3.25 kBPlain TextView Raw
2 * Caterpillar supports piping to anything that supports this interface.
3 * Which includes:
4 * - {@link Transform Caterpillar Transforms}
5 * - [Deno Writer Streams](https://doc.deno.land/https/github.com/denoland/deno/releases/latest/download/lib.deno.d.ts#Deno.Writer), e.g.
6 * - [Deno.stdout](https://doc.deno.land/https/github.com/denoland/deno/releases/latest/download/lib.deno.d.ts#Deno.stdout)
7 * - [Node.js Writable Streams](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/stream.html#stream_writable_streams), e.g.
8 * - [process.stdout](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/process.html#process_process_stdout)
9 * - [fs.createWriteStream](https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v14.x/docs/api/fs.html#fs_fs_createwritestream_path_options)
10 * - [WhatWG Writable Streams](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WritableStream)
11 */
12export interface Pipeable {
13 write(chunk: any): any
14 end?(cb?: () => void): void
15 close?(): Promise<void> | void
19 * Caterpillar Transform Class.
20 * Provides the methods needed to provide a pipable Caterpillar Transform.
21 * Such that all you need to do is write your {@link Transform.format} method.
22 * It can pipe to anything that provides a {@link Pipeable.write} method.
23 * @example [Writing a Custom Transform](https://repl.it/@balupton/caterpillar-custom-transform)
24 */
25export class Transform implements Pipeable {
26 /** Where is this Transform piping to? */
27 private pipes: Array<Pipeable> = []
29 /**
30 * Format the received log entry representation.
31 * Your transformer should extend this.
32 */
33 format(message: any): any {
34 return message
35 }
37 /** Pipe future log entries into a caterpillar transform or a stream. */
38 pipe<T extends Pipeable>(to: T) {
39 this.pipes.push(to)
40 return to
41 }
43 /** Maintain a write queue such that multiple Deno writes do not stall */
44 private writer = Promise.resolve()
46 /** Write to the child pipes. */
47 write(chunk: any) {
48 // format now, so that we have the correct stack
49 const data = this.format(chunk)
50 // exclude filtered entries
51 if (data == null) return this.writer
52 // now delegate back to the pipe
53 this.writer = this.writer.then(async () => {
54 // pipe to child transforms and streams
55 for (const pipe of this.pipes) {
56 if (pipe instanceof Transform) {
57 // compatibility with caterpillar transforms
58 await pipe.write(data)
59 } else {
60 const str = typeof data === 'string' ? data : JSON.stringify(data)
61 // requires typescript dom lib to define TextEncoder global
62 if (typeof TextEncoder !== 'undefined') {
63 // compatibility with deno and later node streams
64 await pipe.write(new TextEncoder().encode(str))
65 } else {
66 // compatibility with earlier node streams
67 await pipe.write(str)
68 }
69 }
70 }
71 })
72 return this.writer
73 }
75 /** Close the child pipes. */
76 async close(): Promise<void> {
77 await Promise.all(
78 this.pipes.map((pipe) => {
79 if (pipe.close) {
80 return pipe.close()
81 } else if (pipe.end) {
82 return new Promise<void>(function (resolve) {
83 pipe.end!(resolve)
84 })
85 } else {
86 return Promise.resolve()
87 }
88 })
89 )
90 }
92 /* Callback alias for close */
93 end(cb?: () => void) {
94 const p = this.close()
95 if (cb) p.finally(cb)
96 }
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