1 | require 'rubygems'
2 | require 'erb'
3 | require 'fileutils'
4 | require 'rake/testtask'
5 | require 'json'
6 |
7 | desc "Build the documentation page"
8 | task :doc do
9 | source = 'documentation/index.html.erb'
10 | child = fork { exec "bin/coffee -bcw -o documentation/js documentation/coffee/*.coffee" }
11 | at_exit { Process.kill("INT", child) }
12 | Signal.trap("INT") { exit }
13 | loop do
14 | mtime = File.stat(source).mtime
15 | if !@mtime || mtime > @mtime
16 | rendered = ERB.new(File.read(source)).result(binding)
17 | File.open('index.html', 'w+') {|f| f.write(rendered) }
18 | end
19 | @mtime = mtime
20 | sleep 1
21 | end
22 | end
23 |
24 | desc "Build coffee-script-source gem"
25 | task :gem do
26 | require 'rubygems'
27 | require 'rubygems/package'
28 |
29 | gemspec = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
30 | s.name = 'coffee-script-source'
31 | s.version = JSON.parse(File.read('package.json'))["version"]
32 | s.date = Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
33 |
34 | s.homepage = "http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/"
35 | s.summary = "The CoffeeScript Compiler"
36 | s.description = <<-EOS
37 | CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript.
38 | Underneath all of those embarrassing braces and semicolons,
39 | JavaScript has always had a gorgeous object model at its heart.
40 | CoffeeScript is an attempt to expose the good parts of JavaScript
41 | in a simple way.
42 | EOS
43 |
44 | s.files = [
45 | 'lib/coffee_script/coffee-script.js',
46 | 'lib/coffee_script/source.rb'
47 | ]
48 |
49 | s.authors = ['Jeremy Ashkenas']
50 | s.email = 'jashkenas@gmail.com'
51 | s.rubyforge_project = 'coffee-script-source'
52 | end
53 |
54 | file = File.open("coffee-script-source.gem", "w")
55 | Gem::Package.open(file, 'w') do |pkg|
56 | pkg.metadata = gemspec.to_yaml
57 |
58 | path = "lib/coffee_script/source.rb"
59 | contents = <<-ERUBY
60 | module CoffeeScript
61 | module Source
62 | def self.bundled_path
63 | File.expand_path("../coffee-script.js", __FILE__)
64 | end
65 | end
66 | end
67 | ERUBY
68 | pkg.add_file_simple(path, 0644, contents.size) do |tar_io|
69 | tar_io.write(contents)
70 | end
71 |
72 | contents = File.read("extras/coffee-script.js")
73 | path = "lib/coffee_script/coffee-script.js"
74 | pkg.add_file_simple(path, 0644, contents.size) do |tar_io|
75 | tar_io.write(contents)
76 | end
77 | end
78 | end