1 | {
2 | "python.command.python.sortImports.title": "Sort Imports",
3 | "python.command.python.startREPL.title": "Start REPL",
4 | "python.command.python.createTerminal.title": "Create Terminal",
5 | "python.command.python.buildWorkspaceSymbols.title": "Build Workspace Symbols",
6 | "python.command.python.runtests.title": "Run All Unit Tests",
7 | "python.command.python.debugtests.title": "Debug All Unit Tests",
8 | "python.command.python.execInTerminal.title": "Run Python File in Terminal",
9 | "python.command.python.setInterpreter.title": "Select Interpreter",
10 | "python.command.python.updateSparkLibrary.title": "Update Workspace PySpark Libraries",
11 | "python.command.python.refactorExtractVariable.title": "Extract Variable",
12 | "python.command.python.refactorExtractMethod.title": "Extract Method",
13 | "python.command.python.viewOutput.title": "Show Output",
14 | "python.command.python.viewTestOutput.title": "Show Unit Test Output",
15 | "python.command.python.selectAndRunTestMethod.title": "Run Unit Test Method ...",
16 | "python.command.python.selectAndDebugTestMethod.title": "Debug Unit Test Method ...",
17 | "python.command.python.selectAndRunTestFile.title": "Run Unit Test File ...",
18 | "python.command.python.runCurrentTestFile.title": "Run Current Unit Test File",
19 | "python.command.python.runFailedTests.title": "Run Failed Unit Tests",
20 | "python.command.python.discoverTests.title": "Discover Unit Tests",
21 | "python.command.python.stopUnitTests.title": "Stop",
22 | "python.command.python.configureTests.title": "Configure Unit Tests",
23 | "python.command.python.execSelectionInTerminal.title": "Run Selection/Line in Python Terminal",
24 | "python.command.python.execSelectionInDjangoShell.title": "Run Selection/Line in Django Shell",
25 | "python.command.python.goToPythonObject.title": "Go to Python Object",
26 | "python.command.python.setLinter.title": "Select Linter",
27 | "python.command.python.enableLinting.title": "Enable Linting",
28 | "python.command.python.runLinting.title": "Run Linting",
29 | "python.command.python.datascience.runFileInteractive.title": "Run Current File in Python Interactive Window",
30 | "python.command.python.datascience.runallcells.title": "Run All Cells",
31 | "python.command.python.datascience.runallcellsabove.title": "Run Above",
32 | "python.command.python.datascience.runcellandallbelow.title": "Run Below",
33 | "python.command.python.datascience.runtoline.title": "Run To Line in Python Interactive window",
34 | "python.command.python.datascience.runfromline.title": "Run From Line in Python Interactive window",
35 | "python.command.python.datascience.runcurrentcell.title": "Run Current Cell",
36 | "python.command.python.datascience.runcurrentcelladvance.title": "Run Current Cell And Advance",
37 | "python.command.python.datascience.execSelectionInteractive.title": "Run Selection/Line in Python Interactive window",
38 | "python.command.python.datascience.runcell.title": "Run Cell",
39 | "python.command.python.datascience.showhistorypane.title": "Show Python Interactive window",
40 | "python.command.python.datascience.selectjupyteruri.title": "Specify Jupyter server URI",
41 | "python.command.python.datascience.importnotebook.title": "Import Jupyter Notebook",
42 | "python.command.python.datascience.importnotebookonfile.title": "Import Jupyter Notebook",
43 | "python.command.python.enableSourceMapSupport.title": "Enable source map support for extension debugging",
44 | "python.command.python.datascience.exportoutputasnotebook.title": "Export Python Interactive window as Jupyter Notebook",
45 | "python.command.python.datascience.exportfileasnotebook.title": "Export Current Python file as Jupyter Notebook",
46 | "python.command.python.datascience.exportfileandoutputasnotebook.title": "Export Current Python File and Output as Jupyter Notebook",
