1 | # class-validator
2 |
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7 |
8 | Allows use of decorator and non-decorator based validation.
9 | Internally uses [validator.js][1] to perform validation.
10 | Class-validator works on both browser and node.js platforms.
11 |
12 | ## Table of Contents
13 |
14 | - [class-validator](#class-validator)
15 | - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
16 | - [Installation](#installation)
17 | - [Usage](#usage)
18 | - [Passing options](#passing-options)
19 | - [Validation errors](#validation-errors)
20 | - [Validation messages](#validation-messages)
21 | - [Validating arrays](#validating-arrays)
22 | - [Validating sets](#validating-sets)
23 | - [Validating maps](#validating-maps)
24 | - [Validating nested objects](#validating-nested-objects)
25 | - [Validating promises](#validating-promises)
26 | - [Inheriting Validation decorators](#inheriting-validation-decorators)
27 | - [Conditional validation](#conditional-validation)
28 | - [Whitelisting](#whitelisting)
29 | - [Passing context to decorators](#passing-context-to-decorators)
30 | - [Skipping missing properties](#skipping-missing-properties)
31 | - [Validation groups](#validation-groups)
32 | - [Custom validation classes](#custom-validation-classes)
33 | - [Custom validation decorators](#custom-validation-decorators)
34 | - [Using service container](#using-service-container)
35 | - [Synchronous validation](#synchronous-validation)
36 | - [Manual validation](#manual-validation)
37 | - [Validation decorators](#validation-decorators)
38 | - [Defining validation schema without decorators](#defining-validation-schema-without-decorators)
39 | - [Validating plain objects](#validating-plain-objects)
40 | - [Samples](#samples)
41 | - [Extensions](#extensions)
42 | - [Release notes](#release-notes)
43 |
44 | ## Installation
45 |
46 | ```
47 | npm install class-validator --save
48 | ```
49 |
50 | > Note: Please use at least npm@6 when using class-validator. From npm@6 the dependency tree is flattened, which is required by `class-validator` to function properly.
51 |
52 | ## Usage
53 |
54 | Create your class and put some validation decorators on the properties you want to validate:
55 |
56 | ```typescript
57 | import {
58 | validate,
59 | validateOrReject,
60 | Contains,
61 | IsInt,
62 | Length,
63 | IsEmail,
64 | IsFQDN,
65 | IsDate,
66 | Min,
67 | Max,
68 | } from 'class-validator';
69 |
70 | export class Post {
71 | @Length(10, 20)
72 | title: string;
73 |
74 | @Contains('hello')
75 | text: string;
76 |
77 | @IsInt()
78 | @Min(0)
79 | @Max(10)
80 | rating: number;
81 |
82 | @IsEmail()
83 | email: string;
84 |
85 | @IsFQDN()
86 | site: string;
87 |
88 | @IsDate()
89 | createDate: Date;
90 | }
91 |
92 | let post = new Post();
93 | post.title = 'Hello'; // should not pass
94 | post.text = 'this is a great post about hell world'; // should not pass
95 | post.rating = 11; // should not pass
96 | post.email = 'google.com'; // should not pass
97 | post.site = 'googlecom'; // should not pass
98 |
99 | validate(post).then(errors => {
100 | // errors is an array of validation errors
101 | if (errors.length > 0) {
102 | console.log('validation failed. errors: ', errors);
103 | } else {
104 | console.log('validation succeed');
105 | }
106 | });
107 |
108 | validateOrReject(post).catch(errors => {
109 | console.log('Promise rejected (validation failed). Errors: ', errors);
110 | });
111 | // or
112 | async function validateOrRejectExample(input) {
113 | try {
114 | await validateOrReject(input);
115 | } catch (errors) {
116 | console.log('Caught promise rejection (validation failed). Errors: ', errors);
117 | }
118 | }
119 | ```
120 |
121 | ### Passing options
122 |
123 | The `validate` function optionally expects a `ValidatorOptions` object as a second parameter:
124 |
125 | ```ts
126 | export interface ValidatorOptions {
127 | skipMissingProperties?: boolean;
128 | whitelist?: boolean;
129 | forbidNonWhitelisted?: boolean;
130 | groups?: string[];
131 | dismissDefaultMessages?: boolean;
132 | validationError?: {
133 | target?: boolean;
134 | value?: boolean;
135 | };
136 |
137 | forbidUnknownValues?: boolean;
138 | stopAtFirstError?: boolean;
139 | }
140 | ```
141 |
142 | > It's highly advised to set `forbidUnknownValues: true` as it will prevent unknown objects from passing validation.
143 |
144 | ## Validation errors
145 |
146 | The `validate` method returns an array of `ValidationError` objects. Each `ValidationError` is:
147 |
148 | ```typescript
149 | {
150 | target: Object; // Object that was validated.
151 | property: string; // Object's property that haven't pass validation.
152 | value: any; // Value that haven't pass a validation.
153 | constraints?: { // Constraints that failed validation with error messages.
