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1// Type definitions for commander
2// Original definitions by: Alan Agius <https://github.com/alan-agius4>, Marcelo Dezem <https://github.com/mdezem>, vvakame <https://github.com/vvakame>, Jules Randolph <https://github.com/sveinburne>
4// Using method rather than property for method-signature-style, to document method overloads separately. Allow either.
5/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/method-signature-style */
6/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
8export class CommanderError extends Error {
9 code: string;
10 exitCode: number;
11 message: string;
12 nestedError?: string;
14 /**
15 * Constructs the CommanderError class
16 * @param exitCode - suggested exit code which could be used with process.exit
17 * @param code - an id string representing the error
18 * @param message - human-readable description of the error
19 * @constructor
20 */
21 constructor(exitCode: number, code: string, message: string);
24export class InvalidArgumentError extends CommanderError {
25 /**
26 * Constructs the InvalidArgumentError class
27 * @param message - explanation of why argument is invalid
28 * @constructor
29 */
30 constructor(message: string);
32export { InvalidArgumentError as InvalidOptionArgumentError }; // deprecated old name
34export interface ErrorOptions { // optional parameter for error()
35 /** an id string representing the error */
36 code?: string;
37 /** suggested exit code which could be used with process.exit */
38 exitCode?: number;
41export class Argument {
42 description: string;
43 required: boolean;
44 variadic: boolean;
46 /**
47 * Initialize a new command argument with the given name and description.
48 * The default is that the argument is required, and you can explicitly
49 * indicate this with <> around the name. Put [] around the name for an optional argument.
50 */
51 constructor(arg: string, description?: string);
53 /**
54 * Return argument name.
55 */
56 name(): string;
58 /**
59 * Set the default value, and optionally supply the description to be displayed in the help.
60 */
61 default(value: unknown, description?: string): this;
63 /**
64 * Set the custom handler for processing CLI command arguments into argument values.
65 */
66 argParser<T>(fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): this;
68 /**
69 * Only allow argument value to be one of choices.
70 */
71 choices(values: readonly string[]): this;
73 /**
74 * Make argument required.
75 */
76 argRequired(): this;
78 /**
79 * Make argument optional.
80 */
81 argOptional(): this;
84export class Option {
85 flags: string;
86 description: string;
88 required: boolean; // A value must be supplied when the option is specified.
89 optional: boolean; // A value is optional when the option is specified.
90 variadic: boolean;
91 mandatory: boolean; // The option must have a value after parsing, which usually means it must be specified on command line.
92 short?: string;
93 long?: string;
94 negate: boolean;
95 defaultValue?: any;
96 defaultValueDescription?: string;
97 parseArg?: <T>(value: string, previous: T) => T;
98 hidden: boolean;
99 argChoices?: string[];
101 constructor(flags: string, description?: string);
103 /**
104 * Set the default value, and optionally supply the description to be displayed in the help.
105 */
106 default(value: unknown, description?: string): this;
108 /**
109 * Preset to use when option used without option-argument, especially optional but also boolean and negated.
110 * The custom processing (parseArg) is called.
111 *
112 * @example
113 * ```ts
114 * new Option('--color').default('GREYSCALE').preset('RGB');
115 * new Option('--donate [amount]').preset('20').argParser(parseFloat);
116 * ```
117 */
118 preset(arg: unknown): this;
120 /**
121 * Add option name(s) that conflict with this option.
122 * An error will be displayed if conflicting options are found during parsing.
123 *
124 * @example
125 * ```ts
126 * new Option('--rgb').conflicts('cmyk');
127 * new Option('--js').conflicts(['ts', 'jsx']);
128 * ```
129 */
130 conflicts(names: string | string[]): this;
132 /**
133 * Specify implied option values for when this option is set and the implied options are not.
134 *
135 * The custom processing (parseArg) is not called on the implied values.
136 *
137 * @example
138 * program
139 * .addOption(new Option('--log', 'write logging information to file'))
140 * .addOption(new Option('--trace', 'log extra details').implies({ log: 'trace.txt' }));
141 */
142 implies(optionValues: OptionValues): this;
144 /**
145 * Set environment variable to check for option value.
146 *
147 * An environment variables is only used if when processed the current option value is
148 * undefined, or the source of the current value is 'default' or 'config' or 'env'.
149 */
150 env(name: string): this;
152 /**
153 * Calculate the full description, including defaultValue etc.
154 */
155 fullDescription(): string;
157 /**
158 * Set the custom handler for processing CLI option arguments into option values.
