1 | <div align="center">
2 | <a href="https://github.com/webpack/webpack">
3 | <img width="200" height="200" src="https://webpack.js.org/assets/icon-square-big.svg">
4 | </a>
5 | </div>
6 |
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13 |
14 | # compression-webpack-plugin
15 |
16 | Prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding.
17 |
18 | ## Getting Started
19 |
20 | To begin, you'll need to install `compression-webpack-plugin`:
21 |
22 | ```console
23 | npm install compression-webpack-plugin --save-dev
24 | ```
25 |
26 | or
27 |
28 | ```console
29 | yarn add -D compression-webpack-plugin
30 | ```
31 |
32 | or
33 |
34 | ```console
35 | pnpm add -D compression-webpack-plugin
36 | ```
37 |
38 | Then add the plugin to your `webpack` config. For example:
39 |
40 | **webpack.config.js**
41 |
42 | ```js
43 | const CompressionPlugin = require("compression-webpack-plugin");
44 |
45 | module.exports = {
46 | plugins: [new CompressionPlugin()],
47 | };
48 | ```
49 |
50 | And run `webpack` via your preferred method.
51 |
52 | ## Options
53 |
54 | - **[`test`](#test)**
55 | - **[`include`](#include)**
56 | - **[`exclude`](#exclude)**
57 | - **[`algorithm`](#algorithm)**
58 | - **[`compressionOptions`](#compressionoptions)**
59 | - **[`threshold`](#threshold)**
60 | - **[`minRatio`](#minratio)**
61 | - **[`filename`](#filename)**
62 | - **[`deleteOriginalAssets`](#deleteoriginalassets)**
63 |
64 | ### `test`
65 |
66 | Type:
67 |
68 | ```ts
69 | type test = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
70 | ```
71 |
72 | Default: `undefined`
73 |
74 | Include all assets that pass test assertion.
75 |
76 | **webpack.config.js**
77 |
78 | ```js
79 | module.exports = {
80 | plugins: [
81 | new CompressionPlugin({
82 | test: /\.js(\?.*)?$/i,
83 | }),
84 | ],
85 | };
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### `include`
89 |
90 | Type:
91 |
92 | ```ts
93 | type include = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
94 | ```
95 |
96 | Default: `undefined`
97 |
98 | Include all assets matching any of these conditions.
99 |
100 | **webpack.config.js**
101 |
102 | ```js
103 | module.exports = {
104 | plugins: [
105 | new CompressionPlugin({
106 | include: /\/includes/,
107 | }),
108 | ],
109 | };
110 | ```
111 |
112 | ### `exclude`
113 |
114 | Type:
115 |
116 | ```ts
117 | type exclude = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
118 | ```
119 |
120 | Default: `undefined`
121 |
122 | Exclude all assets matching any of these conditions.
123 |
124 | **webpack.config.js**
125 |
126 | ```js
127 | module.exports = {
128 | plugins: [
129 | new CompressionPlugin({
130 | exclude: /\/excludes/,
131 | }),
132 | ],
133 | };
134 | ```
135 |
136 | ### `algorithm`
137 |
138 | Type:
139 |
140 | ```ts
141 | type algorithm =
142 | | string
143 | | ((
144 | input: Buffer,
145 | options: CompressionOptions,
146 | callback: (
147 | error: Error | null | undefined,
148 | result:
149 | | string
150 | | ArrayBuffer
151 | | SharedArrayBuffer
152 | | Uint8Array
153 | | readonly number[]
154 | | {
155 | valueOf(): ArrayBuffer | SharedArrayBuffer;
156 | }
157 | | {
158 | valueOf(): string | Uint8Array | readonly number[];
159 | }
160 | | {
161 | valueOf(): string;
162 | }
163 | | {
164 | [Symbol.toPrimitive](hint: "string"): string;
165 | },
166 | ) => void,
167 | ) => any);
168 | ```
169 |
170 | Default: `gzip`
171 |
172 | The compression algorithm/function.
173 |
174 | > **Note**
175 | >
176 | > If you use custom function for the `algorithm` option, the default value of the `compressionOptions` option is `{}`.
177 |
178 | #### `string`
179 |
180 | The algorithm is taken from [zlib](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html).
181 |
182 | **webpack.config.js**
183 |
184 | ```js
185 | module.exports = {
186 | plugins: [
187 | new CompressionPlugin({
188 | algorithm: "gzip",
189 | }),
190 | ],
191 | };
192 | ```
193 |
194 | #### `function`
195 |
196 | Allow to specify a custom compression function.
197 |
198 | **webpack.config.js**
199 |
200 | ```js
201 | module.exports = {
202 | plugins: [
203 | new CompressionPlugin({
204 | algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
205 | return compressionFunction(input, compressionOptions, callback);
206 | },
207 | }),
208 | ],
209 | };
210 | ```
211 |
212 | ### `compressionOptions`
213 |
214 | Type:
215 |
216 | ```ts
217 | type compressionOptions = {
218 | flush?: number;
219 | finishFlush?: number;
220 | chunkSize?: number;
221 | windowBits?: number;
222 | level?: number;
223 | memLevel?: number;
224 | strategy?: number;
225 | dictionary?: Buffer | TypedArray | DataView | ArrayBuffer;
226 | info?: boolean;
227 | maxOutputLength?: number;
228 | };
229 | ```
230 |
231 | Default: `{ level: 9 }`
232 |
233 | Compression options for `algorithm`.
