };
2094 /**
2095 * Constructor for the vault comparator
2096 * @param {Vault} originalVault The primary vault
2097 * @param {Vault} secondaryVault The secondary vault
2098 */
2099 constructor(originalVault: any, secondaryVault: any);
2100 _vaultA: any;
2101 _vaultB: any;
2102 /**
2103 * Calculate the differences, in commands, between the two vaults
2104 * @returns {{ original:Array, secondary:Array }|null} Returns null if no common base
2105 * is found, or the command differences as two arrays
2106 * @memberof VaultComparator
2107 */
2108 calculateDifferences(): {
2109 original: Array;
2110 secondary: Array;
2111 } | null;
2112 /**
2113 * Check if the current vaults differ
2114 * @returns {Boolean} True if the vaults are different
2115 * @memberof VaultComparator
2116 */
2117 vaultsDiffer(): boolean;
2118 }
2120declare module "insight/vault" {
2121 export type VaultInsights = {
2122 /**
2123 * Average password length
2124 */
2125 avgPassLen?: number | undefined;
2126 /**
2127 * Number of entries in the vault
2128 */
2129 entries?: number | undefined;
2130 /**
2131 * Number of groups in the vault
2132 */
2133 groups?: number | undefined;
2134 /**
2135 * Longest password length
2136 */
2137 longPassLen?: number | undefined;
2138 /**
2139 * Shortest password length
2140 */
2141 shortPassLen?: number | undefined;
2142 /**
2143 * Number of entries in trash
2144 */
2145 trashEntries?: number | undefined;
2146 /**
2147 * Number of groups in trash
2148 */
2149 trashGroups?: number | undefined;
2150 };
2151 export type Insights = {
2152 /**
2153 * Average password length
2154 */
2155 avgPassLen?: number | undefined;
2156 /**
2157 * Number of entries in the vault
2158 */
2159 entries?: number | undefined;
2160 /**
2161 * Number of groups in the vault
2162 */
2163 groups?: number | undefined;
2164 /**
2165 * Longest password length
2166 */
2167 longPassLen?: number | undefined;
2168 /**
2169 * Shortest password length
2170 */
2171 shortPassLen?: number | undefined;
2172 /**
2173 * Number of entries in trash
2174 */
2175 trashEntries?: number | undefined;
2176 /**
2177 * Number of groups in trash
2178 */
2179 trashGroups?: number | undefined;
2180 };
2181 /**
2182 * @typedef {Object} VaultInsights
2183 * @property {Number=} avgPassLen Average password length
2184 * @property {Number=} entries Number of entries in the vault
2185 * @property {Number=} groups Number of groups in the vault
2186 * @property {Number=} longPassLen Longest password length
2187 * @property {Number=} shortPassLen Shortest password length
2188 * @property {Number=} trashEntries Number of entries in trash
2189 * @property {Number=} trashGroups Number of groups in trash
2190 */
2191 /**
2192 * @typedef {VaultInsights} Insights
2193 */
2194 /**
2195 * Generate insights for a vault instance
2196 * @param {Vault} vault The vault instance
2197 * @returns {VaultInsights}
2198 * @private
2199 */
2200 export function generateVaultInsights(vault: any): VaultInsights;
2202declare module "core/VaultSource" {
2203 export = VaultSource;
2204 const VaultSource_base: typeof import("eventemitter3");
2205 /**
2206 * Vault source class for managing a single vault
2207 * within a vault manager
2208 * @augments EventEmitter
2209 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2210 */
2211 class VaultSource extends VaultSource_base {
2212 static STATUS_LOCKED: string;
2213 static STATUS_PENDING: string;
2214 static STATUS_UNLOCKED: string;
2215 /**
2216 * Rehydrate the vault source from a dehydrated state
2217 * @param {String} dehydratedString The dehydrated form of the vault source
2218 * @returns {VaultSource} A rehydrated instance
2219 * @memberof VaultSource
2220 * @static
2221 */
2222 static rehydrate(dehydratedString: string): VaultSource;
2223 constructor(name: any, type: any, credentialsString: any, config?: {});
2224 _queue: any;
2225 _credentials: any;
2226 _status: string;
2227 _datasource: any;
2228 _vault: any;
2229 _shares: any[];
2230 _id: any;
2231 _name: any;
2232 _type: any;
2233 _colour: any;
2234 _order: any;
2235 _meta: any;
2236 _vaultManager: any;
2237 set colour(arg: string);
2238 /**
2239 * Source colour
2240 * @type {String}
2241 * @memberof VaultSource
2242 */
2243 get colour(): string;
2244 /**
2245 * Source ID
2246 * @type {String}
2247 * @memberof VaultSource
2248 * @readonly
2249 */
2250 readonly get id(): string;
2251 /**
2252 * Meta data
2253 * @type {Object}
2254 * @memberof VaultSource
2255 * @readonly
2256 */
2257 readonly get meta(): any;
2258 /**
2259 * Source name
2260 * @type {String}
2261 * @memberof VaultSource
2262 * @readonly
2263 */
2264 readonly get name(): string;
2265 /**
2266 * Source status
2267 * @type {String}
2268 * @memberof VaultSource
2269 * @readonly
2270 */
2271 readonly get status(): string;
2272 /**
2273 * The datasource type
2274 * @type {String}
2275 * @memberof VaultSource
2276 * @readonly
2277 */
2278 readonly get type(): string;
2279 /**
2280 * Vault reference
2281 * @type {Vault|null}
2282 * @memberof VaultSource
2283 * @readonly
2284 */
2285 readonly get vault(): import("core/Vault.js");
2286 /**
2287 * Change the master vault password
2288 * @param {String} oldPassword The original/current password
2289 * @param {String} newPassword The new password to change to
2290 * @param {Object=} meta Optional metadata
2291 * @returns {Promise}
2292 * @memberof VaultSource
2293 */
2294 changeMasterPassword(oldPassword: string, newPassword: string, meta?: any | undefined): Promise<any>;
2295 /**
2296 * Check if the vault source can be updated
2297 * @returns {Boolean}
2298 * @memberof VaultSource
2299 */
2300 canBeUpdated(): boolean;
2301 /**
2302 * Check if the source has an offline copy
2303 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} A promise which resolves with whether an offline
2304 * copy is available or not
2305 * @memberof VaultSource
2306 */
2307 checkOfflineCopy(): Promise<boolean>;
2308 dehydrate(): Promise<string>;
2309 /**
2310 * Get offline content, if it exists
2311 * @returns {Promise.<String|null>} A promise a resolves with the content, or null
2312 * if it doesn't exist
2313 * @memberof VaultSource
2314 */
2315 getOfflineContent(): Promise<string | null>;
2316 /**
2317 * Detect whether the local archives (in memory) differ from their remote copies
2318 * Fetches the remote copies from their datasources and detects differences between
2319 * them and their local counterparts. Does not change/update the local items.