159 */
160 argParser<T>(fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T): this;
162 /**
163 * Whether the option is mandatory and must have a value after parsing.
164 */
165 makeOptionMandatory(mandatory?: boolean): this;
167 /**
168 * Hide option in help.
169 */
170 hideHelp(hide?: boolean): this;
172 /**
173 * Only allow option value to be one of choices.
174 */
175 choices(values: readonly string[]): this;
177 /**
178 * Return option name.
179 */
180 name(): string;
182 /**
183 * Return option name, in a camelcase format that can be used
184 * as a object attribute key.
185 */
186 attributeName(): string;
188 /**
189 * Return whether a boolean option.
190 *
191 * Options are one of boolean, negated, required argument, or optional argument.
192 */
193 isBoolean(): boolean;
196export class Help {
197 /** output helpWidth, long lines are wrapped to fit */
198 helpWidth?: number;
199 sortSubcommands: boolean;
200 sortOptions: boolean;
201 showGlobalOptions: boolean;
203 constructor();
205 /** Get the command term to show in the list of subcommands. */
206 subcommandTerm(cmd: Command): string;
207 /** Get the command summary to show in the list of subcommands. */
208 subcommandDescription(cmd: Command): string;
209 /** Get the option term to show in the list of options. */
210 optionTerm(option: Option): string;
211 /** Get the option description to show in the list of options. */
212 optionDescription(option: Option): string;
213 /** Get the argument term to show in the list of arguments. */
214 argumentTerm(argument: Argument): string;
215 /** Get the argument description to show in the list of arguments. */
216 argumentDescription(argument: Argument): string;
218 /** Get the command usage to be displayed at the top of the built-in help. */
219 commandUsage(cmd: Command): string;
220 /** Get the description for the command. */
221 commandDescription(cmd: Command): string;
223 /** Get an array of the visible subcommands. Includes a placeholder for the implicit help command, if there is one. */
224 visibleCommands(cmd: Command): Command[];
225 /** Get an array of the visible options. Includes a placeholder for the implicit help option, if there is one. */
226 visibleOptions(cmd: Command): Option[];
227 /** Get an array of the visible global options. (Not including help.) */
228 visibleGlobalOptions(cmd: Command): Option[];
229 /** Get an array of the arguments which have descriptions. */
230 visibleArguments(cmd: Command): Argument[];
232 /** Get the longest command term length. */
233 longestSubcommandTermLength(cmd: Command, helper: Help): number;
234 /** Get the longest option term length. */
235 longestOptionTermLength(cmd: Command, helper: Help): number;
236 /** Get the longest global option term length. */
237 longestGlobalOptionTermLength(cmd: Command, helper: Help): number;
238 /** Get the longest argument term length. */
239 longestArgumentTermLength(cmd: Command, helper: Help): number;
240 /** Calculate the pad width from the maximum term length. */
241 padWidth(cmd: Command, helper: Help): number;
243 /**
244 * Wrap the given string to width characters per line, with lines after the first indented.
245 * Do not wrap if insufficient room for wrapping (minColumnWidth), or string is manually formatted.
246 */
247 wrap(str: string, width: number, indent: number, minColumnWidth?: number): string;
249 /** Generate the built-in help text. */
250 formatHelp(cmd: Command, helper: Help): string;
252export type HelpConfiguration = Partial<Help>;
254export interface ParseOptions {
255 from: 'node' | 'electron' | 'user';
257export interface HelpContext { // optional parameter for .help() and .outputHelp()
258 error: boolean;
260export interface AddHelpTextContext { // passed to text function used with .addHelpText()
261 error: boolean;
262 command: Command;
264export interface OutputConfiguration {
265 writeOut?(str: string): void;
266 writeErr?(str: string): void;
267 getOutHelpWidth?(): number;
268 getErrHelpWidth?(): number;
269 outputError?(str: string, write: (str: string) => void): void;
273export type AddHelpTextPosition = 'beforeAll' | 'before' | 'after' | 'afterAll';
274export type HookEvent = 'preSubcommand' | 'preAction' | 'postAction';
275export type OptionValueSource = 'default' | 'config' | 'env' | 'cli' | 'implied';
277export type OptionValues = Record<string, any>;
279export class Command {
280 args: string[];
281 processedArgs: any[];
282 readonly commands: readonly Command[];
283 readonly options: readonly Option[];
284 parent: Command | null;
286 constructor(name?: string);
288 /**
289 * Set the program version to `str`.
