3.9 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import {SharedUiComponent} from "./shareduicomponent";
3export default class cjsSharedPopup extends SharedUiComponent {
4 constructor() {
5 super();
6 this.componentId = "cjsSharedPopup";
7 this.template = require("./cjs-shared-popup.html");
8 }
9 isNative() {
10 return false;
11 //return (window.NativeNav && true) || false;
12 }
13 controller($scope) {
14 var self = $scope.componentDefinition;
15 self.scope = $scope;
16 self.defaultController = function() { };
18 $scope.hideModal = function() {
19 var routeScope = self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route];
20 if (self.data.closeCallback) {
21 routeScope.$eval(self.data.closeCallback)(self.data);
22 }
24 // need to reset this so the popup doesnt reopen if the page is reactivated.
25 self.app.setSharedUiComponentState(routeScope, "cjs-shared-popup", false, true, self.data);
26 };
27 $scope.runOnMainScope = function(funcName, params) {
28 var routeScope = self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route];
29 if (routeScope) {
30 routeScope.$eval(funcName).apply(undefined, params);
31 }
32 };
33 $scope.runOnMainScopeAndClose = function(funcName, params) {
34 $scope.hideModal();
35 var routeScope = self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route];
36 if (routeScope) {
37 routeScope.$eval(funcName).apply(undefined, params);
38 }
39 };
41 }
42 setState(self, route, active, available, data) {
43 self.data = data;
44 self.route = route;
46 if (window.NativeNav) {
47 if (active && !self.popuptrigger) {
48 self.scrollX = window.scrollX;
49 self.scrollY = window.scrollY;
50 self.originRect = null;
51 if (data.element && data.element.length) {
52 self.originRect = data.element[0].getBoundingClientRect();
53 }
54 window.NativeNav.startNativeTransition("popup", self.originRect, function() {
55 angular.element("body").addClass("cjs-shared-popup-active");
56 if (screen.width < 600) {
57 document.getElementById("viewport").setAttribute("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0");
58 } else {
59 document.getElementById("viewport").setAttribute("content", "width=500, height=500, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0");
60 }
61 window.scrollTo(0, 0);
62 self.popuptrigger = {};
63 self.nativeTransition = true;
64 self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route].$apply();
65 window.NativeNav.finishNativeTransition();
66 },
67 self.scope.hideModal
68 );
69 } else if (!active && self.popuptrigger) {
70 window.NativeNav.startNativeTransition("closepopup", self.originRect, function() {
71 angular.element("body").removeClass("cjs-shared-popup-active");
72 document.getElementById("viewport").setAttribute("content", "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0");
73 self.popuptrigger = null;
74 self.app.scopesForRoutes[self.route].$apply();
75 window.scrollTo(self.scrollX, self.scrollY);
76 window.NativeNav.finishNativeTransition();
77 });
78 }
79 } else {
80 if (!active) {
81 self.popuptrigger = null;
82 } else {
83 self.popuptrigger = {
84 element: data.element,
85 additionalClasses: data.additionalClasses
86 };
87 }
88 }
89 }