1 | import test from 'ava'
2 | import Chance from '../chance.js'
3 | import _ from 'lodash'
4 |
5 |
6 | const mean = (arr) => arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b)/arr.length
7 | const stddev = (arr) => {
8 | var testMean = mean(arr)
9 | var deviation = arr.map((item) => (item - testMean) * (item - testMean))
10 | return Math.sqrt(deviation.reduce((a, b) => a + b )/arr.length)
11 | }
12 |
13 | const pool = ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']
14 |
15 | const chance = new Chance()
16 |
17 | test('normal() works as expected with no parameters and returns a number', t => {
18 | _.times(1000, () => {
19 | let norm = chance.normal()
20 | t.is(typeof norm, 'number')
21 | })
22 | })
23 |
24 | test('normal() returns values fairly close to the expected standard deviation and mean', t => {
25 | let testStddev = 1
26 | let testMean = 0
27 | let group = chance.n(chance.normal, 10000)
28 |
29 | t.true(Math.abs(mean(group) - testMean) < testStddev)
30 | t.true(Math.abs(stddev(group) - testStddev) < testStddev * 0.05)
31 | })
32 |
33 | test('normal() works as expected with a pool of custom values provided', t => {
34 | let testStddev = 0.0000000001
35 | let testMean = 2
36 |
37 | _.times(1000, () => {
38 | let norm = chance.normal({ mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
39 | t.true(pool.indexOf(norm) !== -1)
40 | })
41 | })
42 |
43 | test('normal() recalculates and returns a value even if the normal() results in indexes outside the bounds of the pool', t => {
44 | let testStddev = 1.5
45 | let testMean = 3
46 |
47 | _.times(1000, () => {
48 | let norm = chance.normal({ mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
49 | t.true(pool.indexOf(norm) !== -1)
50 | })
51 | })
52 |
53 | test('normal() can be used with other chance functions', t => {
54 | let testStddev = 1
55 | let testMean = 3
56 | let group = chance.n(chance.normal, 1000, { mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
57 |
58 | t.true(group.length === 1000)
59 | t.true(pool.indexOf(group[0]) !== -1)
60 | t.true(pool.indexOf(group[999]) !== -1)
61 | })
62 |
63 | test('normal() should produce a correctly distributed group of pool items', t => {
64 | let testStddev = 2
65 | let testMean = 6
66 | let group = chance.n(chance.normal, 10000, { mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
67 | let counts = _.countBy(group)
68 |
69 | t.true(counts.Sunday > counts.Saturday)
70 | t.true(counts.Saturday > counts.Friday)
71 | t.true(counts.Friday > counts.Thursday)
72 | t.true(counts.Thursday > counts.Wednesday)
73 | t.true(counts.Wednesday > counts.Tuesday)
74 | t.true(counts.Tuesday > counts.Monday)
75 | })
76 |
77 | test('normal() should throw an error quickly if the user has provided bad pool', t => {
78 | let testStddev = 5
79 | let testMean = 200
80 | const fn = () => chance.normal({ mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
81 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Your pool is too small for the given mean and standard deviation. Please adjust.')
82 | })
83 |
84 | test('normal() should throw an error if called with non-number mean', t => {
85 | let testStddev = 5
86 | let testMean = []
87 | const fn = () => chance.normal({ mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
88 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Mean (mean) must be a number')
89 | })
90 |
91 | test('normal() should throw an error if called with non-number stddev', t => {
92 | let testStddev = []
93 | let testMean = 5
94 | const fn = () => chance.normal({ mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: pool })
95 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Standard deviation (dev) must be a number')
96 | })
97 |
98 | test('normal() should throw an error if the pool provided is not an array', t => {
99 | const fn = () => chance.normal({ pool: 'not an array' })
100 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: The pool option must be a valid array.')
101 | })
102 |
103 | test('normal() should work with objects', t => {
104 | let testStddev = 1
105 | let testMean = 1
106 | let group = chance.n(chance.normal, 50, { mean: testMean, dev: testStddev, pool: [
107 | { a: 1, b: 10},
108 | { a: 2, b: 20},
109 | { a: 3, b: 30}
110 | ]})
111 |
112 | t.true(group.length === 50)
113 | t.truthy(group[0]['a'])
114 | })