1 | # Chrono (v2)
2 |
3 | A natural language date parser in Javascript.
4 |
5 | ![Build Status](https://github.com/github/docs/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg)
6 | [![Coverage Status](https://img.shields.io/coverallsCoverage/github/wanasit/chrono.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/wanasit/chrono?branch=master)
7 |
8 | It is designed to handle most date/time format and extract information from any given text:
9 |
10 | * _Today_, _Tomorrow_, _Yesterday_, _Last Friday_, etc
11 | * _17 August 2013 - 19 August 2013_
12 | * _This Friday from 13:00 - 16.00_
13 | * _5 days ago_
14 | * _2 weeks from now_
15 | * _Sat Aug 17 2013 18:40:39 GMT+0900 (JST)_
16 | * _2014-11-30T08:15:30-05:30_
17 |
18 | ### Installation
19 |
20 | With npm:
21 | ```bash
22 | $ npm install --save chrono-node
23 | ```
24 |
25 | ```javascript
26 | import * as chrono from 'chrono-node';
27 |
28 | chrono.parseDate('An appointment on Sep 12-13');
29 | ```
30 | For Node.js:
31 | ```javascript
32 | const chrono = require('chrono-node');
33 |
34 | // or `import chrono from 'chrono-node'` for ECMAScript
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ### What's changed in the v2
38 | For Users
39 | * Chrono’s default now handles only international English. While in the previous version, it tried to parse with all known languages.
40 | * The current fully supported languages are `en`, `ja`, `fr`, `nl`, `ru` and `uk` (`de`, `pt`, and `zh.hant` are partially supported).
41 |
42 | For contributors and advanced users
43 | * The project is rewritten in TypeScript
44 | * New [Parser](#parser) and [Refiner](#refiner) interface
45 | * New source code structure. All parsers, refiners, and configuration should be under a locale directory (See. `locales/en`)
46 |
47 | **Note: [v1.x.x](https://github.com/wanasit/chrono/tree/v1.x.x) will still be supported for the time being.**
48 |
49 | ## Usage
50 |
51 | Simply pass a `string` to functions `chrono.parseDate` or `chrono.parse`.
52 |
53 | ```javascript
54 | import * as chrono from 'chrono-node';
55 |
56 | chrono.parseDate('An appointment on Sep 12-13');
57 | // Fri Sep 12 2014 12:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)
58 |
59 | chrono.parse('An appointment on Sep 12-13');
60 | /* [{
61 | index: 18,
62 | text: 'Sep 12-13',
63 | start: ...
64 | }] */
65 | ```
66 |
67 | For more advanced usage, here is the typescript definition of the `parse` function:
68 | ```typescript
69 | parse(text: string, ref?: ParsingReference, option?: ParsingOption): ParsedResult[] {...}
70 | ```
71 |
72 | #### Parsing Reference (Date / Timezone)
73 |
74 | Today's "Friday" is different from last month's "Friday".
75 | The meaning of the referenced dates depends on when and where they are mentioned.
76 | Chrono lets you define the reference as `Date` or `ParsingReference` object:
77 |
78 | ```javascript
79 | // (Note: the examples run on JST timezone)
80 |
81 | chrono.parseDate('Friday', new Date(2012, 8 - 1, 23));
82 | // Fri Aug 24 2012 12:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
83 |
84 | chrono.parseDate('Friday', new Date(2012, 8 - 1, 1));
85 | // Fri Aug 03 2012 12:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
86 |
87 | chrono.parseDate("Friday at 4pm", {
88 | // Wed Jun 09 2021 21:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
89 | // = Wed Jun 09 2021 07:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)
90 | instant: new Date(1623240000000),
91 | timezone: "CDT",
92 | })
93 | // Sat Jun 12 2021 06:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
94 | // = Fri Jun 11 2021 16:00:00 GMT-0500 (CDT)
95 | ```
96 |
97 | #### ParsingReference
98 | * `instant?: Date` The instant when the input is written or mentioned
99 | * `timezone?: string | number` The timezone where the input is written or mentioned.
