7.93 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1vows = require 'vows'
2assert = require 'assert'
3fs = require 'fs'
4path = require 'path'
5coffin = require '../lib/coffin'
6commandHelper = require '../lib/commandHelper'
8@assertListsEqual = (actualList, expectedList) ->
9 assert.equal actualList.length, expectedList.length
10 for key, val of expectedList
11 for k, v of val.Properties
12 assert.deepEqual actualList[key].Properties[k], v
13 expected = {}
14 expected[key] = val
15 actual = {}
16 actual[key] = actualList[key]
17 assert.deepEqual actual, expected
18 assert.deepEqual expectedList, actualList
20suite = vows.describe 'Template Test Suite'
22 'when parsing WordPressTemplate.coffee':
23 topic: ->
24 raw = ''
25 input = fs.createReadStream path.normalize '../examples/WordPress-1.0.0.template.original'
26 input.on 'data', (d) =>
27 raw += "#{d}"
28 input.on 'end', =>
29 generatedTemplate = require('../examples/WordPress-1.0.0.template.coffee')
30 originalTemplate = JSON.parse(raw)
31 #console.log "generatedTemplate - #{JSON.stringify(generatedTemplate).length}, originalTemplate - #{JSON.stringify(originalTemplate).length}"
32 @callback originalTemplate, generatedTemplate
33 return
34 'Descriptions are the same': (originalTemplate, generatedTemplate) =>
35 return if originalTemplate is null or generatedTemplate is null
36 assert.equal generatedTemplate.Description, originalTemplate.Description
37 'Parameters are the same': (originalTemplate, generatedTemplate) =>
38 return if originalTemplate is null or generatedTemplate is null
39 @assertListsEqual generatedTemplate.Parameters, originalTemplate.Parameters
40 'Mappings are the same': (originalTemplate, generatedTemplate) =>
41 return if originalTemplate is null or generatedTemplate is null
42 @assertListsEqual generatedTemplate.Mappings, originalTemplate.Mappings
43 'Resources are the same': (originalTemplate, generatedTemplate) =>
44 return if originalTemplate is null or generatedTemplate is null
45 @assertListsEqual generatedTemplate.Resources, originalTemplate.Resources
46 'Outputs are the same': (originalTemplate, generatedTemplate) =>
47 return if originalTemplate is null or generatedTemplate is null
48 @assertListsEqual generatedTemplate.Outputs, originalTemplate.Outputs
49 'when using resource types':
50 topic: ->
51 coffin ->
52 @AWS.AutoScaling.ScalingPolicy 'scalePolicy'
53 @Param.String 'shortParam'
54 'it does not break': (topic) ->
55 assert.ok topic?
56 assert.ok topic.Parameters?
57 assert.ok topic.Resources?
58 assert.ok topic.Outputs?
59 'scaling policy is good': (topic) ->
60 assert.ok topic.Resources.scalePolicy?
61 'short param is good': (topic) ->
62 assert.ok topic.Parameters.shortParam?
63 'when using a blank template':
64 topic: ->
65 coffin ->
66 'it is not null': (topic) ->
67 assert.ok topic?
68 'there is no description': (topic) ->
69 assert.ok Object.keys(topic).indexOf('Description') is -1
70 'there is no mappings block': (topic) ->
71 assert.ok Object.keys(topic).indexOf('Mappings') is -1
72 'there is a Parameters block': (topic) ->
73 assert.ok topic.Parameters?
74 'there is a Resources block': (topic) ->
75 assert.ok topic.Resources?
76 'there is a Outputs block': (topic) ->
77 assert.ok topic.Outputs?
78 'when using mappings':
79 topic: ->
80 coffin ->
81 @Mapping 'AWSRegionArch2AMI',
82 'us-east-1':
83 32: "ami-f417e49d"
84 64: "ami-f617e49f"
85 'mappings block exists': (topic) ->
86 assert.ok topic.Mappings?
