1 | # cardano-crypto.js
2 | * [input-output-hk/cardano-crypto](https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-crypto/tree/master/cbits)
3 | * [haskell-crypto/cryptonite](https://github.com/haskell-crypto/cryptonite)
4 | * [grigorig/chachapoly](https://github.com/grigorig/chachapoly)
5 |
6 | Compiled to pure javascript using Emscripten. This is a collection of cryptolibraries and functions useful for working with Cardano cryptocurrency, eliminating the need for many dependencies.
7 |
8 | # Examples
9 | ## Signing
10 |
11 | ``` javascript
12 | var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')
13 |
14 | var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
15 | var walletSecret = await lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
16 | var msg = new Buffer('hello there')
17 | var sig = lib.sign(msg, walletSecret)
18 | ```
19 |
20 | ## Deriving child keys (hardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)
21 |
22 | ``` javascript
23 | var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')
24 |
25 | var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
26 | var parentWalletSecret = lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
27 | var childWalletSecret = lib.derivePrivate(parentWalletSecret, 0x80000001, 1)
28 | ```
29 |
30 | ## Deriving child public keys (nonhardened derivation, you can choose either derivation scheme 1 or 2)
31 |
32 | ``` javascript
33 | var lib = require('cardano-crypto.js')
34 |
35 | var mnemonic = 'logic easily waste eager injury oval sentence wine bomb embrace gossip supreme'
36 | var parentWalletSecret = lib.mnemonicToRootKeypair(mnemonic, 1)
37 | var parentWalletPublicKey = parentWalletSecret.slice(64, 128)
38 | var childWalletSecret = lib.derivePublic(parentWalletPublicKey, 1, 1)
39 | ```
40 |
41 | # Available Functions
42 |
43 | ## Signing/Verification
44 | * `Buffer sign(Buffer msg, Buffer walletSecret)`
45 | * `Bool verify(Buffer msg, Buffer publicKey, Buffer sig)`
46 |
47 | ## Key derivation
48 | * `async Buffer mnemonicToRootKeypair(String mnemonic, int derivationScheme)`
49 | * `Buffer derivePrivate(Buffer parentKey, int index, int derivationScheme)`
50 | * `Buffer derivePublic(Buffer parentExtPubKey, int index, int derivationScheme)`
51 | * `Buffer toPublic(Buffer privateKey)`
52 |
53 | ## Address encoding/decoding/validation
54 | * `Buffer packBootstrapAddress(Array[int] derivationPath, Buffer xpub, Buffer hdPassphrase, int derivationScheme, int protocolMagic)`
55 | * `Buffer packBaseAddress(Buffer spendingKeyHash, Buffer stakingPubKey, int networkId)`
56 | * `Buffer packPointerAddress(Buffer pubKeyHash, Object pointer, int networkId)`
57 | * `Buffer packEnterpriseAddress(Buffer spendingKeyHash, int networkId)`
58 | * `Buffer packRewardAddress(Buffer stakingKeyHash, int networkId)`
59 | * `Object getAddressType(Buffer address)`
60 | * `Object getShelleyAddressInfo(Buffer address)`
61 | * `Object AddressTypes`
62 | * `Buffer addressToBuffer(string address) // address can be either bech32 or base58 encoded`
63 | * `Map getBootstrapAddressAttributes(Buffer address)`
64 | * `Array<int>? getBootstrapAddressDerivationPath(Buffer address, Buffer hdPassphrase)`
65 | * `int getBootstrapAddressProtocolMagic(Buffer address)`
66 | * `Bool isValidBootstrapAddress(string address)`
67 | * `Bool isValidShelleyAddress(string address)`
68 | * `Buffer xpubToHdPassphrase(Buffer xpub)`
69 | * `Buffer getPubKeyBlake2b224Hash(Buffer pubKey)`
70 |
71 | ## Cardano crypto primitives
72 | * `Buffer blake2b(Buffer input, outputLen)`
73 | * `Buffer cardanoMemoryCombine(Buffer input, String password)`
74 | * `string bech32.encode(string prefix, Buffer data)`
75 | * `Object bech32.decode(string address)`
76 | * `[base58](https://www.npmjs.com/package/base58)`
77 | * `[scrypt](https://www.npmjs.com/package/scrypt-async)`
78 |
79 | ## Daedalus paper wallets (27-word mnemonics)
80 | * `Buffer decodePaperWalletMnemonic(string paperWalletMnemonic)`
81 |
82 | We encourage you to take a look `at test/index.js` to see how the functions above should be used.
83 |
84 | # Development
85 |
86 | * Install [emscripten](http://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/getting_started/downloads.html#installation-instructions), recommended version is 1.38.8
87 | * run `npm install`
88 | * run `npm run build`
89 |
90 | # Emscripten build example
91 |
92 | ```
93 | git clone https://github.com/emscripten-core/emsdk.git
94 | cd emsdk
95 | ./emsdk install 1.39.19
96 | ./emsdk activate 1.39.19
97 | source ./emsdk_env.sh
98 | cd ../
99 | git clone https://github.com/vacuumlabs/cardano-crypto.js
100 | cd cardano-crypto.js
101 | npm install
102 | npm run build
103 | shasum lib.js # should match shasum of published version of lib.js
104 | ```
105 |
106 | # known issues
107 |
108 | When trying to compile the library with emscripten 1.38.41, the `cardanoMemoryCombine` function slows down significantly. With the 1.38.8 version it runs significantly faster.
109 |
110 | # tests
111 |
112 | * run `npm run test`
113 |
114 | # Removing wordlists from webpack/browserify
115 |
116 | * [bitcoinjs/bip39](https://github.com/bitcoinjs/bip39)
117 |
118 | Browserify/Webpack bundles can get very large if you include all the wordlists, so you can now exclude wordlists to make your bundle lighter.
119 |
120 | For example, if we want to exclude all wordlists besides chinese_simplified, you could build using the browserify command below.
121 |
122 | ```bash
123 | $ browserify -r bip39 -s bip39 \
124 | --exclude=./wordlists/english.json \
125 | --exclude=./wordlists/japanese.json \
126 | --exclude=./wordlists/spanish.json \
127 | --exclude=./wordlists/italian.json \
128 | --exclude=./wordlists/french.json \
129 | --exclude=./wordlists/korean.json \
130 | --exclude=./wordlists/chinese_traditional.json \
131 | > bip39.browser.js
132 | ```
133 |
134 | This will create a bundle that only contains the chinese_simplified wordlist, and it will be the default wordlist for all calls without explicit wordlists.
135 |
136 | You can also do this in Webpack using the `IgnorePlugin`. Here is an example of excluding all non-English wordlists
137 |
138 | ```javascript
139 | ...
140 | plugins: [
141 | new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/^\.\/wordlists\/(?!english)/, /bip39\/src$/),
142 | ],
143 | ...
144 | ```
145 |
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