2.79 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "comment-value",
3 "description": "Instruments a Node program and updates its comments with computed expression values",
4 "version": "1.4.0",
5 "author": "Gleb Bahmutov <gleb.bahmutov@gmail.com>",
6 "bugs": "https://github.com/bahmutov/comment-value/issues",
7 "config": {
8 "pre-git": {
9 "commit-msg": "simple",
10 "pre-commit": [
11 "npm prune",
12 "npm run deps",
13 "npm test",
14 "npm run ban"
15 ],
16 "pre-push": [
17 "npm run secure",
18 "npm run license",
19 "npm run ban -- --all",
20 "npm run size"
21 ],
22 "post-commit": [],
23 "post-merge": []
24 }
25 },
26 "engines": {
27 "node": ">=6"
28 },
29 "files": [
30 "src/*.js",
31 "!src/*-spec.js",
32 "bin"
33 ],
34 "homepage": "https://github.com/bahmutov/comment-value#readme",
35 "keywords": [
36 "comment",
37 "comments",
38 "cover",
39 "coverage",
40 "data",
41 "demo",
42 "demos",
43 "instrument",
44 "value"
45 ],
46 "license": "MIT",
47 "main": "src/",
48 "bin": {
49 "comment-value": "bin/comment-value.sh"
50 },
51 "publishConfig": {
52 "registry": "http://registry.npmjs.org/"
53 },
54 "preferGlobal": true,
55 "repository": {
56 "type": "git",
57 "url": "https://github.com/bahmutov/comment-value.git"
58 },
59 "scripts": {
60 "ban": "ban",
61 "deps": "deps-ok && dependency-check .",
62 "issues": "git-issues",
63 "license": "license-checker --production --onlyunknown --csv",
64 "lint": "standard --verbose --fix src/*.js",
65 "pretest": "npm run lint",
66 "secure": "nsp check",
67 "size": "t=\"$(npm pack .)\"; wc -c \"${t}\"; tar tvf \"${t}\"; rm \"${t}\";",
68 "unit": "mocha src/*-spec.js",
69 "semantic-release": "semantic-release pre && npm publish && semantic-release post",
70 "test": "npm run instrument && npm start && cat results.json && npm run update",
71 "posttest": "npm run unit",
72 "instrument": "node src/instrument.js test/example.js",
73 "update": "node src/update.js test/example.js",
74 "start": "node instrumented.js",
75 "hook": "node -r ./src/index.js test/example.js",
76 "test-nested": "node -r ./src/index.js test/nested/index.js"
77 },
78 "devDependencies": {
79 "ban-sensitive-files": "1.9.0",
80 "dependency-check": "2.7.0",
81 "deps-ok": "1.2.0",
82 "dont-crack": "1.1.0",
83 "git-issues": "1.3.1",
84 "license-checker": "8.0.3",
85 "mocha": "3.2.0",
86 "nsp": "2.6.2",
87 "pre-git": "3.12.0",
88 "semantic-release": "^6.3.2",
89 "standard": "8.6.0"
90 },
91 "dependencies": {
92 "check-more-types": "2.23.0",
93 "debug": "2.6.0",
94 "falafel": "2.0.0",
95 "lazy-ass": "1.5.0",
96 "node-hook": "0.4.0"
97 },
98 "release": {
99 "verifyRelease": {
100 "path": "dont-crack",
101 "test-against": [
102 "https://github.com/bahmutov/comment-value-test"
103 ]
104 }
105 }
\No newline at end of file