23.3 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"compute-scroll-into-view.min.js","sources":["../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["// Compute what scrolling needs to be done on required scrolling boxes for target to be in view\n\n// The type names here are named after the spec to make it easier to find more information around what they mean:\n// To reduce churn and reduce things that need be maintained things from the official TS DOM library is used here\n// https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/\n\n// For a definition on what is \"block flow direction\" exactly, check this: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-writing-modes-4/#block-flow-direction\n\n// add support for visualViewport object currently implemented in chrome\ninterface visualViewport {\n height: number\n width: number\n}\n\ntype ScrollLogicalPosition = 'start' | 'center' | 'end' | 'nearest'\n// This new option is tracked in this PR, which is the most likely candidate at the time: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/1805\ntype ScrollMode = 'always' | 'if-needed'\n// New option that skips auto-scrolling all nodes with overflow: hidden set\n// See FF implementation: https://hg.mozilla.org/integration/fx-team/rev/c48c3ec05012#l7.18\ntype SkipOverflowHiddenElements = boolean\n\ninterface Options {\n block?: ScrollLogicalPosition\n inline?: ScrollLogicalPosition\n scrollMode?: ScrollMode\n boundary?: CustomScrollBoundary\n skipOverflowHiddenElements?: SkipOverflowHiddenElements\n}\n\n// Custom behavior, not in any spec\ntype CustomScrollBoundaryCallback = (parent: Element) => boolean\ntype CustomScrollBoundary = Element | CustomScrollBoundaryCallback | null\ninterface CustomScrollAction {\n el: Element\n top: number\n left: number\n}\n\n// @TODO better shadowdom test, 11 = document fragment\nfunction isElement(el: any): el is Element {\n return typeof el === 'object' && el != null && el.nodeType === 1\n}\n\nfunction canOverflow(\n overflow: string | null,\n skipOverflowHiddenElements?: boolean\n) {\n if (skipOverflowHiddenElements && overflow === 'hidden') {\n return false\n }\n\n return overflow !== 'visible' && overflow !== 'clip'\n}\n\nfunction getFrameElement(el: Element) {\n if (!el.ownerDocument || !el.ownerDocument.defaultView) {\n return null\n }\n\n try {\n return el.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement\n } catch (e) {\n return null\n }\n}\n\nfunction isHiddenByFrame(el: Element): boolean {\n const frame = getFrameElement(el)\n if (!frame) {\n return false\n }\n\n return (\n frame.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight || frame.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth\n )\n}\n\nfunction isScrollable(el: Element, skipOverflowHiddenElements?: boolean) {\n if (el.clientHeight < el.scrollHeight || el.clientWidth < el.scrollWidth) {\n const style = getComputedStyle(el, null)\n return (\n canOverflow(style.overflowY, skipOverflowHiddenElements) ||\n canOverflow(style.overflowX, skipOverflowHiddenElements) ||\n isHiddenByFrame(el)\n )\n }\n\n return false\n}\n/**\n * Find out which edge to align against when logical scroll position is \"nearest\"\n * Interesting fact: \"nearest\" works similarily to \"if-needed\", if the element is fully visible it will not scroll it\n *\n * Legends:\n * ┌────────┐ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * │ target │ frame\n * └────────┘ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\nfunction alignNearest(\n scrollingEdgeStart: number,\n scrollingEdgeEnd: number,\n scrollingSize: number,\n scrollingBorderStart: number,\n scrollingBorderEnd: number,\n elementEdgeStart: number,\n elementEdgeEnd: number,\n elementSize: number\n) {\n /**\n * If element edge A and element edge B are both outside scrolling box edge A and scrolling box edge B\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓\n * │ │\n * ┃ │ │ ┃ do nothing\n * │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge C and element edge D are both outside scrolling box edge C and scrolling box edge D\n *\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐\n * │┃ ┃│ do nothing\n * └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart &&\n elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd) ||\n (elementEdgeStart > scrollingEdgeStart && elementEdgeEnd < scrollingEdgeEnd)\n ) {\n return 0\n }\n\n /**\n * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is less than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓\n * └──┘ │ │\n * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ └──┘ ┃\n *\n * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━ ━━ ━┛\n *\n * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is greater than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━┌━━┐━┓\n * │ │\n * from ┃ ┌──┐ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃\n * │ │ │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━│━━│━┛\n * │ │ └──┘\n * │ │\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is less than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───┐ ┌───┐\n * │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │ ┃\n * └───┘ └───┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is greater than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐\n * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃ │\n * └───────────┘ └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeStart <= scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize <= scrollingSize) ||\n (elementEdgeEnd >= scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize >= scrollingSize)\n ) {\n return elementEdgeStart - scrollingEdgeStart - scrollingBorderStart\n }\n\n /**\n * If element edge B is outside scrolling box edge B and element height is less than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┏━ ━━ ━┓ ┏━ ━━ ━┓\n *\n * from ┃ ┃ to ┃ ┌──┐ ┃\n * ┌──┐ │ │\n * ┗━│━━│━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛\n * └──┘\n *\n * If element edge A is outside scrolling box edge A and element height is greater than scrolling box height\n *\n * ┌──┐\n * │ │\n * │ │ ┌──┐\n * ┏━│━━│━┓ ┏━│━━│━┓\n * │ │ │ │\n * from ┃ └──┘ ┃ to ┃ │ │ ┃\n * │ │\n * ┗━ ━━ ━┛ ┗━└━━┘━┛\n *\n * If element edge C is outside scrolling box edge C and element width is greater than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───────────┐ ┌───────────┐\n * │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ ┃\n * └───────────┘ └───────────┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n * If element edge D is outside scrolling box edge D and element width is less than scrolling box width\n *\n * from to\n * ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓ ┏ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┓\n * ┌───┐ ┌───┐\n * ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃ │ ┃\n * └───┘ └───┘\n * ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛ ┗ ━ ━ ━ ━ ┛\n *\n */\n if (\n (elementEdgeEnd > scrollingEdgeEnd && elementSize < scrollingSize) ||\n (elementEdgeStart < scrollingEdgeStart && elementSize > scrollingSize)\n ) {\n return elementEdgeEnd - scrollingEdgeEnd + scrollingBorderEnd\n }\n\n return 0\n}\n\nexport default (target: Element, options: Options): CustomScrollAction[] => {\n //TODO: remove this hack when microbundle will support typescript >= 4.0\n const windowWithViewport = (window as unknown) as Window & {\n visualViewport: visualViewport\n }\n\n const {\n scrollMode,\n block,\n inline,\n boundary,\n skipOverflowHiddenElements,\n } = options\n // Allow using a callback to check the boundary\n // The default behavior is to check if the current target matches the boundary element or not\n // If undefined it'll check that target is never undefined (can happen as we recurse up the tree)\n const checkBoundary =\n typeof boundary === 'function' ? boundary : (node: any) => node !== boundary\n\n if (!isElement(target)) {\n throw new TypeError('Invalid target')\n }\n\n // Used to handle the top most element that can be scrolled\n const scrollingElement = document.scrollingElement || document.documentElement\n\n // Collect all the scrolling boxes, as defined in the spec: https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom-view/#scrolling-box\n const frames: Element[] = []\n let cursor: Element | null = target\n while (isElement(cursor) && checkBoundary(cursor)) {\n // Move cursor to parent\n cursor = cursor.parentElement\n\n // Stop when we reach the viewport\n if (cursor === scrollingElement) {\n frames.push(cursor)\n break\n }\n\n // Skip document.body if it's not the scrollingElement and documentElement isn't independently scrollable\n if (\n cursor != null &&\n cursor === document.body &&\n isScrollable(cursor) &&\n !isScrollable(document.documentElement)\n ) {\n continue\n }\n\n // Now we check if the element is scrollable, this code only runs if the loop haven't already hit the viewport or a custom boundary\n if (cursor != null && isScrollable(cursor, skipOverflowHiddenElements)) {\n frames.push(cursor)\n }\n }\n\n // Support pinch-zooming properly, making sure elements scroll into the visual viewport\n // Browsers that don't support visualViewport will report the layout viewport dimensions on document.documentElement.clientWidth/Height\n // and viewport dimensions on window.innerWidth/Height\n // https://www.quirksmode.org/mobile/viewports2.html\n // https://bokand.github.io/viewport/index.html\n const viewportWidth = windowWithViewport.visualViewport\n ? windowWithViewport.visualViewport.width\n : innerWidth\n const viewportHeight = windowWithViewport.visualViewport\n ? windowWithViewport.visualViewport.height\n : innerHeight\n\n // Newer browsers supports scroll[X|Y], page[X|Y]Offset is\n const viewportX = window.scrollX || pageXOffset\n const viewportY = window.scrollY || pageYOffset\n\n const {\n height: targetHeight,\n width: targetWidth,\n top: targetTop,\n right: targetRight,\n bottom: targetBottom,\n left: targetLeft,\n } = target.getBoundingClientRect()\n\n // These values mutate as we loop through and generate scroll coordinates\n let targetBlock: number =\n block === 'start' || block === 'nearest'\n ? targetTop\n : block === 'end'\n ? targetBottom\n : targetTop + targetHeight / 2 // block === 'center\n let targetInline: number =\n inline === 'center'\n ? targetLeft + targetWidth / 2\n : inline === 'end'\n ? targetRight\n : targetLeft // inline === 'start || inline === 'nearest\n\n // Collect new scroll positions\n const computations: CustomScrollAction[] = []\n // In chrome there's no longer a difference between caching the `frames.length` to a var or not, so we don't in this case (size > speed anyways)\n for (let index = 0; index < frames.length; index++) {\n const frame = frames[index]\n\n // @TODO add a shouldScroll hook here that allows userland code to take control\n\n const {\n height,\n width,\n top,\n right,\n bottom,\n left,\n } = frame.getBoundingClientRect()\n\n // If the element is already visible we can end it here\n // @TODO targetBlock and targetInline should be taken into account to be compliant with https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/pull/1805/files#diff-3c17f0e43c20f8ecf89419d49e7ef5e0R1333\n if (\n scrollMode === 'if-needed' &&\n targetTop >= 0 &&\n targetLeft >= 0 &&\n targetBottom <= viewportHeight &&\n targetRight <= viewportWidth &&\n targetTop >= top &&\n targetBottom <= bottom &&\n targetLeft >= left &&\n targetRight <= right\n ) {\n // Break the loop and return the computations for things that are not fully visible\n return computations\n }\n\n const frameStyle = getComputedStyle(frame)\n const borderLeft = parseInt(frameStyle.borderLeftWidth as string, 10)\n const borderTop = parseInt(frameStyle.borderTopWidth as string, 10)\n const borderRight = parseInt(frameStyle.borderRightWidth as string, 10)\n const borderBottom = parseInt(frameStyle.borderBottomWidth as string, 10)\n\n let blockScroll: number = 0\n let inlineScroll: number = 0\n\n // The property existance checks for offfset[Width|Height] is because only HTMLElement objects have them, but any Element might pass by here\n // @TODO find out if the \"as HTMLElement\" overrides can be dropped\n const scrollbarWidth =\n 'offsetWidth' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetWidth -\n (frame as HTMLElement).clientWidth -\n borderLeft -\n borderRight\n : 0\n const scrollbarHeight =\n 'offsetHeight' in frame\n ? (frame as HTMLElement).offsetHeight -\n (frame as HTMLElement).clientHeight -\n borderTop -\n borderBottom\n : 0\n\n if (scrollingElement === frame) {\n // Handle viewport logic (document.documentElement or document.body)\n\n if (block === 'start') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock\n } else if (block === 'end') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight\n } else if (block === 'nearest') {\n blockScroll = alignNearest(\n viewportY,\n viewportY + viewportHeight,\n viewportHeight,\n borderTop,\n borderBottom,\n viewportY + targetBlock,\n viewportY + targetBlock + targetHeight,\n targetHeight\n )\n } else {\n // block === 'center' is the default\n blockScroll = targetBlock - viewportHeight / 2\n }\n\n if (inline === 'start') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline\n } else if (inline === 'center') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth / 2\n } else if (inline === 'end') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - viewportWidth\n } else {\n // inline === 'nearest' is the default\n inlineScroll = alignNearest(\n viewportX,\n viewportX + viewportWidth,\n viewportWidth,\n borderLeft,\n borderRight,\n viewportX + targetInline,\n viewportX + targetInline + targetWidth,\n targetWidth\n )\n }\n\n // Apply scroll position offsets and ensure they are within