2320 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} A promise that resolves with a boolean - true if
2321 * there are differences, false if there is not
2322 * @memberof VaultSource
2323 */
2324 localDiffersFromRemote(): Promise<boolean>;
2325 lock(): Promise<void>;
2326 /**
2327 * Merge remote contents
2328 * Detects differences between a local and a remote item, and merges the
2329 * two copies together.
2330 * @returns {Promise.<Vault>} A promise that resolves with the newly merged archive -
2331 * This archive is automatically saved over the original local copy.
2332 * @memberof VaultSource
2333 */
2334 mergeFromRemote(): Promise<import("core/Vault.js")>;
2335 /**
2336 * Save the vault to the remote, ensuring that it's first merged and
2337 * updated to prevent conflicts or overwrites.
2338 * @returns {Promise}
2339 * @memberof VaultSource
2340 */
2341 save(): Promise<any>;
2342 unlock(vaultCredentials: any, config?: {}): Promise<any>;
2343 /**
2344 * Update the vault
2345 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once the update has
2346 * completed
2347 * @memberof VaultSource
2348 */
2349 update({ skipDiff }?: {
2350 skipDiff?: boolean;
2351 }): Promise<any>;
2352 /**
2353 * Write the vault to the remote
2354 * - This does not perform any merging or sync checks, but simply
2355 * writes the vault contents to the remote, overwriting whatever
2356 * was there before.
2357 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when saving has completed
2358 * @memberof VaultSource
2359 */
2360 write(): Promise<any>;
2361 _applyShares(): void;
2362 _enqueueStateChange(cb: any, stack: any): any;
2363 _unloadShares(): void;
2364 _updateCredentialsFromDatasource(): Promise<void>;
2365 _updateInsights(): Promise<void>;
2366 _updateVaultCredentials(newCredentials: any): Promise<void>;
2367 /**
2368 * Wait for the source to enter a non-pending state
2369 * @protected
2370 * @returns {Promise}
2371 * @memberof VaultSource
2372 */
2373 protected _waitNonPending(): Promise<any>;
2374 }
2376declare module "core/VaultManager" {
2377 export = VaultManager;
2378 const VaultManager_base: typeof import("eventemitter3");
2379 /**
2380 * @typedef {Object} VaultManagerOptions
2381 * @property {Boolean=} autoUpdate Whether or not to auto update unlocked vaults
2382 * @property {Number=} autoUpdateDelay Delay in milliseconds between auto-update
2383 * checks
2384 * @property {StorageInterface=} cacheStorage Storage adapter for storing
2385 * cached vault contents for offline access
2386 * @property {StorageInterface=} sourceStorage Storage adapter for storing
2387 * managed vault details so that they can be rehydrated upon startup
2388 */
2389 /**
2390 * Vault manager, to manage vault sources and their vaults
2391 * @augments EventEmitter
2392 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2393 */
2394 class VaultManager extends VaultManager_base {
2395 /**
2396 * Construct a new VaultManager
2397 * @param {VaultManagerOptions=} opts Configuration options
2398 */
2399 constructor(opts?: VaultManagerOptions | undefined);
2400 _sources: any[];
2401 _cacheStorage: any;
2402 _sourceStorage: any;
2403 _queue: any;
2404 _autoUpdateEnabled: boolean;
2405 _autoUpdateDelay: number;
2406 _autoUpdateTimer: NodeJS.Timeout;
2407 _initialised: boolean;
2408 /**
2409 * Array of vault sources
2410 * @type {VaultSource[]}
2411 * @readonly
2412 * @memberof VaultManager
2413 */
2414 readonly get sources(): import("core/VaultSource.js")[];
2415 /**
2416 * Array of unlocked vault sources
2417 * @type {VaultSource[]}
2418 * @readonly
2419 * @memberof VaultManager
2420 */
2421 readonly get unlockedSources(): import("core/VaultSource.js")[];
2422 /**
2423 * @typedef {Object} AddSourceOptions
2424 * @property {Number=} order Optional order override
2425 */
2426 /**
2427 * Add a VaultSource to the VaultManager
2428 * - The vault manager will then provide a management
2429 * platform for the source, including storage access and
2430 * event aggregation.
2431 * @param {VaultSource} source The source to add
2432 * @param {AddSourceOptions=} opts Options for adding the
2433 * source
2434 * @returns {Promise}
2435 * @memberof VaultManager
2436 */
2437 addSource(source: import("core/VaultSource.js"), opts?: {
2438 /**
2439 * Optional order override
2440 */
2441 order?: number | undefined;
2442 }): Promise<any>;
2443 /**
2444 * Dehydrate all sources and write them to storage
2445 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once all sources have been dehydrated
2446 * @memberof VaultManager
2447 */
2448 dehydrate(): Promise<any>;
2449 /**
2450 * Dehydrate a single archive source
2451 * @param {String} sourceID The ID of the source
2452 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once the source has been dehydrated
2453 * @memberof VaultManager
2454 */
2455 dehydrateSource(sourceOrSourceID: any): Promise<any>;
2456 /**
2457 * Enqueue an asychronous change of state
2458 * @param {Function} cb Callback to enqueue
2459 * @returns {Promise}
2460 * @memberof VaultManager
2461 */
2462 enqueueStateChange(cb: Function): Promise<any>;
2463 /**
2464 * Get the next viable order number for a new source
2465 * @returns {Number} The new order
2466 * @memberof VaultManager
2467 */
2468 getNextOrder(): number;
2469 /**
2470 * Get a source for an ID
2471 * @param {String} sourceID The source ID
2472 * @returns {Vaultsource|null} The source with the matching ID or null if not found
2473 * @memberof VaultManager
2474 */
2475 getSourceForID(sourceID: string): any | null;
2476 /**
2477 * Get an array of sources that can be updated
2478 * @returns {Array.<VaultSource>}
2479 * @memberof VaultManager
2480 */
2481 getUpdateableSources(): Array<import("core/VaultSource.js")>;
2482 /**
2483 * Initialise the vault manager
2484 * @memberof VaultManager
2485 */
2486 initialise(): void;
2487 /**
2488 * Wait for and interrupt state changes when auto-update is running
2489 * @param {Function} cb The callback to execute during the auto-update interruption
2490 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves when ready
2491 * @memberof ArchiveManager
2492 * @example
2493 * archiveManager.interruptAutoUpdate(() => {
2494 * // Do something with auto-updating paused
2495 * });
2496 */
2497 interruptAutoUpdate(cb: Function): Promise<any>;
2498 /**
2499 * Rehydrate sources from storage
2500 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once rehydration has completed
2501 * @memberof VaultManager
2502 * @throws {VError} Rejects if rehydrating from storage fails
