10.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 2.0.0-beta6
2void function () {
3 var $0, _, aliasPair, btoa, build, cache$3, cache$4, CJSEverywhere, dep, deps, escodegen, escodegenFormat, fs, handlerPair, knownOpts, match, nopt, opt, optAliases, options, originalEntryPoint, path, positionalArgs, root, startBuild, stdinput;
4 fs = require('fs');
5 path = require('path');
6 escodegen = require('escodegen');
7 nopt = require('nopt');
8 btoa = require('Base64').btoa;
9 CJSEverywhere = require('./module');
10 escodegenFormat = {
11 indent: {
12 style: ' ',
13 base: 0
14 },
15 renumber: true,
16 hexadecimal: true,
17 quotes: 'auto',
18 parentheses: false
19 };
20 knownOpts = {};
21 for (var cache$ = [
22 'deps',
23 'help',
24 'ignore-missing',
25 'inline-source-map',
26 'inline-sources',
27 'minify',
28 'node',
29 'verbose',
30 'watch'
31 ], i$ = 0, length$ = cache$.length; i$ < length$; ++i$) {
32 opt = cache$[i$];
33 knownOpts[opt] = Boolean;
34 }
35 for (var cache$1 = [
36 'export',
37 'output',
38 'root',
39 'source-map'
40 ], i$1 = 0, length$1 = cache$1.length; i$1 < length$1; ++i$1) {
41 opt = cache$1[i$1];
42 knownOpts[opt] = String;
43 }
44 for (var cache$2 = [
45 'alias',
46 'handler'
47 ], i$2 = 0, length$2 = cache$2.length; i$2 < length$2; ++i$2) {
48 opt = cache$2[i$2];
49 knownOpts[opt] = [
50 String,
51 Array
52 ];
53 }
54 optAliases = {
55 a: '--alias',
56 h: '--handler',
57 m: '--minify',
58 o: '--output',
59 r: '--root',
60 s: '--source-map',
61 v: '--verbose',
62 w: '--watch',
63 x: '--export'
64 };
65 options = nopt(knownOpts, optAliases, process.argv, 2);
66 positionalArgs = options.argv.remain;
67 delete options.argv;
68 if (null != options.node)
69 options.node;
70 else
71 options.node = true;
72 if (null != options['inline-sources'])
73 options['inline-sources'];
74 else
75 options['inline-sources'] = true;
76 if (null != options.alias)
77 options.alias;
78 else
79 options.alias = [];
80 if (null != options.handler)
81 options.handler;
82 else
83 options.handler = [];
84 options.ignoreMissing = options['ignore-missing'];
85 options.sourceMap = options['source-map'];
86 options.inlineSources = options['inline-sources'];
87 options.inlineSourceMap = options['inline-source-map'];
88 if (options.help) {
89 $0 = process.argv[0] === 'node' ? process.argv[1] : process.argv[0];
90 $0 = path.basename($0);
91 console.log('\n Usage: ' + $0 + ' OPT* path/to/entry-file.ext OPT*\n\n -a, --alias ALIAS:TO replace requires of file identified by ALIAS with TO\n -h, --handler EXT:MODULE handle files with extension EXT with module MODULE\n -m, --minify minify output\n -o, --output FILE output to FILE instead of stdout\n -r, --root DIR unqualified requires are relative to DIR; default: cwd\n -s, --source-map FILE output a source map to FILE\n -v, --verbose verbose output sent to stderr\n -w, --watch watch input files/dependencies for changes and rebuild bundle\n -x, --export NAME export the given entry module as NAME\n --deps do not bundle; just list the files that would be bundled\n --help display this help message and exit\n --ignore-missing continue without error when dependency resolution fails\n --inline-source-map include the source map as a data URI in the generated bundle\n --inline-sources include source content in generated source maps; default: on\n --node include process object; emulate node environment; default: on\n --version display the version number and exit\n');
92 process.exit(0);
93 }
94 if (options.version) {
95 console.log(require('../package.json').version);
96 process.exit(0);
97 }
98 if (!(positionalArgs.length === 1)) {
99 console.error('wrong number of entry points given; expected 1');
100 process.exit(1);
101 }
102 options.aliases = {};
103 for (var i$3 = 0, length$3 = options.alias.length; i$3 < length$3; ++i$3) {
104 aliasPair = options.alias[i$3];
105 match = aliasPair.match((cache$3 = /([^:]+):(.*)/, null != cache$3 ? cache$3 : []));
106 if (null != match) {
107 options.aliases[match[1]] = match[2];
108 } else {
109 console.error('invalid alias: ' + aliasPair);
110 process.exit(1);
111 }
112 }
113 delete options.alias;
114 options.handlers = {};
115 for (var i$4 = 0, length$4 = options.handler.length; i$4 < length$4; ++i$4) {
116 handlerPair = options.handler[i$4];
117 match = handlerPair.match((cache$4 = /([^:]+):(.*)/, null != cache$4 ? cache$4 : []));
118 if (null != match) {
119 (function (ext, mod) {
120 return options.handlers[ext] = require(mod);
121 }('.' + match[1], match[2]));
122 } else {
123 console.error('invalid handler: ' + handlerPair);
124 process.exit(1);
125 }
126 }
127 delete options.handler;
128 root = options.root ? path.resolve(options.root) : process.cwd();
129 originalEntryPoint = positionalArgs[0];
130 if (options.deps) {
131 deps = CJSEverywhere.traverseDependencies(originalEntryPoint, root, options);
