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1# Command-Option-Argument
3Yet another parser for command line options.
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22## What is it?
24COA is a parser for command line options that aim to get maximum profit from formalization your program API.
25Once you write definition in terms of commands, options and arguments you automaticaly get:
27* Command line help text
28* Program API for use COA-based programs as modules
29* Shell completion
31### Other features
33* Rich types for options and arguments, such as arrays, boolean flags and required
34* Commands can be async throught using promising (powered by [Q](https://github.com/kriskowal/q))
35* Easy submoduling some existing commands to new top-level one
36* Combined validation and complex parsing of values
38### TODO
40* Localization
41* Shell-mode
42* Configs
43 * Aliases
44 * Defaults
46## Examples
49require('coa').Cmd() // main (top level) command declaration
50 .name(process.argv[1]) // set top level command name from program name
51 .title('My awesome command line util') // title for use in text messages
52 .helpful() // make command "helpful", i.e. options -h --help with usage message
53 .opt() // add some option
54 .name('version') // name for use in API
55 .title('Version') // title for use in text messages
56 .short('v') // short key: -v
57 .long('version') // long key: --version
58 .flag() // for options without value
59 .act(function(opts) { // add action for option
60 // return message as result of action
61 return JSON.parse(require('fs').readFileSync(__dirname + '/package.json'))
62 .version;
63 })
64 .end() // end option chain and return to main command
65 .cmd().name('subcommand').apply(require('./subcommand').COA).end() // load subcommand from module
66 .cmd() // inplace subcommand declaration
67 .name('othercommand').title('Awesome other subcommand').helpful()
68 .opt()
69 .name('input').title('input file, required')
70 .short('i').long('input')
71 .val(function(v) { // validator function, also for translate simple values
72 return require('fs').createReadStream(v) })
73 .req() // make option required
74 .end() // end option chain and return to command
75 .end() // end subcommand chain and return to parent command
76 .run(process.argv.slice(2)); // parse and run on process.argv
80// subcommand.js
81exports.COA = function() {
82 this
83 .title('Awesome subcommand').helpful()
84 .opt()
85 .name('output').title('output file')
86 .short('o').long('output')
87 .output() // use default preset for "output" option declaration
88 .end()
92## API reference
94### Cmd
95Command is a top level entity. Commands may have options and arguments.
97#### Cmd.api
98Returns object containing all its subcommands as methods to use from other programs.<br>
99**@returns** *{Object}*
101#### Cmd.name
102Set a canonical command identifier to be used anywhere in the API.<br>
103**@param** *String* `_name` command name<br>
104**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
106#### Cmd.title
107Set a long description for command to be used anywhere in text messages.<br>
108**@param** *String* `_title` command title<br>
109**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
111#### Cmd.cmd
112Create new or add existing subcommand for current command.<br>
113**@param** *COA.Cmd* `[cmd]` existing command instance<br>
114**@returns** *COA.Cmd* new or added subcommand instance
116#### Cmd.opt
117Create option for current command.<br>
118**@returns** *COA.Opt* `new` option instance
120#### Cmd.arg
121Create argument for current command.<br>
122**@returns** *COA.Opt* `new` argument instance
124#### Cmd.act
125Add (or set) action for current command.<br>
126**@param** *Function* `act` action function,
127 invoked in the context of command instance
128 and has the parameters:<br>
129 - *Object* `opts` parsed options<br>
130 - *Array* `args` parsed arguments<br>
131 - *Object* `res` actions result accumulator<br>
132 It can return rejected promise by Cmd.reject (in case of error)
133 or any other value treated as result.<br>
134**@param** *{Boolean}* [force=false] flag for set action instead add to existings<br>
135**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
137#### Cmd.apply
138Apply function with arguments in context of command instance.<br>
139**@param** *Function* `fn`<br>
140**@param** *Array* `args`<br>
141**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
143#### Cmd.comp
144Set custom additional completion for current command.<br>
145**@param** *Function* `fn` completion generation function,
146 invoked in the context of command instance.