234 |
235 | You can find all options here [zlib](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#zlib_class_options).
236 |
237 | > **Note**
238 | >
239 | > If you use custom function for the `algorithm` option, the default value is `{}`.
240 |
241 | **webpack.config.js**
242 |
243 | ```js
244 | module.exports = {
245 | plugins: [
246 | new CompressionPlugin({
247 | compressionOptions: { level: 1 },
248 | }),
249 | ],
250 | };
251 | ```
252 |
253 | ### `threshold`
254 |
255 | Type:
256 |
257 | ```ts
258 | type threshold = number;
259 | ```
260 |
261 | Default: `0`
262 |
263 | Only assets bigger than this size are processed. In bytes.
264 |
265 | **webpack.config.js**
266 |
267 | ```js
268 | module.exports = {
269 | plugins: [
270 | new CompressionPlugin({
271 | threshold: 8192,
272 | }),
273 | ],
274 | };
275 | ```
276 |
277 | ### `minRatio`
278 |
279 | Type:
280 |
281 | ```ts
282 | type minRatio = number;
283 | ```
284 |
285 | Default: `0.8`
286 |
287 | Only assets that compress better than this ratio are processed (`minRatio = Compressed Size / Original Size`).
288 | Example: you have `image.png` file with 1024b size, compressed version of file has 768b size, so `minRatio` equal `0.75`.
289 | In other words assets will be processed when the `Compressed Size / Original Size` value less `minRatio` value.
290 |
291 | You can use `1` value to process assets that are smaller than the original.
292 |
293 | Use a value of `Infinity` to process all assets even if they are larger than the original size or their original size is `0` bytes (useful when you are pre-zipping all assets for AWS).
294 |
295 | Use a value of `Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER` to process all assets even if they are larger than the original size, excluding assets with their original size is `0` bytes.
296 |
297 | **webpack.config.js**
298 |
299 | ```js
300 | module.exports = {
301 | plugins: [
302 | new CompressionPlugin({
303 | // Compress all assets, including files with `0` bytes size
304 | // minRatio: Infinity
305 |
306 | // Compress all assets, excluding files with `0` bytes size
307 | // minRatio: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER
308 |
309 | minRatio: 0.8,
310 | }),
311 | ],
312 | };
313 | ```
314 |
315 | ### `filename`
316 |
317 | Type:
318 |
319 | ```ts
320 | type filename = string | ((pathdata: PathData) => string);
321 | ```
322 |
323 | Default: `"[path][base].gz"`
324 |
325 | The target asset filename.
326 |
327 | #### `string`
328 |
329 | For example we have `assets/images/image.png?foo=bar#hash`:
330 |
331 | `[path]` is replaced with the directories to the original asset, included trailing `/` (`assets/images/`).
332 |
333 | `[file]` is replaced with the path of original asset (`assets/images/image.png`).
334 |
335 | `[base]` is replaced with the base (`[name]` + `[ext]`) of the original asset (`image.png`).
336 |
337 | `[name]` is replaced with the name of the original asset (`image`).
338 |
339 | `[ext]` is replaced with the extension of the original asset, included `.` (`.png`).
340 |
341 | `[query]` is replaced with the query of the original asset, included `?` (`?foo=bar`).
342 |
343 | `[fragment]` is replaced with the fragment (in the concept of URL it is called `hash`) of the original asset (`#hash`).
344 |
345 | **webpack.config.js**
346 |
347 | ```js
348 | module.exports = {
349 | plugins: [
350 | new CompressionPlugin({
351 | filename: "[path][base].gz",
352 | }),
353 | ],
354 | };
355 | ```
356 |
357 | #### `function`
358 |
359 | **webpack.config.js**
360 |
361 | ```js
362 | module.exports = {
363 | plugins: [
364 | new CompressionPlugin({
365 | filename(pathData) {
366 | // The `pathData` argument contains all placeholders - `path`/`name`/`ext`/etc
367 | // Available properties described above, for the `String` notation
368 | if (/\.svg$/.test(pathData.filename)) {
369 | return "assets/svg/[path][base].gz";
370 | }
371 |
372 | return "assets/js/[path][base].gz";
373 | },
374 | }),
375 | ],
376 | };
377 | ```
378 |
379 | ### `deleteOriginalAssets`
380 |
381 | Type:
382 |
383 | ```ts
384 | type deleteOriginalAssets =
385 | | boolean
386 | | "keep-source-map"
387 | | ((name: string) => boolean);
388 | ```
389 |
390 | Default: `false`
391 |
392 | Whether to delete the original assets or not.
