1 | /**
2 | * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3 | * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 | * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 | * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 | * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 | * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8 | * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
9 | * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
10 | * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
11 | * limitations under the License.
12 | */
13 |
14 | module.exports = function (config) {
15 | const configuration = {
16 | basePath: "",
17 | frameworks: ["mocha", "chai", "detectBrowsers"],
18 | files: [
19 | {
20 | pattern: "tests/fixtures/*",
21 | included: false,
22 | },
23 | {
24 | pattern: "dist/**/*.@(mjs|js)",
25 | included: false,
26 | },
27 | {
28 | pattern: "tests/*.test.js",
29 | type: "module",
30 | },
31 | ],
32 | reporters: ["progress"],
33 | port: 9876,
34 | colors: true,
35 | logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
36 | autoWatch: true,
37 | singleRun: true,
38 | concurrency: Infinity,
39 | detectBrowsers: {
40 | enabled: true,
41 | usePhantomJS: false,
42 | preferHeadless: true,
43 | postDetection: (availableBrowsers) => {
44 | if (process.env.INSIDE_DOCKER) {
45 | return ["DockerChrome"];
46 | } else if (process.env.CHROME_ONLY) {
47 | return ["ChromeHeadless"];
48 | } else {
49 | // Filtering SafariTechPreview because I am having
50 | // local issues and I have no idea how to fix them.
51 | // I know that’s not a good reason to disable tests,
52 | // but Safari TP is relatively unimportant.
53 | return availableBrowsers.filter(
54 | (browser) => browser !== "SafariTechPreview"
55 | );
56 | }
57 | },
58 | },
59 | customLaunchers: {
60 | DockerChrome: {
61 | base: "ChromeHeadless",
62 | flags: ["--no-sandbox"],
63 | },
64 | },
65 | };
66 |
67 | config.set(configuration);
68 | };