154 | [type: string]: string;
155 | };
156 | children?: ValidationError[]; // Contains all nested validation errors of the property
157 | }
158 | ```
159 |
160 | In our case, when we validated a Post object, we have such an array of `ValidationError` objects:
161 |
162 | ```typescript
163 | [{
164 | target: /* post object */,
165 | property: "title",
166 | value: "Hello",
167 | constraints: {
168 | length: "$property must be longer than or equal to 10 characters"
169 | }
170 | }, {
171 | target: /* post object */,
172 | property: "text",
173 | value: "this is a great post about hell world",
174 | constraints: {
175 | contains: "text must contain a hello string"
176 | }
177 | },
178 | // and other errors
179 | ]
180 | ```
181 |
182 | If you don't want a `target` to be exposed in validation errors, there is a special option when you use validator:
183 |
184 | ```typescript
185 | validator.validate(post, { validationError: { target: false } });
186 | ```
187 |
188 | This is especially useful when you send errors back over http, and you most probably don't want to expose
189 | the whole target object.
190 |
191 | ## Validation messages
192 |
193 | You can specify validation message in the decorator options and that message will be returned in the `ValidationError`
194 | returned by the `validate` method (in the case that validation for this field fails).
195 |
196 | ```typescript
197 | import { MinLength, MaxLength } from 'class-validator';
198 |
199 | export class Post {
200 | @MinLength(10, {
201 | message: 'Title is too short',
202 | })
203 | @MaxLength(50, {
204 | message: 'Title is too long',
205 | })
206 | title: string;
207 | }
208 | ```
209 |
210 | There are few special tokens you can use in your messages:
211 |
212 | - `$value` - the value that is being validated
213 | - `$property` - name of the object's property being validated
214 | - `$target` - name of the object's class being validated
215 | - `$constraint1`, `$constraint2`, ... `$constraintN` - constraints defined by specific validation type
216 |
217 | Example of usage:
218 |
219 | ```typescript
220 | import { MinLength, MaxLength } from 'class-validator';
221 |
222 | export class Post {
223 | @MinLength(10, {
224 | // here, $constraint1 will be replaced with "10", and $value with actual supplied value
225 | message: 'Title is too short. Minimal length is $constraint1 characters, but actual is $value',
226 | })
227 | @MaxLength(50, {
228 | // here, $constraint1 will be replaced with "50", and $value with actual supplied value
229 | message: 'Title is too long. Maximal length is $constraint1 characters, but actual is $value',
230 | })
231 | title: string;
232 | }
233 | ```
234 |
235 | Also you can provide a function, that returns a message. This allows you to create more granular messages:
236 |
237 | ```typescript
238 | import { MinLength, MaxLength, ValidationArguments } from 'class-validator';
239 |
240 | export class Post {
241 | @MinLength(10, {
242 | message: (args: ValidationArguments) => {
243 | if (args.value.length === 1) {
244 | return 'Too short, minimum length is 1 character';
245 | } else {
246 | return 'Too short, minimum length is ' + args.constraints[0] + ' characters';
247 | }
248 | },
249 | })
250 | title: string;
251 | }
252 | ```
253 |
254 | Message function accepts `ValidationArguments` which contains the following information:
255 |
256 | - `value` - the value that is being validated
257 | - `constraints` - array of constraints defined by specific validation type
258 | - `targetName` - name of the object's class being validated
259 | - `object` - object that is being validated
260 | - `property` - name of the object's property being validated
261 |
262 | ## Validating arrays
263 |
264 | If your field is an array and you want to perform validation of each item in the array you must specify a
265 | special `each: true` decorator option:
266 |
267 | ```typescript
268 | import { MinLength, MaxLength } from 'class-validator';
269 |
270 | export class Post {
271 | @MaxLength(20, {
272 | each: true,
273 | })
274 | tags: string[];
275 | }
276 | ```
277 |
278 | This will validate each item in `post.tags` array.
279 |
280 | ## Validating sets
281 |
282 | If your field is a set and you want to perform validation of each item in the set you must specify a
283 | special `each: true` decorator option:
284 |
285 | ```typescript
286 | import { MinLength, MaxLength } from 'class-validator';
287 |
288 | export class Post {
289 | @MaxLength(20, {
290 | each: true,
291 | })
292 | tags: Set<string>;
293 | }
294 | ```
295 |
296 | This will validate each item in `post.tags` set.
297 |
298 | ## Validating maps
299 |
300 | If your field is a map and you want to perform validation of each item in the map you must specify a
301 | special `each: true` decorator option:
302 |
303 | ```typescript
304 | import { MinLength, MaxLength } from 'class-validator';
305 |
306 | export class Post {
307 | @MaxLength(20, {
308 | each: true,
309 | })
310 | tags: Map<string, string>;
311 | }
312 | ```
313 |
314 | This will validate each item in `post.tags` map.