290 *
291 * This method auto-registers the "-V, --version" flag
292 * which will print the version number when passed.
293 *
294 * You can optionally supply the flags and description to override the defaults.
295 */
296 version(str: string, flags?: string, description?: string): this;
298 /**
299 * Define a command, implemented using an action handler.
300 *
301 * @remarks
302 * The command description is supplied using `.description`, not as a parameter to `.command`.
303 *
304 * @example
305 * ```ts
306 * program
307 * .command('clone <source> [destination]')
308 * .description('clone a repository into a newly created directory')
309 * .action((source, destination) => {
310 * console.log('clone command called');
311 * });
312 * ```
313 *
314 * @param nameAndArgs - command name and arguments, args are `<required>` or `[optional]` and last may also be `variadic...`
315 * @param opts - configuration options
316 * @returns new command
317 */
318 command(nameAndArgs: string, opts?: CommandOptions): ReturnType<this['createCommand']>;
319 /**
320 * Define a command, implemented in a separate executable file.
321 *
322 * @remarks
323 * The command description is supplied as the second parameter to `.command`.
324 *
325 * @example
326 * ```ts
327 * program
328 * .command('start <service>', 'start named service')
329 * .command('stop [service]', 'stop named service, or all if no name supplied');
330 * ```
331 *
332 * @param nameAndArgs - command name and arguments, args are `<required>` or `[optional]` and last may also be `variadic...`
333 * @param description - description of executable command
334 * @param opts - configuration options
335 * @returns `this` command for chaining
336 */
337 command(nameAndArgs: string, description: string, opts?: ExecutableCommandOptions): this;
339 /**
340 * Factory routine to create a new unattached command.
341 *
342 * See .command() for creating an attached subcommand, which uses this routine to
343 * create the command. You can override createCommand to customise subcommands.
344 */
345 createCommand(name?: string): Command;
347 /**
348 * Add a prepared subcommand.
349 *
350 * See .command() for creating an attached subcommand which inherits settings from its parent.
351 *
352 * @returns `this` command for chaining
353 */
354 addCommand(cmd: Command, opts?: CommandOptions): this;
356 /**
357 * Factory routine to create a new unattached argument.
358 *
359 * See .argument() for creating an attached argument, which uses this routine to
360 * create the argument. You can override createArgument to return a custom argument.
361 */
362 createArgument(name: string, description?: string): Argument;
364 /**
365 * Define argument syntax for command.
366 *
367 * The default is that the argument is required, and you can explicitly
368 * indicate this with <> around the name. Put [] around the name for an optional argument.
369 *
370 * @example
371 * ```
372 * program.argument('<input-file>');
373 * program.argument('[output-file]');
374 * ```
375 *
376 * @returns `this` command for chaining
377 */
378 argument<T>(flags: string, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue?: T): this;
379 argument(name: string, description?: string, defaultValue?: unknown): this;
381 /**
382 * Define argument syntax for command, adding a prepared argument.
383 *
384 * @returns `this` command for chaining
385 */
386 addArgument(arg: Argument): this;
388 /**
389 * Define argument syntax for command, adding multiple at once (without descriptions).
390 *
391 * See also .argument().
392 *
393 * @example
394 * ```
395 * program.arguments('<cmd> [env]');
396 * ```
397 *
398 * @returns `this` command for chaining
399 */
400 arguments(names: string): this;
402 /**
403 * Override default decision whether to add implicit help command.
404 *
405 * @example
406 * ```
407 * addHelpCommand() // force on
408 * addHelpCommand(false); // force off
409 * addHelpCommand('help [cmd]', 'display help for [cmd]'); // force on with custom details
410 * ```
411 *
412 * @returns `this` command for chaining
413 */
414 addHelpCommand(enableOrNameAndArgs?: string | boolean, description?: string): this;
416 /**
417 * Add hook for life cycle event.
418 */
419 hook(event: HookEvent, listener: (thisCommand: Command, actionCommand: Command) => void | Promise<void>): this;
421 /**
422 * Register callback to use as replacement for calling process.exit.
423 */
424 exitOverride(callback?: (err: CommanderError) => never | void): this;
426 /**
427 * Display error message and exit (or call exitOverride).
428 */
429 error(message: string, errorOptions?: ErrorOptions): never;
431 /**
432 * You can customise the help with a subclass of Help by overriding createHelp,
433 * or by overriding Help properties using configureHelp().
434 */
435 createHelp(): Help;
437 /**
438 * You can customise the help by overriding Help properties using configureHelp(),
439 * or with a subclass of Help by overriding createHelp().