47 | "python.command.python.datascience.undocells.title": "Undo last Python Interactive action",
48 | "python.command.python.datascience.redocells.title": "Redo last Python Interactive action",
49 | "python.command.python.datascience.removeallcells.title": "Delete all Python Interactive cells",
50 | "python.command.python.datascience.interruptkernel.title": "Interrupt iPython Kernel",
51 | "python.command.python.datascience.restartkernel.title": "Restart iPython Kernel",
52 | "python.command.python.datascience.expandallcells.title": "Expand all Python Interactive cells",
53 | "python.command.python.datascience.collapseallcells.title": "Collapse all Python Interactive cells",
54 | "python.snippet.launch.standard.label": "Python: Current File",
55 | "python.snippet.launch.standard.description": "Debug a Python Program with Standard Output",
56 | "python.snippet.launch.pyspark.label": "Python: PySpark",
57 | "python.snippet.launch.pyspark.description": "Debug PySpark",
58 | "python.snippet.launch.module.label": "Python: Module",
59 | "python.snippet.launch.module.description": "Debug a Python Module",
60 | "python.snippet.launch.terminal.label": "Python: Terminal (integrated)",
61 | "python.snippet.launch.terminal.description": "Debug a Python program with Integrated Terminal/Console",
62 | "python.snippet.launch.externalTerminal.label": "Python: Terminal (external)",
63 | "python.snippet.launch.externalTerminal.description": "Debug a Python program with External Terminal/Console",
64 | "python.snippet.launch.django.label": "Python: Django",
65 | "python.snippet.launch.django.description": "Debug a Django Application",
66 | "python.snippet.launch.flask.label": "Python: Flask",
67 | "python.snippet.launch.flask.description": "Debug a Flask Application",
68 | "python.snippet.launch.flaskOld.label": "Python: Flask (0.10.x or earlier)",
69 | "python.snippet.launch.flaskOld.description": "Debug an older styled Flask Application",
70 | "python.snippet.launch.gevent.label": "Python: Gevent",
71 | "python.snippet.launch.gevent.description": "Debug a Gevent Application",
72 | "python.snippet.launch.pyramid.label": "Python: Pyramid Application",
73 | "python.snippet.launch.pyramid.description": "Debug a Pyramid Application",
74 | "python.snippet.launch.watson.label": "Python: Watson Application",
75 | "python.snippet.launch.watson.description": "Debug a Watson Application",
76 | "python.snippet.launch.attach.label": "Python: Attach",
77 | "python.snippet.launch.attach.description": "Attach the Debugger for Remote Debugging",
78 | "python.snippet.launch.scrapy.label": "Python: Scrapy",
79 | "python.snippet.launch.scrapy.description": "Scrapy with Integrated Terminal/Console",
80 | "LanguageService.bannerMessage": "Can you please take 2 minutes to tell us how the Python Language Server is working for you?",
81 | "LanguageService.bannerLabelYes": "Yes, take survey now",
82 | "LanguageService.bannerLabelNo": "No, thanks",
83 | "LanguageService.lsFailedToStart": "We encountered an issue starting the Language Server. Reverting to the alternative, Jedi. Check the Python output panel for details.",
84 | "LanguageService.lsFailedToDownload": "We encountered an issue downloading the Language Server. Reverting to the alternative, Jedi. Check the Python output panel for details.",
85 | "LanguageService.lsFailedToExtract": "We encountered an issue extracting the Language Server. Reverting to the alternative, Jedi. Check the Python output panel for details.",
86 | "DataScience.unknownMimeTypeFormat": "Mime type {0} is not currently supported.",
87 | "DataScience.historyTitle": "Python Interactive",
88 | "DataScience.dataExplorerTitle": "Data Viewer",