315 |
316 | ## Validating nested objects
317 |
318 | If your object contains nested objects and you want the validator to perform their validation too, then you need to
319 | use the `@ValidateNested()` decorator:
320 |
321 | ```typescript
322 | import { ValidateNested } from 'class-validator';
323 |
324 | export class Post {
325 | @ValidateNested()
326 | user: User;
327 | }
328 | ```
329 |
330 | Please note that nested object _must_ be an instance of a class, otherwise `@ValidateNested` won't know what class is target of validation. Check also [Validating plain objects](#validating-plain-objects).
331 |
332 | It also works with multi-dimensional array, like :
333 |
334 | ```typescript
335 | import { ValidateNested } from 'class-validator';
336 |
337 | export class Plan2D {
338 | @ValidateNested()
339 | matrix: Point[][];
340 | }
341 | ```
342 |
343 | ## Validating promises
344 |
345 | If your object contains property with `Promise`-returned value that should be validated, then you need to use the `@ValidatePromise()` decorator:
346 |
347 | ```typescript
348 | import { ValidatePromise, Min } from 'class-validator';
349 |
350 | export class Post {
351 | @Min(0)
352 | @ValidatePromise()
353 | userId: Promise<number>;
354 | }
355 | ```
356 |
357 | It also works great with `@ValidateNested` decorator:
358 |
359 | ```typescript
360 | import { ValidateNested, ValidatePromise } from 'class-validator';
361 |
362 | export class Post {
363 | @ValidateNested()
364 | @ValidatePromise()
365 | user: Promise<User>;
366 | }
367 | ```
368 |
369 | ## Inheriting Validation decorators
370 |
371 | When you define a subclass which extends from another one, the subclass will automatically inherit the parent's decorators. If a property is redefined in the descendant class decorators will be applied on it both from that and the base class.
372 |
373 | ```typescript
374 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
375 |
376 | class BaseContent {
377 | @IsEmail()
378 | email: string;
379 |
380 | @IsString()
381 | password: string;
382 | }
383 |
384 | class User extends BaseContent {
385 | @MinLength(10)
386 | @MaxLength(20)
387 | name: string;
388 |
389 | @Contains('hello')
390 | welcome: string;
391 |
392 | @MinLength(20)
393 | password: string;
394 | }
395 |
396 | let user = new User();
397 |
398 | user.email = 'invalid email'; // inherited property
399 | user.password = 'too short'; // password wil be validated not only against IsString, but against MinLength as well
400 | user.name = 'not valid';
401 | user.welcome = 'helo';
402 |
403 | validate(user).then(errors => {
404 | // ...
405 | }); // it will return errors for email, title and text properties
406 | ```
407 |
408 | ## Conditional validation
409 |
410 | The conditional validation decorator (`@ValidateIf`) can be used to ignore the validators on a property when the provided condition function returns false. The condition function takes the object being validated and must return a `boolean`.
411 |
412 | ```typescript
413 | import { ValidateIf, IsNotEmpty } from 'class-validator';
414 |
415 | export class Post {
416 | otherProperty: string;
417 |
418 | @ValidateIf(o => o.otherProperty === 'value')
419 | @IsNotEmpty()
420 | example: string;
421 | }
422 | ```
423 |
424 | In the example above, the validation rules applied to `example` won't be run unless the object's `otherProperty` is `"value"`.
425 |
426 | Note that when the condition is false all validation decorators are ignored, including `isDefined`.
427 |
428 | ## Whitelisting
429 |
430 | Even if your object is an instance of a validation class it can contain additional properties that are not defined.
431 | If you do not want to have such properties on your object, pass special flag to `validate` method:
432 |
433 | ```typescript
434 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
435 | // ...
436 | validate(post, { whitelist: true });
437 | ```
438 |
439 | This will strip all properties that don't have any decorators. If no other decorator is suitable for your property,
440 | you can use @Allow decorator:
441 |
442 | ```typescript
443 | import {validate, Allow, Min} from "class-validator";
444 |
445 | export class Post {
446 |
447 | @Allow()
448 | title: string;
449 |
450 | @Min(0)
451 | views: number;
452 |
453 | nonWhitelistedProperty: number;
454 | }
455 |
456 | let post = new Post();
457 | post.title = 'Hello world!';
458 | post.views = 420;
459 |
460 | post.nonWhitelistedProperty = 69;
461 | (post as any).anotherNonWhitelistedProperty = "something";
462 |
463 | validate(post).then(errors => {
464 | // post.nonWhitelistedProperty is not defined
465 | // (post as any).anotherNonWhitelistedProperty is not defined
466 | ...
467 | });
468 | ```
469 |
470 | If you would rather to have an error thrown when any non-whitelisted properties are present, pass another flag to
471 | `validate` method:
472 |
473 | ```typescript
474 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
475 | // ...
476 | validate(post, { whitelist: true, forbidNonWhitelisted: true });
477 | ```
478 |
479 | ## Passing context to decorators
480 |
481 | It's possible to pass a custom object to decorators which will be accessible on the `ValidationError` instance of the property if validation failed.
