1 | # ChromeDriver
2 |
3 | [](https://github.com/giggio/node-chromedriver/actions/workflows/build.yml)
4 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/chromedriver)
5 |
6 | An NPM wrapper for Selenium [ChromeDriver](https://sites.google.com/chromium.org/driver/).
7 |
8 | ## Building and Installing
9 |
10 | ```shell
11 | npm install chromedriver
12 | ```
13 |
14 | Or grab the source and
15 |
16 | ```shell
17 | node ./install.js
18 | ```
19 |
20 | What this is really doing is just grabbing a particular "blessed" (by
21 | this module) version of ChromeDriver. As new versions are released
22 | and vetted, this module will be updated accordingly.
23 |
24 | The package has been set up to fetch and run ChromeDriver for MacOS (darwin),
25 | Linux based platforms (as identified by Node.js), and Windows. If you
26 | spot any platform weirdness, let us know or send a patch.
27 |
28 | ## Force download
29 |
30 | By default this package, when installed, will search for an existing
31 | Chromedriver binary in your configured temp directory. If found, and it is the
32 | correct version, it will simply copy it to your node_modules directory. You can
33 | force it always download by configuring it:
34 |
35 | ```shell
36 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver-force-download
37 | ```
38 |
39 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
40 |
41 | ```ini
42 | chromedriver_force_download=true
43 | ```
44 |
45 | Another option is to use PATH variable `CHROMEDRIVER_FORCE_DOWNLOAD`.
46 |
47 | ```shell
48 | CHROMEDRIVER_FORCE_DOWNLOAD=true npm install chromedriver
49 | ```
50 |
51 | ## Custom binaries url
52 |
53 | This allows you to use your own endpoints for metadata and binaries. It is useful in air gapped
54 | scenarios or if you have download restrictions, such as firewalls.
55 |
56 | This was changed for version 115 and greater
57 | ([see details](https://groups.google.com/g/chromedriver-users/c/clpipqvOGjE)),
58 | but implemented in this package starting with version
59 | `114.0.2`. To see the configuration to prior versions check out this
60 | [README.md](https://github.com/giggio/node-chromedriver/tree/114.0.1#custom-binaries-url)
61 | at the latest tag where it was using the legacy urls (`114.0.1`).
62 |
63 | ### For versions >= 115
64 |
65 | There are two urls that need to be configured, one for metadata and one for binaries.
66 | The one for metadata is the "CDN url", and the one for binaries is the "CDN binaries url".
67 | See [Chrome for Testing](https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/) to understand
68 | how these urls work.
69 |
70 | Npm config:
71 |
72 | For metadata use `chromedriver_cdnurl`. The default is `https://googlechromelabs.github.io`. You need to either supply the binary download endpoint, or the binaries url config, see bellow.
73 |
74 | For binaries use `chromedriver_cdnbinariesurl`. The default is to search for the download url using
75 | `$chromedriver_cdnurl/chrome-for-testing/[version].json`, which forms a URL like:
76 | https://googlechromelabs.github.io/chrome-for-testing/122.0.6261.57.json.
77 |
78 | The resulting url will be something like:
79 | https://storage.googleapis.com/chrome-for-testing-public/122.0.6261.57/linux64/chromedriver-linux64.zip.
80 |
81 | Keep in mind that this last url is just an example and it might change (as it has happened in the past).
82 |
83 | ```shell
84 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_cdnurl=https://npmmirror.com/metadata --chromedriver_cdnbinariesurl=https://npmmirror.com/binaries
85 | ```
86 |
87 | Or add these properties to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/configuring-npm/npmrc) file:
88 |
89 | ```ini
90 | chromedriver_cdnurl=https://npmmirror.com/metadata
91 | chromedriver_cdnbinariesurl=https://npmmirror.com/binaries
92 | ```
93 |
94 | Another option is to use the environment variables `CHROMEDRIVER_CDNURL` and `CHROMEDRIVER_CDNBINARIESURL`.
95 |
96 | ```shell
97 | CHROMEDRIVER_CDNURL=https://npmmirror.com/metadata CHROMEDRIVER_CDNBINARIESURL=https://npmmirror.com/binaries npm install chromedriver
98 | ```
99 |
100 | ### For versions < 115
101 |
102 | There is one url to both metadata and binaries.
103 |
104 | To use a mirror of the ChromeDriver binaries use npm config property `chromedriver_legacy_cdnurl`.
105 | Default is `https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com`.