132 for (_ in deps) {
133 if (!isOwn$(deps, _))
134 continue;
135 dep = deps[_];
136 console.log(dep.canonicalName);
137 }
138 process.exit(0);
139 }
140 if (options.watch && !options.output) {
141 console.error('--watch requires --ouput');
142 process.exit(1);
143 }
144 build = function (entryPoint, processed) {
145 var bundled, cache$5, cache$6, canonicalName, code, datauri, e, esmangle, file, fileContents, filename, map, newDeps, sourceMappingUrl;
146 if (null == processed)
147 processed = {};
148 try {
149 newDeps = CJSEverywhere.traverseDependencies(entryPoint, root, options);
150 if (options.watch)
151 for (filename in newDeps) {
152 if (!isOwn$(newDeps, filename))
153 continue;
154 dep = newDeps[filename];
155 console.error('built ' + dep.canonicalName + ' (' + options.cache[filename] + ')');
156 }
157 for (file in newDeps) {
158 if (!isOwn$(newDeps, file))
159 continue;
160 processed[file] = newDeps[file];
161 }
162 } catch (e$) {
163 e = e$;
164 if (options.watch) {
165 console.error('ERROR: ' + e.message);
166 } else {
167 throw e;
168 }
169 }
170 bundled = CJSEverywhere.bundle(processed, originalEntryPoint, root, options);
171 if (options.minify) {
172 esmangle = require('esmangle');
173 bundled = esmangle.mangle(esmangle.optimize(bundled), { destructive: true });
174 }
175 cache$5 = escodegen.generate(bundled, {
176 comment: !options.minify,
177 sourceMap: true,
178 sourceMapWithCode: true,
179 sourceMapRoot: null != options.sourceMap ? path.relative(path.dirname(options.sourceMap), root) || '.' : void 0,
180 format: options.minify ? escodegen.FORMAT_MINIFY : escodegenFormat
181 });
182 code = cache$5.code;
183 map = cache$5.map;
184 if ((options.sourceMap || options.inlineSourceMap) && options.inlineSources)
185 for (filename in processed) {
186 if (!isOwn$(processed, filename))
187 continue;
188 {
189 cache$6 = processed[filename];
190 canonicalName = cache$6.canonicalName;
191 fileContents = cache$6.fileContents;
192 }
193 map.setSourceContent(canonicalName, fileContents);
194 }
195 if (options.sourceMap) {
196 fs.writeFileSync(options.sourceMap, '' + map);
197 sourceMappingUrl = options.output ? path.relative(path.dirname(options.output), options.sourceMap) : options.sourceMap;
198 if (!options.inlineSourceMap)
199 code = '' + code + '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + sourceMappingUrl;
200 }
201 if (options.inlineSourceMap) {
202 datauri = 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,' + btoa('' + map);
203 code = '' + code + '\n//# sourceMappingURL=' + datauri;
204 }
205 if (options.output) {
206 fs.writeFileSync(options.output, code);
207 } else {
208 process.stdout.write('' + code + '\n');
209 }
210 if (options.watch || options.verbose)
211 console.error('BUNDLE COMPLETE');
212 return processed;
213 };
214 startBuild = function () {
215 var processed, startWatching, watching;
216 if (options.watch) {
217 options.cache = {};
218 console.error('BUNDLING starting at ' + originalEntryPoint);
219 }
220 processed = build(originalEntryPoint);
221 if (options.watch) {
222 watching = [];
223 return (startWatching = function (processed) {
224 return function (accum$) {
225 var canonicalName, file;
226 for (file in processed) {
227 if (!isOwn$(processed, file))
228 continue;
229 canonicalName = processed[file].canonicalName;
230 if (!!in$(file, watching))
231 continue;
232 accum$.push(function (file, canonicalName) {
233 watching.push(file);
234 return fs.watchFile(file, {
235 persistent: true,
236 interval: 500
237 }, function (curr, prev) {
238 var ino;
239 ino = process.platform === 'win32' ? null != curr.ino : curr.ino;
240 if (!ino) {
241 console.error('WARNING: watched file ' + file + ' has disappeared');
242 return;
243 }
244 console.error('REBUNDLING starting at ' + canonicalName);
245 processed = build(file, processed);
246 startWatching(processed);
247 });
248 }(file, canonicalName));
249 }
250 return accum$;
251 }.call(this, []);
252 })(processed);
253 }
254 };
255 if (originalEntryPoint === '-') {
256 stdinput = '';
257 process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
258 return stdinput += data;
259 });
260 process.stdin.on('end', function () {
261 originalEntryPoint = require('mktemp').createFileSync('temp-XXXXXXXXX.js');
262 fs.writeFileSync(originalEntryPoint, stdinput);
263 process.on('exit', function () {
264 return fs.unlinkSync(originalEntryPoint);
265 });
266 return startBuild();
267 });
268 process.stdin.setEncoding('utf8');
269 process.stdin.resume();
270 } else {
271 startBuild();
272 }
273 function isOwn$(o, p) {
274 return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(o, p);
275 }
276 function in$(member, list) {
277 for (var i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; ++i)
278 if (i in list && list[i] === member)
279 return true;
280 return false;
281 }