482 |
483 | ```ts
484 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
485 |
486 | class MyClass {
487 | @MinLength(32, {
488 | message: 'EIC code must be at least 32 characters',
489 | context: {
490 | errorCode: 1003,
491 | developerNote: 'The validated string must contain 32 or more characters.',
492 | },
493 | })
494 | eicCode: string;
495 | }
496 |
497 | const model = new MyClass();
498 |
499 | validate(model).then(errors => {
500 | //errors[0].contexts['minLength'].errorCode === 1003
501 | });
502 | ```
503 |
504 | ## Skipping missing properties
505 |
506 | Sometimes you may want to skip validation of the properties that do not exist in the validating object. This is
507 | usually desirable when you want to update some parts of the object, and want to validate only updated parts,
508 | but skip everything else, e.g. skip missing properties.
509 | In such situations you will need to pass a special flag to `validate` method:
510 |
511 | ```typescript
512 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
513 | // ...
514 | validate(post, { skipMissingProperties: true });
515 | ```
516 |
517 | When skipping missing properties, sometimes you want not to skip all missing properties, some of them maybe required
518 | for you, even if skipMissingProperties is set to true. For such cases you should use `@IsDefined()` decorator.
519 | `@IsDefined()` is the only decorator that ignores `skipMissingProperties` option.
520 |
521 | ## Validation groups
522 |
523 | In different situations you may want to use different validation schemas of the same object.
524 | In such cases you can use validation groups.
525 |
526 | ```typescript
527 | import { validate, Min, Length } from 'class-validator';
528 |
529 | export class User {
530 | @Min(12, {
531 | groups: ['registration'],
532 | })
533 | age: number;
534 |
535 | @Length(2, 20, {
536 | groups: ['registration', 'admin'],
537 | })
538 | name: string;
539 | }
540 |
541 | let user = new User();
542 | user.age = 10;
543 | user.name = 'Alex';
544 |
545 | validate(user, {
546 | groups: ['registration'],
547 | }); // this will not pass validation
548 |
549 | validate(user, {
550 | groups: ['admin'],
551 | }); // this will pass validation
552 |
553 | validate(user, {
554 | groups: ['registration', 'admin'],
555 | }); // this will not pass validation
556 |
557 | validate(user, {
558 | groups: undefined, // the default
559 | }); // this will not pass validation since all properties get validated regardless of their groups
560 |
561 | validate(user, {
562 | groups: [],
563 | }); // this will not pass validation, (equivalent to 'groups: undefined', see above)
564 | ```
565 |
566 | There is also a special flag `always: true` in validation options that you can use. This flag says that this validation
567 | must be applied always no matter which group is used.
568 |
569 | ## Custom validation classes
570 |
571 | If you have custom validation logic you can create a _Constraint class_:
572 |
573 | 1. First create a file, lets say `CustomTextLength.ts`, and define a new class:
574 |
575 | ```typescript
576 | import { ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface, ValidationArguments } from 'class-validator';
577 |
578 | @ValidatorConstraint({ name: 'customText', async: false })
579 | export class CustomTextLength implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
580 | validate(text: string, args: ValidationArguments) {
581 | return text.length > 1 && text.length < 10; // for async validations you must return a Promise<boolean> here
582 | }
583 |
584 | defaultMessage(args: ValidationArguments) {
585 | // here you can provide default error message if validation failed
586 | return 'Text ($value) is too short or too long!';
587 | }
588 | }
589 | ```
590 |
591 | We marked our class with `@ValidatorConstraint` decorator.
592 | You can also supply a validation constraint name - this name will be used as "error type" in ValidationError.
593 | If you will not supply a constraint name - it will be auto-generated.
594 |
595 | Our class must implement `ValidatorConstraintInterface` interface and its `validate` method,
596 | which defines validation logic. If validation succeeds, method returns true, otherwise false.
597 | Custom validator can be asynchronous, if you want to perform validation after some asynchronous
598 | operations, simply return a promise with boolean inside in `validate` method.
599 |
600 | Also we defined optional method `defaultMessage` which defines a default error message,
601 | in the case that the decorator's implementation doesn't set an error message.
602 |
603 | 2) Then you can use your new validation constraint in your class:
604 |
605 | ```typescript
606 | import { Validate } from 'class-validator';
607 | import { CustomTextLength } from './CustomTextLength';
608 |
609 | export class Post {
610 | @Validate(CustomTextLength, {
611 | message: 'Title is too short or long!',
612 | })
613 | title: string;
614 | }
615 | ```
616 |
617 | Here we set our newly created `CustomTextLength` validation constraint for `Post.title`.
618 |
619 | 3) And use validator as usual:
620 |
621 | ```typescript
622 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
623 |
624 | validate(post).then(errors => {
625 | // ...
