9.78 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1async = require 'async'
2assert = require 'assert'
3_ = require 'underscore'
4Clever = require "#{__dirname}/../index"
5nock = require 'nock'
9 {api_key: 'DEMO_KEY'}
10 {token: 'DEMO_TOKEN'}
11]).each (auth) ->
12 describe "query #{JSON.stringify auth}", ->
14 before -> @clever = Clever auth, 'https://api.clever.com'
16 it 'throws an error if you try to instantiate without an api key', ->
17 assert.throws -> Clever()
19 it 'find with no arguments', (done) ->
20 @clever.District.find (err, districts) =>
21 _(districts).each (district) =>
22 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
23 assert district.get('name')
24 done()
26 it 'find with conditions', (done) ->
27 @clever.District.find { id: "4fd43cc56d11340000000005" }, (err, districts) =>
28 assert.equal districts.length, 1
29 district = districts[0]
30 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
31 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
32 done()
34 it 'find with conditions and exec', (done) ->
35 @clever.District.find(id: "4fd43cc56d11340000000005").exec (err, districts) =>
36 assert.equal districts.length, 1
37 district = districts[0]
38 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
39 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
40 done()
42 it 'findOne with no arguments', (done) ->
43 @clever.District.findOne (err, district) =>
44 assert not _(district).isArray()
45 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
46 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
47 done()
49 it 'findOne with conditions', (done) ->
50 @clever.District.findOne { id: "4fd43cc56d11340000000005" }, (err, district) =>
51 assert not _(district).isArray()
52 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
53 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
54 done()
56 it 'findOne with conditions and exec', (done) ->
57 @clever.District.findOne(id: "4fd43cc56d11340000000005").exec (err, district) =>
58 assert not _(district).isArray()
59 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
60 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
61 done()
63 it 'findById with no conditions throws', (done) ->
64 assert.throws(
65 () =>
66 @clever.District.findById (err, district) -> assert false # shouldn't hit callback
67 (err) ->
68 ret = (err instanceof Error) and /must specify an ID/.test(err)
69 setTimeout(done, 1000) if ret
70 return ret
71 )
73 it 'findById', (done) ->
74 @clever.District.findById "4fd43cc56d11340000000005", (err, district) =>
75 assert not _(district).isArray()
76 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
77 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
78 done()
80 # Failing because test data changed. See: https://clever.atlassian.net/browse/APPS-200
81 it.skip 'findById with exec', (done) ->
82 @clever.District.findById("4fd43cc56d11340000000005").exec (err, district) =>
83 assert not _(district).isArray()
84 assert (district instanceof @clever.District), "Incorrect type on district object"
85 assert.equal district.get('name'), 'Demo District'
86 done()
88 # Failing because test data changed. See: https://clever.atlassian.net/browse/APPS-200
89 it.skip 'find with a where condition', (done) ->
90 @clever.School.find().where('name').equals('Clever High School').exec (err, schools) =>
91 assert.equal schools.length, 1
92 school = schools[0]
93 assert (school instanceof @clever.School), "Incorrect type on school object"
94 assert.equal school.get('name'), 'Clever High School'
95 done()
97 it 'successfully generates correct link with ending_before', (done) ->
98 @timeout 30000
99 clever = Clever 'FAKE_KEY', 'http://fake_api.com'
100 scope = nock('http://fake_api.com')
101 .get('/v1.1/students?where=%7B%7D&ending_before=last')
102 .reply(401, {error: 'test succeeded'})
103 clever.Student.find().ending_before('last').exec (err, students) ->
104 assert not students
105 assert.equal err.message, "received statusCode 401 instead of 200"
106 assert.deepEqual err.body, {error: 'test succeeded'}
107 scope.done()
108 done()
110 it 'successfully generates correct link with starting_after', (done) ->
111 @timeout 30000
112 clever = Clever 'FAKE_KEY', 'http://fake_api.com'
113 scope = nock('http://fake_api.com')
114 .get('/v1.1/students?where=%7B%7D&starting_after=12345')
115 .reply(401, {error: 'test succeeded'})
116 clever.Student.find().starting_after('12345').exec (err, students) ->
