13.4 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.9.2
2(function() {
3 var CoffeeScript, buildCfnPath, checkChar, coffinChar, colors, commandHelper, commander, compileCommand, compileTemplate, createStack, crossChar, decompileCfnTemplate, decompileCommand, exec, fs, generateOutputFileName, generateTempFileName, parseTemplate, path, pretty, printCommand, ref, showHelp, spawn, stackCommand, updateOrCreateStack, validateArgs, validateCommand, validateTemplate, writeJsonTemplate,
4 slice = [].slice;
6 fs = require('fs');
8 path = require('path');
10 colors = require('colors');
12 commander = require('commander');
14 CoffeeScript = require('coffee-script');
16 ref = require('child_process'), spawn = ref.spawn, exec = ref.exec;
18 parseTemplate = require('./parseTemplate');
20 commandHelper = require('./commandHelper');
22 coffinChar = '\u26B0'.grey;
24 checkChar = '\u2713'.green;
26 crossChar = '\u2717'.red;
28 validateArgs = function() {
29 var valid;
30 valid = true;
31 if (commander.args.length === 0) {
32 console.error("You need to specify a coffin template to act on.");
33 valid = false;
34 }
35 if ((commander.validate != null) || (commander.createStack != null) || (commander.updateStack != null)) {
36 if (commander.print != null) {
37 console.error("I can't run that command if you're just printing to the console.");
38 valid = false;
39 }
40 if (!process.env.AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME && (commander['cfn-home'] == null)) {
41 console.error("Either an AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME environment variable or a --cfnHome switch is required.");
42 valid = false;
43 }
44 }
45 if (!valid) {
46 process.stdout.write(commander.helpInformation());
47 return process.exit(0);
48 }
49 };
51 compileTemplate = (function(_this) {
52 return function(source, params, callback) {
53 var pre;
54 pre = "require('../lib/coffin') ->\n";
55 return fs.readFile(source, function(err, code) {
56 var compiled, i, len, line, ref1, tabbedLines, template, templateString;
57 if (err) {
58 console.error(source + " not found");
59 process.exit(1);
60 }
61 tabbedLines = [];
62 if (params == null) {
63 params = [];
64 }
65 tabbedLines.push(" @ARGV = " + (JSON.stringify(params)));
66 ref1 = code.toString().split('\n');
67 for (i = 0, len = ref1.length; i < len; i++) {
68 line = ref1[i];
69 tabbedLines.push(' ' + line);
70 }
71 tabbedLines.push(' return');
72 code = tabbedLines.join('\n');
73 code = pre + code;
74 compiled = CoffeeScript.compile(code, {
75 source: source,
76 bare: true
77 });
78 template = eval(compiled, source);
79 templateString = commander.pretty ? JSON.stringify(template, null, 2) : JSON.stringify(template);
80 return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(templateString) : void 0;
81 });
82 };
83 })(this);
85 decompileCfnTemplate = function(source, callback) {
86 return fs.readFile(source, "utf8", function(err, cfnTemp) {
87 var decompiled;
88 if (err) {
89 console.log(source + " not found");
90 process.exit(1);
91 }
92 decompiled = parseTemplate(JSON.parse(cfnTemp));
93 return callback(decompiled);
94 });
95 };
97 writeJsonTemplate = function(json, templatePath, callback) {
98 var base, write;
99 write = function() {
100 if (json.length <= 0) {
101 json = ' ';
102 }
103 return fs.writeFile(templatePath, json, function(err) {
104 if (err != null) {
105 console.error("failed to write to " + templatePath);
106 console.error(err.message);
107 process.exit(1);
108 }
109 return typeof callback === "function" ? callback() : void 0;
110 });
111 };
112 base = path.dirname(templatePath);
113 return path.exists(base, function(exists) {
114 if (exists) {
115 return write();
116 } else {
117 return exec("mkdir -p " + base, write);
118 }
119 });
120 };
122 generateTempFileName = function() {
123 var dateStamp, e, name, now, rand, tmpDir;
124 e = process.env;
125 tmpDir = e.TMPDIR || e.TMP || e.TEMP || '/tmp';
126 now = new Date();
127 dateStamp = now.getYear();
128 dateStamp <<= 4;
129 dateStamp |= now.getMonth();
130 dateStamp <<= 5;
131 dateStamp |= now.getDay();
132 rand = (Math.random() * 0x100000000 + 1).toString(36);
133 name = (dateStamp.toString(36)) + "-" + (process.pid.toString(36)) + "-" + rand + ".template";
134 return path.join(tmpDir, name);
135 };
137 generateOutputFileName = function(source, extension) {
138 var base, filename;