2503 */
2504 rehydrate(): Promise<any>;
2505 /**
2506 * Remove a source from the storage
2507 * @param {String} sourceID The ID of the source to remove
2508 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once the source has been removed
2509 * @memberof VaultManager
2510 */
2511 removeSource(sourceID: string): Promise<any>;
2512 /**
2513 * Reorder a source
2514 * @param {String} sourceID The ID of the source to reorder
2515 * @param {Number} position The 0-based position to move the source to
2516 * @memberof VaultManager
2517 * @throws {VError} Throws if no source is found
2518 */
2519 reorderSource(sourceID: string, position: number): void;
2520 /**
2521 * Reorder all sources
2522 * @memberof VaultManager
2523 */
2524 reorderSources(): void;
2525 /**
2526 * Toggle auto updating of sources
2527 * @param {Boolean=} enable Enable or disable auto updating. Leave empty
2528 * to invert the setting
2529 * @param {Number=} delay Milliseconds between updates
2530 * @memberof VaultManager
2531 */
2532 toggleAutoUpdating(enable?: boolean | undefined, delay?: number | undefined): void;
2533 _autoUpdateSources(): Promise<any>;
2534 _startAutoUpdateTimer(): void;
2535 _storeDehydratedSource(id: any, dehydratedSource: any): any;
2536 }
2537 namespace VaultManager {
2538 export { VaultManagerOptions };
2539 }
2540 type VaultManagerOptions = {
2541 /**
2542 * Whether or not to auto update unlocked vaults
2543 */
2544 autoUpdate?: boolean | undefined;
2545 /**
2546 * Delay in milliseconds between auto-update
2547 * checks
2548 */
2549 autoUpdateDelay?: number | undefined;
2550 /**
2551 * Storage adapter for storing
2552 * cached vault contents for offline access
2553 */
2554 cacheStorage?: any;
2555 /**
2556 * Storage adapter for storing
2557 * managed vault details so that they can be rehydrated upon startup
2558 */
2559 sourceStorage?: any;
2560 };
2562declare module "datasources/TextDatasource" {
2563 export = TextDatasource;
2564 /**
2565 * @typedef {Object} LoadedVaultData
2566 * @property {VaultFormat} Format The vault format class that was detected
2567 * when reading encrypted vault contents
2568 * @property {Array.<String>} history Decrypted vault data
2569 */
2570 /**
2571 * Datasource for text input and output
2572 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2573 */
2574 class TextDatasource {
2575 /**
2576 * Constructor for the text datasource
2577 * @param {Credentials} credentials The credentials and configuration for
2578 * the datasource
2579 */
2580 constructor(credentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js"));
2581 _credentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js");
2582 _content: string;
2583 type: string;
2584 /**
2585 * Datasource credentials
2586 * @type {Credentials}
2587 * @readonly
2588 */
2589 readonly get credentials(): import("credentials/Credentials.js");
2590 /**
2591 * Whether the datasource currently has content
2592 * Used to check if the datasource has encrypted content that can be
2593 * loaded. May be used when attempting to open a vault in offline mode.
2594 * @type {Boolean}
2595 * @memberof TextDatasource
2596 */
2597 get hasContent(): boolean;
2598 /**
2599 * Get the ID of the datasource
2600 * ID to uniquely identify the datasource and its parameters
2601 * @returns {String} A hasn of the datasource (unique ID)
2602 * @memberof TextDataSource
2603 */
2604 getID(): string;
2605 /**
2606 * Load from the stored content using a password to decrypt
2607 * @param {Credentials} credentials The password or Credentials instance to decrypt with
2608 * @returns {Promise.<LoadedVaultData>} A promise that resolves with decrypted history
2609 * @throws {Error} Rejects if content is empty
2610 * @memberof TextDatasource
2611 */
2612 load(credentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js")): Promise<LoadedVaultData>;
2613 /**
2614 * Save archive contents with a password
2615 * @param {Array.<String>} history Archive history to save
2616 * @param {Credentials} credentials The Credentials instance to encrypt with
2617 * @returns {Promise.<string>} A promise resolving with the encrypted content
2618 * @memberof TextDatasource
2619 */
2620 save(vaultCommands: any, credentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js")): Promise<string>;
2621 /**
2622 * Set the text content
2623 * @param {String} content The encrypted text content
2624 * @returns {TextDatasource} Self
2625 * @memberof TextDatasource
2626 */
2627 setContent(content: string): TextDatasource;
2628 /**
2629 * Whether or not the datasource supports the changing of the master password
2630 * @returns {Boolean} True if the datasource supports password changing
2631 * @memberof TextDataSource
2632 */
2633 supportsPasswordChange(): boolean;
2634 /**
2635 * Whether or not the datasource supports bypassing remote fetch operations
2636 * (offline support)
2637 * @returns {Boolean} True if content can be set to bypass fetch operations,
2638 * false otherwise
2639 * @memberof TextDatasource
2640 */
2641 supportsRemoteBypass(): boolean;
2642 }
2643 namespace TextDatasource {
2644 export { LoadedVaultData };
2645 }
2646 type LoadedVaultData = {
2647 /**
2648 * The vault format class that was detected
2649 * when reading encrypted vault contents
2650 */
2651 Format: any;
2652 /**
2653 * Decrypted vault data
2654 */
2655 history: Array<string>;
2656 };
2658declare module "datasources/FileDatasource" {
2659 export = FileDatasource;
2660 const FileDatasource_base: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
2661 /**
2662 * File datasource for loading and saving files
2663 * @augments TextDatasource
2664 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2665 */
2666 class FileDatasource extends FileDatasource_base {
2667 /**
2668 * Constructor for the file datasource
2669 * @param {Credentials} credentials The credentials instance with which to
2670 * use to configure the datasource
2671 */
2672 constructor(credentials: any);
2673 _filename: any;
2674 readFile: any;
2675 writeFile: any;
2676 /**
2677 * The file path
2678 * @type {String}
2679 * @memberof FileDatasource
2680 */
2681 get path(): string;
2682 }
2684declare module "datasources/WebDAVDatasource" {
2685 export = WebDAVDatasource;
2686 const WebDAVDatasource_base: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
2687 /**
2688 * WebDAV datasource for reading and writing remote archives
2689 * @augments TextDatasource
2690 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2691 */
2692 class WebDAVDatasource extends WebDAVDatasource_base {