626 | });
627 | ```
628 |
629 | You can also pass constraints to your validator, like this:
630 |
631 | ```typescript
632 | import { Validate } from 'class-validator';
633 | import { CustomTextLength } from './CustomTextLength';
634 |
635 | export class Post {
636 | @Validate(CustomTextLength, [3, 20], {
637 | message: 'Wrong post title',
638 | })
639 | title: string;
640 | }
641 | ```
642 |
643 | And use them from `validationArguments` object:
644 |
645 | ```typescript
646 | import { ValidationArguments, ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface } from 'class-validator';
647 |
648 | @ValidatorConstraint()
649 | export class CustomTextLength implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
650 | validate(text: string, validationArguments: ValidationArguments) {
651 | return text.length > validationArguments.constraints[0] && text.length < validationArguments.constraints[1];
652 | }
653 | }
654 | ```
655 |
656 | ## Custom validation decorators
657 |
658 | You can also create a custom decorators. Its the most elegant way of using a custom validations.
659 | Lets create a decorator called `@IsLongerThan`:
660 |
661 | 1. Create a decorator itself:
662 |
663 | ```typescript
664 | import { registerDecorator, ValidationOptions, ValidationArguments } from 'class-validator';
665 |
666 | export function IsLongerThan(property: string, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) {
667 | return function (object: Object, propertyName: string) {
668 | registerDecorator({
669 | name: 'isLongerThan',
670 | target: object.constructor,
671 | propertyName: propertyName,
672 | constraints: [property],
673 | options: validationOptions,
674 | validator: {
675 | validate(value: any, args: ValidationArguments) {
676 | const [relatedPropertyName] = args.constraints;
677 | const relatedValue = (args.object as any)[relatedPropertyName];
678 | return typeof value === 'string' && typeof relatedValue === 'string' && value.length > relatedValue.length; // you can return a Promise<boolean> here as well, if you want to make async validation
679 | },
680 | },
681 | });
682 | };
683 | }
684 | ```
685 |
686 | 2. Put it to use:
687 |
688 | ```typescript
689 | import { IsLongerThan } from './IsLongerThan';
690 |
691 | export class Post {
692 | title: string;
693 |
694 | @IsLongerThan('title', {
695 | /* you can also use additional validation options, like "groups" in your custom validation decorators. "each" is not supported */
696 | message: 'Text must be longer than the title',
697 | })
698 | text: string;
699 | }
700 | ```
701 |
702 | In your custom decorators you can also use `ValidationConstraint`.
703 | Lets create another custom validation decorator called `IsUserAlreadyExist`:
704 |
705 | 1. Create a ValidationConstraint and decorator:
706 |
707 | ```typescript
708 | import {
709 | registerDecorator,
710 | ValidationOptions,
711 | ValidatorConstraint,
712 | ValidatorConstraintInterface,
713 | ValidationArguments,
714 | } from 'class-validator';
715 |
716 | @ValidatorConstraint({ async: true })
717 | export class IsUserAlreadyExistConstraint implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
718 | validate(userName: any, args: ValidationArguments) {
719 | return UserRepository.findOneByName(userName).then(user => {
720 | if (user) return false;
721 | return true;
722 | });
723 | }
724 | }
725 |
726 | export function IsUserAlreadyExist(validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) {
727 | return function (object: Object, propertyName: string) {
728 | registerDecorator({
729 | target: object.constructor,
730 | propertyName: propertyName,
731 | options: validationOptions,
732 | constraints: [],
733 | validator: IsUserAlreadyExistConstraint,
734 | });
735 | };
736 | }
737 | ```
738 |
739 | note that we marked our constraint that it will by async by adding `{ async: true }` in validation options.
740 |
741 | 2. And put it to use:
742 |
743 | ```typescript
744 | import { IsUserAlreadyExist } from './IsUserAlreadyExist';
745 |
746 | export class User {
747 | @IsUserAlreadyExist({
748 | message: 'User $value already exists. Choose another name.',
749 | })
750 | name: string;
751 | }
752 | ```
753 |
754 | ## Using service container
755 |
756 | Validator supports service container in the case if want to inject dependencies into your custom validator constraint
757 | classes. Here is example how to integrate it with [typedi][2]:
758 |
759 | ```typescript
760 | import { Container } from 'typedi';
761 | import { useContainer, Validator } from 'class-validator';
762 |
763 | // do this somewhere in the global application level:
764 | useContainer(Container);
765 | let validator = Container.get(Validator);
766 |
767 | // now everywhere you can inject Validator class which will go from the container
768 | // also you can inject classes using constructor injection into your custom ValidatorConstraint-s
769 | ```
770 |
771 | ## Synchronous validation
772 |
773 | If you want to perform a simple non async validation you can use `validateSync` method instead of regular `validate`
774 | method. It has the same arguments as `validate` method. But note, this method **ignores** all async validations
775 | you have.
