2.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { EventEmitter } from 'events';
3import Command, { GlobalCommand, CommandConfig, HelpCallback, CommandExample } from './Command';
4import { OptionConfig } from './Option';
5interface ParsedArgv {
6 args: ReadonlyArray<string>;
7 options: {
8 [k: string]: any;
9 };
11interface MriResult extends ParsedArgv {
12 rawOptions: {
13 [k: string]: any;
14 };
16declare class CAC extends EventEmitter {
17 /** The program name to display in help and version message */
18 name: string;
19 commands: Command[];
20 globalCommand: GlobalCommand;
21 matchedCommand: Command;
22 /**
23 * Raw CLI arguments
24 */
25 rawArgs: string[];
26 /**
27 * Parsed CLI arguments
28 */
29 args: MriResult['args'];
30 /**
31 * Parsed CLI options, camelCased
32 */
33 options: MriResult['options'];
34 /**
35 * Raw CLI options, i.e. not camelcased
36 */
37 rawOptions: MriResult['rawOptions'];
38 private showHelpOnExit;
39 private showVersionOnExit;
40 /**
41 * @param name The program name to display in help and version message
42 */
43 constructor(name?: string);
44 /**
45 * Add a global usage text.
46 *
47 * This is not used by sub-commands.
48 */
49 usage(text: string): this;
50 /**
51 * Add a sub-command
52 */
53 command(rawName: string, description?: string, config?: CommandConfig): Command;
54 /**
55 * Add a global CLI option.
56 *
57 * Which is also applied to sub-commands.
58 */
59 option(rawName: string, description: string, config?: OptionConfig): this;
60 /**
61 * Show help message when `-h, --help` flags appear.
62 *
63 */
64 help(callback?: HelpCallback): this;
65 /**
66 * Show version number when `-v, --version` flags appear.
67 *
68 */
69 version(version: string, customFlags?: string): this;
70 /**
71 * Add a global example.
72 *
73 * This example added here will not be used by sub-commands.
74 */
75 example(example: CommandExample): this;
76 /**
77 * Output the corresponding help message
78 * When a sub-command is matched, output the help message for the command
79 * Otherwise output the global one.
80 *
81 * This will also call `process.exit(0)` to quit the process.
82 */
83 outputHelp(): void;
84 /**
85 * Output the version number.
86 *
87 * This will also call `process.exit(0)` to quit the process.
88 */
89 outputVersion(): void;
90 private setParsedInfo;
91 /**
92 * Parse argv
93 */
94 parse(argv?: string[], {
95 /** Whether to run the action for matched command */
96 run }?: {
97 run?: boolean | undefined;
98 }): ParsedArgv;
99 private mri;
100 runMatchedCommand(): any;
102export default CAC;