89 | "DataScience.badWebPanelFormatString": "<html><body><h1>{0} is not a valid file name</h1></body></html>",
90 | "DataScience.sessionDisposed": "Cannot execute code, session has been disposed.",
91 | "DataScience.exportDialogTitle": "Export to Jupyter Notebook",
92 | "DataScience.exportDialogFilter": "Jupyter Notebooks",
93 | "DataScience.exportDialogComplete": "Notebook written to {0}",
94 | "DataScience.exportDialogFailed": "Failed to export notebook. {0}",
95 | "DataScience.exportOpenQuestion": "Open in browser",
96 | "DataScience.collapseInputTooltip": "Collapse input block",
97 | "DataScience.importDialogTitle": "Import Jupyter Notebook",
98 | "DataScience.importDialogFilter": "Jupyter Notebooks",
99 | "DataScience.notebookCheckForImportYes": "Import",
100 | "DataScience.notebookCheckForImportNo": "Later",
101 | "DataScience.notebookCheckForImportDontAskAgain": "Don't Ask Again",
102 | "DataScience.notebookCheckForImportTitle": "Do you want to import the Jupyter Notebook into Python code?",
103 | "DataScience.jupyterNotSupported": "Running cells requires Jupyter notebooks to be installed.",
104 | "DataScience.jupyterNotSupportedBecauseOfEnvironment": "Activating {0} to run Jupyter failed with {1}.",
105 | "DataScience.jupyterNbConvertNotSupported": "Importing notebooks requires Jupyter nbconvert to be installed.",
106 | "DataScience.jupyterLaunchNoURL": "Failed to find the URL of the launched Jupyter notebook server",
107 | "DataScience.jupyterLaunchTimedOut": "The Jupyter notebook server failed to launch in time",
108 | "DataScience.jupyterServerCrashed": "Jupyter server crashed. Unable to connect. \r\nError code from jupyter: {0}",
109 | "DataScience.pythonInteractiveHelpLink": "Get more help",
110 | "DataScience.importingFormat": "Importing {0}",
111 | "DataScience.startingJupyter": "Starting Jupyter server",
112 | "DataScience.connectingToJupyter": "Connecting to Jupyter server",
113 | "Interpreters.RefreshingInterpreters": "Refreshing Python Interpreters",
114 | "Interpreters.LoadingInterpreters": "Loading Python Interpreters",
115 | "DataScience.restartKernelMessage": "Do you want to restart the iPython kernel? All variables will be lost.",
116 | "DataScience.restartKernelMessageYes": "Restart",
117 | "DataScience.restartKernelMessageNo": "Cancel",
118 | "DataScience.restartingKernelFailed": "Kernel restart failed. Jupyter server is hung. Please reload VS Code.",
119 | "DataScience.interruptingKernelFailed": "Kernel interrupt failed. Jupyter server is hung. Please reload VS Code.",
120 | "DataScienceSurveyBanner.bannerMessage": "Can you please take 2 minutes to tell us how the Python Data Science features are working for you?",
121 | "DataScienceSurveyBanner.bannerLabelYes": "Yes, take survey now",
122 | "DataScienceSurveyBanner.bannerLabelNo": "No, thanks",
123 | "InteractiveShiftEnterBanner.bannerMessage": "Would you like shift-enter to send code to the new Interactive Window experience?",
124 | "InteractiveShiftEnterBanner.bannerLabelYes": "Yes",
125 | "InteractiveShiftEnterBanner.bannerLabelNo": "No",
126 | "DataScience.restartingKernelStatus": "Restarting iPython Kernel",
127 | "DataScience.executingCode": "Executing Cell",
128 | "DataScience.collapseAll": "Collapse all cell inputs",
129 | "DataScience.expandAll": "Expand all cell inputs",
130 | "DataScience.export": "Export as Jupyter Notebook",
131 | "DataScience.restartServer": "Restart iPython Kernel",
132 | "DataScience.undo": "Undo",
133 | "DataScience.redo": "Redo",
134 | "DataScience.clearAll": "Remove All Cells",
135 | "DataScience.pythonVersionHeader": "Python version:",
136 | "DataScience.pythonVersionHeaderNoPyKernel": "Python version may not match, no ipykernel found:",
137 | "DataScience.pythonRestartHeader": "Restarted kernel:",
138 | "DataScience.pythonNewHeader": "Started new kernel:",