776 |
777 | ## Manual validation
778 |
779 | There are several method exist in the Validator that allows to perform non-decorator based validation:
780 |
781 | ```typescript
782 | import { isEmpty, isBoolean } from 'class-validator';
783 |
784 | isEmpty(value);
785 | isBoolean(value);
786 | ```
787 |
788 | ## Validation decorators
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 | | Decorator | Description |
793 | | ------------------------------------------------| ----------- |
794 | | **Common validation decorators** | |
795 | | `@IsDefined(value: any)` | Checks if value is defined (!== undefined, !== null). This is the only decorator that ignores skipMissingProperties option. |
796 | | `@IsOptional()` | Checks if given value is empty (=== null, === undefined) and if so, ignores all the validators on the property. |
797 | | `@Equals(comparison: any)` | Checks if value equals ("===") comparison. |
798 | | `@NotEquals(comparison: any)` | Checks if value not equal ("!==") comparison. |
799 | | `@IsEmpty()` | Checks if given value is empty (=== '', === null, === undefined). |
800 | | `@IsNotEmpty()` | Checks if given value is not empty (!== '', !== null, !== undefined). |
801 | | `@IsIn(values: any[])` | Checks if value is in a array of allowed values. |
802 | | `@IsNotIn(values: any[])` | Checks if value is not in a array of disallowed values. |
803 | | **Type validation decorators** | |
804 | | `@IsBoolean()` | Checks if a value is a boolean. |
805 | | `@IsDate()` | Checks if the value is a date. |
806 | | `@IsString()` | Checks if the string is a string. |
807 | | `@IsNumber(options: IsNumberOptions)` | Checks if the value is a number. |
808 | | `@IsInt()` | Checks if the value is an integer number. |
809 | | `@IsArray()` | Checks if the value is an array |
810 | | `@IsEnum(entity: object)` | Checks if the value is an valid enum |
811 | | **Number validation decorators** |
812 | | `@IsDivisibleBy(num: number)` | Checks if the value is a number that's divisible by another. |
813 | | `@IsPositive()` | Checks if the value is a positive number greater than zero. |
814 | | `@IsNegative()` | Checks if the value is a negative number smaller than zero. |
815 | | `@Min(min: number)` | Checks if the given number is greater than or equal to given number. |
816 | | `@Max(max: number)` | Checks if the given number is less than or equal to given number. |
817 | | **Date validation decorators** |
818 | | `@MinDate(date: Date)` | Checks if the value is a date that's after the specified date. |
819 | | `@MaxDate(date: Date)` | Checks if the value is a date that's before the specified date. |
820 | | **String-type validation decorators** | |
821 | | `@IsBooleanString()` | Checks if a string is a boolean (e.g. is "true" or "false"). |
822 | | `@IsDateString()` | Alias for `@IsISO8601()`. |
823 | | `@IsNumberString(options?: IsNumericOptions)` | Checks if a string is a number. |
824 | | **String validation decorators** | |
825 | | `@Contains(seed: string)` | Checks if the string contains the seed. |
826 | | `@NotContains(seed: string)` | Checks if the string not contains the seed. |
827 | | `@IsAlpha()` | Checks if the string contains only letters (a-zA-Z). |
828 | | `@IsAlphanumeric()` | Checks if the string contains only letters and numbers. |
829 | | `@IsDecimal(options?: IsDecimalOptions)` | Checks if the string is a valid decimal value. Default IsDecimalOptions are `force_decimal=False`, `decimal_digits: '1,'`, `locale: 'en-US'` |
830 | | `@IsAscii()` | Checks if the string contains ASCII chars only. |
831 | | `@IsBase32()` | Checks if a string is base32 encoded. |
832 | | `@IsBase64()` | Checks if a string is base64 encoded. |
833 | | `@IsIBAN()` | Checks if a string is a IBAN (International Bank Account Number). |
834 | | `@IsBIC()` | Checks if a string is a BIC (Bank Identification Code) or SWIFT code. |
835 | | `@IsByteLength(min: number, max?: number)` | Checks if the string's length (in bytes) falls in a range. |
836 | | `@IsCreditCard()` | Checks if the string is a credit card. |
837 | | `@IsCurrency(options?: IsCurrencyOptions)` | Checks if the string is a valid currency amount. |
838 | | `@IsEthereumAddress()` | Checks if the string is an Ethereum address using basic regex. Does not validate address checksums. |
839 | | `@IsBtcAddress()` | Checks if the string is a valid BTC address. |
840 | | `@IsDataURI()` | Checks if the string is a data uri format. |
841 | | `@IsEmail(options?: IsEmailOptions)` | Checks if the string is an email.|
842 | | `@IsFQDN(options?: IsFQDNOptions)` | Checks if the string is a fully qualified domain name (e.g. domain.com). |
843 | | `@IsFullWidth()` | Checks if the string contains any full-width chars. |
844 | | `@IsHalfWidth()` | Checks if the string contains any half-width chars. |
845 | | `@IsVariableWidth()` | Checks if the string contains a mixture of full and half-width chars. |
846 | | `@IsHexColor()` | Checks if the string is a hexadecimal color. |