139 base = commander.output || path.dirname(source);
140 filename = path.basename(source, path.extname(source)) + extension;
141 return path.join(base, filename);
142 };
144 buildCfnPath = function() {
145 var cfnHome;
146 cfnHome = commander['cfn-home'] || process.env.AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME;
147 return path.normalize(path.join(cfnHome, 'bin'));
148 };
150 validateTemplate = (function(_this) {
151 return function(templatePath, callback) {
152 var errorText, resultText, validateExec;
153 validateExec = spawn(path.join(buildCfnPath(), 'cfn-validate-template'), ['--template-file', templatePath]);
154 errorText = '';
155 resultText = '';
156 validateExec.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
157 return errorText += data.toString();
158 });
159 validateExec.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
160 return resultText += data.toString();
161 });
162 return validateExec.on('exit', function(code) {
163 if (code === 0) {
164 process.stdout.write(checkChar + "\n");
165 process.stdout.write(resultText);
166 } else {
167 process.stdout.write(crossChar + "\n");
168 process.stderr.write(errorText);
169 }
170 return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(code) : void 0;
171 });
172 };
173 })(this);
175 updateOrCreateStack = (function(_this) {
176 return function(name, templatePath, compiled, callback) {
177 var args, resultText, updateErrorText, updateExec;
178 args = ['--template-file', templatePath, '--stack-name', name];
179 if (commandHelper.doesTemplateReferenceIAM(compiled)) {
180 args.push('-c');
181 args.push('CAPABILITY_IAM');
182 }
183 updateExec = spawn((buildCfnPath()) + "/cfn-update-stack", args);
184 updateErrorText = '';
185 resultText = '';
186 updateExec.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
187 return updateErrorText += data.toString();
188 });
189 updateExec.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
190 return resultText += data.toString();
191 });
192 return updateExec.on('exit', function(code) {
193 var existsSyncFunc;
194 existsSyncFunc = fs.existsSync != null ? fs.existsSync : path.existsSync;
195 if (existsSyncFunc((buildCfnPath()) + "/cfn-update-stack")) {
196 if (code === 0) {
197 process.stdout.write("stack '" + name + "' (updated) " + checkChar + "\n");
198 process.stdout.write(resultText);
199 if (typeof callback === "function") {
200 callback(code);
201 }
202 return;
203 }
204 if (updateErrorText.match(/^cfn-update-stack: Malformed input-No updates are to be performed/) != null) {
205 process.stdout.write("stack '" + name + "' (no changes)\n");
206 process.stdout.write(resultText);
207 if (typeof callback === "function") {
208 callback(0);
209 }
210 return;
211 }
212 if (updateErrorText.match(/^cfn-update-stack: Malformed input-Stack with ID\/name/) == null) {
213 console.error(updateErrorText);
214 if (typeof callback === "function") {
215 callback(code);
216 }
217 return;
218 }
219 }
220 return createStack(name, templatePath, compiled, callback);
221 });
222 };
223 })(this);
225 createStack = (function(_this) {
226 return function(name, templatePath, compiled, callback) {
227 var args, createExec, errorText, resultText;
228 args = ['--template-file', templatePath, '--stack-name', name];
229 if (commandHelper.doesTemplateReferenceIAM(compiled)) {
230 args.push('-c');
231 args.push('CAPABILITY_IAM');
232 }
233 createExec = spawn((buildCfnPath()) + "/cfn-create-stack", args);
234 errorText = '';
235 resultText = '';
236 createExec.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
237 return resultText += data.toString();
238 });
239 createExec.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
240 return errorText += data.toString();
241 });
242 return createExec.on('exit', function(code) {
243 if (code !== 0) {
244 if (errorText.match(/^cfn-create-stack: Malformed input-AlreadyExistsException/) != null) {
245 process.stderr.write("stack '" + name + "' already exists " + crossChar + "\n");
246 return;
247 }
248 process.stderr.write(errorText);
249 return;
250 }
251 process.stdout.write("stack '" + name + "' (created) " + checkChar + "\n");
252 process.stdout.write(resultText);
253 return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(code) : void 0;
254 });
255 };
256 })(this);
258 pretty = {
259 "switch": '-p, --pretty',
