2.89 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (global, factory) {
2 if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
3 define(["exports"], factory);
4 } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
5 factory(exports);
6 } else {
7 var mod = {
8 exports: {}
9 };
10 factory(mod.exports);
11 global.featureFlags = mod.exports;
12 }
13})(this, function (_exports) {
14 "use strict";
16 Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", {
17 value: true
18 });
19 _exports.gridColumns16 = _exports.grid = _exports.componentsX = _exports.breakingChangesX = _exports.default = void 0;
20 /**
21 * Copyright IBM Corp. 2016, 2018
22 *
23 * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
24 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
25 */
27 /**
28 * This file contains the list of the default values of compile-time feature flags.
29 *
30 * Build toolchain can replace variable here and/or the references
31 * in order to apply non-default values to those feature flags.
32 *
33 * @example Render `foo` if `aFeatureFlag` is `true`, render `bar` otherwise.
34 * // `my-component.config.js`
35 * const { aFeatureFlag } = require('/path/to/feature-flags');
36 * ...
37 * module.exports = {
38 * variants: [
39 * {
40 * name: 'default',
41 * label: 'My component',
42 * context: {
43 * aFeatureFlag,
44 * ...
45 * },
46 * },
47 * ...
48 * ],
49 * };
50 *
51 * // `my-component.hbs`
52 * <div>
53 * {{#if aFeatureFlag}}
54 * foo
55 * {{else}}
56 * bar
57 * {{/if}}
58 * </div>
59 *
60 * @example Emit `foo` upon clicking on component's element if `aFeatureFlag` is `true`, emit `bar` otherwise.
61 * import mixin from '/path/to/globals/js/misc/mixin';
62 * import createComponent from '/path/to/globals/js/mixins/create-component';
63 * import initComponentBySearch from '/path/to/globals/js/mixins/init-component-by-search';
64 * import handles from '/path/to/globals/js/mixins/handles';
65 * import on from '/path/to/globals/js/misc/on';
66 *
67 * import { aFeatureFlag } from '/path/to/globals/js/feature-flags';
68 *
69 * class MyClass extends mixin(createComponent, initComponentBySearch, handles) {
70 * constructor(element, options) {
71 * super(element, options);
72 * this.manage(
73 * on(this.element, 'click', () => {
74 * console.log(aFeatureFlag ? 'foo' : 'bar');
75 * })
76 * );
77 * }
78 * }
79 */
81 var breakingChangesX = false;
82 _exports.breakingChangesX = breakingChangesX;
83 var componentsX = false;
84 _exports.componentsX = componentsX;
85 var grid = false;
86 _exports.grid = grid;
87 var gridColumns16 = false;
88 _exports.gridColumns16 = gridColumns16;
89 var featureFlags = {
90 breakingChangesX: breakingChangesX,
91 componentsX: componentsX,
92 grid: grid,
93 gridColumns16: gridColumns16
94 };
95 var _default = featureFlags;
96 _exports.default = _default;
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