2693 /**
2694 * Constructor for the datasource
2695 * @param {Credentials} credentials Credentials for the datasource
2696 */
2697 constructor(credentials: any);
2698 _path: any;
2699 _client: any;
2700 /**
2701 * The WebDAV client instance
2702 * @type {Object}
2703 * @memberof WebDAVDatasource
2704 */
2705 get client(): any;
2706 /**
2707 * The remote archive path
2708 * @type {String}
2709 * @memberof WebDAVDatasource
2710 */
2711 get path(): string;
2712 }
2714declare module "datasources/DropboxDatasource" {
2715 export = DropboxDatasource;
2716 const DropboxDatasource_base: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
2717 /**
2718 * Datasource for Dropbox archives
2719 * @augments TextDatasource
2720 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2721 */
2722 class DropboxDatasource extends DropboxDatasource_base {
2723 /**
2724 * Datasource for Dropbox accounts
2725 * @param {Credentials} credentials Credentials instance to configure the
2726 * datsource with
2727 */
2728 constructor(credentials: any);
2729 path: any;
2730 token: any;
2731 client: any;
2732 }
2734declare module "datasources/DatasourceAuthManager" {
2735 export = DatasourceAuthManager;
2736 /**
2737 * Authentication manager
2738 * @augments EventEmitter
2739 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2740 */
2741 class DatasourceAuthManager {
2742 /**
2743 * Get the shared DatasourceAuthManager instance
2744 * @returns {DatasourceAuthManager} The shared auth manager instance
2745 * @static
2746 * @memberof DatasourceAuthManager
2747 */
2748 static getSharedManager(): DatasourceAuthManager;
2749 _handlers: {};
2750 /**
2751 * Execute auth handlers for a datasource
2752 * @param {String} datasourceType The type of datasource (slug)
2753 * @param {TextDatasource} datasourceInst The datasource instance
2754 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once execution has completed
2755 * @throws {Error} Throws if no handlers have been specified
2756 * @memberof DatasourceAuthManager
2757 */
2758 executeAuthHandlers(datasourceType: string, datasourceInst: any): Promise<any>;
2759 /**
2760 * Register an auth handler
2761 * @param {String} datasourceType The datasource type
2762 * @param {Function} handler The handler function
2763 * @example
2764 * authManager.registerHandler("googledrive", datasource => {
2765 * return renewTokens().then(({ accessToken, refreshToken }) => {
2766 * datasource.token = accessToken;
2767 * datasource.refreshToken = refreshToken;
2768 * });
2769 * });
2770 * @memberof DatasourceAuthManager
2771 * @throws {Error} Throws if the handler argument is not a function
2772 */
2773 registerHandler(datasourceType: string, handler: Function): void;
2774 }
2776declare module "datasources/GoogleDriveDatasource" {
2777 export = GoogleDriveDatasource;
2778 const GoogleDriveDatasource_base: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
2779 /**
2780 * Datasource for Google Drive archives
2781 * @augments TextDatasource
2782 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2783 */
2784 class GoogleDriveDatasource extends GoogleDriveDatasource_base {
2785 /**
2786 * Datasource for Google Drive connections
2787 * @param {Credentials} credentials The credentials instance with which to
2788 * configure the datasource with
2789 */
2790 constructor(credentials: any);
2791 fileID: any;
2792 authManager: import("datasources/DatasourceAuthManager.js");
2793 /**
2794 * Update the OAuth2 tokens
2795 * @param {String} accessToken The access token
2796 * @param {String=} refreshToken The refresh token
2797 * @memberof GoogleDriveDatasource
2798 */
2799 updateTokens(accessToken: string, refreshToken?: string | undefined): void;
2800 token: string;
2801 refreshToken: string;
2802 client: any;
2803 }
2805declare module "myButtercup/symbols" {
2806 export const API_INSIGHTS: any;
2807 export const API_ORG_USERS: any;
2808 export const API_OWN_ARCHIVE: any;
2809 export const API_OWN_ARCHIVE_DETAILS: any;
2810 export const API_OWN_DIGEST: any;
2811 export const API_OWN_ORGS: any;
2812 export const API_OWN_PASS_CHANGE: any;
2813 export const API_OWN_PASS_CHANGE_VERIFY: any;
2814 export const API_SHARES: any;
2815 export const OAUTH_AUTHORISE_URI: string;
2816 export const OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: string;
2817 export const OAUTH_TOKEN_URI: string;
2819declare module "myButtercup/MyButtercupClient" {
2820 export = MyButtercupClient;
2821 const MyButtercupClient_base: typeof import("eventemitter3");
2822 /**
2823 * My Buttercup client
2824 * @augments EventEmitter
2825 * @memberof module:Buttercup
2826 */
2827 class MyButtercupClient extends MyButtercupClient_base {
2828 /**
2829 * Exchange an auth code for tokens
2830 * @param {String} authCode OAuth2 auth code, retrieved from browser-
2831 * based OAuth2 flow using a user's username and password
2832 * @param {String} clientID The OAuth2 client ID
2833 * @param {String} clientSecret The OAuth2 client secret
2834 * @param {String} redirectURI The OAuth2 client redirect URI
2835 * @returns {MyButtercupTokenResult}
2836 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2837 * @static
2838 */
2839 static exchangeAuthCodeForTokens(authCode: string, clientID: string, clientSecret: string, redirectURI: string): MyButtercupTokenResult;
2840 /**
2841 * Generate an OAuth2 authorisation URL using the client ID of the current
2842 * application platform (eg. Buttercup browser extension)
2843 * @param {String} clientID The OAuth2 client ID registered on
2844 * my.buttercup.pw
2845 * @returns {String} The generated URL
2846 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2847 * @static
2848 */
2849 static generateAuthorisationURL(clientID: string): string;
2850 /**
2851 * Create a new client instance
2852 * @param {String} clientID The client identifier
2853 * @param {String} clientSecret The client secret
2854 * @param {String} accessToken Access token
2855 * @param {String} refreshToken Refresh token
2856 */
2857 constructor(clientID: string, clientSecret: string, accessToken: string, refreshToken: string);
2858 _accessToken: string;
2859 _refreshToken: string;
2860 _lastDigest: any;
2861 _clientID: string;
2862 _clientSecret: string;
2863 request: any;
2864 /**
2865 * The current access token
2866 * @type {String}
2867 * @readonly
2868 */
2869 readonly get accessToken(): string;
2870 /**
2871 * The last client digest response
2872 * @type {MyButtercupDigest|null}
2873 * @readonly
2874 */
2875 readonly get digest(): MyButtercupDigest;
