1 | import * as chrono from "../src/";
2 | import { testSingleCase, testUnexpectedResult } from "./test_util";
3 | import { Meridiem } from "../src";
4 | import UnlikelyFormatFilter from "../src/common/refiners/UnlikelyFormatFilter";
5 | import SlashDateFormatParser from "../src/common/parsers/SlashDateFormatParser";
6 | import ENWeekdayParser from "../src/locales/en/parsers/ENWeekdayParser";
7 | import ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser from "../src/locales/en/parsers/ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser";
8 | import { ParsingComponents } from "../src/";
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 | test("Test - Load modules", function () {
13 | expect(chrono).toBeDefined();
14 |
15 | expect(chrono.Chrono).toBeDefined();
16 |
17 | expect(chrono.parse).toBeDefined();
18 |
19 | expect(chrono.parseDate).toBeDefined();
20 |
21 | expect(chrono.casual).toBeDefined();
22 |
23 | expect(chrono.strict).toBeDefined();
24 | });
25 |
26 | test("Test - Basic parse date functions", function () {
27 | expect(chrono.parseDate("7:00PM July 5th, 2020")).toStrictEqual(new Date(2020, 7 - 1, 5, 19));
28 |
29 | expect(chrono.en.parseDate("7:00PM July 5th, 2020")).toStrictEqual(new Date(2020, 7 - 1, 5, 19));
30 |
31 | expect(chrono.strict.parseDate("7:00PM July 5th, 2020")).toStrictEqual(new Date(2020, 7 - 1, 5, 19));
32 |
33 | expect(chrono.casual.parseDate("7:00PM July 5th, 2020")).toStrictEqual(new Date(2020, 7 - 1, 5, 19));
34 | });
35 |
36 | test("Test - Add custom parser", () => {
37 | const customParser = {
38 | pattern: () => {
39 | return /(\d{1,2})(st|nd|rd|th)/i;
40 | },
41 | extract: (context, match) => {
42 | expect(match[0]).toBe("25th");
43 | expect(context.refDate).toBeTruthy();
44 |
45 | return {
46 | day: parseInt(match[1]),
47 | };
48 | },
49 | };
50 |
51 | const custom = new chrono.Chrono();
52 | custom.parsers.push(customParser);
53 | testSingleCase(custom, "meeting on 25th", new Date(2017, 11 - 1, 19), (result) => {
54 | expect(result.text).toBe("25th");
55 | expect(result.start.get("month")).toBe(11);
56 | expect(result.start.get("day")).toBe(25);
57 | });
58 | });
59 |
60 | test("Test - Add custom parser example", () => {
61 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
62 | custom.parsers.push({
63 | pattern: () => {
64 | return /\bChristmas\b/i;
65 | },
66 | extract: () => {
67 | return {
68 | day: 25,
69 | month: 12,
70 | };
71 | },
72 | });
73 |
74 | testSingleCase(custom, "I'll arrive at 2.30AM on Christmas", (result) => {
75 | expect(result.text).toBe("at 2.30AM on Christmas");
76 | expect(result.start.get("month")).toBe(12);
77 | expect(result.start.get("day")).toBe(25);
78 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(2);
79 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(30);
80 | });
81 |
82 | testSingleCase(custom, "I'll arrive at Christmas night", (result) => {
83 | expect(result.text).toBe("Christmas night");
84 | expect(result.start.get("month")).toBe(12);
85 | expect(result.start.get("day")).toBe(25);
86 | expect(result.start.get("meridiem")).toBe(Meridiem.PM);
87 | expect(result.start.get("meridiem")).toBe(1);
88 | });
89 |
90 | testSingleCase(custom, "Doing something tomorrow", (result) => {
91 | expect(result.text).toBe("tomorrow");
92 | });
93 | });
94 |
95 | test("Test - Add custom refiner example", () => {
96 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
97 | custom.refiners.push({
98 | refine: (context, results) => {
99 |
100 |
101 | results.forEach((result) => {
102 | if (
103 | !result.start.isCertain("meridiem") &&
104 | result.start.get("hour") >= 1 &&
105 | result.start.get("hour") < 4
106 | ) {
107 | result.start.assign("meridiem", Meridiem.PM);
108 | result.start.assign("hour", result.start.get("hour") + 12);
109 | }
110 | });
111 | return results;
112 | },
113 | });
114 |
115 | testSingleCase(custom, "This is at 2.30", (result) => {
116 | expect(result.text).toBe("at 2.30");
117 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(14);
118 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(30);
119 | });
120 |
121 | testSingleCase(custom, "This is at 2.30 AM", (result) => {
122 | expect(result.text).toBe("at 2.30 AM");
123 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(2);
124 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(30);
125 | });
126 | });
127 |
128 | test("Test - Add custom parser with tags example", () => {
