1 | <p align="center"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/master/img/CirrusLogo.png" width="200"></p>
2 | <h1 align="center">Cirrus</h1>
3 |
4 | <div align="center">
5 |
6 | [](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus)
7 | [](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
8 | [](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/actions)
9 | [](https://snyk.io/test/github/Spiderpig86/Cirrus?targetFile=package.json)
10 | [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cirrus-ui)
11 | [](https://houndci.com)
12 | [](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/cirrus-ui)
13 |
14 | </div>
15 |
16 | <p align="center">
17 | A component-and-utility-centric SCSS framework designed for rapid prototyping. Use beautiful pre-built components to bootstrap your next project and utility classes to polish your final design.
18 | <br />
19 | <a href="https://cirrus-ui.netlify.app/"><strong>Check out the docs »</strong></a>
20 | <br />
21 | <br />
22 | <a href="https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug-report.md&title=" target="_blank">Request Feature</a>
23 | /
24 | <a href="https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug-report.md&title=" target="_blank">Report a Bug</a>
25 | /
26 | <a href="https://cirrus-ui.netlify.app/getting-started/examples" target="_blank">Examples</a>
27 | </p>
28 |
29 |
30 | ## :sparkles: Features
31 |
32 | * :art: **Beautiful Components** - Beautifully designed components come right out of the box for rapid prototyping.
33 | * :balloon: **Sass First** - Forget bundling tons of JavaScript with each component. All styles require no JS for interactions/functionality (see Modals, Dropdowns, etc.).
34 | * :rainbow: **Configuration at its Core** - Add additional components, remove utility classes, disable features, etc. Cirrus takes a generative approach to building your stylesheets.
35 | * :zap: **Lightweight** - A large amount of features with a minimal footprint.
36 | * :iphone: **Responsive** - Fully responsive by design.
37 | * :computer: **Vscode Extension Support** - Install it [here](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Spiderpig86.cirrus-intellisense).
38 | * 🤹♂️ **Playground** - Try out whatever experiment you want with Cirrus [here](https://www.cirrus-ui.com/playground).
39 |
40 | ## :dart: Supported Browsers
41 | Cirrus relies on [What CSS to prefix?](http://shouldiprefix.com/) to determine which selectors need prefixes.
42 |
43 | | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/edge/edge_48x48.png" alt="IE / Edge" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>IE / Edge | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/firefox/firefox_48x48.png" alt="Firefox" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Firefox | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/chrome/chrome_48x48.png" alt="Chrome" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Chrome | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/safari/safari_48x48.png" alt="Safari" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Safari | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/opera/opera_48x48.png" alt="Opera" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Opera | [<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/electron/electron_48x48.png" alt="Electron" width="24px" height="24px" />](http://godban.github.io/browsers-support-badges/)</br>Electron |
44 | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
45 | | IE11, Edge | last 3 versions, ESR | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions | last 3 versions |
46 |
47 | ## 📦 Install
48 |
49 | #### Npm
50 | ```sh
51 | npm install cirrus-ui
52 | ```
53 |
54 | #### Yarn
55 |
56 | ```sh
57 | yarn add cirrus-ui
58 | ```
59 |
60 | #### CDN
61 |
62 | For CDNs, it is recommended to attach a specific versions to the URLs to avoid unexpected updates to maintain consistency in your project.
63 |
64 | **Please do not reference the `dist` folder artifacts directly as these are subject to change at any time.**
65 |
66 | ##### Unpkg
67 | ```html
68 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/cirrus-ui">
69 | ```
70 |
71 | ##### JsDelivr
72 |
73 | ```html
74 | <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/cirrus-ui">
75 | ```
76 |
77 | Check out the [Setup](https://www.cirrus-ui.com/getting-started/setup) guide for more information.
