9.67 kBMarkdownView Raw
1## Data Table
3### HTML
5Aside from using new icons from the
6[`carbon-elements`](https://github.com/IBM/carbon-elements) package, there are
7several structural changes and new selectors in the Data Table component. Please
8see the new structure below and reference the
9[data table page](https://next.carbondesignsystem.com/components/data-table/code)
10in our site to copy the specified new markup.
12React and other framework variants should reflect the changes automatically.
14**Things to note**:
16- All `-v2`'s in selectors have been removed
17- All SVG icons have changed to new icons.
18- Structural changes and new selectors in the table title. See structure below
19 and SCSS section for more details.
20- Structural changes and new selectors in the table toolbar. See structure below
21 and SCSS section for more details.
22- Toolbar overflow menu now uses the overflow menu component `<ul>` markup
23 instead of just `button.bx--batch-actions`
24- `bx—search` container in toolbar no longer has the `bx--search—light` class
25- Batch action buttons no longer have `bx--btn—ghost` class
26- New markup/selector involving expandable features includes a
27 `div.bx--child-row-inner-container` as a wrapper for content within the child
28 row `td`.
29- New markup/selectors involving sortable features include an additional icon
30 `bx--table-sort__icon-unsorted` for non-sorted state, and a new class for
31 sortable data table `bx--data-table—-sort`.
32- New selectors `bx—table-column-checkbox` and `bx—table-column-menu` for
33 checkbox and overflow menu `td`'s and `th`'s.
34- New selector for `li` within a row overflow menu `bx--table-row--menu-option`.
35 See SCSS section for more details.
37**New Structure**:
41├── bx--data-table-header
42│ ├── bx--data-table-header__title
43│ └── bx--data-table-header__description
44├── bx--table-toolbar
45│ ├── bx--batch-actions
46│ │ ├── bx--batch-action-list
47│ │ └── bx--batch-summary
48│ │ └── bx--batch-summary__para
49│ └── bx--toolbar-content
50│ ├── bx--toolbar-search-container-expandable (bx--toolbar-search-container-persistent)
51│ ├── bx--overflow-menu bx--toolbar-action
52│ └── bx--btn--primary
53└── bx--data-table
54 ├── thead
55 └── tbody
59### Selectors
61| Category | v9 | v10 | Notes |
62| --------------------------- | -------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
63| **Table container** | `.bx--data-table-v2-container` | `.bx--data-table-container` | :eyes: Changed |
64| **Table header** | `.bx--data-table-v2-header` | `.bx--data-table-header` | :eyes: Changed; Also, now a container class on a `div` instead of an `h4` |
65| | - | `.bx--data-table-header__title` | :sparkles: New |
66| | - | `.bx--data-table-header__description` | :sparkles: New |
67| **Toolbar** | `bx--toolbar-search-container` | `bx--toolbar-search-container-expandable` | :sparkles: New; Default is expandable search |
68| | - | `bx--toolbar-search-container-persistent` | :sparkles: New; Optional persistent search |
69| **Data Table** | `.bx--data-table-v2--no-border` | - | :skull: Removed |
70| | `.bx--data-table-v2--static` | `.bx--data-table--static` | :eyes: Changed |
71| | `.bx--data-table-v2--selected` | `.bx--data-table--selected` | :eyes: Changed |
72| | `.bx--data-table-v2--zebra` | `.bx--data-table--zebra` | :eyes: Changed |
73| | - | `.bx--data-table—-sort` | :sparkles: New |
74| | `.bx--data-table-v2—-small` | `.bx--data-table—-small` | :eyes: Changed |
75| | `.bx--data-table-v2—-compact` | `.bx--data-table—-compact` | :eyes: Changed |
76| | `.bx--data-table-v2—-tall` | `.bx--data-table—-tall` | :eyes: Changed |
77| | `.bx--data-table-v2--compact` | `.bx--data-table--compact` | :eyes: Changed |
78| | `.bx--data-table-v2--short` | `.bx--data-table--short` | :eyes: Changed |
79| | `.bx--data-table-v2--tall` | `.bx--data-table--tall` | :eyes: Changed |
80| **Table Rows** | `.bx--parent-row-v2` | `.bx--parent-row` | :eyes: Changed |
81| | `.bx--expandable-row-v2` | `.bx--expandable-row` | :eyes: Changed |
82| | `.bx--expandable-row--hidden-v2` | `.bx--expandable-row--hidden` | :eyes: Changed |
83| | `.bx--expandable-row--hover-v2` | `.bx--expandable-row--hover` | :eyes: Changed |
84| **Table Columns** | - | `.bx—table-column-checkbox` | :sparkles: New; Used in `th`'s and `td`'s with checkbox. |
85| | - | `.bx—table-column-menu` | :sparkles: New; Used in `td`'s with overflow menu |
86| | `.bx—table-expand-v2` | `.bx—table-expand` | :eyes: Changed |
87| | - | `.bx--child-row-inner-container` | :sparkles: New; Container inside expand child row `td`, allows for motion animation |
88| **Buttons, Icons and more** | `bx--table-sort-v2` | `bx--table-sort` | :eyes: Changed |
89| | `bx--table-sort-v2__icon` | `bx--table-sort__icon` | :eyes: Changed |
90| | - | `.bx--table-sort__icon-unsorted` | :sparkles: New |
91| | `bx--table-expand-v2__button` | `bx--table-expand__button` | :eyes: Changed |
92| | `bx--table-expand-v2__svg` | `bx--table-expand__svg` | :eyes: Changed |
93| | - | `bx--table-row--menu-option` | :sparkles: New; Addional class added to `li.bx--overflow-menu-options__option` in table row overflow menus |