139 | "DataScience.executingCodeFailure": "Executing code failed : {0}",
140 | "DataScience.inputWatermark": "Shift-enter to run",
141 | "Linter.InstalledButNotEnabled": "Linter {0} is installed but not enabled.",
142 | "Linter.replaceWithSelectedLinter": "Multiple linters are enabled in settings. Replace with '{0}'?",
143 | "DataScience.jupyterSelectURILaunchLocal": "Launch a local Jupyter server when needed",
144 | "DataScience.jupyterSelectURISpecifyURI": "Type in the URI to connect to a running Jupyter server",
145 | "DataScience.jupyterSelectURIPrompt": "Enter the URI of a Jupyter server",
146 | "DataScience.jupyterSelectURIInvalidURI": "Invalid URI specified",
147 | "DataScience.jupyterNotebookFailure": "Jupyter notebook failed to launch. \r\n{0}",
148 | "DataScience.jupyterNotebookConnectFailed": "Failed to connect to Jupyter notebook. \r\n{0}\r\n{1}",
149 | "DataScience.jupyterNotebookRemoteConnectFailed": "Failed to connect to remote Jupyter notebook.\r\nCheck that the Jupyter Server URI setting has a valid running server specified.\r\n{0}\r\n{1}",
150 | "DataScience.notebookVersionFormat": "Jupyter Notebook Version: {0}",
151 | "DataScience.jupyterKernelNotSupportedOnActive": "Jupyter kernel cannot be started from '{0}'. Using closest match {1} instead.",
152 | "DataScience.jupyterKernelSpecNotFound": "Cannot create a Jupyter kernel spec and none are available for use",
153 | "DataScience.jupyterGetVariablesBadResults": "Failed to fetch variable info from the Jupyter server.",
154 | "DataScience.liveShareConnectFailure": "Cannot connect to host Jupyter session. URI not found.",
155 | "DataScience.liveShareCannotSpawnNotebooks": "Spawning Jupyter notebooks is not supported over a live share connection",
156 | "DataScience.liveShareCannotImportNotebooks": "Importing notebooks is not currently supported over a live share connection",
157 | "DataScience.liveShareHostFormat": "{0} Jupyter Server",
158 | "DataScience.liveShareSyncFailure": "Synchronization failure during live share startup.",
159 | "DataScience.liveShareServiceFailure": "Failure starting '{0}' service during live share connection.",
160 | "DataScience.documentMismatch": "Cannot run cells, duplicate documents for {0} found.",
161 | "DataScience.pythonInteractiveCreateFailed": "Failure to create a 'Python Interactive' window. Try reinstalling the Python extension.",
162 | "diagnostics.warnSourceMaps": "Source map support is enabled in the Python Extension, this will adversely impact performance of the extension.",
163 | "diagnostics.disableSourceMaps": "Disable Source Map Support",
164 | "diagnostics.warnBeforeEnablingSourceMaps": "Enabling source map support in the Python Extension will adversely impact performance of the extension.",
165 | "diagnostics.enableSourceMapsAndReloadVSC": "Enable and reload Window",
166 | "diagnostics.lsNotSupported": "Your operating system does not meet the minimum requirements of the Language Server. Reverting to the alternative, Jedi.",
167 | "diagnostics.invalidPythonPathInDebuggerSettings": "You need to select a Python interpreter before you start debugging.\n\nTip: click on \"Select Python Interpreter\" in the status bar.",
168 | "diagnostics.invalidPythonPathInDebuggerLaunch": "The Python path in your debug configuration is invalid.",
169 | "DataScience.interruptKernel": "Interrupt iPython Kernel",
170 | "DataScience.exportingFormat": "Exporting {0}",
171 | "DataScience.exportCancel": "Cancel",
172 | "Common.canceled": "Canceled",
173 | "DataScience.importChangeDirectoryComment": "#%% Change working directory from the workspace root to the ipynb file location. Turn this addition off with the DataScience.changeDirOnImportExport setting",
174 | "DataScience.exportChangeDirectoryComment": "# Change directory to VSCode workspace root so that relative path loads work correctly. Turn this addition off with the DataScience.changeDirOnImportExport setting",