100 | Support minute-offset (number) and timezone name (e.g. "GMT", "CDT")
101 |
102 | ### Parsing Options
103 |
104 | `forwardDate` (boolean) to assume the results should happen after the reference date (forward into the future)
105 |
106 | ```javascript
107 | const referenceDate = new Date(2012, 7, 25);
108 | // Sat Aug 25 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0900 -- The reference date was Saturday
109 |
110 | chrono.parseDate('Friday', referenceDate);
111 | // Fri Aug 24 2012 12:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST) -- The day before was Friday
112 |
113 | chrono.parseDate('Friday', referenceDate, { forwardDate: true });
114 | // Fri Aug 31 2012 12:00:00 GMT+0900 (JST) -- The following Friday
115 | ```
116 |
117 | `timezones` Override or add custom mappings between timezone abbreviations and offsets. Use this when you want Chrono to parse certain text into a given timezone offset. Chrono supports both unambiguous (normal) timezone mappings and ambigous mappings where the offset is different during and outside of daylight savings.
118 |
119 | ```javascript
120 | // Chrono doesn't understand XYZ, so no timezone is parsed
121 | chrono.parse('at 10:00 XYZ', new Date(2023, 3, 20))
122 | // "knownValues": {"hour": 10, "minute": 0}
123 |
124 | // Make Chrono parse XYZ as offset GMT-0300 (180 minutes)
125 | chrono.parse('at 10:00 XYZ', new Date(2023, 3, 20), { timezones: { XYZ: -180 } })
126 | // "knownValues": {"hour": 10, "minute": 0, "timezoneOffset": -180}
127 |
128 | // Make Chrono parse XYZ as offset GMT-0300 outside of DST, and GMT-0200 during DST. Assume DST is between
129 | import { getLastDayOfMonthTransition } from "timezone";
130 | import { Weekday, Month } from "parsing";
131 |
132 | const parseXYZAsAmbiguousTz = {
133 | timezoneOffsetDuringDst: -120,
134 | timezoneOffsetNonDst: -180,
135 | dstStart: (year: number) => getLastWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.FEBRUARY, Weekday.SUNDAY, 2),
136 | dstEnd: (year: number) => getLastWeekdayOfMonth(year, Month.SEPTEMBER, Weekday.SUNDAY, 3)
137 | };
138 | // Parsing a date which falls within DST
139 | chrono.parse('Jan 1st 2023 at 10:00 XYZ', new Date(2023, 3, 20), { timezones: { XYZ: parseXYZAsAmbiguousTz } })
140 | // "knownValues": {"month": 1, ..., "timezoneOffset": -180}
141 |
142 | // Parsing a non-DST date
143 | chrono.parse('Jun 1st 2023 at 10:00 XYZ', new Date(2023, 3, 20), { timezones: { XYZ: parseXYZAsAmbiguousTz } })
144 | // "knownValues": {"month": 6, ..., "timezoneOffset": -120}
145 | ```
146 |
147 | ### Parsed Results and Components
148 |
149 | #### ParsedResult
150 | * `refDate: Date` The [reference date](#reference-date) of this result
151 | * `index: number` The location within the input text of this result
152 | * `text: string` The text this result that appears in the input
153 | * `start: ParsedComponents` The parsed date components as a [ParsedComponents](#parsedcomponents) object
154 | * `end?: ParsedComponents` Similar to `start`
155 | * `date: () => Date` Create a javascript Date
156 |
157 | #### ParsedComponents
158 | * `get: (c: Component) => number | null` Get known or implied value for the component
159 | * `isCertain: (c: Component) => boolean` Check if the component has a known value
160 | * `date: () => Date` Create a javascript Date
161 |
162 | For example:
163 | ```js
164 | const results = chrono.parse('I have an appointment tomorrow from 10 to 11 AM');
165 |
166 | results[0].index; // 22
167 | results[0].text; // 'tomorrow from 10 to 11 AM'
168 | results[0].refDate; // Sat Dec 13 2014 21:50:14 GMT-0600 (CST)
169 |
170 | // `start` is Sat Dec 14 2014 10:00:00
171 | results[0].start.get('day'); // 14 (the 14th, the day after refDate)
172 | results[0].start.get('month'); // 12 (or December)
173 | results[0].start.get('hour'); // 10
174 | results[0].start.date(); // Sun Dec 14 2014 10:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
175 |
176 | ...
