1 | # c8 - native V8 code-coverage
2 |
3 | ![ci](https://github.com/bcoe/c8/workflows/ci/badge.svg)
4 | ![nycrc config on GitHub](https://img.shields.io/nycrc/bcoe/c8)
5 | [![Conventional Commits](https://img.shields.io/badge/Conventional%20Commits-1.0.0-yellow.svg)](https://conventionalcommits.org)
6 |
7 | Code-coverage using [Node.js' built in functionality](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api/cli.html#cli_node_v8_coverage_dir)
8 | that's compatible with [Istanbul's reporters](https://istanbul.js.org/docs/advanced/alternative-reporters/).
9 |
10 | Like [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc), c8 just magically works:
11 |
12 | ```bash
13 | npm i c8 -g
14 | c8 node foo.js
15 | ```
16 |
17 | The above example will output coverage metrics for `foo.js`.
18 |
19 | ## CLI Options / Configuration
20 |
21 | c8 can be configured via command-line flags, a `c8` section in `package.json`, or a JSON configuration file on disk.
22 |
23 | A configuration file can be specified by passing its path on the command line with `--config` or `-c`. If no config option is provided, c8 searches for files named `.c8rc`, `.c8rc.json`, `.nycrc`, or `.nycrc.json`, starting from
24 | `cwd` and walking up the filesystem tree.
25 |
26 | When using `package.json` configuration or a dedicated configuration file, omit the `--` prefix from the long-form of the desired command-line option.
27 |
28 | Here is a list of common options. Run `c8 --help` for the full list and documentation.
29 |
30 | | Option | Description | Type | Default |
31 | | ------ | ----------- | ---- | ------- |
32 | | `-c`, `--config` | path to JSON configuration file | `string` | See above |
33 | | `-r`, `--reporter` | coverage reporter(s) to use | `Array<string>` | `['text']` |
34 | | `-o`, `--reports-dir`, `--report-dir` | directory where coverage reports will be output to | `string` | `./coverage` |
35 | | `--all` | see [section below](#checking-for-full-source-coverage-using---all) for more info | `boolean` | `false` |
36 | | `--src` | see [section below](#checking-for-full-source-coverage-using---all) for more info | `Array<string>` | `[process.cwd()]`|
37 | | `-n`, `--include` | see [section below](#checking-for-full-source-coverage-using---all) for more info | `Array<string>` | `[]` (include all files) |
38 | | `-x`, `--exclude` | see [section below](#checking-for-full-source-coverage-using---all) for more info | `Array<string>` | [list](https://github.com/istanbuljs/schema/blob/master/default-exclude.js) |
39 | | `--skip-full` | do not show files with 100% statement, branch, and function coverage | `boolean` | `false` |
40 | | `--check-coverage` | check whether coverage is within thresholds provided | `boolean` | `false` |
41 | | `--temp-directory` | directory V8 coverage data is written to and read from | `string` | `process.env.NODE_V8_COVERAGE` |
42 | | `--clean` | should temp files be deleted before script execution | `boolean` | `true` |
43 |
44 | ## Checking for "full" source coverage using `--all`
45 |
46 | By default v8 will only give us coverage for files that were loaded by the engine. If there are source files in your
47 | project that are flexed in production but not in your tests, your coverage numbers will not reflect this. For example,
48 | if your project's `main.js` loads `a.js` and `b.js` but your unit tests only load `a.js` your total coverage
49 | could show as `100%` for `a.js` when in fact both `main.js` and `b.js` are uncovered.
50 |
51 | By supplying `--all` to c8, all files in directories specified with `--src` (defaults to `cwd`) that pass the `--include`
52 | and `--exclude` flag checks, will be loaded into the report. If any of those files remain uncovered they will be factored
53 | into the report with a default of 0% coverage.
54 |
55 | ## c8 report
56 |
57 | run `c8 report` to regenerate reports after `c8` has already been run.
58 |
59 | ## Checking coverage
60 |
61 | c8 can fail tests if coverage falls below a threshold.
62 | After running your tests with c8, simply run:
63 |
64 | ```shell
65 | c8 check-coverage --lines 95 --functions 95 --branches 95
66 | ```
67 |
68 | c8 also accepts a `--check-coverage` shorthand, which can be used to
69 | both run tests and check that coverage falls within the threshold provided:
70 |
71 | ```shell
72 | c8 --check-coverage --lines 100 npm test
73 | ```
74 |
75 | The above check fails if coverage falls below 100%.
76 |
77 | To check thresholds on a per-file basis run:
78 |
79 | ```shell
80 | c8 check-coverage --lines 95 --per-file
81 | ```
82 |
83 | ## Ignoring Uncovered Lines, Functions, and Blocks
84 |
85 | Sometimes you might find yourself wanting to ignore uncovered portions of your
86 | codebase. For example, perhaps you run your tests on Linux, but
87 | there's some logic that only executes on Windows.
88 |
89 | To ignore lines, blocks, and functions, use the special comment:
90 |
91 | `/* c8 ignore next */`.
92 |
93 | ### Ignoring the next line
94 |
95 | ```js
96 | const myVariable = 99
97 | /* c8 ignore next */
98 | if (process.platform === 'win32') console.info('hello world')
99 | ```
100 |
101 | ### Ignoring the next N lines
102 |
103 | ```js
104 | const myVariable = 99
105 | /* c8 ignore next 3 */
106 | if (process.platform === 'win32') {
107 | console.info('hello world')
108 | }
109 | ```
110 |
111 | ### Ignoring all lines until told
112 |
113 | ```js
114 | /* c8 ignore start */
115 | function dontMindMe() {
116 | // ...
117 | }
118 | /* c8 ignore stop */
119 | ```
120 |
121 | ### Ignoring a block on the current line
122 |
123 | ```js
124 | const myVariable = 99
125 | const os = process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'OSXy' /* c8 ignore next */ : 'Windowsy'
126 | ```
127 |
128 | ## Supported Node.js Versions
129 |
130 | c8 uses
131 | [native V8 coverage](https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/22527),
132 | make sure you're running Node.js `>= 10.12.0`.
133 |
134 | ## Contributing to `c8`
135 |
136 | See the [contributing guide here](./CONTRIBUTING.md).