1 | ## 0.12.3 (2016-11-04)
2 | Bugfixes:
3 | - Merged PR that allows changes to persist in `postValidate` and `preSave` hooks ([#85](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/pull/85)). Fixes [#43](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/pull/43).
4 |
5 | ## 0.12.2 (2016-06-27)
6 | Bugfixes:
7 | - Merged PR that prevents methods from being serialized in `toJSON()` ([#79](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/pull/79))
8 |
9 | ## 0.12.1 (2016-03-02)
10 | Features:
11 | - Updated README to warn about frequently changing API
12 | - Added Contributing and Contact sections to README
13 | Bugfixes:
14 | - Fixed issue that prevented `save()` from being aborted when `Promise.reject` was returned in a hook ([#57](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/57))
15 | - Replaced all `.id` references to `._id` in README
16 | - Fixed issue where schema types `Array` and `[]` were not properly being validated ([#53](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/53))
17 | - In README, changed an incorrect reference of `.findMany()` to `.find()` ([#54](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/54))
18 | - Fixed issue where updated nested data wasn't returned when using `.findOneAndUpdate()` with NeDB ([#55](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/55))
19 |
20 | ## 0.12.0 (2016-02-24)
21 | Features:
22 | - Added support for sorting with multiple keys ([#22](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/22))
23 | - Added support for accepting strings as Dates ([#46](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/46))
24 | - Deprecated `loadMany`, `loadOne`, `loadOneAndUpdate`, and `loadOneAndDelete` in favor of `find`, `findOne`, `findOneAndUpdate`, and `findOneAndDelete`, respectively ([#37](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/37))
25 | - Added documentation on transpiler support for Camo
26 | Bugfixes:
27 | - Changed 'schema({})' to 'this.schema({})' in README since original throws ReferenceError ([#52](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/52))
28 |
29 | ## 0.11.4 (2016-01-19)
30 | Bugfixes:
31 | - Fixed issue with saving/loading deeply nested embedded documents ([#35](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/35))
32 | - Removed `_id` and `_schema._id` from `EmbeddedDocument` class ([#31](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/31))
33 | - Allow user to specify a custom _id ([#29](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/29))
34 |
35 | ## 0.11.3 (2015-12-29)
36 | Features:
37 | - Added new `ValidationError` object
38 | Bugfixes:
39 | - Improved some validation tests
40 | - Fixed min validation
41 | - Fixed validation for array of embedded documents
42 | - Moved `collectionName` method to `BaseDocument` so `EmbeddedDocument` can use it ([#26](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/26))
43 | - Deprecated `id` alias from document object ([#20](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/20))
44 | - Fixed serialization test for MongoDB IDs
45 |
46 | ## 0.11.2 (2015-12-15)
47 | Bugfixes:
48 | - Fixed issue with running 'canonicalize' tests on travis-ci
49 |
50 | ## 0.11.1 (2015-12-15)
51 | Bugfixes:
52 | - Removed unused `harmony-reflect` dependency
53 |
54 | ## 0.11.0 (2015-12-15)
55 |
56 | Features:
57 | - `--harmony-proxies` flag is no longer required
58 | - Class names now declared in `static collectionName()`. Declaration through constructor is depracated ([#16](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/16))
59 | - Added new `required` schema property ([#18](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/18) and [#19](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/pull/19))
60 | Bugfixes:
61 | - Fixed some inconsistencies with `id` aliasing (partial fix to [#20](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/20))
62 |
63 | ## 0.10.0 (2015-11-12)
64 |
65 | Features:
66 | - Added support for setting the 'unique' index on a field
67 | - Added support for specifying which reference fields should be populated in `loadOne()` and `loadMany()`
68 | Bugfixes:
69 | - Fixed issue in `isNativeId` where we weren't returning a proper Boolean.
70 |
71 | ## 0.9.1 (2015-11-06)
72 |
73 | Features:
74 | - Added support for testing in travis-ci.org
75 | Bugfixes:
76 | - Fixed issue #10 where IDs in queries had to be ObjectId. Now string IDs are automatically cast to ObjectId.
77 |
78 | ## 0.9.0 (2015-10-30)
79 |
80 | Features:
81 | - Added support for `sort` option on `.loadMany()`
82 | - Added support for `limit` option on `.loadMany()`
83 | - Added support for `skip` option on `.loadMany()`
84 | - Added `.toJSON()` to `Document` and `EmbeddedDocument` for serialization
85 | - Updated 'engines' property to '>=2.0.0' in package.json
86 | Bugfixes:
87 | - Fixed issue #14 where `Document`s couldn't be initialized with an array of `EmbeddedDocument` objects via `.create()`
88 |
89 | ## 0.8.0 (2015-10-12)
90 |
91 | Features:
92 | - Added support for custom validation on schemas via `validate` property
93 | Bugfixes:
94 | - Fixed issue #9 where no member values could be set as `undefined`
95 |
96 | ## 0.7.1 (2015-08-21)
97 |
98 | Bugfixes:
99 | - Fixed issue #8 where virtual setters were not used on initialization
100 | - `loadMany()` now loads all documents if query is not provided
101 | - `deleteMany()` now deletes all documents if query is not provided
102 |
103 | ## 0.7.0 (2015-08-18)
104 |
105 | Features:
106 | - Added `loadOneAndUpdate` static method to `Document` class
107 | - Added `loadOneAndDelete` static method to `Document` class
108 |
109 | ## 0.6.0 (2015-08-10)
110 |
111 | Features:
112 | - Added in-memory support for NeDB
113 | - Added regex validator to `Document`
114 |
115 | ## 0.5.7 (2015-08-06)
116 |
117 | Bugfixes:
118 | - Fixed issue where `schema()` wasn't canonicalizing schema definitions.