393 |
394 | **webpack.config.js**
395 |
396 | ```js
397 | module.exports = {
398 | plugins: [
399 | new CompressionPlugin({
400 | deleteOriginalAssets: true,
401 | }),
402 | ],
403 | };
404 | ```
405 |
406 | To exclude sourcemaps from compression:
407 |
408 | ```js
409 | module.exports = {
410 | plugins: [
411 | new CompressionPlugin({
412 | exclude: /.map$/,
413 | deleteOriginalAssets: "keep-source-map",
414 | }),
415 | ],
416 | };
417 | ```
418 |
419 | Using a custom function:
420 |
421 | ```js
422 | module.exports = {
423 | plugins: [
424 | new CompressionPlugin({
425 | exclude: /.map$/,
426 | deleteOriginalAssets: (name) => {
427 | if (/\.js$/.test(name)) {
428 | return false;
429 | }
430 |
431 | return true;
432 | },
433 | }),
434 | ],
435 | };
436 | ```
437 |
438 | ## Examples
439 |
440 | ### Using Zopfli
441 |
442 | Prepare compressed versions of assets using `zopfli` library.
443 |
444 | > **Note**
445 | >
446 | > `@gfx/zopfli` require minimum `8` version of `node`.
447 |
448 | To begin, you'll need to install `@gfx/zopfli`:
449 |
450 | ```console
451 | $ npm install @gfx/zopfli --save-dev
452 | ```
453 |
454 | **webpack.config.js**
455 |
456 | ```js
457 | const zopfli = require("@gfx/zopfli");
458 |
459 | module.exports = {
460 | plugins: [
461 | new CompressionPlugin({
462 | compressionOptions: {
463 | numiterations: 15,
464 | },
465 | algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
466 | return zopfli.gzip(input, compressionOptions, callback);
467 | },
468 | }),
469 | ],
470 | };
471 | ```
472 |
473 | ### Using Brotli
474 |
475 | [Brotli](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brotli) is a compression algorithm originally developed by Google, and offers compression superior to gzip.
476 |
477 | Node 10.16.0 and later has [native support](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#zlib_zlib_createbrotlicompress_options) for Brotli compression in its zlib module.
478 |
479 | We can take advantage of this built-in support for Brotli in Node 10.16.0 and later by just passing in the appropriate `algorithm` to the CompressionPlugin:
480 |
481 | **webpack.config.js**
482 |
483 | ```js
484 | const zlib = require("zlib");
485 |
486 | module.exports = {
487 | plugins: [
488 | new CompressionPlugin({
489 | filename: "[path][base].br",
490 | algorithm: "brotliCompress",
491 | test: /\.(js|css|html|svg)$/,
492 | compressionOptions: {
493 | params: {
494 | [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 11,
495 | },
496 | },
497 | threshold: 10240,
498 | minRatio: 0.8,
499 | deleteOriginalAssets: false,
500 | }),
501 | ],
502 | };
503 | ```
504 |
505 | **Note** Brotli’s `BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY` option is functionally equivalent to zlib’s `level` option.
506 | You can find all Brotli’s options in [the relevant part of the zlib module documentation](https://nodejs.org/api/zlib.html#zlib_class_brotlioptions).
507 |
508 | ### Multiple compressed versions of assets for different algorithm
509 |
510 | **webpack.config.js**
511 |
512 | ```js
513 | const zlib = require("zlib");
514 |
515 | module.exports = {
516 | plugins: [
517 | new CompressionPlugin({
518 | filename: "[path][base].gz",
519 | algorithm: "gzip",
520 | test: /\.js$|\.css$|\.html$/,
521 | threshold: 10240,
522 | minRatio: 0.8,
523 | }),
524 | new CompressionPlugin({
525 | filename: "[path][base].br",
526 | algorithm: "brotliCompress",
527 | test: /\.(js|css|html|svg)$/,
528 | compressionOptions: {
529 | params: {
530 | [zlib.constants.BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY]: 11,
531 | },
532 | },
533 | threshold: 10240,
534 | minRatio: 0.8,
535 | }),
536 | ],
537 | };
538 | ```
539 |
540 | ## Contributing
541 |
542 | Please take a moment to read our contributing guidelines if you haven't yet done so.
543 |
545 |
546 | ## License
547 |
548 | [MIT](./LICENSE)
549 |
550 | [npm]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/compression-webpack-plugin.svg
551 | [npm-url]: https://npmjs.com/package/compression-webpack-plugin
552 | [node]: https://img.shields.io/node/v/compression-webpack-plugin.svg
553 | [node-url]: https://nodejs.org
554 | [tests]: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/compression-webpack-plugin/workflows/compression-webpack-plugin/badge.svg
555 | [tests-url]: https://github.com/webpack-contrib/compression-webpack-plugin/actions
556 | [cover]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack-contrib/compression-webpack-plugin/branch/master/graph/badge.svg
557 | [cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack-contrib/compression-webpack-plugin
558 | [discussion]: https://img.shields.io/github/discussions/webpack/webpack
559 | [discussion-url]: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/discussions
560 | [size]: https://packagephobia.now.sh/badge?p=compression-webpack-plugin
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