106 |
107 | ```shell
108 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_legacy_cdnurl=https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/chromedriver --chromedriver_version=LATEST_114
109 | ```
110 |
111 | Or add a property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file:
112 |
113 | ```ini
114 | chromedriver_legacy_cdnurl=https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/chromedriver
115 | ```
116 |
117 | Another option is to use the environment variable `CHROMEDRIVER_LEGACY_CDNURL`.
118 |
119 | ```shell
120 | CHROMEDRIVER_LEGACY_CDNURL=https://npmmirror.com/mirrors/chromedriver npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_version=LATEST_114
121 | ```
122 |
123 | ## Custom binaries file
124 |
125 | To get the chromedriver from the filesystem instead of a web request use the npm config property `chromedriver_filepath`.
126 |
127 | ```shell
128 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_filepath=/path/to/chromedriver_mac64.zip
129 | ```
130 |
131 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
132 |
133 | ```ini
134 | chromedriver_filepath=/path/to/chromedriver_mac64.zip
135 | ```
136 |
137 | Another option is to use the PATH variable `CHROMEDRIVER_FILEPATH`
138 |
139 | ```shell
140 | CHROMEDRIVER_FILEPATH=/path/to/chromedriver_mac64.zip
141 | ```
142 |
143 | This variable can be used to set either a `.zip` file or the binary itself, eg:
144 |
145 | ```shell
146 | CHROMEDRIVER_FILEPATH=/bin/chromedriver
147 | ```
148 |
149 | ## Custom download options
150 |
151 | Install through a proxy.
152 |
153 | ```shell
154 | npm config set proxy http://[user:pwd]@domain.tld:port
155 | npm config set https-proxy http://[user:pwd]@domain.tld:port
156 | ```
157 |
158 | Use different User-Agent.
159 |
160 | ```shell
161 | npm config set user-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0"
162 | ```
163 |
164 | ## Skipping chromedriver download
165 |
166 | You may wish to skip the downloading of the chromedriver binary file, for example if you know for certain that it is already there or if you want to use a system binary and just use this module as an interface to interact with it.
167 |
168 | To achieve this you can use the npm config property `chromedriver_skip_download`.
169 |
170 | ```shell
171 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_skip_download=true
172 | ```
173 |
174 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
175 |
176 | ```ini
177 | chromedriver_skip_download=true
178 | ```
179 |
180 | Another option is to use the PATH variable `CHROMEDRIVER_SKIP_DOWNLOAD`
181 |
182 | ```shell
184 | ```
185 |
186 | ## Running
187 |
188 | ```shell
189 | bin/chromedriver [arguments]
190 | ```
191 |
192 | And npm will install a link to the binary in `node_modules/.bin` as
193 | it is wont to do.
194 |
195 | ## Running with Selenium WebDriver
196 |
197 | ```javascript
198 | require('chromedriver');
199 | var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
200 | var driver = new webdriver.Builder()
201 | .forBrowser('chrome')
202 | .build();
203 | ```
204 |
205 | (Tested for selenium-webdriver version `2.48.2`)
206 |
207 | The path will be added to the process automatically, you don't need to configure it.
208 | But you can get it from `require('chromedriver').path` if you want it.
209 |
210 | ## Running via node
211 |
212 | The package exports a `path` string that contains the path to the
213 | chromedriver binary/executable.
214 |
215 | Below is an example of using this package via node.
216 |
217 | ```javascript
218 | var childProcess = require('child_process');
219 | var chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
220 | var binPath = chromedriver.path;
221 |
222 | var childArgs = [
223 | 'some argument'
224 | ];
225 |
226 | childProcess.execFile(binPath, childArgs, function(err, stdout, stderr) {
227 | // handle results
228 | });
229 |
230 | ```
231 |
232 | You can also use the start and stop methods:
233 |
234 | ```javascript
235 | var chromedriver = require('chromedriver');
236 |
237 | args = [
238 | // optional arguments
239 | ];
240 | chromedriver.start(args);
241 | // run your tests
242 | chromedriver.stop();
243 |
244 | ```
245 |
246 | With the latest version, you can optionally receive a Promise from the `chromedriver.start` function:
247 |
248 | ```javascript
249 | var returnPromise = true;
250 | chromedriver
251 | .start(args, returnPromise)
252 | .then(() => {
253 | console.log('chromedriver is ready');
254 | });
255 | ```
256 |
257 | Note: if your tests are ran asynchronously, chromedriver.stop() will have to be
258 | executed as a callback at the end of your tests
259 |
260 | ## Versioning
261 |
262 | The NPM package version tracks the version of chromedriver that will be installed,
263 | with an additional build number that is used for revisions to the installer.