129 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
130 | custom.parsers.push({
131 | pattern: () => {
132 | return /\bChristmas\b/i;
133 | },
134 | extract: (context) => {
135 | return context
136 | .createParsingComponents({
137 | day: 25,
138 | month: 12,
139 | })
140 | .addTag("parser/ChristmasDayParser");
141 | },
142 | });
143 |
144 | testSingleCase(custom, "Doing something tomorrow", (result) => {
145 | expect(result.text).toBe("tomorrow");
146 | expect(result.tags()).toContain("parser/ENCasualDateParser");
147 | });
148 |
149 | testSingleCase(custom, "I'll arrive at 2.30AM on Christmas", (result) => {
150 | expect(result.text).toBe("at 2.30AM on Christmas");
151 | expect(result.tags()).toContain("parser/ChristmasDayParser");
152 | expect(result.tags()).toContain("parser/ENTimeExpressionParser");
153 | });
154 |
155 | testSingleCase(custom, "I'll arrive at Christmas night", (result) => {
156 | expect(result.text).toBe("Christmas night");
157 | expect(result.tags()).toContain("parser/ChristmasDayParser");
158 | expect(result.tags()).toContain("parser/ENCasualTimeParser");
159 | });
160 |
161 |
162 | });
163 |
164 | test("Test - Remove a parser example", () => {
165 | const custom = chrono.en.strict.clone();
166 | custom.parsers = custom.parsers.filter((r) => !(r instanceof SlashDateFormatParser));
167 | custom.parsers.push(new SlashDateFormatParser(true));
168 |
169 | testSingleCase(custom, "6/10/2018", (result) => {
170 | expect(result.text).toBe("6/10/2018");
171 | expect(result.start.get("year")).toBe(2018);
172 | expect(result.start.get("month")).toBe(10);
173 | expect(result.start.get("day")).toBe(6);
174 | });
175 | });
176 |
177 | test("Test - Remove a refiner example", () => {
178 | const custom = chrono.casual.clone();
179 | custom.refiners = custom.refiners.filter((r) => !(r instanceof UnlikelyFormatFilter));
180 |
181 | testSingleCase(custom, "This is at 2.30", (result) => {
182 | expect(result.text).toBe("at 2.30");
183 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(2);
184 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(30);
185 | });
186 | });
187 |
188 | test("Test - Replace a parser example", () => {
189 | const custom = chrono.en.casual.clone();
190 | testSingleCase(custom, "next 5m", new Date(2016, 10 - 1, 1, 14, 52), (result, text) => {
191 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(14);
192 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(57);
193 | });
194 | testSingleCase(custom, "next 5 minutes", new Date(2016, 10 - 1, 1, 14, 52), (result, text) => {
195 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(14);
196 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(57);
197 | });
198 |
199 | const index = custom.parsers.findIndex((r) => r instanceof ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser);
200 | custom.parsers[index] = new ENTimeUnitCasualRelativeFormatParser(false);
201 | testUnexpectedResult(custom, "next 5m");
202 | testSingleCase(custom, "next 5 minutes", new Date(2016, 10 - 1, 1, 14, 52), (result, text) => {
203 | expect(result.start.get("hour")).toBe(14);
204 | expect(result.start.get("minute")).toBe(57);
205 | });
206 | });
207 |
208 | test("Test - Compare with native js", () => {
209 | const testByCompareWithNative = (text) => {
210 | const expectedDate = new Date(text);
211 | testSingleCase(chrono, text, (result) => {
212 | expect(result.text).toBe(text);
213 | expect(result).toBeDate(expectedDate);
214 | });
215 | };
216 |
217 | testByCompareWithNative("1994-11-05T13:15:30Z");
218 |
219 | testByCompareWithNative("1994-02-28T08:15:30-05:30");
220 |
221 | testByCompareWithNative("1994-11-05T08:15:30-05:30");
222 |
223 | testByCompareWithNative("1994-11-05T08:15:30+11:30");
224 |
225 | testByCompareWithNative("2014-11-30T08:15:30-05:30");
226 |
227 | testByCompareWithNative("Sat, 21 Feb 2015 11:50:48 -0500");
228 |
229 | testByCompareWithNative("22 Feb 2015 04:12:00 -0000");
230 |
231 | testByCompareWithNative("1900-01-01T00:00:00-01:00");
232 |
233 | testByCompareWithNative("1900-01-01T00:00:00-00:00");
234 |
235 | testByCompareWithNative("9999-12-31T23:59:00-00:00");
236 |
237 | testByCompareWithNative("09/25/2017 10:31:50.522 PM");
238 |
239 | testByCompareWithNative("Sat Nov 05 1994 22:45:30 GMT+0900 (JST)");
240 |
241 | testByCompareWithNative("Fri, 31 Mar 2000 07:00:00 UTC");
242 |
243 | testByCompareWithNative("2014-12-14T18:22:14.759Z");
244 |
245 | testByCompareWithNative("2024-01-01T00:00");
246 | });