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1var os = require('os');
3var config = {};
4config.development = {
5 // Config for database, only support mysql.
6 db: {
7 username: process.env.RDS_USERNAME || "root",
8 password: process.env.RDS_PASSWORD || null,
9 database: process.env.DATA_BASE || "codepush",
10 host: process.env.RDS_HOST || "",
11 port: process.env.RDS_PORT || 3306,
12 dialect: "mysql",
13 logging: false,
14 operatorsAliases: false,
15 },
16 // Config for qiniu (http://www.qiniu.com/) cloud storage when storageType value is "qiniu".
17 qiniu: {
18 accessKey: "",
19 secretKey: "",
20 bucketName: "",
21 downloadUrl: "" // Binary files download host address.
22 },
23 // Config for Amazon s3 (https://aws.amazon.com/cn/s3/) storage when storageType value is "s3".
24 s3: {
25 accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
26 secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
27 sessionToken: process.env.AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, //(optional)
28 bucketName: process.env.BUCKET_NAME,
29 region: process.env.REGION,
30 downloadUrl: process.env.DOWNLOAD_URL, // binary files download host address.
31 },
32 // Config for Aliyun OSS (https://www.aliyun.com/product/oss) when storageType value is "oss".
33 oss: {
34 accessKeyId: "",
35 secretAccessKey: "",
36 endpoint: "",
37 bucketName: "",
38 prefix: "", // Key prefix in object key
39 downloadUrl: "", // binary files download host address.
40 },
41 // Config for local storage when storageType value is "local".
42 local: {
43 // Binary files storage dir, Do not use tmpdir and it's public download dir.
44 storageDir: process.env.STORAGE_DIR || "/Users/tablee/workspaces/storage",
45 // Binary files download host address which Code Push Server listen to. the files storage in storageDir.
46 downloadUrl: process.env.LOCAL_DOWNLOAD_URL || "",
47 // public static download spacename.
48 public: process.env.PUBLIC || '/download'
49 },
50 jwt: {
51 // Recommended: 63 random alpha-numeric characters
52 // Generate using: https://www.grc.com/passwords.htm
53 tokenSecret: process.env.TOKEN_SECRET ||'INSERT_RANDOM_TOKEN_KEY'
54 },
55 common: {
56 /*
57 * tryLoginTimes is control login error times to avoid force attack.
58 * if value is 0, no limit for login auth, it may not safe for account. when it's a number, it means you can
59 * try that times today. but it need config redis server.
60 */
61 tryLoginTimes: 0,
62 // CodePush Web(https://github.com/lisong/code-push-web) login address.
63 //codePushWebUrl: "",
64 // create patch updates's number. default value is 3
65 diffNums: 3,
66 // data dir for caclulate diff files. it's optimization.
67 dataDir: process.env.DATA_DIR || os.tmpdir(),
68 // storageType which is your binary package files store. options value is ("local" | "qiniu" | "s3")
69 storageType: process.env.STORAGE_TYPE || "local",
70 // options value is (true | false), when it's true, it will cache updateCheck results in redis.
71 updateCheckCache: false,
72 // options value is (true | false), when it's true, it will cache rollout results in redis
73 rolloutClientUniqueIdCache: false,
74 },
75 // Config for smtp email,register module need validate user email project source https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer
76 smtpConfig:{
77 host: "smtp.aliyun.com",
78 port: 465,
79 secure: true,
80 auth: {
81 user: "",
82 pass: ""
83 }
84 },
85 // Config for redis (register module, tryLoginTimes module)
86 redis: {
87 default: {
88 host: "",
89 port: 6379,
90 retry_strategy: function (options) {
91 if (options.error.code === 'ECONNREFUSED') {
92 // End reconnecting on a specific error and flush all commands with a individual error
93 return new Error('The server refused the connection');
94 }
95 if (options.total_retry_time > 1000 * 60 * 60) {
96 // End reconnecting after a specific timeout and flush all commands with a individual error
97 return new Error('Retry time exhausted');
98 }
99 if (options.times_connected > 10) {
100 // End reconnecting with built in error
101 return undefined;
102 }
103 // reconnect after
104 return Math.max(options.attempt * 100, 3000);
105 }
106 }
107 }
110config.development.log4js = {
111 appenders: {console: { type: 'console'}},
112 categories : {
113 "default": { appenders: ['console'], level:'error'},
114 "startup": { appenders: ['console'], level:'info'},
115 "http": { appenders: ['console'], level:'info'}
116 }
119config.production = Object.assign({}, config.development);
120module.exports = config;