1.69 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { patch } from './vdom'
2import { vnodeFromElement } from './vnode'
3import { FragmentError } from './utils'
6 * A function to create and inject a virtual node into the document. The node will be appended to the container. The first argument can be either a JSX tag or an h function. After mounting, use the render function and the element returned by mount to udate the DOM.
7 * @example
8 *
9 * ```
10 * // Insert Title tag into section:
11 * const title = mount(<Title message='Hello World!'/>, 'section').
12 * // Update the node with new prop value and reference to DOM from mount:
13 * render(<Title message='New stuff'/>, title)
14 ```
15 * @typedef {import('./vnode').VNode} VNode
16 * @param {Object | Function} tag A JSX tag or hyperscript function to render.
17 * @param {Element | string} [container] The element into which the tag will be rendered.
18 * @param {string | Element} [elementToHydrate] A server-rendered element to hydrate during initial load.
19 * @return {VNode} The base element of the rendered tag.
20 */
21export function mount(tag, container, elementToHydrate) {
22 if (typeof container === 'string')
23 container = document.querySelector(container)
24 if (!container) container = document.body
25 const lifecycle = []
26 if (Array.isArray(tag)) throw new FragmentError()
28 if (elementToHydrate) {
29 if (typeof elementToHydrate === 'string') {
30 elementToHydrate = document.querySelector(elementToHydrate)
31 }
32 const nodeToRecycle = vnodeFromElement(elementToHydrate)
33 patch(tag, nodeToRecycle, container)
34 } else {
35 tag = patch(tag, null, container)
36 }
37 tag.element['isMounted'] = true
38 while (lifecycle.length > 0) lifecycle.pop()()
39 return tag