1 | <div align="center">
2 | <img width="300" src="https://chartscss.org/assets/img/logo-animation.svg" alt="Charts.css Logo">
3 | </div>
4 |
5 | # Charts.css
6 |
7 | ![GitHub Version](https://img.shields.io/github/v/release/ChartsCSS/charts.css?style=for-the-badge) ![Minified Size](https://img.shields.io/bundlephobia/min/charts.css?style=for-the-badge) ![GitHub Repo stars](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/ChartsCSS/charts.css?label=GitHub%20Stars&style=for-the-badge) ![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/ChartsCSS/charts.css?style=for-the-badge)
8 |
9 | **Charts.css is an open source CSS framework for data visualization.**
10 |
11 | Visualization help end-users understand data. **Charts.css** help frontend developers turn data into beautiful charts and graphs using simple **CSS classes**.
12 |
13 | No dependencies. 76kb minified size. 7kb gzipped file size!
14 |
15 | ## Documentation
16 |
17 | Check the full documentation on [ChartsCSS.org](https://ChartsCSS.org/).
18 |
19 | * [Get Started](https://chartscss.org/docs/)
20 | * [Components](https://chartscss.org/components/)
21 | * [Charts](https://chartscss.org/charts/)
22 | * [Customization](https://chartscss.org/customization/)
23 | * [Development](https://chartscss.org/development/)
24 | * [Examples](https://chartscss.org/examples/)
25 |
26 | ## Installation
27 |
28 | ### CDN
29 |
30 | Use [jsdelivr](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/charts.css) CDN:
31 |
32 | ```html
33 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css">
34 | ```
35 |
36 | Or [unpkg](https://unpkg.com/browse/charts.css/) CDN:
37 |
38 | ```html
39 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/charts.css/dist/charts.min.css">
40 | ```
41 |
42 | ### Package Manager
43 |
44 | Install using [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/charts.css):
45 |
46 | ```bash
47 | npm install charts.css
48 | ```
49 |
50 | Or using [yarn](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/package/charts.css):
51 |
52 | ```bash
53 | yarn add charts.css
54 | ```
55 |
56 | ## Usage
57 |
58 | The data is structured using semantic HTML tags and styled using CSS classes which change the visual representation displayed to the end user.
59 |
60 | ```html
61 | <table class="charts-css [ column ] [ show-primary-axis show-4-secondary-axes ] [ data-spacing-4 reverse-data ]">
62 |
63 | <caption> Front End Developer Salary </caption>
64 |
65 | <thead>
66 | <tr>
67 | <th scope="col"> Year </th>
68 | <th scope="col"> Income </th>
69 | </tr>
70 | </thead>
71 |
72 | <tbody>
73 | <tr>
74 | <th scope="row"> 2016 </th>
75 | <td style="--size: calc( 40 / 100 );"> $ 40K </td>
76 | </tr>
77 | <tr>
78 | <th scope="row"> 2017 </th>
79 | <td style="--size: calc( 60 / 100 );"> $ 60K </td>
80 | </tr>
81 | <tr>
82 | <th scope="row"> 2018 </th>
83 | <td style="--size: calc( 75 / 100 );"> $ 75K </td>
84 | </tr>
85 | <tr>
86 | <th scope="row"> 2019 </th>
87 | <td style="--size: calc( 90 / 100 );"> $ 90K </td>
88 | </tr>
89 | <tr>
90 | <th scope="row"> 2020 </th>
91 | <td style="--size: calc( 100 / 100 );"> $ 100K <br> 👑 </td>
92 | </tr>
93 | </tbody>
94 |
95 | </table>
96 | ```
97 |
98 | The framework offers developers flexibility. You choose what components to display and how to style them. Each component offers several CSS classes and CSS variables to customizes your style.
99 |
100 | The key feature is the ability to customize everything using basic CSS. Frontend developers can target any HTML element and customize it. This philosophical guideline is what makes the framework so flexible, easy and fun to use.
101 |
102 | ## Questions
103 |
104 | For questions and support please use the [official forum](https://github.com/ChartsCSS/charts.css/discussions) on GitHub.
105 |
106 | ## Liked Charts.css?
107 |
108 | If you like the project, **please consider to star the repo on GitHub**.
109 |
110 | ## License
111 |
112 | Charts.css is licensed under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).