87 'values exist': (topic) ->
88 assert.equal 'ami-f417e49d', topic.Mappings.AWSRegionArch2AMI['us-east-1']['32']
89 assert.equal 'ami-f617e49f', topic.Mappings.AWSRegionArch2AMI['us-east-1']['64']
90 'when using tags':
91 topic: ->
92 coffin ->
93 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'instance',
94 Tags: [ @Tag('Name', 'someInstance'), @Tag('Environment', 'someEnvironment') ]
95 'tags are correct': (topic) ->
96 assert.equal 'Name', topic.Resources.instance.Properties.Tags[0].Key
97 assert.equal 'someInstance', topic.Resources.instance.Properties.Tags[0].Value
98 assert.equal 'Environment', topic.Resources.instance.Properties.Tags[1].Key
99 assert.equal 'someEnvironment', topic.Resources.instance.Properties.Tags[1].Value
100 'when using the join function':
101 topic: ->
102 myArray = ['x', 'y', 'z']
103 coffin ->
104 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'a',
105 UserData: @Join '', 'x', 'y', 'z'
106 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'b',
107 UserData: @Join '', myArray
108 'it works with varargs': (topic) ->
109 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData['Fn::Join'][0], ''
110 assert.deepEqual topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData['Fn::Join'][1], ['x', 'y', 'z']
111 'it works with an array arg': (topic) ->
112 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData['Fn::Join'][0], ''
113 assert.deepEqual topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData['Fn::Join'][1], ['x', 'y', 'z']
114 'when using metadata and top level properties':
115 topic: ->
116 coffin ->
117 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'a',
118 Metadata:
119 meta: 'data'
120 Properties:
121 a: 'b'
122 'metadata block is correct': (topic) ->
123 assert.ok topic.Resources.a.Metadata?
124 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Metadata.meta, 'data'
125 'properties block is correct': (topic) ->
126 assert.ok topic.Resources.a.Properties?
127 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.a, 'b'
128 'type is in the right place': (topic) ->
129 assert.ok topic.Resources.a.Type is 'AWS::EC2::Instance'
130 'when using @InitScript':
131 topic: ->
132 coffin ->
133 environment = 'test'
134 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'a',
135 UserData: @InitScript """
137echo "hey %{@Region}"
139 @AWS.EC2.Instance 'b',
140 UserData: @InitScript 'init_script.sh'
141 'we are able to embed a nice shell script inline': (topic) ->
142 assert.ok topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData?["Fn::Base64"]?["Fn::Join"]?
143 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1].length, 3
144 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][0], "#!/bin/bash\necho \"hey "
145 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][1].Ref, 'AWS::Region'
146 assert.equal topic.Resources.a.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][2], "\""
148 'we are able to include a nice shell script file': (topic) ->
149 assert.ok topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData?["Fn::Base64"]?["Fn::Join"]?
150 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1].length, 5
151 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][0].indexOf("#!/bin/bash\necho \"hey\"\necho "), 0
152 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][1].Ref, 'param1'
153 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][2], "\necho "
154 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][3].Ref, 'AWS::Region'
155 assert.equal topic.Resources.b.Properties.UserData["Fn::Base64"]["Fn::Join"][1][4], "\necho \"ho\"\n"
157 'when creating a stack':
158 topic: ->
159 coffin ->
160 describeAnyResourceStatement =
161 Effect:"Allow"
162 Action:"cloudformation:DescribeStackResource"
163 Resource:"*"
164 rootPolicy =
165 PolicyName: "root"
166 PolicyDocument:
167 Statement:[ describeAnyResourceStatement ]
168 @AWS.IAM.User 'CfnUser',
169 Path: "/"
170 Policies: [ rootPolicy ]
172 'we recognize that an IAM resource was used (so we can add the proper capabilities flag to the stack commands': (topic) ->
173 assert.ok commandHelper.doesTemplateReferenceIAM JSON.stringify topic