5.08 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1{difference} = require './functional-helpers'
2exports = module?.exports ? this
4createNode = (type, props) ->
5 class extends Nodes
6 constructor: ->
7 @[prop] = arguments[i] for prop, i in props
8 type: type
9 childNodes: props
11@Nodes = class Nodes
12 listMembers: []
13 instanceof: (ctors...) ->
14 # not a fold for efficiency's sake
15 for ctor in ctors when @type is ctor::type
16 return yes
17 no
18 toJSON: ->
19 json = {@type}
20 json.leadingComments = @leadingComments if @leadingComments?
21 for child in @childNodes
22 if child in @listMembers
23 json[child] = (p?.toJSON() for p in @[child])
24 else
25 json[child] = @[child]?.toJSON()
26 if @line? and @column?
27 json.loc = start: {@line, @column}
28 if @offset?
29 json.range = [
30 @offset
31 if @raw? then @offset + @raw.length else undefined
32 ]
33 if @raw? then json.raw = @raw
34 json
36nodeData = [
37 # constructor name, isStatement, construction parameters
38 ['ArrayExpression' , no , ['elements']]
39 ['AssignmentExpression' , no , ['operator', 'left', 'right']]
40 ['BinaryExpression' , no , ['operator', 'left', 'right']]
41 ['BlockStatement' , yes, ['body']]
42 ['BreakStatement' , yes, ['label']]
43 ['CallExpression' , no , ['callee', 'arguments']]
44 ['CatchClause' , yes, ['param', 'body']]
45 ['ConditionalExpression', no , ['test', 'consequent', 'alternate']]
46 ['ContinueStatement' , yes, ['label']]
47 ['DebuggerStatement' , yes, []]
48 ['DoWhileStatement' , yes, ['body', 'test']]
49 ['EmptyStatement' , yes, []]
50 ['ExpressionStatement' , yes, ['expression']]
51 ['ForInStatement' , yes, ['left', 'right', 'body']]
52 ['ForStatement' , yes, ['init', 'test', 'update', 'body']]
53 ['FunctionDeclaration' , yes, ['id', 'params', 'body']]
54 ['FunctionExpression' , no , ['id', 'params', 'body']]
55 ['GenSym' , no , ['ns', 'uniqueId']]
56 ['Identifier' , no , ['name']]
57 ['IfStatement' , yes, ['test', 'consequent', 'alternate']]
58 ['LabeledStatement' , yes, ['label', 'body']]
59 ['Literal' , no , ['value']]
60 ['LogicalExpression' , no , ['left', 'right']]
61 ['MemberExpression' , no , ['computed', 'object', 'property']]
62 ['NewExpression' , no , ['callee', 'arguments']]
63 ['ObjectExpression' , no , ['properties']]
64 ['Program' , yes, ['body']]
65 ['Property' , yes, ['key', 'value']]
66 ['ReturnStatement' , yes, ['argument']]
67 ['SequenceExpression' , no , ['expressions']]
68 ['SwitchCase' , yes, ['test', 'consequent']]
69 ['SwitchStatement' , yes, ['discriminant', 'cases']]
70 ['ThisExpression' , no , []]
71 ['ThrowStatement' , yes, ['argument']]
72 ['TryStatement' , yes, ['block', 'handlers', 'finalizer']]
73 ['UnaryExpression' , no , ['operator', 'argument']]
74 ['UpdateExpression' , no , ['operator', 'prefix', 'argument']]
75 ['VariableDeclaration' , yes, ['kind', 'declarations']]
76 ['VariableDeclarator' , yes, ['id', 'init']]
77 ['WhileStatement' , yes, ['test', 'body']]
78 ['WithStatement' , yes, ['object', 'body']]
81for [node, isStatement, params] in nodeData
82 exports[node] = ctor = createNode node, params
83 ctor::isStatement = isStatement
84 ctor::isExpression = not isStatement
88 Program, BlockStatement, Literal, Identifier, FunctionExpression,
89 CallExpression, SequenceExpression, ArrayExpression, BinaryExpression,
90 UnaryExpression, NewExpression, VariableDeclaration, ObjectExpression,
91 MemberExpression, UpdateExpression, AssignmentExpression, GenSym,
92 FunctionDeclaration, VariableDeclaration, SwitchStatement, SwitchCase,
93 TryStatement
94} = exports
96## Nodes that contain primitive properties
98handlePrimitives = (ctor, primitives) ->
99 ctor::childNodes = difference ctor::childNodes, primitives
100 ctor::toJSON = ->
101 json = Nodes::toJSON.call this
102 for primitive in primitives
103 json[primitive] = @[primitive]
104 json
106handlePrimitives AssignmentExpression, ['operator']
107handlePrimitives BinaryExpression, ['operator']
108handlePrimitives GenSym, ['ns', 'uniqueId']
109handlePrimitives Identifier, ['name']
110handlePrimitives Literal, ['value']
111handlePrimitives MemberExpression, ['computed']
112handlePrimitives UnaryExpression, ['operator']
113handlePrimitives UpdateExpression, ['operator', 'prefix']
114handlePrimitives VariableDeclaration, ['kind']
116## Nodes that contain list properties
118handleLists = (ctor, listProps) -> ctor::listMembers = listProps
120handleLists ArrayExpression, ['elements']
121handleLists BlockStatement, ['body']
122handleLists CallExpression, ['arguments']
123handleLists FunctionDeclaration, ['params']
124handleLists FunctionExpression, ['params']
125handleLists NewExpression, ['arguments']
126handleLists ObjectExpression, ['properties']
127handleLists Program, ['body']
128handleLists SequenceExpression, ['expressions']
129handleLists SwitchCase, ['consequent']
130handleLists SwitchStatement, ['cases']
131handleLists TryStatement, ['handlers']
132handleLists VariableDeclaration, ['declarations']