bounds\n // @TODO add more test cases to cover this 100%\n blockScroll = Math.max(0, blockScroll + viewportY)\n inlineScroll = Math.max(0, inlineScroll + viewportX)\n } else {\n // Handle each scrolling frame that might exist between the target and the viewport\n\n if (block === 'start') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - top - borderTop\n } else if (block === 'end') {\n blockScroll = targetBlock - bottom + borderBottom + scrollbarHeight\n } else if (block === 'nearest') {\n blockScroll = alignNearest(\n top,\n bottom,\n height,\n borderTop,\n borderBottom + scrollbarHeight,\n targetBlock,\n targetBlock + targetHeight,\n targetHeight\n )\n } else {\n // block === 'center' is the default\n blockScroll = targetBlock - (top + height / 2) + scrollbarHeight / 2\n }\n\n if (inline === 'start') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - left - borderLeft\n } else if (inline === 'center') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - (left + width / 2) + scrollbarWidth / 2\n } else if (inline === 'end') {\n inlineScroll = targetInline - right + borderRight + scrollbarWidth\n } else {\n // inline === 'nearest' is the default\n inlineScroll = alignNearest(\n left,\n right,\n width,\n borderLeft,\n borderRight + scrollbarWidth,\n targetInline,\n targetInline + targetWidth,\n targetWidth\n )\n }\n\n const { scrollLeft, scrollTop } = frame\n // Ensure scroll coordinates are not out of bounds while applying scroll offsets\n blockScroll = Math.max(\n 0,\n Math.min(\n scrollTop + blockScroll,\n frame.scrollHeight - height + scrollbarHeight\n )\n )\n inlineScroll = Math.max(\n 0,\n Math.min(\n scrollLeft + inlineScroll,\n frame.scrollWidth - width + scrollbarWidth\n )\n )\n\n // Cache the offset so that parent frames can scroll this into view correctly\n targetBlock += scrollTop - blockScroll\n targetInline += scrollLeft - inlineScroll\n }\n\n computations.push({ el: frame, top: blockScroll, left: inlineScroll })\n }\n\n return computations\n}\n"],"names":["isElement","el","nodeType","canOverflow","overflow","skipOverflowHiddenElements","isScrollable","clientHeight","scrollHeight","clientWidth","scrollWidth","style","getComputedStyle","overflowY","overflowX","frame","ownerDocument","defaultView","frameElement","e","getFrameElement","isHiddenByFrame","alignNearest","scrollingEdgeStart","scrollingEdgeEnd","scrollingSize","scrollingBorderStart","scrollingBorderEnd","elementEdgeStart","elementEdgeEnd","elementSize","target","options","windowWithViewport","window","scrollMode","block","inline","boundary","checkBoundary","node","TypeError","scrollingElement","document","documentElement","frames","cursor","parentElement","push","body","viewportWidth","visualViewport","width","innerWidth","viewportHeight","height","innerHeight","viewportX","scrollX","pageXOffset","viewportY","scrollY","pageYOffset","getBoundingClientRect","targetHeight","targetWidth","targetTop","top","targetRight","right","targetBottom","bottom","targetLeft","left","targetBlock","targetInline","computations","index","length","frameStyle","borderLeft","parseInt","borderLeftWidth","borderTop","borderTopWidth","borderRight","borderRightWidth","borderBottom","borderBottomWidth","blockScroll","inlineScroll","scrollbarWidth","offsetWidth","scrollbarHeight","offsetHeight","Math","max","scrollLeft","scrollTop","min"],"mappings":"wOAuCA,SAASA,EAAUC,GACjB,MAAqB,iBAAPA,GAAyB,MAANA,GAA8B,IAAhBA,EAAGC,SAGpD,SAASC,EACPC,