177 | results[0].end.date(); // Sun Dec 14 2014 11:00:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
178 | ```
179 |
180 | ### Strict vs Casual configuration
181 |
182 | Chrono comes with `strict` mode that parse only formal date patterns.
183 |
184 | ```js
185 | // 'strict' mode
186 | chrono.strict.parseDate('Today'); // null
187 | chrono.strict.parseDate('Friday'); // null
188 | chrono.strict.parseDate('2016-07-01'); // Fri Jul 01 2016 12:00:00 ...
189 | chrono.strict.parseDate('Jul 01 2016'); // Fri Jul 01 2016 12:00:00 ...
190 |
191 | // 'casual' mode (default)
192 | chrono.parseDate('Today'); // Thu Jun 30 2016 12:00:00 ...
193 | chrono.casual.parseDate('Friday'); // Fri Jul 01 2016 12:00:00 ...
194 | chrono.casual.parseDate('2016-07-01'); // Fri Jul 01 2016 12:00:00 ...
195 | chrono.casual.parseDate('Jul 01 2016'); // Fri Jul 01 2016 12:00:00 ...
196 | ```
197 |
198 | ### Locales
199 |
200 | By default, Chrono is configured to handle **only international English**.
201 | This differs from the previous version of Chrono that would try all locales by default.
202 |
203 | There are several locales supported contributed by multiple developers under `./locales` directory.
204 |
205 | ```js
206 | // default English (US)
207 | chrono.parseDate('6/10/2018');
208 |
209 | chrono.en.parseDate('6/10/2018'); // June 10th, 2018
210 | chrono.en.GB.parseDate('6/10/2018'); // October 6th, 2018
211 |
212 | chrono.ja.parseDate('昭和64年1月7日');
213 | ```
214 |
215 | Current supported locale options are: `en`, `ja`, `fr`, `nl`, `ru` and `uk` (`de`, `pt`, and `zh.hant` are partially supported).
216 |
217 | #### Importing specific locales
218 |
219 | Chrono exports all locale options by default for simplicity. However, this can cause issues when using Chrono if you're using a Node.js runtime that was built with the Intl module disabled (with the `--without-intl` flag), such as:
220 | ```
221 | Invalid regular expression: /* omitted */: Invalid property name in character class
222 | ```
223 |
224 | This is because the Intl module is required to handle special characters, such as Cyrillic (`ru`).
225 |
226 | To avoid this, you can specify only the locale(s) you want to import:
227 | ```typescript
228 | // CommonJS (Node.js)
229 | const chrono = require('chrono-node/en')
230 |
231 | // ECMAScript
232 | import chrono from 'chrono-node/en'
233 |
234 | // TypeScript
235 | // Warning: `moduleResolution` must be set to `node16` or `nodeNext` in tsconfig.json`
236 | import * as chrono from 'chrono-node/en'
237 | ```
238 |
239 | ## Customize Chrono
240 |
241 | Chrono’s extraction pipeline configuration consists of `parsers: Parser[]` and `refiners: Refiner[]`.
242 |
243 | * First, each parser independently extracts patterns from input text input and create parsing results ([ParsingResult](#parsedresult)).
244 | * Then, the parsing results are combined, sorted, and refined with the refiners. In the refining phase, the results can be filtered-out, merged, or attached with additional information.