2876 /**
2877 * The refresh token
2878 * @type {String}
2879 * @readonly
2880 */
2881 readonly get refreshToken(): string;
2882 changePassword(password: any, passwordToken: any): Promise<any>;
2883 /**
2884 * Fetch user shares
2885 * @param {String[]} ids Share IDs
2886 * @returns {Promise.<Object.<String, MyButtercupEncryptedShare>>}
2887 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2888 */
2889 fetchShares(ids: string[]): Promise<any>;
2890 /**
2891 * Fetch user vault contents
2892 * @returns {Promise.<{ archive: String, updateID: Number}>} The user's
2893 * vault contents
2894 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2895 */
2896 fetchUserVault(): Promise<{
2897 archive: string;
2898 updateID: number;
2899 }>;
2900 /**
2901 * Fetch the user's vault details
2902 * @returns {Promise.<MyButtercupArchiveDetails>} The details of the vault
2903 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2904 */
2905 fetchUserVaultDetails(): Promise<MyButtercupArchiveDetails>;
2906 /**
2907 * Fetch and set account digest information
2908 * @returns {Promise.<MyButtercupDigest>} Digest information
2909 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2910 */
2911 retrieveDigest(): Promise<MyButtercupDigest>;
2912 /**
2913 * Get the list of users available to address for the user
2914 * @returns {Promise.<MyButtercupUsersListItem[]>}
2915 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2916 */
2917 retrieveUsersList(): Promise<MyButtercupUsersListItem[]>;
2918 /**
2919 * Get the list of users for an organisation
2920 * (User must be present in organisation, or this method will fail)
2921 * @param {Number} orgID The ID of the organisation
2922 * @returns {Promise.<MyButtercupUsersListItem[]>}
2923 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2924 */
2925 retrieveUsersListForOrganisation(orgID: number): Promise<MyButtercupUsersListItem[]>;
2926 /**
2927 * Test if a password token is valid
2928 * @param {String} passwordToken The password change token
2929 * @returns {Promise}
2930 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2931 */
2932 testPasswordChange(passwordToken: string): Promise<any>;
2933 /**
2934 * Write insights to the remote account
2935 * @param {Insights} insights The insights data
2936 * @returns {Promise}
2937 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2938 */
2939 writeInsights(insights: any): Promise<any>;
2940 /**
2941 * Write the user vault contents back to the server
2942 * @param {String} contents Encrypted vault contents
2943 * @param {Number} previousUpdateID The previous update ID received
2944 * from the server
2945 * @param {Number} newUpdateID The new update ID to set after a
2946 * successful write
2947 * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves once the write has
2948 * been completed
2949 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2950 */
2951 writeUserArchive(contents: string, previousUpdateID: number, newUpdateID: number): Promise<any>;
2952 /**
2953 * Handle a request failure (processes token expiration etc.)
2954 * @param {Error} err The received error from making a request
2955 * @throws {Error} Throws if the error was not catchable
2956 * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise if an action can be taken
2957 * to remedy the situation
2958 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2959 * @protected
2960 */
2961 protected _handleRequestFailure(err: Error): Promise<any>;
2962 /**
2963 * Refresh tokens
2964 * @memberof MyButtercupClient
2965 * @protected
2966 * @returns {Promise}
2967 * @fires MyButtercupClient#tokensUpdated
2968 */
2969 protected _performTokenRefresh(): Promise<any>;
2970 }
2971 namespace MyButtercupClient {
2972 export { MyButtercupShareBase, MyButtercupIncomingShare, MyButtercupEncryptedShare, MyButtercupOrganisation, MyButtercupDigest, MyButtercupUsersListItem, MyButtercupTokenResult, MyButtercupArchiveDetails };
2973 }
2974 type MyButtercupDigest = {
2975 /**
2976 * The ID of the user's archive
2977 */
2978 archive_id: number;
2979 /**
2980 * The RSA public key for the user
2981 */
2982 public_key: string;
2983 /**
2984 * System messages for the user (internal processing)
2985 */
2986 messages: Array<any>;
2987 /**
2988 * An array of new shares to process
2989 */
2990 new_shares: Array<MyButtercupIncomingShare>;
2991 /**
2992 * An array of user organisations
2993 */
2994 organisations: Array<MyButtercupOrganisation>;
2995 };
2996 type MyButtercupArchiveDetails = {
2997 /**
2998 * The remote vault ID
2999 */
3000 id: number;
3001 /**
3002 * The current update ID for the vault
3003 */
3004 updateID: number;
3005 /**
3006 * The creation date
3007 */
3008 created: string;
3009 /**
3010 * The last update date
3011 */
3012 lastUpdate: string;
3013 };
3014 type MyButtercupUsersListItem = {
3015 /**
3016 * The ID of the user
3017 */
3018 user_id: number;
3019 /**
3020 * The organisation ID the user was found in
3021 */
3022 organisation_id: number;
3023 /**
3024 * The name of the user
3025 */
3026 name: string;
3027 /**
3028 * The public key for the user
3029 */
3030 public_key: string;
3031 };
3032 type MyButtercupTokenResult = {
3033 /**
3034 * An OAuth2 access token for API requests
3035 */
3036 accessToken: string;
3037 /**
3038 * An OAuth2 refresh token
3039 */
3040 refreshToken: string;
3041 };
3042 type MyButtercupShareBase = {
3043 /**
3044 * The share ID
3045 */
3046 id: string;
3047 /**
3048 * The share title
3049 */
3050 title: string;
3051 /**
3052 * Permission to read
3053 */
3054 perm_read: boolean;
3055 /**
3056 * Permission to write changes
3057 */
3058 perm_write: boolean;
3059 /**
3060 * Permission to share with others, remove share access etc.
3061 */
3062 perm_manage: boolean;
3063 };
3064 type MyButtercupIncomingShare = {
3065 /**
3066 * The share ID
3067 */
3068 id: string;
3069 /**
3070 * The share title
3071 */
3072 title: string;
3073 /**
3074 * Permission to read
3075 */
3076 perm_read: boolean;
3077 /**
3078 * Permission to write changes
3079 */
3080 perm_write: boolean;
3081 /**
3082 * Permission to share with others, remove share access etc.
3083 */
3084 perm_manage: boolean;
3085 };
3086 type MyButtercupEncryptedShare = {
3087 /**
3088 * The share ID
3089 */
3090 id: string;
3091 /**
3092 * The share title
3093 */
3094 title: string;
3095 /**
3096 * Permission to read
3097 */
3098 perm_read: boolean;
3099 /**
3100 * Permission to write changes
3101 */
3102 perm_write: boolean;
3103 /**
3104 * Permission to share with others, remove share access etc.