117 assert not students
118 assert.equal err.message, "received statusCode 401 instead of 200"
119 assert.deepEqual err.body, {error: 'test succeeded'}
120 scope.done()
121 done()
123 it 'find with starting_after and ending_before', (done) ->
124 before_students = []
125 async.waterfall [
126 (cb_wf) =>
127 # get the last 2 students
128 @clever.Student.find().limit(2).ending_before('last').exec (err, students) =>
129 before_students = students
130 assert.equal students.length, 2
131 assert (students[0] instanceof @clever.Student), "Incorrect type on student object"
132 cb_wf()
133 (cb_wf) =>
134 # get the students after the second to last student
135 @clever.Student.find().starting_after(before_students[0].get 'id').exec (err, students) =>
136 assert.equal students.length, 1
137 assert.equal students[0].get('id'), before_students[1].get('id')
138 assert (students[0] instanceof @clever.Student), "Incorrect type on student object"
139 cb_wf()
140 ], (err) =>
141 assert.ifError err
142 done()
144 # Failing because test data changed. See: https://clever.atlassian.net/browse/APPS-200
145 it.skip 'count works', (done) ->
146 @clever.School.find().where('name').equals('Clever High School').count().exec (err, count) ->
147 assert.equal count, 1
148 done()
150 it 'supports custom resources', (done) ->
151 clever = Clever "FAKE_KEY", "http://fake_api.com"
152 class clever.NewResource extends clever.Resource
153 @path: '/resource/path'
154 scope = nock("http://fake_api.com")
155 .get('/resource/path?where=%7B%7D')
156 .reply(200, {data: [{uri: '/resource/path/some_id', data: {some_key: 'some_val'}}]})
157 clever.NewResource.find (err, resources) ->
158 assert.equal resources.length, 1
159 resource = resources[0]
160 assert resource instanceof clever.NewResource
161 assert.equal resource.get('some_key'), 'some_val'
162 scope.done()
163 done err
165 it 'exists true with where works', (done) ->
166 @clever.School.find().where('name').exists(true).count().exec (err, count) ->
167 assert.equal count, 3
168 done()
170 it 'exists without args works', (done) ->
171 @clever.School.find().where('name').exists().count().exec (err, count) ->
172 assert.equal count, 3
173 done()
175 it 'exists true works', (done) ->
176 @clever.School.find().exists('name', true).count().exec (err, count) ->
177 assert.equal count, 3
178 done()
180 it 'exists path works', (done) ->
181 @clever.School.find().exists('name').count().exec (err, count) ->
182 assert.equal count, 3
183 done()
185 it 'exists false with where works', (done) ->
186 @clever.School.find().where('name').exists(false).count().exec (err, count) ->
187 assert.equal count, 0
188 done()
190 it 'exists false works', (done) ->
191 @clever.School.find().exists('name', false).count().exec (err, count) ->
192 assert.equal count, 0
193 done()
195 it 'successfully handles invalid get requests that return a json', (done) ->
196 @timeout 30000
197 clever = Clever 'FAKE_KEY', 'http://fake_api.com'
198 scope = nock('http://fake_api.com')
199 .get('/v1.1/districts?where=%7B%22id%22%3A%2212345%22%7D&limit=1')
200 .reply(401, {error: 'unauthorized'})
201 clever.District.findById '12345', (err, district) ->
202 assert not district
203 assert.equal err.message, "received statusCode 401 instead of 200"
204 assert.deepEqual err.body, {error: 'unauthorized'}
205 scope.done()
206 done()
208 it 'successfully handles invalid get requests that return a json with exec', (done) ->
209 @timeout 30000
210 clever = Clever 'FAKE_KEY', 'http://fake_api.com'
211 scope = nock('http://fake_api.com')
212 .get('/v1.1/districts?where=%7B%22id%22%3A%2212345%22%7D&limit=1')
213 .reply(401, {error: 'unauthorized'})
214 clever.District.findById('12345').exec (err, district) ->
215 assert not district
216 assert.equal err.message, "received statusCode 401 instead of 200"
217 assert.deepEqual err.body, {error: 'unauthorized'}
218 scope.done()
219 done()
221 it 'successfully handles invalid get requests that return a string', (done) ->
222 @timeout 30000
223 clever = Clever 'FAKE_KEY', 'http://fake_api.com'
224 scope = nock('http://fake_api.com')
225 .get('/v1.1/districts?where=%7B%22id%22%3A%2212345%22%7D&limit=1')
226 .reply(401, 'unauthorized')
227 clever.District.findById '12345', (err, district) ->
228 assert not district
229 assert.equal err.message, "received statusCode 401 instead of 200"
230 assert.equal err.body, 'unauthorized'
231 scope.done()
232 done()