9.8 kBSCSSView Raw
1// _functions.scss unit tests
2@use '../test_base' as *;
3@use '../../src/internal/functions';
6 * hex-to-rgb() *
7 ****************/
8@include describe('hex-to-rgb()') {
9 @include it('should return corresponding rgb color given a hex color') {
10 @include assert-equal(functions.hex-to-rgb(#fff), (255, 255, 255));
11 }
15 * delimitize() *
16 ****************/
17@include describe('hex-to-rgb()') {
18 @include it('should return a string surrounded by the delimiter "-"') {
19 @include assert-equal(functions.delimitize('opacity'), '-opacity-');
20 }
24 * string-split() *
25 ******************/
26@include describe('string-split()') {
27 @include it('should return input string split using delimiter ","') {
28 @include assert-equal(functions.string-split('apples,oranges,bananas', ','), ('apples' 'oranges' 'bananas'));
29 }
30 @include it('should return input string split using delimiter "123"') {
31 @include assert-equal(functions.string-split('abc123def', '123'), ('abc' 'def'));
32 }
36 * map-get-deep() *
37 ******************/
38@include describe('map-get-deep()') {
39 @include it('should return value for key "foo" which is nested 1 level deep') {
40 @include assert-equal(
41 functions.map-get-deep(
42 (
43 foo: bar,
44 ),
45 'foo'
46 ),
47 'bar'
48 );
49 }
50 @include it('should return value for key "a.b.c" which is nested 2 levels deep') {
51 @include assert-equal(
52 functions.map-get-deep(
53 (
54 a: (
55 b: (
56 c: 1,
57 ),
58 ),
59 ),
60 'a.b.c'
61 ),
62 1
63 );
64 }
65 @include it('should throw error if key does not exist') {
66 @include assert-equal(
67 functions.map-get-deep(
68 (
69 a: (
70 b: (
71 c: 1,
72 ),
73 ),
74 ),
75 'a.d'
76 ),
77 build-true-error-string('map-get-strict()', 'ERROR: Specified key "d" does not exist in the mapping')
78 );
79 }
83 * map-get-strict() *
84 ******************/
85@include describe('map-get-strict()') {
86 @include it('should return value for key "foo"') {
87 @include assert-equal(
88 functions.map-get-strict(
89 (
90 foo: bar,
91 ),
92 'foo'
93 ),
94 'bar'
95 );
96 }
97 @include it('should throw error if key does not exist') {
98 @include assert-equal(
99 functions.map-get-strict(
100 (
101 foo: bar,
102 ),
103 'baz'
104 ),
105 build-true-error-string('map-get-strict()', 'ERROR: Specified key "baz" does not exist in the mapping')
106 );
107 }
111 * get-with-extended() *
112 ***********************/
113@include describe('get-with-extend()') {
114 @include it('should return default settings for opacity if extend.opacity is empty.') {
115 @include assert-equal(
116 functions.get-with-extend(
117 (
118 opacity: (
119 0: 0,
120 100: 1,
121 ),
122 extend: (
123 opacity: (),
124 ),
125 ),
126 opacity
127 ),
128 (
129 0: 0,
130 100: 1,
131 )
132 );
133 }
134 @include it(
135 'should return extended settings for opacity if config.opacity is set to null and extended settings is not null.'
136 ) {
137 @include assert-equal(
138 functions.get-with-extend(
139 (
140 opacity: null,
141 extend: (
142 opacity: (
143 50: 0.5,
144 ),
145 ),
146 ),
147 opacity
148 ),
149 (
150 50: 0.5,
151 )
152 );
153 }
154 @include it('should return merged original and extended settings if both are not null.') {
155 @include assert-equal(
156 functions.get-with-extend(
157 (
158 opacity: (
159 0: 0,
160 100: 1,
161 ),
162 extend: (
163 opacity: (
164 50: 0.5,
165 ),
166 ),
167 ),
168 opacity
169 ),
170 (
171 0: 0,
172 50: 0.5,
173 100: 1,
174 )
175 );
176 }
177 @include it('should return empty list if original and extended are null and empty (default) respectively.') {
178 @include assert-equal(
179 functions.get-with-extend(
180 (
181 opacity: null,
182 extend: (
183 opacity: (),
184 ),
185 ),
186 opacity
187 ),
188 ()
189 );
190 }
194 * to-property-map() *
195 *********************/
196@include describe('to-property-map()') {
197 @include it('should return mapping when given a valid list of properties') {
198 @include assert-equal(
199 functions.to-property-map((left, right, both)),
200 (
201 left: left,
202 right: right,
203 both: both,
204 )
205 );
206 }
210 * get-negative-value-map() *
211 ****************************/
212@include describe('get-negative-value-map()') {
213 @include it('should return mapping negated classes when given class mapping of numeric values') {
214 @include assert-equal(
215 functions.get-negative-value-map(
216 (
217 0: 0rem,
218 1: 0.5px,
219 2: 1em,
220 3: 1.5,
221 )
222 ),
223 (
224 0: 0rem,
225 1: 0.5px,
226 n1: -0.5px,
227 2: 1em,
228 n2: -1em,
229 3: 1.5,
230 n3: -1.5,
231 ),
232 // Test fails without this
233 $inspect: true
234 );
235 }
237 @include it('should skip creating negative mapping for non-numerical values') {
238 @include assert-equal(
239 functions.get-negative-value-map(
240 (
241 auto: auto,
242 inherit: inherit,
243 unset: unset,
244 5: 5px,
245 )
246 ),
247 (
248 auto: auto,
249 inherit: inherit,
250 unset: unset,
251 5: 5px,
252 n5: -5px,
253 ),
254 // Test fails without this
255 $inspect: true
256 );
257 }
259 @include it('should skip creating negative mapping for classes with 0 value') {
260 @include assert-equal(
261 functions.get-negative-value-map(
262 (
263 0: 0,
264 zero: 0px,
265 )
266 ),
267 (
268 0: 0,
269 zero: 0px,
270 )
271 );
272 }
276 * strip-unit() *
277 ****************/
278@include describe('strip-unit()') {
279 @include it('should return number without unit for numerical inputs') {
280 @include assert-equal(functions.strip-unit(42rem), 42);
281 @include assert-equal(functions.strip-unit(42em), 42);
282 @include assert-equal(functions.strip-unit(42px), 42);
283 @include assert-equal(functions.strip-unit(42), 42);
284 }
286 @include it('should return same input if not numerical') {
287 @include assert-equal(functions.strip-unit(auto), auto);
288 }
292 * map-multi-merge() *
293 *********************/
294@include describe('map-multi-merge()') {
295 @include it('should return merged map if we pass in multiple maps as inputs') {
296 @include assert-equal(
297 functions.map-multi-merge(
298 (
299 1: 1,
300 ),
301 (
302 2: 2,
303 3: 3,
304 ),
305 (
306 4: 4,
307 ),
308 (
309 5: 5,
310 )
311 ),
312 (
313 1: 1,
314 2: 2,
315 3: 3,
316 4: 4,
317 5: 5,
318 )
319 );
320 }
324 * map-range() *
325 ****************/
326@include describe('map-range()') {
327 @include it('should return map with numbers only in between given start and end values') {
328 @include assert-equal(
329 functions.map-range(
330 (
331 1: 42,
332 2: 42,
333 3: 42,
334 4: 42,
335 5: 42,
336 6: 42,
337 7: 42,
338 8: 42,
339 ),
340 2,
341 6
342 ),
343 (
344 2: 42,
345 3: 42,
346 4: 42,
347 5: 42,
348 )
349 );
350 }