2.16 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1'use strict';
3module.exports = {
4 reporter: {
5 alias: 'reporter', // -r, --reporter
6 describe: 'how to print logs',
7 type: 'string',
8 requiresArg: true
9 },
10 url: {
11 alias: 'url', // -u, --url
12 describe: 'url or alias from config',
13 type: 'string',
14 requiresArg: true
15 },
16 key: {
17 alias: 'key', // -k, --key
18 describe: 'api key or alias from config',
19 type: 'string',
20 requiresArg: true
21 },
22 size: {
23 alias: 'size', // -s, --size
24 describe: 'number of pages to query for',
25 type: 'number',
26 default: 10,
27 requiresArg: true
28 },
29 concurrency: {
30 alias: 'concurrency', // -c, --concurrency
31 describe: 'number of concurrent requests against clay',
32 type: 'number',
33 default: 10,
34 requiresArg: true
35 },
36 publish: {
37 alias: 'publish', // -p, --publish (note: -p is also used when compiling css with plugins)
38 describe: 'publish items when importing',
39 type: 'boolean'
40 },
41 layout: {
42 alias: 'layout', // -l, --layout (note: -l is also used when compiling fonts)
43 describe: 'export layout when exporting page(s)',
44 type: 'boolean'
45 },
46 yaml: {
47 alias: 'yaml', // -y, --yaml
48 describe: 'parse bootstrap format',
49 type: 'boolean'
50 },
51 // compilation options
52 minify: {
53 alias: 'minify', // -m, --minify
54 describe: 'run through minification',
55 type: 'boolean'
56 },
57 watch: {
58 alias: 'watch', // -w, --watch
59 describe: 'watch files and recompile on changes',
60 type: 'boolean'
61 },
62 inlined: {
63 alias: 'inlined', // -i, --inlined
64 describe: 'compile base64 inlined fonts',
65 type: 'boolean'
66 },
67 linked: {
68 alias: 'linked', // -l, --linked (note: -l is also used when exporting layouts)
69 describe: 'compile linked fonts',
70 type: 'boolean',
71 default: undefined // will be undefined if unset
72 },
73 plugins: {
74 alias: 'plugins', // -p, --plugins (note: -p is also used when publishing imports)
75 describe: 'space-separated list of postcss plugins',
76 type: 'array'
77 },
78 globs: {
79 alias: 'globs', // -g, --globs
80 describe: 'globbing patterns of legacy js to compile to _global.js',
81 type: 'array'
82 }