1.78 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {SharedUiComponent} from "./shareduicomponent";
2import template from "./cjs-action-sheet.html";
4export default class cjsActionSheet extends SharedUiComponent {
5 constructor() {
6 super();
7 this.componentId = "cjsActionSheet";
8 this.template = template;
9 }
10 isNative() {
11 return window.NativeNav;
12 }
13 controller($scope) {
14 var self = $scope.componentDefinition;
15 $scope.hideModal = function() {
16 self.popuptrigger = null;
17 var routeScope = self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route];
18 // need to reset this so the popup doesnt reopen if the page is reactivated.
19 self.app.setSharedUiComponentState(routeScope, "cjs-action-sheet", false, true, null);
20 };
21 $scope.handleSharedPopupButtonClick = function(b) {
22 self.popuptrigger = null;
23 var routeScope = self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route];
24 self.app.setSharedUiComponentState(routeScope, "cjs-action-sheet", false, true, null);
25 if (routeScope && b.action) {
26 routeScope.$eval(b.action);
27 }
28 };
29 }
30 setState(self, route, active, available, data) {
31 self.data = data;
32 self.route = route;
34 if (window.NativeNav) {
35 if (active && data.element && data.element.length > 0) {
36 var rect = data.element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
37 window.NativeNav.showPopupMenu(route, rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, data.items);
38 }
39 } else {
40 if (!active) {
41 self.popuptrigger = null;
42 } else {
43 self.popuptrigger = {
44 element: data.element
45 };
46 }
47 }
48 }