EACAC,GAEA,QAAIA,GAA2C,WAAbD,IAId,YAAbA,GAAuC,SAAbA,EA0BnC,SAASE,EAAaL,EAAaI,GACjC,GAAIJ,EAAGM,aAAeN,EAAGO,cAAgBP,EAAGQ,YAAcR,EAAGS,YAAa,CACxE,IAAMC,EAAQC,iBAAiBX,EAAI,MACnC,OACEE,EAAYQ,EAAME,UAAWR,IAC7BF,EAAYQ,EAAMG,UAAWT,IAhBnC,SAAyBJ,GACvB,IAAMc,EAbR,SAAyBd,GACvB,IAAKA,EAAGe,gBAAkBf,EAAGe,cAAcC,YACzC,YAGF,IACE,OAAOhB,EAAGe,cAAcC,YAAYC,aACpC,MAAOC,GACP,aAKYC,CAAgBnB,GAC9B,QAAKc,IAKHA,EAAMR,aAAeN,EAAGO,cAAgBO,EAAMN,YAAcR,EAAGS,aAU7DW,CAAgBpB,GAIpB,SAWF,SAASqB,EACPC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,EACAC,GAqBA,OACGF,EAAmBL,GAClBM,EAAiBL,GAClBI,EAAmBL,GAAsBM,EAAiBL,IA6C1DI,GAAoBL,GAAsBO,GAAeL,GACzDI,GAAkBL,GAAoBM,GAAeL,EAE/CG,EAAmBL,EAAqBG,EA4C9CG,EAAiBL,GAAoBM,EAAcL,GACnDG,EAAmBL,GAAsBO,EAAcL,EAEjDI,EAAiBL,EAAmBG,oBAM/BI,EAAiBC,GAE/B,IAAMC,EAAsBC,OAK1BC,EAKEH,EALFG,WACAC,EAIEJ,EAJFI,MACAC,EAGEL,EAHFK,OACAC,EAEEN,EAFFM,SACAjC,EACE2B,EADF3B,2BAKIkC,EACgB,mBAAbD,EAA0BA,EAAW,SAACE,UAAcA,IAASF,GAEtE,IAAKtC,EAAU+B,GACb,UAAUU,UAAU,kBAStB,IALA,IAAMC,EAAmBC,SAASD,kBAAoBC,SAASC,gBAGzDC,EAAoB,GACtBC,EAAyBf,EACtB/B,EAAU8C,IAAWP,EAAcO,IAAS,CAKjD,IAHAA,EAASA,EAAOC,iBAGDL,EAAkB,CAC/BG,EAAOG,KAAKF,GACZ,MAKU,MAAVA,GACAA,IAAWH,SAASM,MACpB3C,EAAawC,KACZxC,EAAaqC,SAASC,kBAMX,MAAVE,GAAkBxC,EAAawC,EAAQzC,IACzCwC,EAAOG,KAAKF,GA8ChB,IArCA,IAAMI,EAAgBjB,EAAmBkB,eACrClB,EAAmBkB,eAAeC,MAClCC,WACEC,EAAiBrB,EAAmBkB,eACtClB,EAAmBkB,eAAeI,OAClCC,YAGEC,EAAYvB,OAAOwB,SAAWC,YAC9BC,EAAY1B,OAAO2B,SAAWC,cAShC/B,EAAOgC,wBANDC,IAART,OACOU,IAAPb,MACKc,IAALC,IACOC,IAAPC,MACQC,IAARC,OACMC,IAANC,KAIEC,EACQ,UAAVtC,GAA+B,YAAVA,EACjB8B,EACU,QAAV9B,EACAkC,EACAJ,EAAYF,EAAe,EAC7BW,EACS,WAAXtC,EACImC,EAAaP,EAAc,EAChB,QAAX5B,EACA+B,EACAI,EAGAI,EAAqC,GAElCC,EAAQ,EAAGA,EAAQhC,EAAOiC,OAAQD,IAAS,CAClD,IAAM9D,EAAQ8B,EAAOgC,KAWjB9D,EAAMgD,wBANRR,IAAAA,OACAH,IAAAA,MACAe,IAAAA,IACAE,IAAAA,MACAE,IAAAA,OACAE,IAAAA,KAKF,GACiB,cAAftC,GACA+B,GAAa,GACbM,GAAc,GACdF,GAAgBhB,GAChBc,GAAelB,GACfgB,GAAaC,GACbG,GAAgBC,GAChBC,GAAcC,GACdL,GAAeC,EAGf,OAAOO,EAGT,IAAMG,EAAanE,iBAAiBG,GAC9BiE,EAAaC,SAASF,EAAWG,gBAA2B,IAC5DC,EAAYF,SAASF,EAAWK,eAA0B,IAC1DC,EAAcJ,SAASF,EAAWO,iBAA4B,IAC9DC,EAAeN,SAASF,EAAWS,kBAA6B,IAElEC,EAAsB,EACtBC,EAAuB,EAIrBC,EACJ,gBAAiB5E,EACZA,EAAsB6E,YACtB7E,EAAsBN,YACvBuE,EACAK,EACA,EACAQ,EACJ,iBAAkB9E,EACbA,EAAsB+E,aACtB/E,EAAsBR,aACvB4E,EACAI,EACA,EAEN,GAAI7C,IAAqB3B,EAIrB0E,EADY,UAAVrD,EACYsC,EACK,QAAVtC,EACKsC,EAAcpB,EACT,YAAVlB,EACKd,EACZsC,EACAA,EAAYN,EACZA,EACA6B,EACAI,EACA3B,EAAYc,EACZd,EAAYc,EAAcV,EAC1BA,GAIYU,EAAcpB,EAAiB,EAI7CoC,EADa,UAAXrD,EACasC,EACK,WAAXtC,EACMsC,EAAezB,EAAgB,EAC1B,QAAXb,EACMsC,EAAezB,EAGf5B,EACbmC,EACAA,EAAYP,EACZA,EACA8B,EACAK,EACA5B,EAAYkB,EACZlB,EAAYkB,EAAeV,EAC3BA,GAMJwB,EAAcM,KAAKC,IAAI,EAAGP,EAAc7B,GACxC8B,EAAeK,KAAKC,IAAI,EAAGN,EAAejC,OACrC,CAIHgC,EADY,UAAVrD,EACYsC,EAAcP,EAAMgB,EACf,QAAV/C,EACKsC,EAAcH,EAASgB,EAAeM,EACjC,YAAVzD,EACKd,EACZ6C,EACAI,EACAhB,EACA4B,EACAI,EAAeM,EACfnB,EACAA,EAAcV,EACdA,GAIYU,GAAeP,EAAMZ,EAAS,GAAKsC,EAAkB,EAInEH,EADa,UAAXrD,EACasC,EAAeF,EAAOO,EACjB,WAAX3C,EACMsC,GAAgBF,EAAOrB,EAAQ,GAAKuC,EAAiB,EAChD,QAAXtD,EACMsC,EAAeN,EAAQgB,EAAcM,EAGrCrE,EACbmD,EACAJ,EACAjB,EACA4B,EACAK,EAAcM,EACdhB,EACAA,EAAeV,EACfA,GAvCC,IA2CGgC,EAA0BlF,EAA1BkF,WAAYC,EAAcnF,EAAdmF,UAkBpBxB,GAAewB,GAhBfT,EAAcM,KAAKC,IACjB,EACAD,KAAKI,IACHD,EAAYT,EACZ1E,EAAMP,aAAe+C,EAASsC,KAalClB,GAAgBsB,GAVhBP,EAAeK,KAAKC,IAClB,EACAD,KAAKI,IACHF,EAAaP,EACb3E,EAAML,YAAc0C,EAAQuC,KASlCf,EAAa5B,KAAK,CAAE/C,GAAIc,EAAOoD,IAAKsB,EAAahB,KAAMiB,IAGzD,OAAOd"}
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