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1# How to contribute
3## Main rules
5* Before you open a ticket or send a pull request, [search](https://github.com/codacy/node-codacy-coverage/issues) for previous discussions about the same feature or issue. Add any new details to earlier tickets if you find any.
7* If you're proposing a new feature, make sure you create an issue to let other contributors know what you will be working on.
9* Before sending a pull request make sure your code is tested.
11* Before sending a pull request for a feature, be sure to run tests with `npm run test`.
13* Use the same coding style as the rest of the codebase, most of the checks can be performed with `npm run lint`.
15* Use `git rebase` (not `git merge`) to sync your work from time to time with the master branch.
17* After creating your pull request make sure the build is passing on [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/codacy/node-codacy-coverage) and that [Codacy](https://www.codacy.com/app/codacy/node-codacy-coverage) is also confident in the code quality.
19## Commit Style
21Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed and why.
22Follow these guidelines when writing one:
241. The first line should be 50 characters or less and contain a short
25 description of the change prefixed with the name of the changed
26 subsystem (e.g. "net: add localAddress and localPort to Socket").
272. Keep the second line blank.
283. Wrap all other lines at 72 columns.
30A good commit log can look something like this:
33subsystem: explaining the commit in one line
35Body of commit message is a few lines of text, explaining things
36in more detail, possibly giving some background about the issue
37being fixed, etc. etc.
39The body of the commit message can be several paragraphs, and
40please do proper word-wrap and keep columns shorter than about
4172 characters or so. That way `git log` will show things
42nicely even when it is indented.
45### Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.0
47By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
49* (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I
50 have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated
51 in the file; or
52* (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best
53 of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license
54 and I have the right under that license to submit that work with
55 modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the
56 same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a
57 different license), as indicated in the file; or
58* (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other
59 person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.