847 | | `@IsHSLColor()` | Checks if the string is an HSL color based on [CSS Colors Level 4 specification](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value). |
848 | | `@IsRgbColor(options?: IsRgbOptions)` | Checks if the string is a rgb or rgba color. |
849 | | `@IsIdentityCard(locale?: string)` | Checks if the string is a valid identity card code. |
850 | | `@IsPassportNumber(countryCode?: string)` | Checks if the string is a valid passport number relative to a specific country code. |
851 | | `@IsPostalCode(locale?: string)` | Checks if the string is a postal code. |
852 | | `@IsHexadecimal()` | Checks if the string is a hexadecimal number. |
853 | | `@IsOctal()` | Checks if the string is a octal number. |
854 | | `@IsMACAddress(options?: IsMACAddressOptions)` | Checks if the string is a MAC Address. |
855 | | `@IsIP(version?: "4"\|"6")` | Checks if the string is an IP (version 4 or 6). |
856 | | `@IsPort()` | Checks if the string is a valid port number. |
857 | | `@IsISBN(version?: "10"\|"13")` | Checks if the string is an ISBN (version 10 or 13). |
858 | | `@IsEAN()` | Checks if the string is an if the string is an EAN (European Article Number). |
859 | | `@IsISIN()` | Checks if the string is an ISIN (stock/security identifier). |
860 | | `@IsISO8601(options?: IsISO8601Options)` | Checks if the string is a valid ISO 8601 date format. Use the option strict = true for additional checks for a valid date. |
861 | | `@IsJSON()` | Checks if the string is valid JSON. |
862 | | `@IsJWT()` | Checks if the string is valid JWT. |
863 | | `@IsObject()` | Checks if the object is valid Object (null, functions, arrays will return false). |
864 | | `@IsNotEmptyObject()` | Checks if the object is not empty. |
865 | | `@IsLowercase()` | Checks if the string is lowercase. |
866 | | `@IsLatLong()` | Checks if the string is a valid latitude-longitude coordinate in the format lat, long. |
867 | | `@IsLatitude()` | Checks if the string or number is a valid latitude coordinate. |
868 | | `@IsLongitude()` | Checks if the string or number is a valid longitude coordinate. |
869 | | `@IsMobilePhone(locale: string)` | Checks if the string is a mobile phone number. |
870 | | `@IsISO31661Alpha2()` | Checks if the string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 officially assigned country code. |
871 | | `@IsISO31661Alpha3()` | Checks if the string is a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 officially assigned country code. |
872 | | `@IsLocale()` | Checks if the string is a locale. |
873 | | `@IsPhoneNumber(region: string)` | Checks if the string is a valid phone numberusing libphonenumber-js. |
874 | | `@IsMongoId()` | Checks if the string is a valid hex-encoded representation of a MongoDB ObjectId. |
875 | | `@IsMultibyte()` | Checks if the string contains one or more multibyte chars. |
876 | | `@IsNumberString(options?: IsNumericOptions)` | Checks if the string is numeric. |
877 | | `@IsSurrogatePair()` | Checks if the string contains any surrogate pairs chars. |
878 | | `@IsUrl(options?: IsURLOptions)` | Checks if the string is an url. |
879 | | `@IsMagnetURI()` | Checks if the string is a [magnet uri format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme). |
880 | | `@IsUUID(version?: "3"\|"4"\|"5"\|"all")` | Checks if the string is a UUID (version 3, 4, 5 or all ). |
881 | | `@IsFirebasePushId()` | Checks if the string is a [Firebase Push ID](https://firebase.googleblog.com/2015/02/the-2120-ways-to-ensure-unique_68.html) |
882 | | `@IsUppercase()` | Checks if the string is uppercase. |
883 | | `@Length(min: number, max?: number)` | Checks if the string's length falls in a range. |
884 | | `@MinLength(min: number)` | Checks if the string's length is not less than given number. |
885 | | `@MaxLength(max: number)` | Checks if the string's length is not more than given number. |
886 | | `@Matches(pattern: RegExp, modifiers?: string)` | Checks if string matches the pattern. Either matches('foo', /foo/i) or matches('foo', 'foo', 'i'). |
887 | | `@IsMilitaryTime()` | Checks if the string is a valid representation of military time in the format HH:MM. |
888 | | `@IsHash(algorithm: string)` | Checks if the string is a hash The following types are supported:`md4`, `md5`, `sha1`, `sha256`, `sha384`, `sha512`, `ripemd128`, `ripemd160`, `tiger128`, `tiger160`, `tiger192`, `crc32`, `crc32b`. |
889 | | `@IsMimeType()` | Checks if the string matches to a valid [MIME type](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type) format |
890 | | `@IsSemVer()` | Checks if the string is a Semantic Versioning Specification (SemVer). |
891 | | `@IsISSN(options?: IsISSNOptions)` | Checks if the string is a ISSN. |
892 | | `@IsISRC()` | Checks if the string is a [ISRC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Recording_Code). |
893 | | `@IsRFC3339()` | Checks if the string is a valid [RFC 3339](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339) date. |
894 | | **Array validation decorators** | |
895 | | `@ArrayContains(values: any[])` | Checks if array contains all values from the given array of values. |