245 |
246 | ### Parser
247 |
248 | ```typescript
249 | interface Parser {
250 | pattern: (context: ParsingContext) => RegExp,
251 | extract: (context: ParsingContext, match: RegExpMatchArray) =>
252 | (ParsingComponents | ParsingResult | {[c in Component]?: number} | null)
253 | }
254 | ```
255 |
256 | Parser is a module for low-level pattern-based parsing.
257 | Ideally, each parser should be designed to handle a single specific date format.
258 |
259 | User can create a new parser for supporting new date formats or languages
260 | by providing RegExp pattern `pattern()` and extracting result or components from the RegExp match `extract()`.
261 |
262 | ```javascript
263 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
264 | custom.parsers.push({
265 | pattern: () => { return /\bChristmas\b/i },
266 | extract: (context, match) => {
267 | return {
268 | day: 25, month: 12
269 | }
270 | }
271 | });
272 |
273 | custom.parseDate("I'll arrive at 2.30AM on Christmas night");
274 | // Wed Dec 25 2013 02:30:00 GMT+0900 (JST)
275 | // 'at 2.30AM on Christmas'
276 | ```
277 |
278 | ### Refiner
279 |
280 | ```typescript
281 | interface Refiner {
282 | refine: (context: ParsingContext, results: ParsingResult[]) => ParsingResult[]
283 | }
284 | ```
285 |
286 | Refiner is a higher level module for improving or manipulating the results. User can add a new type of refiner to customize Chrono's results or to add some custom logic to Chrono.
287 |
288 | ```javascript
289 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
290 | custom.refiners.push({
291 | refine: (context, results) => {
292 | // If there is no AM/PM (meridiem) specified,
293 | // let all time between 1:00 - 4:00 be PM (13.00 - 16.00)
294 | results.forEach((result) => {
295 | if (!result.start.isCertain('meridiem') &&
296 | result.start.get('hour') >= 1 && result.start.get('hour') < 4) {
297 |
298 | result.start.assign('meridiem', 1);
299 | result.start.assign('hour', result.start.get('hour') + 12);
300 | }
301 | });
302 | return results;
303 | }
304 | });
305 |
306 | // This will be parsed as PM.
307 | // > Tue Dec 16 2014 14:30:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
308 | custom.parseDate("This is at 2.30");
309 |
310 | // Unless the 'AM' part is specified
311 | // > Tue Dec 16 2014 02:30:00 GMT-0600 (CST)
312 | custom.parseDate("This is at 2.30 AM");
313 | ```
314 |
315 | In the example, the custom refiner assigns PM to parsing results with ambiguous [meridiem](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock).
316 | The `refine` method of the refiner class will be called with parsing [results](#parsedresult) (from [parsers](#parser) or other previous refiners).
317 | The method must return an array of the new results (which, in this case, we modified those results in place).
318 |
319 | ### More documentation
320 |
321 | Checkout the Typescript Documentation in the project's [Github page](http://wanasit.github.io/chrono/).
322 |
323 | ## Development Guides
324 |
325 | This guide explains how to set up chrono project for prospective contributors.
326 |
327 | ```bash
328 | # Clone and install library
329 | $ git clone https://github.com/wanasit/chrono.git chrono
330 | $ cd chrono
331 | $ npm install
332 |
333 | ```
334 |
335 | Parsing date from text is complicated. A small change can have effects on unexpected places.
336 | So, Chrono is a heavily tested library.
337 | Commits that break a test shouldn't be allowed in any condition.
338 |
339 | Chrono's unit testing is based-on [Jest](https://facebook.github.io/jest/).
340 |
341 | ```bash
342 | # Run the test
343 | $ npm run test
344 |
345 | # Run the test in watch mode
346 | $ npm run watch
347 | ```
348 |
349 | Chrono's source files is in `src` directory.
350 | The built bundle (`dist/*`) is created by running [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) via the following command
351 |
352 | ```bash
353 | $ npm run build
354 | ```
355 |