440 */
441 configureHelp(configuration: HelpConfiguration): this;
442 /** Get configuration */
443 configureHelp(): HelpConfiguration;
445 /**
446 * The default output goes to stdout and stderr. You can customise this for special
447 * applications. You can also customise the display of errors by overriding outputError.
448 *
449 * The configuration properties are all functions:
450 * ```
451 * // functions to change where being written, stdout and stderr
452 * writeOut(str)
453 * writeErr(str)
454 * // matching functions to specify width for wrapping help
455 * getOutHelpWidth()
456 * getErrHelpWidth()
457 * // functions based on what is being written out
458 * outputError(str, write) // used for displaying errors, and not used for displaying help
459 * ```
460 */
461 configureOutput(configuration: OutputConfiguration): this;
462 /** Get configuration */
463 configureOutput(): OutputConfiguration;
465 /**
466 * Copy settings that are useful to have in common across root command and subcommands.
467 *
468 * (Used internally when adding a command using `.command()` so subcommands inherit parent settings.)
469 */
470 copyInheritedSettings(sourceCommand: Command): this;
472 /**
473 * Display the help or a custom message after an error occurs.
474 */
475 showHelpAfterError(displayHelp?: boolean | string): this;
477 /**
478 * Display suggestion of similar commands for unknown commands, or options for unknown options.
479 */
480 showSuggestionAfterError(displaySuggestion?: boolean): this;
482 /**
483 * Register callback `fn` for the command.
484 *
485 * @example
486 * ```
487 * program
488 * .command('serve')
489 * .description('start service')
490 * .action(function() {
491 * // do work here
492 * });
493 * ```
494 *
495 * @returns `this` command for chaining
496 */
497 action(fn: (...args: any[]) => void | Promise<void>): this;
499 /**
500 * Define option with `flags`, `description` and optional
501 * coercion `fn`.
502 *
503 * The `flags` string contains the short and/or long flags,
504 * separated by comma, a pipe or space. The following are all valid
505 * all will output this way when `--help` is used.
506 *
507 * "-p, --pepper"
508 * "-p|--pepper"
509 * "-p --pepper"
510 *
511 * @example
512 * ```
513 * // simple boolean defaulting to false
514 * program.option('-p, --pepper', 'add pepper');
515 *
516 * --pepper
517 * program.pepper
518 * // => Boolean
519 *
520 * // simple boolean defaulting to true
521 * program.option('-C, --no-cheese', 'remove cheese');
522 *
523 * program.cheese
524 * // => true
525 *
526 * --no-cheese
527 * program.cheese
528 * // => false
529 *
530 * // required argument
531 * program.option('-C, --chdir <path>', 'change the working directory');
532 *
533 * --chdir /tmp
534 * program.chdir
535 * // => "/tmp"
536 *
537 * // optional argument
538 * program.option('-c, --cheese [type]', 'add cheese [marble]');
539 * ```
540 *
541 * @returns `this` command for chaining
542 */
543 option(flags: string, description?: string, defaultValue?: string | boolean | string[]): this;
544 option<T>(flags: string, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue?: T): this;
545 /** @deprecated since v7, instead use choices or a custom function */
546 option(flags: string, description: string, regexp: RegExp, defaultValue?: string | boolean | string[]): this;
548 /**
549 * Define a required option, which must have a value after parsing. This usually means
550 * the option must be specified on the command line. (Otherwise the same as .option().)
551 *
552 * The `flags` string contains the short and/or long flags, separated by comma, a pipe or space.
553 */
554 requiredOption(flags: string, description?: string, defaultValue?: string | boolean | string[]): this;
555 requiredOption<T>(flags: string, description: string, fn: (value: string, previous: T) => T, defaultValue?: T): this;
556 /** @deprecated since v7, instead use choices or a custom function */
557 requiredOption(flags: string, description: string, regexp: RegExp, defaultValue?: string | boolean | string[]): this;
559 /**
560 * Factory routine to create a new unattached option.
561 *
562 * See .option() for creating an attached option, which uses this routine to
563 * create the option. You can override createOption to return a custom option.
564 */
566 createOption(flags: string, description?: string): Option;
568 /**
569 * Add a prepared Option.
570 *
571 * See .option() and .requiredOption() for creating and attaching an option in a single call.
572 */
573 addOption(option: Option): this;
575 /**
576 * Whether to store option values as properties on command object,
577 * or store separately (specify false). In both cases the option values can be accessed using .opts().