3105 */
3106 perm_manage: boolean;
3107 };
3108 type MyButtercupOrganisation = {
3109 /**
3110 * The organisation's ID
3111 */
3112 id: number;
3113 /**
3114 * The organisation name
3115 */
3116 name: string;
3117 /**
3118 * The creation date
3119 */
3120 created: string;
3121 };
3123declare module "myButtercup/update" {
3124 /**
3125 * Generate a new update ID
3126 * @returns {Number} A randomly generated ID
3127 */
3128 export function generateNewUpdateID(): number;
3130declare module "datasources/MyButtercupDatasource" {
3131 export = MyButtercupDatasource;
3132 const MyButtercupDatasource_base: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
3133 /**
3134 * My Buttercup datasource
3135 * @augments TextDatasource
3136 * @memberof module:Buttercup
3137 */
3138 class MyButtercupDatasource extends MyButtercupDatasource_base {
3139 /**
3140 * Constructor for the datasource
3141 * @param {Credentials} credentials Credentials for the datasource
3142 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3143 */
3144 constructor(credentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js"));
3145 accessToken: any;
3146 refreshToken: any;
3147 _clientID: any;
3148 _clientSecret: any;
3149 _client: import("myButtercup/MyButtercupClient.js");
3150 _vaultID: any;
3151 _updateID: number;
3152 /**
3153 * @type {MyButtercupClient}
3154 * @readonly
3155 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3156 */
3157 readonly get client(): import("myButtercup/MyButtercupClient.js");
3158 /**
3159 * Change the master password for the vault
3160 * (Called with a preflight check to ensure that the datasource is
3161 * ready to change - if not ready, the method will return false)
3162 * @param {*} newCredentials
3163 * @param {*} preflight
3164 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean|undefined>} A promise that resolves
3165 * with a boolean value during preflight, or with simply undefined
3166 * if performing the final change action.
3167 * @example
3168 * const creds = Credentials.fromPassword("test");
3169 * const isReady = await tds.changePassword(
3170 * creds,
3171 * true // preflight
3172 * );
3173 * if (!isReady) {
3174 * throw new Error("Datasource unable to change password");
3175 * }
3176 * await tds.changePassword(creds, false);
3177 */
3178 changePassword(newCredentials: any, preflight: any): Promise<boolean | undefined>;
3179 /**
3180 * Override for history difference checking
3181 * @see Workspace#localDiffersFromRemote
3182 * @param {Credentials} masterCredentials Master service credentials
3183 * @param {String[]} archiveHistory Archive history lines
3184 * @returns {Promise.<Boolean>} True if differing, false otherwise
3185 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3186 */
3187 localDiffersFromRemote(masterCredentials: import("credentials/Credentials.js"), archiveHistory: string[]): Promise<boolean>;
3188 /**
3189 * Whether or not the datasource supports the changing of the master password
3190 * @returns {Boolean} True if it supports changing the master password
3191 * @memberof WebDAVDatasource
3192 */
3193 supportsChangePassword(): boolean;
3194 /**
3195 * Update vault/account insights
3196 * @param {Insights} insights Insights to update
3197 * @returns {Promise}
3198 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3199 */
3200 updateInsights(insights: any): Promise<any>;
3201 /**
3202 * Update the OAuth2 tokens
3203 * @param {String} accessToken The access token
3204 * @param {String} refreshToken The refresh token
3205 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3206 */
3207 updateTokens(accessToken: string, refreshToken: string, updateClientTokens?: boolean): void;
3208 /**
3209 * Create a new MyButtercupClient instance and attach
3210 * event listeners
3211 * @protected
3212 * @memberof MyButtercupDatasource
3213 * @fires MyButtercupDatasource#updatedClient
3214 */
3215 protected _createNewClient(): void;
3216 _onTokensUpdated: () => void;
3217 }
3219declare module "tools/vaultSearch" {
3220 /**
3221 * Find entry instances by filtering with a compare function
3222 * @param {Array.<Group>} groups The groups to check in
3223 * @param {Function} compareFn The callback comparison function, return true to keep and false
3224 * to strip
3225 * @returns {Array.<Entry>} An array of found entries
3226 */
3227 export function findEntriesByCheck(groups: Array<any>, compareFn: Function): Array<any>;
3228 /**
3229 * Find group instances within groups that satisfy some check
3230 * @param {Array.<Group>} groups The groups to check within
3231 * @param {Function} compareFn A comparision function - return true to keep, false to strip
3232 * @returns {Array.<Group>} An array of found groups
3233 */
3234 export function findGroupsByCheck(groups: Array<any>, compareFn: Function): Array<any>;
3235 /**
3236 * Get all entries within a collection of groups
3237 * @param {Array.<Group>} groups An array of groups
3238 * @returns {Array.<Entry>} An array of entries
3239 */
3240 export function getAllEntries(groups: Array<any>): Array<any>;
3242declare module "search/EntryFinder" {
3243 export = EntryFinder;
3244 /**
3245 * @typedef {Object} EntrySearchInfo
3246 * @property {Entry} entry The entry
3247 * @property {Archive} archive The associated archive
3248 */
3249 /**
3250 * Entry searching class
3251 */
3252 class EntryFinder {
3253 /**
3254 * @param {Array.<Archive>|Archive} target The archive or archives to search
3255 */
3256 constructor(target: Array<any> | any);
3257 _items: EntrySearchInfo[];
3258 _fuse: Fuse;
3259 _lastResult: any[];
3260 /**
3261 * All items available for searching
3262 * @type {Array.<EntrySearchInfo>}
3263 */
3264 get items(): EntrySearchInfo[];
3265 /**
3266 * The last result
3267 * @type {Array.<EntrySearchInfo>}
3268 */
3269 get lastResult(): EntrySearchInfo[];
3270 /**
3271 * Initialise the searching mechanism
3272 */
3273 initSearcher(): void;
3274 /**
3275 * Search and get results
3276 * @param {String} term The search term
3277 * @returns {Array.<EntrySearchInfo>} The results
3278 */
3279 search(term: string): Array<EntrySearchInfo>;
3280 }
3281 namespace EntryFinder {
3282 export { EntrySearchInfo };
3283 }
3284 type EntrySearchInfo = {
3285 /**
3286 * The entry
3287 */
3288 entry: any;
3289 /**
3290 * The associated archive
3291 */
3292 archive: any;
3293 };
3295declare module "index.common" {
3296 export const DEFAULT_ENTRY_TYPE: string;
3297 export const DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE: string;
3298 export const ENTRY_TYPE_CREDITCARD: string;
3299 export const ENTRY_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3300 export const ENTRY_TYPE_NOTE: string;
3301 export const ENTRY_TYPE_SSHKEY: string;
3302 export const ENTRY_TYPE_WEBSITE: string;