260 text: 'Add spaces and newlines to the resulting json to make it a little prettier'
261 };
263 commander.version(require('./coffin').version);
265 commander.usage('[options] <coffin template>');
267 commander.option('-o, --output [dir]', 'Directory to output compiled file(s) to');
269 commander.option('--cfn-home [dir]', 'The home of your AWS Cloudformation tools. Defaults to your AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME environment variable.');
271 commander.option(pretty["switch"], pretty.text);
273 printCommand = commander.command('print [template]');
275 printCommand.description('Print the compiled template.');
277 printCommand.action(function() {
278 var params, template;
279 template = arguments[0], params = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
280 validateArgs();
281 return compileTemplate(template, params, function(compiled) {
282 return console.log(compiled);
283 });
284 });
286 validateCommand = commander.command('validate [template]');
288 validateCommand.description('Validate the compiled template. Either an AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME environment variable or a --cfn-home switch is required.');
290 validateCommand.action(function() {
291 var params, template;
292 template = arguments[0], params = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
293 validateArgs();
294 return compileTemplate(template, params, function(compiled) {
295 var tempFileName;
296 process.stdout.write(coffinChar + " " + template + " ");
297 tempFileName = generateTempFileName();
298 return writeJsonTemplate(compiled, tempFileName, function() {
299 return validateTemplate(tempFileName, function(resultCode) {});
300 });
301 });
302 });
304 stackCommand = commander.command('stack [name] [template]');
306 stackCommand.description('Create or update the named stack using the compiled template. Either an AWS_CLOUDFORMATION_HOME environment variable or a --cfn-home switch is required.');
308 stackCommand.action(function() {
309 var name, params, template;
310 name = arguments[0], template = arguments[1], params = 3 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 2) : [];
311 validateArgs();
312 return compileTemplate(template, params, function(compiled) {
313 var tempFileName;
314 tempFileName = generateTempFileName();
315 return writeJsonTemplate(compiled, tempFileName, function() {
316 process.stdout.write(coffinChar + " " + template + " -> ");
317 return updateOrCreateStack(name, tempFileName, compiled, function(resultCode) {});
318 });
319 });
320 });
322 compileCommand = commander.command('compile [template]');
324 compileCommand.description('Compile and write the template. The output file will have the same name as the coffin template plus a shiny new ".template" extension.');
326 compileCommand.action(function() {
327 var params, template;
328 template = arguments[0], params = 2 <= arguments.length ? slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
329 validateArgs();
330 return compileTemplate(template, params, function(compiled) {
331 var fileName;
332 process.stdout.write(coffinChar + " " + template + " -> ");
333 fileName = generateOutputFileName(template, ".template");
334 return writeJsonTemplate(compiled, fileName, function() {
335 return process.stdout.write(fileName + "\n");
336 });
337 });
338 });
340 decompileCommand = commander.command('decompile [cfn-template]');
342 decompileCommand.description('experimental - Convert the given cloud formation template to coffin (or as best as we can). It will output a file of the same name with ".coffin" extension.');
344 decompileCommand.action(function(cfnTemplate) {
345 validateArgs();
346 return decompileCfnTemplate(cfnTemplate, function(decompiled) {
347 var fileName;
348 process.stdout.write(coffinChar + " " + cfnTemplate + " -> ");
349 fileName = generateOutputFileName(cfnTemplate, ".coffin");
350 return writeJsonTemplate(decompiled, fileName, function() {
351 return process.stdout.write(fileName + "\n");
352 });
353 });
354 });
356 showHelp = function() {
357 process.stdout.write(commander.helpInformation());
358 return process.exit(1);
359 };
361 commander.command('').action(showHelp);
363 commander.command('*').action(showHelp);
365 if (process.argv.length <= 2) {
366 showHelp();
367 }
369 module.exports.run = function() {
370 return commander.parse(process.argv);
371 };