1.35 kBMarkdownView Raw
1### 1.2.0 ###
2* Added: `increment()` method to increase the current progress relatively - thanks to [lennym on GitHub](https://github.com/lennym) #6
3* Added: ETA time formatting options (mm:ss, hh:mm, ss) - thanks to [lennym on GitHub](https://github.com/lennym) #5
4* Improvement: More accurate ETA calculation using linear estimation of last N values - thanks to [lennym on GitHub](https://github.com/lennym) #4
5* Bugfix: FPS calculation error which caused performance issues - thanks to [lennym on GitHub](https://github.com/lennym) #7
7### 1.1.2 ###
8* Bugfix: stdout.cursorTo/stdout.clearLine is not a function; replaced by `readline` - thanks to [remcoder on GitHub](https://github.com/AndiDittrich/Node.CLI-Progress/pull/2)
10### 1.1.1 ###
11* Bugfix: Hide cursor options was enabled by default
13### 1.1.0 ###
14* Added: Support for synchronous operations (interval has been replaced by timeout and throttle time) - feature requested [GitHub](https://github.com/AndiDittrich/Node.CLI-Progress/issues/1)
15* Added: Synchronous Operation Example `example-synchronous.js`
16* Added: Option to hide the cursor `options.hideCursor` - default set to false
17* Changed: Improved ETA calculation
19### 1.0.1 ###
20* Bugfix: the bar-size is limited to `options.barsize` - in some (numerical) situations it can be too long (n+1)
22### 1.0.0 ###
23* Initial public release
\No newline at end of file