896 | | `@ArrayNotContains(values: any[])` | Checks if array does not contain any of the given values. |
897 | | `@ArrayNotEmpty()` | Checks if given array is not empty. |
898 | | `@ArrayMinSize(min: number)` | Checks if the array's length is greater than or equal to the specified number. |
899 | | `@ArrayMaxSize(max: number)` | Checks if the array's length is less or equal to the specified number. |
900 | | `@ArrayUnique(identifier?: (o) => any)` | Checks if all array's values are unique. Comparison for objects is reference-based. Optional function can be speciefied which return value will be used for the comparsion. |
901 | | **Object validation decorators** |
902 | | `@IsInstance(value: any)` | Checks if the property is an instance of the passed value. |
903 | | **Other decorators** | |
904 | | `@Allow()` | Prevent stripping off the property when no other constraint is specified for it. |
905 |
906 | ## Defining validation schema without decorators
907 |
908 | You can define your validation schemas without decorators:
909 |
910 | - you can define it in the separate object
911 | - you can define it in the `.json` file
912 |
913 | This feature maybe useful in the cases if:
914 |
915 | - are using es5/es6 and don't have decorators available
916 | - you don't have a classes, and instead using interfaces
917 | - you don't want to use model at all
918 | - you want to have a validation schema separate of your model
919 | - you want beautiful json-schema based validation models
920 | - you simply hate decorators
921 |
922 | Here is an example of using it:
923 |
924 | 1. Create a schema object:
925 |
926 | ```typescript
927 | import { ValidationSchema } from 'class-validator';
928 | export let UserValidationSchema: ValidationSchema = {
929 | // using interface here is not required, its just for type-safety
930 | name: 'myUserSchema', // this is required, and must be unique
931 | properties: {
932 | firstName: [
933 | {
934 | type: 'minLength', // validation type. All validation types are listed in ValidationTypes class.
935 | constraints: [2],
936 | },
937 | {
938 | type: 'maxLength',
939 | constraints: [20],
940 | },
941 | ],
942 | lastName: [
943 | {
944 | type: 'minLength',
945 | constraints: [2],
946 | },
947 | {
948 | type: 'maxLength',
949 | constraints: [20],
950 | },
951 | ],
952 | email: [
953 | {
954 | type: 'isEmail',
955 | },
956 | ],
957 | },
958 | };
959 | ```
960 |
961 | Same schema can be provided in `.json` file, depend on your wish.
962 |
963 | 2. Register your schema:
964 |
965 | ```typescript
966 | import { registerSchema } from 'class-validator';
967 | import { UserValidationSchema } from './UserValidationSchema';
968 | registerSchema(UserValidationSchema); // if schema is in .json file, then you can simply do registerSchema(require("path-to-schema.json"));
969 | ```
970 |
971 | Better to put this code in a global place, maybe when you bootstrap your application, for example in `app.ts`.
972 |
973 | 3. Validate your object using validation schema:
974 |
975 | ```typescript
976 | import { validate } from 'class-validator';
977 | const user = { firstName: 'Johny', secondName: 'Cage', email: 'johny@cage.com' };
978 | validate('myUserSchema', user).then(errors => {
979 | if (errors.length > 0) {
980 | console.log('Validation failed: ', errors);
981 | } else {
982 | console.log('Validation succeed.');
983 | }
984 | });
985 | ```
986 |
987 | That's it. Here `"myUserSchema"` is the name of our validation schema.
988 | `validate` method will perform validation based on this schema
989 |
990 | ## Validating plain objects
991 |
992 | Due to nature of the decorators, the validated object has to be instantiated using `new Class()` syntax. If you have your class defined using class-validator decorators and you want to validate plain JS object (literal object or returned by JSON.parse), you need to transform it to the class instance via using [class-transformer](https://github.com/pleerock/class-transformer)).
993 |
994 | ## Samples
995 |
996 | Take a look on samples in [./sample](https://github.com/pleerock/class-validator/tree/master/sample) for more examples of
997 | usages.
998 |
999 | ## Extensions
1000 |
1001 | There are several extensions that simplify class-validator integration with other modules:
1002 |
1003 | - [class-validator integration](https://github.com/19majkel94/class-transformer-validator) with [class-transformer](https://github.com/pleerock/class-transformer)
1004 | - [class-validator-rule](https://github.com/yantrab/class-validator-rule)
1005 | - [ngx-dynamic-form-builder](https://github.com/EndyKaufman/ngx-dynamic-form-builder)
1006 | - [abarghoud/ngx-reactive-form-class-validator](https://github.com/abarghoud/ngx-reactive-form-class-validator)
1007 |
1008 | ## Release notes
1009 |
1010 | See information about breaking changes and release notes [here][3].
1011 |
1012 | [1]: https://github.com/chriso/validator.js
1013 | [2]: https://github.com/pleerock/typedi
1014 | [3]: CHANGELOG.md
1015 |
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