1 | import test from 'ava'
2 | import Chance from '../chance.js'
3 | import _ from 'lodash'
4 |
5 | const chance = new Chance()
6 |
7 |
8 | test('cc() passes the luhn algorithm', t => {
9 | _.times(1000, () => {
10 | let number = chance.cc()
11 | t.true(chance.luhn_check(number))
12 | })
13 | })
14 |
15 | test('cc() can take a type arg and obey it', t => {
16 | _.times(1000, () => {
17 | let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true })
18 | let number = chance.cc({ type: type.name })
19 | t.is(number.length, type.length)
20 | })
21 | })
22 |
23 | test('cc() can take a short_name type arg and obey it', t => {
24 | _.times(1000, () => {
25 | let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true })
26 | let number = chance.cc({ type: type.short_name })
27 | t.is(number.length, type.length)
28 | })
29 | })
30 |
31 |
32 | test('cc_type() returns a random credit card type', t => {
33 | _.times(1000, () => {
34 | t.true(_.isString(chance.cc_type()))
35 | })
36 | })
37 |
38 | test('cc_type() can take a raw arg and obey it', t => {
39 | _.times(1000, () => {
40 | let type = chance.cc_type({ raw: true })
41 | t.truthy(type.name)
42 | t.truthy(type.short_name)
43 | t.truthy(type.prefix)
44 | t.truthy(type.length)
45 | })
46 | })
47 |
48 | test('cc_type() can take a name arg and obey it', t => {
49 | _.times(1000, () => {
50 | let type = chance.cc_type({ name: 'Visa', raw: true })
51 | t.is(type.name, 'Visa')
52 | })
53 | })
54 |
55 | test('cc_type() with bogus type throws', t => {
56 | const fn = () => chance.cc_type({ name: 'potato' })
57 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Credit card type \'potato\' is not supported')
58 | })
59 |
60 |
61 | test('cc_types() returns an array of credit card types', t => {
62 | t.true(_.isArray(chance.cc_types()))
63 | })
64 |
65 |
66 | test('currency() returns a currency', t => {
67 | _.times(1000, () => {
68 | let currency = chance.currency()
69 | t.true(_.isObject(currency))
70 | t.truthy(currency.code)
71 | t.is(currency.code.length, 3)
72 | t.truthy(currency.name)
73 | })
74 | })
75 |
76 |
77 | test('currency_pair() returns a currency pair', t => {
78 | _.times(1000, () => {
79 | let currency_pair = chance.currency_pair()
80 | t.true(_.isArray(currency_pair))
81 | t.is(currency_pair.length, 2)
82 | t.not(currency_pair[0].code, currency_pair[1].code)
83 | })
84 | })
85 |
86 | test('currency_pair() can return string version', t => {
87 | _.times(1000, () => {
88 | let currency_pair = chance.currency_pair(true)
89 | t.true(_.isString(currency_pair))
90 | t.is(currency_pair.length, 7)
91 | t.true(/^[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]+\/[A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]$/.test(currency_pair))
92 | })
93 | })
94 |
95 |
96 | test('dollar() returns a proper dollar amount', t => {
97 | let dollar = chance.dollar()
98 | t.true(/\$[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/.test(dollar))
99 | let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length))
100 | t.true(dollarFloat < 10001)
101 | })
102 |
103 | test('dollar() obeys min and max, if provided', t => {
104 | _.times(1000, () => {
105 | let dollar = chance.dollar({ max: 20 })
106 | let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length))
107 | t.true(dollarFloat <= 20)
108 | })
109 |
110 | _.times(1000, () => {
111 | let dollar = chance.dollar({ min: 20 })
112 | let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(1, dollar.length))
113 | t.true(dollarFloat >= 20)
114 | })
115 | })
116 |
117 | test('dollar() can take negative min and max', t => {
118 | _.times(1000, () => {
119 | let dollar = chance.dollar({ min: -200, max: -1 })
120 | t.is(dollar.charAt(0), '-')
121 | let dollarFloat = parseFloat(dollar.substring(2, dollar.length))
122 |
123 | dollarFloat *= -1
124 | t.true(dollarFloat <= -1)
125 | t.true(dollarFloat >= -200)
126 | })
127 | })
128 |
129 |
130 | test('euro() returns a proper euro amount', t => {
131 | let euro = chance.euro()
132 | t.true(/[0-9]+,?\.?[0-9]+?€/.test(euro))
133 | let euroFloat = parseFloat(euro.substring(euro.length, -1))
134 | t.true(euroFloat < 10001)
135 | })
136 |
137 |
138 | test('exp() looks correct', t => {
139 | _.times(1000, () => {
140 | let exp = chance.exp()
141 | t.true(_.isString(exp))
142 | t.is(exp.length, 7)
143 | t.true(/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4})/.test(exp))
144 | })
145 | })
146 |
147 | test('exp() will respect object argument', t => {
148 | _.times(1000, () => {
149 | let exp = chance.exp({ raw: true })
150 | t.true(_.isObject(exp))
151 | t.truthy(exp.month)
152 | t.true(_.isString(exp.month))
153 | t.truthy(exp.year)
154 | t.true(_.isString(exp.year))
155 | })
156 | })
157 |
158 | test('exp() returs a valid credit card expiration (in a future date)', t => {
159 | _.times(1000, () => {
160 | let exp = chance.exp({ raw: true })
161 | let now = new Date()
162 | let nowMonth = now.getMonth() + 1
163 | let nowYear = now.getFullYear()
164 | let expMonth = parseInt(exp.month, 10)
165 | let expYear = parseInt(exp.year, 10)
166 |
167 | t.true(expYear >= nowYear)
168 | if (expYear === nowYear) {
169 | t.true(expMonth >= nowMonth)
170 | }
171 | })
172 | })
173 |
174 |
175 | test('exp_month() returns a numeric month with leading 0', t => {
176 | _.times(1000, () => {
177 | let month = chance.exp_month()
178 | t.true(_.isString(month))
179 | t.is(month.length, 2)
180 | })
181 | })
182 |
183 |
184 | test('exp_year() returns an expiration year', t => {
185 | _.times(1000, () => {
186 | let year = chance.exp_year()
187 | t.true(_.isString(year))
188 | let parsedYear = parseInt(year, 10)
189 | let curYear = new Date().getFullYear()
190 | t.true(parsedYear >= curYear)
191 | t.true(parsedYear <= curYear + 10)
192 | })
193 | })
194 |
195 | test('exp_month() will return a future month if requested', t => {
196 | _.times(1000, () => {
197 | let nowMonth = new Date().getMonth() + 1
198 | let expMonth = parseInt(chance.exp_month({ future: true }), 10)
199 | if (nowMonth !== 12) {
200 | t.true(expMonth > nowMonth)
201 | } else {
202 | t.true(expMonth >= 1)
203 | t.true(expMonth <= 12)
204 | }
205 | })
206 | })
207 |
208 |
209 | test('luhn_check() properly checks if number passes the Luhn algorithm', t => {
210 | t.true(chance.luhn_check(49927398716))
211 | t.true(chance.luhn_check(1234567812345670))
212 | t.false(chance.luhn_check(49927398717))
213 | t.false(chance.luhn_check(1234567812345678))
214 | })
215 |
216 | test('iban() returns an iban', t => {
217 | let iban = chance.iban()
218 | t.true(_.isString(iban))
219 | t.true(/^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2}[A-Z0-9]{4}[0-9]{1,26}$/.test(iban))
220 | })