147 Accepts parameters:<br>
148 - *Object* `opts` completion options<br>
149 It can return promise or any other value treated as result.<br>
150**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
152#### Cmd.helpful
153Make command "helpful", i.e. add -h --help flags for print usage.<br>
154**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
156#### Cmd.completable
157Adds shell completion to command, adds "completion" subcommand, that makes all the magic.<br>
158Must be called only on root command.<br>
159**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
161#### Cmd.usage
162Build full usage text for current command instance.<br>
163**@returns** *String* `usage` text
165#### Cmd.run
166Parse arguments from simple format like NodeJS process.argv
167and run ahead current program, i.e. call process.exit when all actions done.<br>
168**@param** *Array* `argv`<br>
169**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `this` instance (for chainability)
171#### Cmd.invoke
172Invoke specified (or current) command using provided options and arguments.<br>
173**@param** *String|Array* `cmds` subcommand to invoke (optional)<br>
174**@param** *Object* `opts` command options (optional)<br>
175**@param** *Object* `args` command arguments (optional)<br>
176**@returns** *Q.Promise*
178#### Cmd.reject
179Return reject of actions results promise.<br>
180Use in .act() for return with error.<br>
181**@param** *Object* `reason` reject reason<br>
182 You can customize toString() method and exitCode property
183 of reason object.<br>
184**@returns** *Q.promise* rejected promise
186#### Cmd.end
187Finish chain for current subcommand and return parent command instance.<br>
188**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `parent` command
190### Opt
191Option is a named entity. Options may have short and long keys for use from command line.<br>
193**@class** Presents option
195#### Opt.name
196Set a canonical option identifier to be used anywhere in the API.<br>
197**@param** *String* `_name` option name<br>
198**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
200#### Opt.title
201Set a long description for option to be used anywhere in text messages.<br>
202**@param** *String* `_title` option title<br>
203**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
205#### Opt.short
206Set a short key for option to be used with one hyphen from command line.<br>
207**@param** *String* `_short`<br>
208**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
210#### Opt.long
211Set a short key for option to be used with double hyphens from command line.<br>
212**@param** *String* `_long`<br>
213**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
215#### Opt.flag
216Make an option boolean, i.e. option without value.<br>
217**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
219#### Opt.arr
220Makes an option accepts multiple values.<br>
221Otherwise, the value will be used by the latter passed.<br>
222**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
224#### Opt.req
225Makes an option req.<br>
226**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
228#### Opt.only
229Makes an option to act as a command,
230i.e. program will exit just after option action.<br>
231**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
233#### Opt.val
234Set a validation (or value) function for argument.<br>
235Value from command line passes through before becoming available from API.<br>
236Using for validation and convertion simple types to any values.<br>
237**@param** *Function* `_val` validating function,
238 invoked in the context of option instance
239 and has one parameter with value from command line<br>
240**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
242#### Opt.def
243Set a default value for option.
244Default value passed through validation function as ordinary value.<br>
245**@param** *Object* `_def`<br>
246**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
248#### Opt.input
249Make option value inputting stream.
250It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDIN.
251**@returns** *{COA.Opt}* `this` instance (for chainability)
253#### Opt.output
254Make option value outputing stream.<br>
255It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDOUT.<br>
256**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
258#### Opt.act
259Add action for current option command.
260This action is performed if the current option
261is present in parsed options (with any value).<br>
262**@param** *Function* `act` action function,
263 invoked in the context of command instance
264 and has the parameters:<br>
265 - *Object* `opts` parsed options<br>
266 - *Array* `args` parsed arguments<br>
267 - *Object* `res` actions result accumulator<br>
268 It can return rejected promise by Cmd.reject (in case of error)
269 or any other value treated as result.<br>
270**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
272#### Opt.comp
273Set custom additional completion for current option.<br>
274**@param** *Function* `fn` completion generation function,
275 invoked in the context of command instance.
276 Accepts parameters:<br>
277 - *Object* `opts` completion options<br>
278 It can return promise or any other value treated as result.<br>
279**@returns** *COA.Opt* `this` instance (for chainability)
281#### Opt.end
282Finish chain for current option and return parent command instance.<br>
283**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `parent` command
286### Arg
287Argument is a unnamed entity.<br>
288From command line arguments passed as list of unnamed values.
290#### Arg.name
291Set a canonical argument identifier to be used anywhere in text messages.<br>
292**@param** *String* `_name` argument name<br>
293**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
295#### Arg.title
296Set a long description for argument to be used anywhere in text messages.<br>
297**@param** *String* `_title` argument title<br>
298**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
300#### Arg.arr
301Makes an argument accepts multiple values.<br>
302Otherwise, the value will be used by the latter passed.<br>
303**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
305#### Arg.req
306Makes an argument req.<br>
307**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
309#### Arg.val
310Set a validation (or value) function for argument.<br>
311Value from command line passes through before becoming available from API.<br>
312Using for validation and convertion simple types to any values.<br>
313**@param** *Function* `_val` validating function,
314 invoked in the context of argument instance
315 and has one parameter with value from command line<br>
316**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
318#### Arg.def
319Set a default value for argument.
320Default value passed through validation function as ordinary value.<br>
321**@param** *Object* `_def`<br>
322**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
324#### Arg.output
325Make argument value outputing stream.<br>
326It's add useful validation and shortcut for STDOUT.<br>
327**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
329#### Arg.comp
330Set custom additional completion for current argument.<br>
331**@param** *Function* `fn` completion generation function,
332 invoked in the context of command instance.
333 Accepts parameters:<br>
334 - *Object* `opts` completion options<br>
335 It can return promise or any other value treated as result.<br>
336**@returns** *COA.Arg* `this` instance (for chainability)
338#### Arg.end
339Finish chain for current option and return parent command instance.<br>
340**@returns** *COA.Cmd* `parent` command
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