3303 export const ENTRY_TYPES: any;
3304 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ANY: string;
3305 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_GENERAL: string;
3306 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ICON: string;
3307 export const ENTRY_URL_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3308 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_NOTE: string;
3309 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_OTP: string;
3310 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_PASSWORD: string;
3311 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_TEXT: string;
3312 export const FIELD_VALUE_TYPES: any;
3313 export const VaultManager: typeof import("core/VaultManager.js");
3314 export const VaultSource: typeof import("core/VaultSource.js");
3315 export const Vault: typeof import("core/Vault.js");
3316 export const Group: typeof import("core/Group.js");
3317 export const Entry: typeof import("core/Entry.js");
3318 export const Credentials: typeof import("credentials/Credentials.js");
3319 export const TextDatasource: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
3320 export const FileDatasource: typeof import("datasources/FileDatasource.js");
3321 export const WebDAVDatasource: typeof import("datasources/WebDAVDatasource.js");
3322 export const DropboxDatasource: typeof import("datasources/DropboxDatasource.js");
3323 export const GoogleDriveDatasource: typeof import("datasources/GoogleDriveDatasource.js");
3324 export const MyButtercupDatasource: typeof import("datasources/MyButtercupDatasource.js");
3325 export const DatasourceAuthManager: typeof import("datasources/DatasourceAuthManager.js");
3326 export const registerDatasource: (datasourceType: string, DSClass: any) => void;
3327 export const MyButtercupClient: typeof import("myButtercup/MyButtercupClient.js");
3328 export const StorageInterface: typeof import("storage/StorageInterface.js");
3329 export const MemoryStorageInterface: typeof import("storage/MemoryStorageInterface.js");
3330 export const EntryFinder: typeof import("search/EntryFinder.js");
3331 export const consumeEntryFacade: (entry: import("core/Entry.js"), facade: import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade) => void;
3332 export const consumeGroupFacade: (group: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").GroupFacade) => void;
3333 export const consumeVaultFacade: (vault: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade) => void;
3334 export const createEntryFacade: (entry?: import("core/Entry.js"), { type }?: import("facades/entry.js").CreateEntryFacadeOptions) => import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade;
3335 export const createFieldDescriptor: (entry: any, title: string, entryPropertyType: string, entryPropertyName: string, { formatting, removeable, valueType }?: any) => import("facades/tools.js").EntryFacadeField;
3336 export const createGroupFacade: (group: any, parentID?: string) => {
3337 type: string;
3338 id: any;
3339 title: any;
3340 attributes: any;
3341 parentID: string;
3342 };
3343 export const createVaultFacade: (vault: any) => import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade;
3344 export const isOTPURI: (str: string) => boolean;
3345 export const isVaultFacade: (obj: any) => boolean;
3346 export const getSharedAppEnv: () => any;
3347 export const getEntryURLs: (properties: any, preference?: any) => any[];
3349declare module "env/native/crypto" {
3350 export function getCryptoResources(): {
3351 "crypto/v1/decryptBuffer": typeof decryptData;
3352 "crypto/v1/encryptBuffer": typeof encryptData;
3353 "crypto/v1/decryptText": typeof decryptData;
3354 "crypto/v1/encryptText": typeof encryptData;
3355 "crypto/v1/setDerivationRounds": typeof setDerivationRounds;
3356 };
3357 function decryptData(data: any, password: any): Promise<string | ArrayBuffer | Buffer>;
3358 function encryptData(data: any, password: any): Promise<string | ArrayBuffer | Buffer>;
3359 function setDerivationRounds(rounds?: any): void;
3360 export {};
3362declare module "env/native/compression" {
3363 export function getCompressionResources(): {
3364 "compression/v1/compressText": typeof compress;
3365 "compression/v1/decompressText": typeof decompress;
3366 };
3367 /**
3368 * Compress text using GZIP
3369 * @param {String} text The text to compress
3370 * @returns {String} Compressed text
3371 */
3372 function compress(text: string): string;
3373 /**
3374 * Decompress a compressed string (GZIP)
3375 * @param {String} text The compressed text
3376 * @returns {String} Decompressed text
3377 */
3378 function decompress(text: string): string;
3379 export {};
3381declare module "env/native/net" {
3382 export function getNetResources(): {
3383 "net/webdav/v1/newClient": any;
3384 };
3386declare module "env/native/index" {
3387 export function applyNativeConfiguration(appEnv: any): void;
3389declare module "index.node" {
3390 const _exports: {
3391 DEFAULT_ENTRY_TYPE: string;
3392 DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE: string;
3394 ENTRY_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3395 ENTRY_TYPE_NOTE: string;
3396 ENTRY_TYPE_SSHKEY: string;
3397 ENTRY_TYPE_WEBSITE: string;
3398 ENTRY_TYPES: any;
3399 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ANY: string;
3401 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ICON: string;
3402 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3404 FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_OTP: string;
3408 VaultManager: typeof import("core/VaultManager.js");
3409 VaultSource: typeof import("core/VaultSource.js");
3410 Vault: typeof import("core/Vault.js");
3411 Group: typeof import("core/Group.js");
3412 Entry: typeof import("core/Entry.js");
3413 Credentials: typeof import("credentials/Credentials.js");
3414 TextDatasource: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
3415 FileDatasource: typeof import("datasources/FileDatasource.js");
3416 WebDAVDatasource: typeof import("datasources/WebDAVDatasource.js");
3417 DropboxDatasource: typeof import("datasources/DropboxDatasource.js");
3418 GoogleDriveDatasource: typeof import("datasources/GoogleDriveDatasource.js");
3419 MyButtercupDatasource: typeof import("datasources/MyButtercupDatasource.js");
3420 DatasourceAuthManager: typeof import("datasources/DatasourceAuthManager.js");
3421 registerDatasource: (datasourceType: string, DSClass: any) => void;
3422 MyButtercupClient: typeof import("myButtercup/MyButtercupClient.js");
3423 StorageInterface: typeof import("storage/StorageInterface.js");
3424 MemoryStorageInterface: typeof import("storage/MemoryStorageInterface.js");
3425 EntryFinder: typeof import("search/EntryFinder.js");
3426 consumeEntryFacade: (entry: import("core/Entry.js"), facade: import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade) => void;
