1 | import test from 'ava'
2 | import Chance from '../chance.js'
3 | import _ from 'lodash'
4 |
5 | const chance = new Chance()
6 |
7 |
8 | test('sentence() returns a random sentence', t => {
9 | _.times(1000, () => {
10 | let sentence = chance.sentence()
11 | t.true(_.isString(sentence))
12 | let len = sentence.split(' ').length
13 | t.true(len > 11)
14 | t.true(len < 19)
15 | })
16 | })
17 |
18 | test('sentence() will obey bounds', t => {
19 | _.times(1000, () => {
20 | let sentence = chance.sentence({ words: 5 })
21 | t.true(_.isString(sentence))
22 | t.is(sentence.split(' ').length, 5)
23 | t.true(/[a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z]+ [a-zA-Z]+.?/m.test(sentence))
24 | })
25 | })
26 |
27 |
28 | test('syllable() returns a random syllable', t => {
29 | _.times(1000, () => {
30 | let syllable = chance.syllable()
31 | t.true(_.isString(syllable))
32 | t.true(syllable.length > 1)
33 | t.true(syllable.length < 4)
34 | })
35 | })
36 |
37 | test('syllable() obeys the capitalize option', t => {
38 | _.times(1000, () => {
39 | let syllable = chance.syllable({ capitalize: true })
40 | t.true(_.isString(syllable))
41 | t.true(syllable.length > 1)
42 | t.true(syllable.length < 4)
43 | t.true(/[A-Z]+/.test(syllable))
44 | })
45 | })
46 |
47 |
48 | test('word() returns a random word', t => {
49 | _.times(1000, () => {
50 | let word = chance.word()
51 | t.true(_.isString(word))
52 | t.true(word.length > 1)
53 | t.true(word.length < 10)
54 | })
55 | })
56 |
57 | test('word() obeys the capitalize option', t => {
58 | _.times(1000, () => {
59 | let word = chance.word({ capitalize: true })
60 | t.true(_.isString(word))
61 | t.true(word.length > 1)
62 | t.true(word.length < 10)
63 | t.true(word.charAt(0) === word.charAt(0).toUpperCase())
64 | })
65 | })
66 |
67 | test('word() can have a set number of syllables', t => {
68 | _.times(1000, () => {
69 | let word = chance.word({ syllables: 3 })
70 | t.true(_.isString(word))
71 | t.true(word.length > 5)
72 | t.true(word.length < 10)
73 | })
74 | })
75 |
76 | test('word() can have a set length', t => {
77 | _.times(1000, () => {
78 | let word = chance.word({ length: 5 })
79 | t.true(_.isString(word))
80 | t.is(word.length, 5)
81 | })
82 | })
83 |
84 | test('word() throws if both syllables and length specified', t => {
85 | const fn = () => chance.word({ syllables: 3, length: 20 })
86 | t.throws(fn, 'Chance: Cannot specify both syllables AND length.')
87 | })
88 |
89 |
90 | test('paragraph() returns a random paragraph', t => {
91 | _.times(100, () => {
92 | let paragraph = chance.paragraph()
93 | t.true(_.isString(paragraph))
94 |
95 | let len = paragraph.split('.').length
96 | t.true(len > 2)
97 | t.true(len < 9)
98 | })
99 | })
100 |
101 | test('paragraph() will obey bounds', t => {
102 | _.times(100, () => {
103 | let paragraph = chance.paragraph({ sentences: 5 })
104 | t.true(_.isString(paragraph))
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 | let len = paragraph.split('.').length
110 | t.is(len, 6)
111 | })
112 | })
113 |
114 | test('paragraph) will obey line breaks', t => {
115 | _.times(100, () => {
116 | let rand = _.random(1, 50);
117 | let paragraph = chance.paragraph({ sentences: rand, linebreak: true })
118 | t.true(_.isString(paragraph))
119 |
120 | let len = paragraph.split('\n').length
121 | t.is(len, rand);
122 | })
123 | })
124 |
125 | test('emoji() will return a single emoji by default', t => {
126 | let emoji = chance.emoji();
127 |
128 | t.true(_.isString(emoji));
129 | t.is([...emoji].length, 1);
130 | })
131 |
132 | test('emoji() will return as many emojis as you tell it to', t => {
133 | _.times(100, () => {
134 | let rand = _.random(1, 50);
135 | let emoji = chance.emoji({ length: rand });
136 |
137 | t.true(_.isString(emoji));
138 | t.is([...emoji].length, rand);
139 | })
140 | })
141 |
142 | test('emoji() will throw an error when category is unrecognised', t => {
143 | let fn = () => chance.emoji({ category: 'something-incorrect' });
144 | t.throws(fn, "Chance: Unrecognised emoji category: [something-incorrect].");
145 | })
146 |
147 | test('emoji() will throw an error when length is 0', t => {
148 | let fn = () => chance.emoji({ length: 0 });
149 | t.throws(fn, "Chance: length must be between 1 and 9007199254740992");
150 | })
151 |
152 | test('emoji() will throw an error when length is negative', t => {
153 | let fn = () => chance.emoji({ length: -1 });
154 | t.throws(fn, "Chance: length must be between 1 and 9007199254740992");
155 | })
156 |
157 | test('emoji() will throw an error when length is greater than 9007199254740992', t => {
158 | let fn = () => chance.emoji({ length: BigInt('9007199254740993') });
159 | t.throws(fn, "Chance: length must be between 1 and 9007199254740992");
160 | }) |
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