78 |
79 | ## :hammer: Usage
80 |
81 | #### Basic Page
82 |
83 | ```html
84 | <!DOCTYPE html>
85 | <html>
86 | <head>
87 | <title>Hello World</title>
88 | <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" />
89 | <meta charset="UTF-8" />
90 | <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge;" />
91 | <link href="https://unpkg.com/cirrus-ui" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
92 | <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito+Sans:200,300,400,600,700" rel="stylesheet" />
93 | <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:400,700" rel="stylesheet" />
94 | </head>
95 | <body>
96 | <h1>👋Hello World</h1>
97 | </body>
98 | </html>
99 | ```
100 |
101 | #### React
102 |
103 | ```jsx
104 | import { StrictMode } from "react";
105 | import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
106 |
107 | import App from "./App";
108 |
109 | import 'cirrus-ui'; // You can import it here if you want
110 |
111 | const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
112 | ReactDOM.render(
113 | <StrictMode>
114 | <App />
115 | </StrictMode>,
116 | rootElement
117 | );
118 | ```
119 |
120 | #### Vue
121 |
122 | ```js
123 | import Vue from 'vue';
124 | import App from './App.vue';
125 |
126 | import 'cirrus-ui';
127 |
128 | Vue.config.productionTip = false;
129 |
130 | new Vue({
131 | render: (h) => h(App),
132 | }).$mount('#app');
133 | ```
134 |
135 | #### Svelte
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | import App from "./App.svelte";
139 | import "cirrus-ui";
140 |
141 | const app = new App({
142 | target: document.body
143 | });
144 |
145 | export default app;
146 | ```
147 |
148 | #### Sass/Scss
149 |
150 | ```scss
151 | @use "node_modules/cirrus-ui/src/cirrus-ext" as * with (
152 | $config: (
153 | excludes: (
155 | ),
156 | opacity: null, // Disable default opacity classes
157 | extend: (
158 | // Add your own
159 | opacity: (
160 | 25: .25,
161 | 50: .5,
162 | 75: .75,
163 | )
164 | )
165 | ),
166 | );
167 | ```
168 |
169 | Check out the [Setup](https://www.cirrus-ui.com/getting-started/setup) guide for more information.
170 |
171 | ## :computer: Development
172 |
173 | Use Gitpod, a free online dev environment for GitHub.
174 |
175 | [](https://gitpod.io/#https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus)
176 |
177 | Or clone locally:
178 |
179 | ```bash
180 | $ git clone git@github.com:Spiderpig86/Cirrus.git
181 | $ cd cirrus
182 | $ yarn install
183 | $ yarn watch
184 | ```
185 |
186 | ## :crystal_ball: What's Included
187 |
188 | - **Base** - base styles.
189 | - Animations
190 | - Default
191 | - Font
192 | - Grid
193 | - Layout
194 | - Media
195 | - Modifiers
196 | - Spacing
197 | - **Builds** - build files for `core` and `ext`.
198 | - **Components** - framework components.
199 | - Accordion
200 | - Avatar
201 | - Breadcrumb
202 | - Button
203 | - Card
204 | - Code
205 | - Footer
206 | - Forms
207 | - Frames
208 | - Header
209 | - Links
210 | - Lists
211 | - Modal
212 | - Pagination
213 | - Placeholder
214 | - Progress
215 | - Table
216 | - Tabs
217 | - Tags
218 | - Tiles
219 | - Toast
220 | - Tooltips
221 | - **Internal** - internal APIs, functions, constants, etc.
222 | - **Utils** - utility classes.
223 | - Absolute
224 | - Blur
225 | - Border
226 | - Clearfix
227 | - Display
228 | - Flex
229 | - Misc
230 | - Opacity
231 | - Overflow
232 | - Position
233 | - Shadow
234 | - Transitions
235 | - Z-Index
236 |
237 | ## :clap: Related Projects
238 | | Project | Description |
239 | | --------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
240 | | [vue-cirrus](https://github.com/FlorianWoelki/vue-cirrus) | Cirrus components for Vue.js with straightforward syntax |
241 | | cirrus-blocks | A collection of beautiful components built with Cirrus ready to be copied and pasted. |
242 | | [cirrus-reset](https://github.com/Cirrus-UI/Cirrus-Reset) | A simple CSS reset from Cirrus. |
243 |
244 | ## :newspaper: License and Attribution
245 | Cirrus is licensed under the [MIT license](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/blob/master/LICENSE "MIT License"). If this frame work has helped you in any way, attribution in the footer of your website would be much appreciated.
246 |
247 | [](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2FSpiderpig86%2FCirrus?ref=badge_large)
248 |
249 | ## 🤝 Contributing [](http://makeapullrequest.com)
250 |
251 | Read our [contributing guide](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.yml) and improve Cirrus together.
252 |
253 | We welcome all contributions. Please read our [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) first. You can submit any ideas as [pull requests](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/pulls) or as [GitHub issues](https://github.com/Spiderpig86/Cirrus/issues). If you'd like to improve code, check out the [Development Instructions](https://www.cirrus-ui.com/getting-started/developing) and have a good time! :)
254 |
255 | When creating issues, please follow the templates provided for the issue type you selected. The added detail and formatting will help me understand and resolve your issue faster.
256 |
257 | [](https://issuehunt.io/r/Spiderpig86/Cirrus)
258 |
259 | ## ❤️ Sponsors and Backers
260 |
261 | I would greatly appreciate any support for the continued development of this project. :smile:
262 |
263 | [](https://opencollective.com/cirrus#support)
264 |
265 | [](https://opencollective.com/cirrus#support)