264 | You can use the package version number to install a specific version, or use the
265 | setting to a specific version. If there is a new Chromedriver version available which is not yet available as a version of `node-chromedriver`, the npm command `npm run update-chromedriver` in this repository can be used to make the required updates to this module, please submit the change as a PR. To always install the latest version of Chromedriver,
266 | use `LATEST` as the version number:
267 |
268 | ```shell
269 | npm install chromedriver --chromedriver_version=LATEST
270 | ```
271 |
272 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
273 |
274 | ```ini
275 | chromedriver_version=LATEST
276 | ```
277 |
278 | Another option is to use env variable `CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION`.
279 |
280 | ```shell
281 | CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION=LATEST npm install chromedriver
282 | ```
283 |
284 | You can force the latest release for a specific major version by specifying `LATEST_{VERSION_NUMBER}`:
285 |
286 | ```shell
287 | CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION=LATEST_80 npm install chromedriver
288 | ```
289 |
290 | You can also force a different version of chromedriver by replacing `LATEST` with a version number:
291 |
292 | ```shell
293 | CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION=75.0.3770.140 npm install chromedriver
294 | ```
295 |
296 | ## Detect ChromeDriver Version
297 |
298 | The NPM package version may not be always compatible to your Chrome version.
299 | To get the chromedriver that corresponds to the version of Chrome installed,
300 | you can use the npm config property `detect_chromedriver_version`.
301 |
302 | ```shell
303 | npm install chromedriver --detect_chromedriver_version
304 | ```
305 |
306 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
307 |
308 | ```ini
309 | detect_chromedriver_version=true
310 | ```
311 |
312 | Another option is to use environment variable `DETECT_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION`.
313 |
314 | ```shell
315 | DETECT_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION=true npm install chromedriver
316 | ```
317 |
318 | **Note:** When the property `detect_chromedriver_version` is provided,
319 | `chromedriver_version` and `chromedriver_filepath` properties are ignored.
320 |
321 | ## Include Chromium
322 |
323 | If you don't have Chrome installed, you can check for Chromium version instead by setting the argument `include_chromium` to `true`.
324 |
325 | ```shell
326 | npm install chromedriver --include_chromium
327 | ```
328 |
329 | Or add property to your [`.npmrc`](https://docs.npmjs.com/files/npmrc) file.
330 |
331 | ```ini
332 | include_chromium=true
333 | ```
334 |
335 | Another option is to use environment variable `INCLUDE_CHROMIUM`.
336 |
337 | ```shell
338 | INCLUDE_CHROMIUM=true npm install chromedriver
339 | ```
340 |
341 | **Note:** The property `INCLUDE_CHROMIUM` is ignored if the property `DETECT_CHROMEDRIVER_VERSION` is not used.
342 |
343 | ## A Note on chromedriver
344 |
345 | Chromedriver is not a library for NodeJS.
346 |
347 | This is an _NPM wrapper_ and can be used to conveniently make ChromeDriver available.
348 | It is not a Node.js wrapper.
349 |
350 | ## Supported Node.js versions
351 |
352 | We will do our best to support every supported Node.js versions.
353 | See [nodejs/Release](https://github.com/nodejs/Release) for
354 | the current supported versions. You can also view our
355 | [build scripts](https://github.com/giggio/node-chromedriver/blob/main/.github/workflows/build.yml#L41) and check the versions there.
356 |
357 | ## Contributing
358 |
359 | Questions, comments, bug reports, and pull requests are all welcome. Submit them at
360 | [the project on GitHub](https://github.com/giggio/node-chromedriver/).
361 |
362 | Bug reports that include steps-to-reproduce (including code) are the
363 | best. Even better, make them in the form of pull requests.
364 |
365 | We have added
366 | [VS Code Remote support with containers](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers).
367 | If you are on Windows, set `git config core.autocrlf input` so you don't get git errors.
368 |
369 | ## Author
370 |
371 | [Giovanni Bassi](https://github.com/giggio), with collaboration from
372 | [lots of good people](https://github.com/giggio/node-chromedriver/graphs/contributors).
373 |
374 | Thanks for Obvious and their PhantomJS project for heavy inspiration! Check their project on [Github](https://github.com/Obvious/phantomjs/).
375 |
376 | ## License
377 |
378 | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.