1 | # Codecov NodeJS Uploader
2 |
3 | [![codecov.io](https://codecov.io/github/codecov/codecov-node/coverage.svg?branch=master)](https://codecov.io/github/codecov/codecov-node?branch=master)
4 | [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url]
5 | [![Build Status][github-actions-image]][github-actions-url]
6 | [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
7 | [![Dependency Status][depstat-image]][depstat-url]
8 | [![Dev Dependency Status][devdepstat-image]][devdepstat-url]
9 | [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fcodecov%2Fcodecov-node.svg?type=shield)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fcodecov%2Fcodecov-node?ref=badge_shield)
10 |
11 | [Codecov.io](https://codecov.io/) support for node.js.
12 |
13 | ## Installation:
14 |
15 | Add the latest version of `codecov` to your package.json:
16 |
17 | ```
18 | npm install codecov --save-dev
19 | ```
20 |
21 | or
22 |
23 | ```
24 | yarn add codecov --dev
25 | ```
26 |
27 | ## Usage:
28 |
29 | This script ( `bin/codecov` ) detect your CI provider and all coverage reports and uploads them to Codecov.
30 |
31 | Once your app is instrumented for coverage, and building, simply call `./node_modules/.bin/codecov`.
32 |
33 | This library currently supports the following CI companies: [Travis CI](https://travis-ci.org/), [Travis](https://travis-ci.com/), [Appveyor](https://appveyor.com/), [CircleCI](https://circleci.com/), [Cirrus CI](https://cirrus-ci.org/), [Codeship](https://codeship.io/), [Drone](https://drone.io/), [Jenkins](http://jenkins-ci.org/), [Shippable](https://shippable.com/), [Semaphore](https://semaphoreapp.com/), [Wercker](https://wercker.com/), [Snap CI](https://snap-ci.com/), [Buildkite](https://buildkite.com/), [AWS CodeBuild](https://aws.amazon.com/codebuild/).
34 |
35 | #### Upload repo tokens
36 |
37 | > Repo tokens are **not** required for public repos tested on Travis-Org, CircleCI or AppVeyor.
38 |
39 | Repo tokens are necessary to distinguish your repository from others. You can find your repo token on your repository page at Codecov. Set this unique uuid to `CODECOV_TOKEN` in your environment variables.
40 |
41 | ```
42 | export CODECOV_TOKEN=":uuid-repo-token"
43 | # or
44 | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov --token=:token
45 | # or
46 | ./node_modules/.bin/nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov --pipe
47 | ```
48 |
49 | #### [Istanbul](https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul)
50 |
51 | **With Mocha:**
52 |
53 | ```sh
54 | istanbul cover ./node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- -R spec
55 | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov
56 | ```
57 |
58 | **With Jasmine:**
59 |
60 | ```sh
61 | istanbul cover jasmine-node --captureExceptions spec/
62 | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov
63 | ```
64 |
65 | **With Tape:**
66 |
67 | ```sh
68 | istanbul cover test.js
69 | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov
70 | ```
71 |
72 | [appveyor-url]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/eddiemoore/codecov-node-s38o6/branch/master
73 | [github-actions-image]: https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/workflows/Node%20CI/badge.svg
74 | [github-actions-url]: https://github.com/codecov/codecov-node/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Node+CI%22
75 | [travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/codecov/codecov-node.svg?branch=master
76 | [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/codecov/codecov-node
77 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/codecov
78 | [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/codecov.svg
79 | [depstat-url]: https://david-dm.org/codecov/codecov-node
80 | [depstat-image]: https://david-dm.org/codecov/codecov-node/status.svg
81 | [devdepstat-url]: https://david-dm.org/codecov/codecov-node?type=dev
82 | [devdepstat-image]: https://david-dm.org/codecov/codecov-node/dev-status.svg
83 |
84 | **With NYC**
85 |
86 | ```
87 | nyc npm test
88 | nyc report --reporter=lcov
89 | ./node_modules/.bin/codecov
90 | ```
91 |
92 | ## Troubleshooting
93 |
94 | If you're seeing an **HTTP 400 error when uploading reports to S3**, make sure you've updated to at least version 3.7.0.
95 |
96 |
97 | ## License
98 | [![FOSSA Status](https://app.fossa.com/api/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fcodecov%2Fcodecov-node.svg?type=large)](https://app.fossa.com/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fcodecov%2Fcodecov-node?ref=badge_large) |
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