578 *
579 * @returns `this` command for chaining
580 */
581 storeOptionsAsProperties<T extends OptionValues>(): this & T;
582 storeOptionsAsProperties<T extends OptionValues>(storeAsProperties: true): this & T;
583 storeOptionsAsProperties(storeAsProperties?: boolean): this;
585 /**
586 * Retrieve option value.
587 */
588 getOptionValue(key: string): any;
590 /**
591 * Store option value.
592 */
593 setOptionValue(key: string, value: unknown): this;
595 /**
596 * Store option value and where the value came from.
597 */
598 setOptionValueWithSource(key: string, value: unknown, source: OptionValueSource): this;
600 /**
601 * Get source of option value.
602 */
603 getOptionValueSource(key: string): OptionValueSource | undefined;
605 /**
606 * Get source of option value. See also .optsWithGlobals().
607 */
608 getOptionValueSourceWithGlobals(key: string): OptionValueSource | undefined;
610 /**
611 * Alter parsing of short flags with optional values.
612 *
613 * @example
614 * ```
615 * // for `.option('-f,--flag [value]'):
616 * .combineFlagAndOptionalValue(true) // `-f80` is treated like `--flag=80`, this is the default behaviour
617 * .combineFlagAndOptionalValue(false) // `-fb` is treated like `-f -b`
618 * ```
619 *
620 * @returns `this` command for chaining
621 */
622 combineFlagAndOptionalValue(combine?: boolean): this;
624 /**
625 * Allow unknown options on the command line.
626 *
627 * @returns `this` command for chaining
628 */
629 allowUnknownOption(allowUnknown?: boolean): this;
631 /**
632 * Allow excess command-arguments on the command line. Pass false to make excess arguments an error.
633 *
634 * @returns `this` command for chaining
635 */
636 allowExcessArguments(allowExcess?: boolean): this;
638 /**
639 * Enable positional options. Positional means global options are specified before subcommands which lets
640 * subcommands reuse the same option names, and also enables subcommands to turn on passThroughOptions.
641 *
642 * The default behaviour is non-positional and global options may appear anywhere on the command line.
643 *
644 * @returns `this` command for chaining
645 */
646 enablePositionalOptions(positional?: boolean): this;
648 /**
649 * Pass through options that come after command-arguments rather than treat them as command-options,
650 * so actual command-options come before command-arguments. Turning this on for a subcommand requires
651 * positional options to have been enabled on the program (parent commands).
652 *
653 * The default behaviour is non-positional and options may appear before or after command-arguments.
654 *
655 * @returns `this` command for chaining
656 */
657 passThroughOptions(passThrough?: boolean): this;
659 /**
660 * Parse `argv`, setting options and invoking commands when defined.
661 *
662 * The default expectation is that the arguments are from node and have the application as argv[0]
663 * and the script being run in argv[1], with user parameters after that.
664 *
665 * @example
666 * ```
667 * program.parse(process.argv);
668 * program.parse(); // implicitly use process.argv and auto-detect node vs electron conventions
669 * program.parse(my-args, { from: 'user' }); // just user supplied arguments, nothing special about argv[0]
670 * ```
671 *
672 * @returns `this` command for chaining
673 */
674 parse(argv?: readonly string[], options?: ParseOptions): this;
676 /**
677 * Parse `argv`, setting options and invoking commands when defined.
678 *
679 * Use parseAsync instead of parse if any of your action handlers are async. Returns a Promise.
680 *
681 * The default expectation is that the arguments are from node and have the application as argv[0]
682 * and the script being run in argv[1], with user parameters after that.
683 *
684 * @example
685 * ```
686 * program.parseAsync(process.argv);
687 * program.parseAsync(); // implicitly use process.argv and auto-detect node vs electron conventions
688 * program.parseAsync(my-args, { from: 'user' }); // just user supplied arguments, nothing special about argv[0]
689 * ```
690 *
691 * @returns Promise
692 */
693 parseAsync(argv?: readonly string[], options?: ParseOptions): Promise<this>;
695 /**
696 * Parse options from `argv` removing known options,
697 * and return argv split into operands and unknown arguments.
698 *
699 * argv => operands, unknown
700 * --known kkk op => [op], []
701 * op --known kkk => [op], []
702 * sub --unknown uuu op => [sub], [--unknown uuu op]
703 * sub -- --unknown uuu op => [sub --unknown uuu op], []
704 */
705 parseOptions(argv: string[]): ParseOptionsResult;
707 /**
708 * Return an object containing local option values as key-value pairs
709 */
710 opts<T extends OptionValues>(): T;
712 /**
713 * Return an object containing merged local and global option values as key-value pairs.