3427 consumeGroupFacade: (group: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").GroupFacade) => void;
3428 consumeVaultFacade: (vault: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade) => void;
3429 createEntryFacade: (entry?: import("core/Entry.js"), { type }?: import("facades/entry.js").CreateEntryFacadeOptions) => import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade;
3430 createFieldDescriptor: (entry: any, title: string, entryPropertyType: string, entryPropertyName: string, { formatting, removeable, valueType }?: any) => import("facades/tools.js").EntryFacadeField;
3431 createGroupFacade: (group: any, parentID?: string) => {
3432 type: string;
3433 id: any;
3434 title: any;
3435 attributes: any;
3436 parentID: string;
3437 };
3438 createVaultFacade: (vault: any) => import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade;
3439 isOTPURI: (str: string) => boolean;
3440 isVaultFacade: (obj: any) => boolean;
3441 getSharedAppEnv: () => any;
3442 getEntryURLs: (properties: any, preference?: any) => any[];
3443 } & {
3444 init: typeof init;
3445 };
3446 export = _exports;
3447 /**
3448 * Initialise the node/native environment
3449 * @memberof module:Buttercup
3450 */
3451 function init(): void;
3453declare module "env/web/crypto" {
3454 export function getCryptoResources(): {
3455 "crypto/v1/decryptBuffer": typeof decryptData;
3456 "crypto/v1/encryptBuffer": typeof encryptData;
3457 "crypto/v1/decryptText": typeof decryptData;
3458 "crypto/v1/encryptText": typeof encryptData;
3459 "crypto/v1/setDerivationRounds": typeof setDerivationRounds;
3460 };
3461 function decryptData(data: any, password: any): any;
3462 function encryptData(data: any, password: any): any;
3463 function setDerivationRounds(rounds?: any): void;
3464 export {};
3466declare module "env/web/compression" {
3467 export function getCompressionResources(): {
3468 "compression/v1/compressText": typeof compress;
3469 "compression/v1/decompressText": typeof decompress;
3470 };
3471 /**
3472 * Compress text using GZIP
3473 * @param {String} text The text to compress
3474 * @returns {String} Compressed text
3475 */
3476 function compress(text: string): string;
3477 /**
3478 * Decompress a compressed string (GZIP)
3479 * @param {String} text The compressed text
3480 * @returns {String} Decompressed text
3481 */
3482 function decompress(text: string): string;
3483 export {};
3485declare module "env/web/net" {
3486 export function getNetResources(): {
3487 "net/webdav/v1/newClient": any;
3488 };
3490declare module "env/web/index" {
3491 export function applyWebConfiguration(appEnv: any): void;
3493declare module "web/LocalStorageInterface" {
3494 export = LocalStorageInterface;
3495 const LocalStorageInterface_base: typeof import("storage/StorageInterface.js");
3496 /**
3497 * Interface for localStorage
3498 * @augments StorageInterface
3499 */
3500 class LocalStorageInterface extends LocalStorageInterface_base {
3501 _storage: Storage;
3502 get storage(): Storage;
3503 }
3505declare module "web/index" {
3506 export const LocalStorageInterface: typeof import("web/LocalStorageInterface.js");
3508declare module "index.web" {
3509 const _exports: {
3510 DEFAULT_ENTRY_TYPE: string;
3511 DEFAULT_FIELD_TYPE: string;
3513 ENTRY_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3514 ENTRY_TYPE_NOTE: string;
3515 ENTRY_TYPE_SSHKEY: string;
3516 ENTRY_TYPE_WEBSITE: string;
3517 ENTRY_TYPES: any;
3518 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ANY: string;
3520 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_ICON: string;
3521 ENTRY_URL_TYPE_LOGIN: string;
3523 FIELD_VALUE_TYPE_OTP: string;
3527 VaultManager: typeof import("core/VaultManager.js");
3528 VaultSource: typeof import("core/VaultSource.js");
3529 Vault: typeof import("core/Vault.js");
3530 Group: typeof import("core/Group.js");
3531 Entry: typeof import("core/Entry.js");
3532 Credentials: typeof import("credentials/Credentials.js");
3533 TextDatasource: typeof import("datasources/TextDatasource.js");
3534 FileDatasource: typeof import("datasources/FileDatasource.js");
3535 WebDAVDatasource: typeof import("datasources/WebDAVDatasource.js");
3536 DropboxDatasource: typeof import("datasources/DropboxDatasource.js");
3537 GoogleDriveDatasource: typeof import("datasources/GoogleDriveDatasource.js");
3538 MyButtercupDatasource: typeof import("datasources/MyButtercupDatasource.js");
3539 DatasourceAuthManager: typeof import("datasources/DatasourceAuthManager.js");
3540 registerDatasource: (datasourceType: string, DSClass: any) => void;
3541 MyButtercupClient: typeof import("myButtercup/MyButtercupClient.js");
3542 StorageInterface: typeof import("storage/StorageInterface.js");
3543 MemoryStorageInterface: typeof import("storage/MemoryStorageInterface.js");
3544 EntryFinder: typeof import("search/EntryFinder.js");
3545 consumeEntryFacade: (entry: import("core/Entry.js"), facade: import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade) => void;
3546 consumeGroupFacade: (group: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").GroupFacade) => void;
3547 consumeVaultFacade: (vault: any, facade: import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade) => void;
3548 createEntryFacade: (entry?: import("core/Entry.js"), { type }?: import("facades/entry.js").CreateEntryFacadeOptions) => import("facades/entry.js").EntryFacade;
3549 createFieldDescriptor: (entry: any, title: string, entryPropertyType: string, entryPropertyName: string, { formatting, removeable, valueType }?: any) => import("facades/tools.js").EntryFacadeField;
3550 createGroupFacade: (group: any, parentID?: string) => {
3551 type: string;
3552 id: any;
3553 title: any;
3554 attributes: any;
3555 parentID: string;
3556 };
3557 createVaultFacade: (vault: any) => import("facades/vault.js").VaultFacade;
3558 isOTPURI: (str: string) => boolean;
3559 isVaultFacade: (obj: any) => boolean;
3560 getSharedAppEnv: () => any;
3561 getEntryURLs: (properties: any, preference?: any) => any[];
3562 } & {
3563 LocalStorageInterface: typeof import("web/LocalStorageInterface.js");
3564 } & {
3565 init: typeof init;
3566 };
3567 export = _exports;
3568 /**
3569 * Initialise the web environment
3570 * @memberof module:Buttercup
3571 */
3572 function init(): void;
3574declare module "test" {
3575 export {};
3577declare module "facades/hash" {
3578 /**
3579 * Generate a hash of a vault facade (useful for detecting
3580 * if the vault differs from another copy)
3581 * @param {VaultFacade} vaultFacade A facade instance
3582 * @returns {String} Hash string
3583 * @deprecated Poor performance - rely on `VaultFacade#_tag` instead
3584 */
3585 export function hashVaultFacade(vaultFacade: any): string;