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1(function (util, parser, helper) {
2 'use strict';
4 var expect = helper.chai.expect;
5 var validFormats = ['lcov'];
7 describe('Coverage Parser', function () {
8 it('should receive an error when trying to use an unsupported format', function () {
9 expect(function () {
10 parser.getParser('invalid-format');
11 }).to.throw(Error, util.format('Expected one of the following supported formats: %j, but got [%s]', validFormats, 'invalid-format'));
12 });
14 validFormats.forEach(function (format) {
15 it('should be able to instantiate the parser for ' + format, function () {
16 expect(function () {
17 parser.getParser(format);
18 }).to.not.throw();
19 });
20 it('shouldn\'t be able to parse a blank coverage file for ' + format, function () {
21 return expect(parser.getParser(format).parse('')).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error, '"value" is required');
22 });
23 it('shouldn\'t be able to parse invalid coverage for ' + format, function () {
24 return expect(parser.getParser(format).parse('', 'There is no Dana, only Zuul')).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error, 'Failed to parse string');
25 });
26 it('shouldn\'t be able to parse a non-existent coverage file for ' + format, function () {
27 return expect(parser.getParser(format).parse('', '/no-exist/lcov')).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error, 'Failed to parse string');
28 });
29 });
30 });
31}(require('util'), require('../lib/coverageParser'), require('./helper')));
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