714 */
715 optsWithGlobals<T extends OptionValues>(): T;
717 /**
718 * Set the description.
719 *
720 * @returns `this` command for chaining
721 */
723 description(str: string): this;
724 /** @deprecated since v8, instead use .argument to add command argument with description */
725 description(str: string, argsDescription: Record<string, string>): this;
726 /**
727 * Get the description.
728 */
729 description(): string;
731 /**
732 * Set the summary. Used when listed as subcommand of parent.
733 *
734 * @returns `this` command for chaining
735 */
737 summary(str: string): this;
738 /**
739 * Get the summary.
740 */
741 summary(): string;
743 /**
744 * Set an alias for the command.
745 *
746 * You may call more than once to add multiple aliases. Only the first alias is shown in the auto-generated help.
747 *
748 * @returns `this` command for chaining
749 */
750 alias(alias: string): this;
751 /**
752 * Get alias for the command.
753 */
754 alias(): string;
756 /**
757 * Set aliases for the command.
758 *
759 * Only the first alias is shown in the auto-generated help.
760 *
761 * @returns `this` command for chaining
762 */
763 aliases(aliases: readonly string[]): this;
764 /**
765 * Get aliases for the command.
766 */
767 aliases(): string[];
769 /**
770 * Set the command usage.
771 *
772 * @returns `this` command for chaining
773 */
774 usage(str: string): this;
775 /**
776 * Get the command usage.
777 */
778 usage(): string;
780 /**
781 * Set the name of the command.
782 *
783 * @returns `this` command for chaining
784 */
785 name(str: string): this;
786 /**
787 * Get the name of the command.
788 */
789 name(): string;
791 /**
792 * Set the name of the command from script filename, such as process.argv[1],
793 * or require.main.filename, or __filename.
794 *
795 * (Used internally and public although not documented in README.)
796 *
797 * @example
798 * ```ts
799 * program.nameFromFilename(require.main.filename);
800 * ```
801 *
802 * @returns `this` command for chaining
803 */
804 nameFromFilename(filename: string): this;
806 /**
807 * Set the directory for searching for executable subcommands of this command.
808 *
809 * @example
810 * ```ts
811 * program.executableDir(__dirname);
812 * // or
813 * program.executableDir('subcommands');
814 * ```
815 *
816 * @returns `this` command for chaining
817 */
818 executableDir(path: string): this;
819 /**
820 * Get the executable search directory.
821 */
822 executableDir(): string;
824 /**
825 * Output help information for this command.
826 *
827 * Outputs built-in help, and custom text added using `.addHelpText()`.
828 *
829 */
830 outputHelp(context?: HelpContext): void;
831 /** @deprecated since v7 */
832 outputHelp(cb?: (str: string) => string): void;
834 /**
835 * Return command help documentation.
836 */
837 helpInformation(context?: HelpContext): string;
839 /**
840 * You can pass in flags and a description to override the help
841 * flags and help description for your command. Pass in false
842 * to disable the built-in help option.
843 */
844 helpOption(flags?: string | boolean, description?: string): this;
846 /**
847 * Output help information and exit.
848 *
849 * Outputs built-in help, and custom text added using `.addHelpText()`.
850 */
851 help(context?: HelpContext): never;
852 /** @deprecated since v7 */
853 help(cb?: (str: string) => string): never;
855 /**
856 * Add additional text to be displayed with the built-in help.
857 *
858 * Position is 'before' or 'after' to affect just this command,
859 * and 'beforeAll' or 'afterAll' to affect this command and all its subcommands.
860 */
861 addHelpText(position: AddHelpTextPosition, text: string): this;
862 addHelpText(position: AddHelpTextPosition, text: (context: AddHelpTextContext) => string): this;
864 /**
865 * Add a listener (callback) for when events occur. (Implemented using EventEmitter.)
866 */
867 on(event: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this;
870export interface CommandOptions {
871 hidden?: boolean;
872 isDefault?: boolean;
873 /** @deprecated since v7, replaced by hidden */
874 noHelp?: boolean;
876export interface ExecutableCommandOptions extends CommandOptions {
877 executableFile?: string;
880export interface ParseOptionsResult {
881 operands: string[];
882 unknown: string[];
885export function createCommand(name?: string): Command;
886export function createOption(flags: string, description?: string): Option;
887export function createArgument(name: string, description?: string): Argument;
889export const program: Command;
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