4.5 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1coffeecup = require './coffeecup'
2fs = require 'fs'
3path = require 'path'
4log = console.log
5{OptionParser} = require 'coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/optparse'
7argv = process.argv[2..]
8options = null
10handle_error = (err) -> console.log err.stack if err
12watch = (files, fn) ->
13 if false #fs.watch should be used, but it's not working properly
14 for file in files
15 do ->
16 currentFile = file
17 fs.watch currentFile, (event) ->
18 fn(currentFile) if event is 'change'
19 else
20 for file in files
21 do ->
22 currentFile = file
23 fs.watchFile currentFile, {persistent: true, interval: 500}, (curr, prev) ->
24 fn(currentFile) unless curr.size is prev.size and curr.mtime.getTime() is prev.mtime.getTime()
26compile = (input_path, output_directory, js, namespace = 'templates') ->
27 if Array.isArray input_path
28 i = 0
29 body = ''
30 appendTemplate = ->
31 if i >= input_path.length or not options.package
32 output = """
33 (function(){
34 this.#{namespace} || (this.#{namespace} = {});
35 #{body}
36 }).call(this);
37 """
38 write input_path[0], namespace, output, output_directory, '.js'
39 else
40 fs.readFile input_path[i], 'utf-8', (err, contents) ->
41 handle_error err
42 name = path.basename input_path[i], path.extname(input_path[i])
43 func = coffeecup.compile contents, options
44 body += "this.#{namespace}[#{JSON.stringify name}] = #{func};\n"
45 i += 1
46 appendTemplate()
47 return appendTemplate()
48 fs.readFile input_path, 'utf-8', (err, contents) ->
49 handle_error err
51 name = path.basename input_path, path.extname(input_path)
53 if not js
54 output = coffeecup.render contents, options
55 ext = '.html'
56 else
57 func = coffeecup.compile contents, options
58 output = """
59 (function(){
60 this.#{namespace} || (this.#{namespace} = {});
61 this.#{namespace}[#{JSON.stringify name}] = #{func};
62 }).call(this);
63 """
64 ext = '.js'
66 write input_path, name, output, output_directory, ext
68write = (input_path, name, contents, output_directory, ext) ->
69 filename = name + ext
70 dir = output_directory or path.dirname input_path
71 exists = fs.exists or path.exists
72 exists dir, (exists) ->
73 unless exists then fs.mkdirSync dir
75 output_path = path.join dir, filename
76 contents = ' ' if contents.length <= 0
77 fs.writeFile output_path, contents, (err) ->
78 handle_error err
79 log contents if options.print
80 log "Compiled #{input_path}" if options.watch
82usage = '''
83 Usage:
84 coffeecup [options] path/to/template.coffee
87switches = [
88 ['-j', '--js', 'compile template to js function (template + embedded renderer)']
89 ['-b', '--bare', 'use with -j to compile template to js (template only)' ]
90 ['-c', '--core', 'use with -j to compile renderer to js (renderer only)' ]
91 ['-n', '--namespace [name]', 'global object holding the templates (default: "templates")']
92 ['-w', '--watch', 'watch templates for changes, and recompile']
93 ['-o', '--output [dir]', 'set the directory for compiled html']
94 ['-p', '--print', 'print the compiled html to stdout']
95 ['-f', '--format', 'apply line breaks and indentation to html output']
96 ['-u', '--utils', 'add helper locals (currently only "render")']
97 ['-z', '--optimize', 'optimize resulting JS']
98 ['-v', '--version', 'display coffeecup version']
99 ['-h', '--help', 'display this help message']
100 ['-k', '--package', 'use with -j to include all templates in a single [namespace].js']
103@run = ->
104 parser = new OptionParser switches, usage
105 options = parser.parse argv
106 args = options.arguments
107 delete options.arguments
109 log parser.help() if options.help or argv.length is 0
110 log coffeecup.version if options.version
111 if options.utils
112 options.locals ?= {}
113 options.locals.render = (file) ->
114 contents = fs.readFileSync file, 'utf-8'
115 coffeecup.render contents, options
117 if args.length > 0
118 files = args[..]
120 if options.watch
121 watch files, (file) ->
122 if options.package and options.js
123 compile files, options.output, options.js, options.namespace
124 else
125 compile file, options.output, options.js, options.namespace
126 if options.js and options.package
127 compile files, options.output, options.js, options.namespace
128 else
129 for file in files
130 compile file, options.output, options.js, options.namespace