119 | - Updated README to show an example of using `schema()`.
120 |
121 | ## 0.5.6 (2015-07-20)
122 |
123 | Features:
124 | - README additions
125 | - New test for overriding schemas
126 |
127 | ## 0.5.5 (2015-07-15)
128 |
129 | Bugfixes:
130 | - Fixed issue where _id was being reassigned in Mongo, and fixed issue with populating references in Mongo.
131 | - Fixed issue with Mongo driver where reference validation checks failed.
132 | - Fixed test Issues.#4 for when running in Mongo.
133 |
134 | ## 0.5.4 (2015-07-09)
135 |
136 | Bugfixes:
137 | - Fixed issue where `Date`s were saved in different formats (integers, `Date` objects, etc). Added way to canonicalize them so all dates look the same in the DB and are also loaded as Date objects.
138 |
139 | ## 0.5.3 (2015-07-01)
140 |
141 | Bugfixes:
142 | - Fixed issue in `.loadMany()` where references in arrays were getting loaded too many times. ([#4](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/4)).
143 | - Added test in issues.test.js
144 | - Fixed issue in `.loadMany()` where muliple references to the same object were only getting loaded once. ([#5](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/5)).
145 | - Added test in issues.test.js
146 |
147 | ## 0.5.2 (2015-06-30)
148 |
149 | - Version bump, thanks to NPM.
150 |
151 | ## 0.5.1 (2015-06-30)
152 |
153 | Bugfixes:
154 | - Fixed validation and referencing so `Document`s can be referenced by their object or ID.
155 |
156 | ## 0.5.0 (2015-06-26)
157 |
158 | Features:
159 | - Exposed `getClient()` method for retrieving the active Camo client.
160 | - Added `options` parameter to `connect()` so options can be passed to backend DB client.
161 | - Static method `Document.fromData()` is now a private helper method. Static method `.create()` should be used instead.
162 |
163 | Bugfixes:
164 | - In `Document._fromData()`, added check to see if ID exists before assigning
165 | - Changed `BaseDocument._fromData()` so it returns data in same form as it was passed.
166 | + i.e. Array of data returned as array, single object returned as single object.
167 | - Fixed bug where assigning an array of Documents in `.create()` lost the references.
168 | - Stopped using the depracated `_.extend()` alias. Now using `_.assign()` instead. ([#1](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/1)).
169 | - Fixed `get` and `set` issue with Proxy ([#3](https://github.com/scottwrobinson/camo/issues/3)).
170 |
171 | ## 0.4.0 (2015-06-22)
172 |
173 | Features:
174 | - Changed `.isModel()` to `.isDocument()`.
175 | - Added `EmbeddedDocument` class and tests.
176 | + The following features work with `EmbeddedDocument`s:
177 | = Schema options: default, min, max, type, choices
178 | = All types supported in `Document` also work in `EmbeddedDocument`
179 | = Array of `EmbeddedDocument`s
180 | = Pre/post validate, save, and delete hooks
181 |
182 | ## 0.3.2 (2015-06-19)
183 |
184 | Bugfix:
185 | - Added forked version of `harmony-reflect`. Only difference is it uses a global to ensure it runs only once.
186 |
187 | ## 0.3.1 (2015-06-19)
188 |
189 | Bugfix:
190 | - Moved Proxy/Reflect shim to index. Seems to fix problem where shim broke Proxies (even worse).
191 |
192 | ## 0.3.0 (2015-06-18)
193 |
194 | Features:
195 | - Added support for MongoDB using [node-mongodb-native](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mongodb) as the backend.
196 | - Added `.toCanonicalId()` and `.isNativeId()` to `DatabaseClient` and its child classes.
197 |
198 | ## 0.2.1 (2015-06-17)
199 |
200 | - README fix.
201 |
202 | ## 0.2.0 (2015-06-17)
203 |
204 | Features:
205 |
206 | - Added the following Document hooks:
207 | - `preValidate()`
208 | - `postValidate()`
209 | - `preSave()`
210 | - `postSave()`
211 | - `preDelete()`
212 | - `postDelete()`
213 |
214 | ## 0.1.1 (2015-06-17)
215 |
216 | Features:
217 |
218 | - Updated README to include 'javascript' declaration for syntax highlighting.
219 | - Added 'homepage' to package.json.
220 | - Added 'repository' to package.json.
221 | - Added 'email' to 'author' in package.json.
222 |
223 | ## 0.1.0 (2015-06-17)
224 |
225 | Features:
226 |
227 | - Minor version bump.
228 | - No longer need to use `.schema()` in Document subclass. Now all public variables (any variable not starting with an underscore) are used in the schema.
229 | - Implemented `.count()` in Document, Client, and NeDbClient to get Document count without retrieving data.
230 | - Added `options` parameter to `.loadOne()` and `.loadMany()` to specify whether references should be populated.
231 | - Added support for circular dependencies.
232 | - Added README.
233 | - Added CHANGELOG.
234 |
235 |
236 | ## 0.0.1 (2015-06-15)
237 |
238 | Initial release. |
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