175 | "DataScience.interruptKernelStatus": "Interrupting iPython Kernel",
176 | "DataScience.restartKernelAfterInterruptMessage": "Interrupting the kernel timed out. Do you want to restart the kernel instead? All variables will be lost.",
177 | "DataScience.pythonInterruptFailedHeader": "Keyboard interrupt crashed the kernel. Kernel restarted.",
178 | "DataScience.sysInfoURILabel": "Jupyter Server URI: ",
179 | "Common.loadingPythonExtension": "Python extension loading...",
180 | "debug.selectConfigurationTitle": "Select a debug configuration",
181 | "debug.selectConfigurationPlaceholder": "Debug Configuration",
182 | "debug.debugFileConfigurationLabel": "Python File",
183 | "debug.debugFileConfigurationDescription": "Debug Python file",
184 | "debug.debugModuleConfigurationLabel": "Module",
185 | "debug.debugModuleConfigurationDescription": "Debug Python module/package",
186 | "debug.remoteAttachConfigurationLabel": "Remote Attach",
187 | "debug.remoteAttachConfigurationDescription": "Debug a remote Python program",
188 | "debug.debugDjangoConfigurationLabel": "Django",
189 | "debug.debugDjangoConfigurationDescription": "Web Application",
190 | "debug.debugFlaskConfigurationLabel": "Flask",
191 | "debug.debugFlaskConfigurationDescription": "Web Application",
192 | "debug.debugPyramidConfigurationLabel": "Pyramid",
193 | "debug.debugPyramidConfigurationDescription": "Web Application",
194 | "debug.djangoEnterManagePyPathTitle": "Debug Django",
195 | "debug.djangoEnterManagePyPathPrompt": "Enter path to manage.py ('${workspaceFolderToken}' points to the root of the current workspace folder)",
196 | "debug.djangoEnterManagePyPathInvalidFilePathError": "Enter a valid Python file path",
197 | "debug.flaskEnterAppPathOrNamePathTitle": "Debug Flask",
198 | "debug.flaskEnterAppPathOrNamePathPrompt": "Enter path to application, e.g. 'app.py' or 'app'",
199 | "debug.flaskEnterAppPathOrNamePathInvalidNameError": "Enter a valid name",
200 | "debug.moduleEnterModuleTitle": "Debug Module",
201 | "debug.moduleEnterModulePrompt": "Enter Python module/package name",
202 | "debug.moduleEnterModuleInvalidNameError": "Enter a valid name",
203 | "debug.pyramidEnterDevelopmentIniPathTitle": "Debug Pyramid",
204 | "debug.pyramidEnterDevelopmentIniPathPrompt": "`Enter path to development.ini ('${workspaceFolderToken}' points to the root of the current workspace folder)`",
205 | "debug.pyramidEnterDevelopmentIniPathInvalidFilePathError": "Enter a valid file path",
206 | "debug.attachRemotePortTitle": "Remote Debugging",
207 | "debug.attachRemotePortPrompt": "Enter port number",
208 | "debug.attachRemotePortValidationError": "Enter a valid port number",
209 | "debug.attachRemoteHostTitle": "Remote Debugging",
210 | "debug.attachRemoteHostPrompt": "Enter a host name or IP address",
211 | "debug.attachRemoteHostValidationError": "Enter a valid host name or IP address",
212 | "UnitTests.testErrorDiagnosticMessage": "Error",
213 | "UnitTests.testFailDiagnosticMessage": "Fail",
214 | "UnitTests.testSkippedDiagnosticMessage": "Skipped",
215 | "UnitTests.configureTests": "Configure Test Framework",
216 | "UnitTests.disableTests": "Disable Tests",
217 | "Common.openOutputPanel": "Show output",
218 | "LanguageService.downloadFailedOutputMessage": "download failed",
219 | "LanguageService.extractionFailedOutputMessage": "extraction failed",
220 | "LanguageService.extractionCompletedOutputMessage": "complete",
221 | "LanguageService.extractionDoneOutputMessage": "done",
222 | "LanguageService.reloadVSCodeIfSeachPathHasChanged": "Search paths have changed for this Python interpreter. Please reload the extension to ensure that the IntelliSense works correctly"
223 | }